《Obscure Unbinder》Chapter 1.13


Chapter 1.13:

“Is this some form of joke, Abram?” Lord Chase said quietly while setting down his cup.

Abram went deathly pale. “No… my Lord. I assure you. On the honor of my house, he does appear to be of your bloodline.”

The mirror on the wall to our left shattered. We all turned to see a woman in a bright red frock with a wild look in her eyes storm into the room.

“Vela, darling… Now… Calm yourself. There’s most definitely a reasonable explanation, I’m sure.” Lord Chase stammered.

“He… hehehe… Been to the brothels again, have we dear?” The woman chuckled maniacily. “Which poor unsuspecting little tart did you prey upon Chase?”

“No one! I assure you. This is a mistake.” Lord Chase insisted as he tried to back away. He stumbled backward and proceeded to inch away while keeping his eyes on his deranged wife.

The woman slowly stepped forward while playing with metal claws on her finger tips. Small arcs of lightning jumped between her fingers.

“Dear, please! Doctor Sparrow told you that you mustn't get too upset.” Lord Chase pleaded while his eyes darted quickly around the room like a cornered animal.

The woman stopped and smiled. But it only made her look more unhinged. “And I told YOU what would happen if your eyes ever strayed again, hmm?” She raised her right forefinger and the lightning dancing in her hand shot a thin bolt which streaked across Lord Chase’s left cheek.

The smell of blood and burned flesh filled the room as well as Lord Chase’s screams of pain.

“PLEASE. Just, just… Let’s hear the facts first. Mina will be home soon from her lessons. Can we please just sort this out civilly? Because I swear on my life… I have no bastard children with anyone!” Lord Chase pleaded while clutching his injured face.

Bastard… bastard children? Does he mean me?

The horror at the scene before me subsided at this categorical denial. I felt fear and anxiety rising up within me at the thought of being abandoned again.

Lady Vela paused and sat down at the couch. She turned to Abram and Paul who flinched at her gaze. “Speak.”

Abram looked like he wanted the floor to open up and swallow him whole. His eyes were fixed on Lady Vela’s claws. “Right. Right… All due respect, mistress. I assure you, my intention was not to sow discord or animosity. Offending you was the last thing on my mind…”

Lady Vela held up her hand to interrupt him. “Speak.” She reiterated.

Abram seemed to have been jolted by her command. “Okay, so we found this lad in North Haven who had traveled there from the Old Orphanage. He came into possession of a knife with the Valera crest on it as a toddler. After appraising it, we confirmed that it was bound to him and that there was visibly no clouding.”


After his explanation Lady Vela snapped her head towards Lord Chase again, who winced.

“Might I see the knife, child.” Lord Chase said to me with a look of desperation in his eyes.

I pulled out the knife and laid it down on the table before us.

Suddenly, Lord Chase’ eyes widened in surprise. “Dear… it’s the Crimson Talon.”

Lady Vela likewise had a look of recognition. “I can’t believe it.”

Abram looked visibly confused at the change in the couple’s tone.

“I’m sorry, my Lord, aren’t you the artificer who made this artifact?” Abram asked pensively.

“No, no, Abram. This was an artifact crafted by my grandfather. Several years ago, when Mina was barely two years old, we took it from the vaults to have it refined in the Capital. It was meant to be our gift for her birthday.” Lord Chase explained while examining the knife closely. “Unfortunately, our servant was waylaid on his way back to the Roost and the knife was lost. No one knew where it had gone.”

“But… that’s impossible, my Lord. The knife is bound to Adi by original possession and I assure you that there is no clouding. He would be able to wield all the knife’s abilities given time.” Abram insisted.

The couple stopped and stared at me.

“Believe me Abram, I could not hope to craft an artifact such as this. Its capacity is beyond even my own power at full strength.” Lord Chase said while shaking his head. “That’s precisely why we felt that it would have been perfect to give to Mina, given… well, you know.”

Abram nodded sadly.

“Besides Abram, if the knife came into this boy’s possession some seven years ago, that would have meant that Chase’s mana pool would have been permanently expended upon its creation. I have known him almost my whole life, and his mana pool is the same as it has been since he was a small child.” Lady Vela explained while now caressing Lord Chase’s hair.

“Indeed.” Lord Chase said while kissing Lady Vela’s hand.

Abram looked stunned. “That… that is true. But what other explanation is there?”

“As far as we know,” Lady Vela said while standing up. “The rules on blood restrictions to bind artifacts are absolute. So that means either young Adi here is somehow a Valera but defies the laws on generational clouding… or he may be a spirit manifestation of the blade itself. Either way… the resolution to the issue is fairly simple.”

