《The Pokemon Emissary Among Worlds》To Become An Emissary


"It's almost time to open the shop!"

Okami Okaya hurried downstairs and began sweeping the floor. He was still tired because he slept late last night but he still had to arrange all the cakes and pastries that he prepared to sell for today. The chatters of people were getting louder outside as he opened the window. Smiling, he ran upstairs and dressed himself up in a nice blue shirt, black pants and a white hat. Seeing his reflection in the mirror, he was happy that he still looked exactly like that of his body when he was on Earth, minus his height.

Okami had straight, brown hair that reached his shoulders. With brown eyes, almond-shaped face and brown complexion, he was someone whom people called exotic. He was always proud of how he looked, and with a height of 4'7, he definitely was a towering heartthrob for a ten-year-old kid. And due to him being a successful model and actor at the peak of his career, he was never shy of people and had always flaunted his goods.

It was about three years ago when he arrived in this new world after he met a road mishap. He didn't know how it happened but he was transmigrated inside this new world after several seconds of tumbling and rocking inside the wrecked car. After he woke up, he found out that he was in the middle of a lush forest, and the only comfort that he had was his bag and cellphone that remained intact. He could still remember how scared and confused he was, with nowhere to go to and no means to survive. His phone could not be turned on and all his money was gone. To make matters worse, he found out that he changed back into his three-year-old body. Gone was his 30-year-old stature and all his glory and splendor.

Even though he was scared, he still gathered his strength to find his way out of the forest and followed the river. He walked for about an hour until he saw a cabin and ran as fast as he could as his hopes went up, knocking at the door. That was when he met Ren Okaya, whom he later found out to be a woodsman. At first, the man did not understand him because he spoke in English, and he was all the more confused since the man began asking him in Japanese. Fortunately, he perfectly understood what he was saying since he studied Japanese language and culture because one of the films he was involved in required him to do so. He had lived in Japan for about three years.

He told him that he could not remember anything, and since he was a great actor, the woodsman believed his story. Ren took pity on him and decided to adopt him since he had a son but died a long time ago. He took him back home and that was when he had met his wife, Hinagi Okaya. They named him Okami, the reason why they called him that way he never knew until now, and he did not bother to ask them why. Since then, he lived together with the family and later found out that they currently lived at the Hidden Leaf Village in the Land of Fire, one of the Five Great Shinobis in the Ninja World. Both of his adoptive parents were civilians and they had a son who was a Chunin but had died in one of the missions.


Thoroughly shocked, he could not believe that the Naruto World was real, and he was now living inside the fictional world. He had always loved mangas and animes since the time he was exposed to Japanese culture, and he had hoped to see real ninjas or meet some of the characters to confirm if he was actually inside the Naruto world he was familiar with. He did not know if he was just unlucky, but for seven years, he never encountered any ninja whatsoever until both his adoptive parents died due to sickness a year ago. He felt devastated, yet he carried on with his life since it was not his style to sulk for a long time. Luckily, they own a pastry shop, and this was now his source of income.

Okami went downstairs. He looked at the clock and it was almost 9 am and opened the door as he readied himself to face the customers. The road was now crowded with busy merchants and kids playing along the street. With a sigh, he approached the counter and took a seat.

The day went on normally with a few customers, mostly young kids and wives, buying their favorite cakes and sweets. He happily entertained them since he believed that customers were always right and he did not want to lose his money source. It continued for about two hours and he began to feel hungry. He was about to close the shop to have his early lunch when he heard someone asking him.

"How much is that strawberry cake?"

Okami turned around and his eyes widened as he saw the man in front of him. He was a man of average height and build, his dark brown hair was kept in a ponytail, dark eyes and a scar that ran across the bridge of his nose. He wore the standard Konoha shinobi outfit he was familiar with, complete with a forehead protector, sandals, and flak jacket. His sleeves were also rolled up about ¼ way. "Iruka?!"

Iruka narrowed his eyes as he looked at Okami. With a stern gaze, he asked, "How did you know me? This is my first time coming here in this shop."


Okami thought of several reasons as to how he should answer his query and was about to answer him when all of a sudden, he fainted.


[Wake up, child.]

Okami massaged his temple as soon as he became conscious. He stood up and turned around, flustered because he could not see a single thing for he was surrounded by white mists. He was about to shout for help when he heard the boomy voice once again.

[Child, it's time you wake up.]

Scratching his head, he looked around but failed to see the source of the voice. "Who are you?"


[I am one of the Gods who wanted to give you a chance, the partner of the one who had given you the blessing.]

"The blessing? I don't know what you are talking about," he exclaimed.

[Ah, So this is what Arceus was saying earlier to me! It seems that you indeed forgot the deal you made with God...not that it matters, anyway.]

"Wait! What in the fart are you talking about?!" Okami glared at the source of the voice.

[I'll just get to the point. Listen, well, Okami, an emissary from the Pokemon world...]

"Wait, emissary?! Pokemon?! Who the heck are you?!"

[My name is not important. But yes, I do owe you an explanation. I am one of the Gods who are in charge of assessing people if they are ready to live inside the High World or not. The Earth, the place you were living back then, is just a place where souls created by the All-Mighty are assessed if they are fit to live inside the world He created or not. Those who passed will then have access to the High world while those who failed will have to retake an assessment by becoming an emissary to one of the Gods.]

"So does it mean I failed the assessment when I was still living on Earth?"

[Yes, child.]

"But why? I did no evil things against people. And I did great things! People loved me because of my films. Women even cheered for me as if their lives were on the line."

[We have our own means in deciding who passes and fails the assessment. But for now, it is your job to help one of the Gods in spreading power to a series of worlds you will be transferred to. Since you've forgotten everything because of the previous encounter, I'll give you a briefing.]

"Previous encounter?! And whose God are we talking about?!"

[Arceus...I was the one who had allowed you to lived inside the Naruto world, and Arceus was the one who had given you the ability to summon pokemon.]

"Arceus? Like the Pokemon?!"

[Yes, Arceus, the source of origin in the Pokemon mini-world. Arceus had seen your dedication in your craft back on Earth, and since Arceus was the only one who had an available slot, Arceus had given you that blessing, the power to summon Pokemon inside the series of worlds, and one of which is the Naruto world.]

"How in the world should I do that?! Should I just gotta catch all the ninjas inside a Pokeball and they become pokemon in return?!"

[No, silly! Create your foothold in this world using your ability to summon pokemon. Breed them and make them become a source of power for the natives. Your cellphone will be used as your magic weapon and will serve as your Pokedex as well.]

"Do I have any starter Pokemon, to begin with? After all, I am just a helpless strapping lad while living inside this dangerous world."

[Arceus said yes, you may have a starter pokemon - a Caterpie.]

"Eeeh! Could I have a different one? Maybe a Mega Rayquaza?!"

[No, child. Arceus said if you wanted a stronger one, then you better gain PP or Pokemon points to avail more.]

"And how should I do that?"

[Make an impact on the natives of the world. Whatever the means, you must introduce Pokemon, for instance, to the ninjas in this world. Whatever it takes.]

"Whatever it takes, huh?! You know that line from Avengers. And making an impact, like making them become Pokemon trainers?"


"And you've given me Caterpie to do just that?!"

[This is an assessment.]

"What if I fail?"

[It's a surprise. And I'm sure you're going to hate it. Remember, child. You are being assessed. How you live will determine your eternal fate. Remember, this is your first assessment, the Naruto world. Hope you pass this time.]

"Hey, don't be too ominous about it," Okami grumbled as he sat down on the floor. "Whatever, can you help me create my life background here in this world? What if some ninjas will read my memories and found out my true identity?"

[Do not worry, just tell them your usual bullshit and I will protect your identity by creating fake memories inside your mind. The time has come. Now, go back. Remember, do what you can to spread Pokemon to every world you enter. Whatever it takes.]

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