Everyone in the room looked at me. Lady Vela then took the sheathed knife and tossed it to me. I looked at it and was shocked to see that she was now towering over me. She placed her right hand on my cheek and, without warning, slashed my face.


“AAAGHH!” I screamed as I rolled on the floor, doubled over from the pain. I was clutching the scratch marks etched into my face. I felt the hot blood trickling through my fingers.

“You bleed then. Not a spirit manifestation.” Lady Vela remarked as she examined the blood on her claws. I looked at her calm expression in horror as I retreated.

She kicked the knife towards me. “Pick it up.” Lady Vela commanded. “I dislike killing things that have no fighting chance.”

She walked closer. I felt fear grip me as I grabbed the knife. The pain seemed to disappear and I could feel an overwhelming urge to run for my life. My eyes darted to the door on my right.

Would I make it out?

I pulled the knife out of its scabbard and backed away until I hit the bookshelf behind me. “Please... Please don’t do this.” My tears started falling.

I looked around the room, willing anyone to help me.

Abram stood but Lord Chase shot him a look and he sat back down. He looked away and my heart sank.

Lady Vela raised her hand and lightning started dancing around her finger tips.

I felt a chill run through my whole body.

I’m going to die…

I raised the knife and tried to produce fire magic, willing with my entire being for anything that could help me escape. Only small sparks of flame emitted from the knife.

“Well, it does indeed appear bound to you. But to think that an artifact meant for our daughter is in the hands of someone who can’t even wield it properly is a crime unto itself.” Lady Vela frowned. “I suppose we shall have to remedy this, hmm?”

She raised her right forefinger.

Help. Please. Help. Anyone.

Suddenly a blue light enveloped the knife and I felt it burning my fingertips. I dropped the knife and covered my face with my arms.

After some time, however, nothing happened. I opened my eyes and saw a young girl with deep hazelnut-colored hair shielding me from the menacing noble lady, while holding the knife I just dropped.

“Mother.” the young girl said. “You shouldn’t bully the weak. He’s only a child.”

“Mina, dear, this is complicated. Stand aside and let me deal with this.” Lady Vela said in a gentle manner.

“No, mother. You’re clearly incensed. Please calm down or I will fight you myself.” The young girl said in a steady voice.

The knife in her hand was then engulfed in flames which then condensed and seemed to form a blade made out of fire.

Everyone gasped.

“Mina, are you channeling mana through the knife?” Lady Vela asked.

The girl in front of me nodded her head.

“Abram!” Lord Chase shouted.

“Yes!” A familiar soft glow enveloped Abram’s hand and the knife echoed the light.

“I… I don’t believe it!” Abram exclaimed. “It’s now soul bound to the young mistress.”

“What is the level of clouding?” Lord Chase pressed.

“About 5%, my Lord.” Abram replied.

“That’s simply impossible…” Lord Chase then turned to Lady Vela, “dear.”

“I know.” Lady Vela lowered her claws. “We’re done Mina.” The girl named Mina lowered the dagger and the flames snuffed out.

“Hand over the dagger to that young boy, please.” Lady Vela requested while giving the girl a composed smile.

Mina immediately turned around and handed me the knife. “Here.”

I took it in my hand.

“Adi, can you try producing a spark again, please?” Abram asked me.

I tried producing fire but the knife no longer responded to me.

“What happened? I can’t get it to make fire anymore.” I said quietly.

Lord Chase and Abram exchanged looks.

“That’s because it’s no longer bound to you, Adi.” Abram replied.

“I don’t understand.” I said softly.

“What was that magic you cast earlier? The blue light?” Lord Chase asked.

“I thought Lady Vela cast it. The dagger grew hot so I dropped it.” I replied with some confusion.

“No, child. I don’t have any such abilities. As you can see, we of the Starling family have always been attuned to lightning magic.” Lady Vela replied while white sparks danced around her fingertips.

“Then Lord Chase, maybe?” I pressed.

“I’m afraid not.” Lord Chase replied while igniting a small flame in his hand. As you can see, the Valera bloodline, while attuned with fire magic, emits a red hue from the mana seep, not blue.”

I felt even more lost.

So I made it happen?

I kept quiet. My hand holding the knife dropped to the side and I lost my grip on it entirely as I felt pain, confusion, and weariness take hold again.

“For now, why don’t we gather our thoughts.” Lord Chase decided. “Lily!” He called out.

Immediately, the maid, Lily, came in. “Yes, my lord?”

“Kindly see to young Adi’s wounds here.” Lord Chase replied. “Give him whatever he needs. Make him comfortable.”

“Right away, my Lord.” Lily responded. “This way, young master.”

She took my hand and led me away from the room.

As I exited the door, I turned to look at the girl who saved my life and offered her a small smile. She continued looking at me with her blank expression and simply nodded.

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