《Raul The Reality-Reshaper》Chapter 4: Out Of The Woods And Learning
I found myself on a poorly maintained dirt road, facing a small gate. The second I appeared my mind immediately began to take in a new and considerable amount of stimuli since I was now just outside of a small town. This time though I was able to handle it without fear or some sort of backlash, especially since I had just spent half an hour having sex, and for my kind that was far more intense than entering some small town.
I heard various conversations in the town, and I began to walk towards one particular conversation with a smile on my face. While I did I began to wonder about the sort of superpowers I possessed. So far I knew that I had a number of sexual superpowers, many of which didn't activate during my sexual encounter with the dryad. I quickly asked the system if that was because I didn't orgasm and the text box in the corner of my mind changed.
[That is exactly why. You aren't a powerful enough grand adonis for many of your sexual powers to activate without a trigger of someone sort. The trigger for most grand adonises tends to be an orgasm. You should know that more of your powers activated during that encounter than you immediately realize. For instance, you did gain a portion of power from that encounter, just not as much as you could have and you did form a bond with the dryad that will become relevant when you understand some of your new powers. That said, now you can go ahead and begin to understand your non-sexual superpowers which are the ones that'll truly matter during these early moments in your new life.]
I read the system's explanation and smiled. It made some degree of sense for this to be the case, and the truth was that my "superpowers" as the system referred to them would be the abilities of mine that more fully transformed my life, though I suspected that "Seduce the world" could be a truly tremendous power if used correctly. As I made my way past the town gate and into the outskirts of the settlement I began to consider which superpowers I knew I possessed.
So far I knew that I had significantly upgraded senses, the ability to understand all languages, the ability to generate explosions using my own energy, true immortality, and unlimited physical strength. That last one felt especially important despite sounding a bit underwhelming when mentally placed next to something like "true immortality". I also wondered what sort of other powers I possessed, and I asked the system if it could reveal the full extent of my new superpowers. I was delighted when it immediately obeyed me and the contexts of its text boxes changed.
[I can, actually! Allow me to begin with "body" based powers, as these are the simplest powers you possess. First and foremost you have unlimited physical strength. In addition to this, you also have a minor form of invincibility and true immortality, and of course, you exist in your idealized form. Your minor form of invincibility makes you immune to anything short of divine or eldritch attacks and over time this grows in power to the point where even overdeities and the like struggle to hurt you. You also possess a divine level of grace and dexterity allowing you to perform feats such as walking on water and dancing in such a way that it enthralls onlookers.]
[You also have superspeed and the ability to fly and in your case, both of these are especially impressive. Your superspeed is enough that you can travel to any destination in your world instantaneously, so long as it is mixed with your flight power, and your flight is fast enough that you exceed the speed of light multiple hundreds of times over whether in your world or in outer space. Beyond those powers, you also have your ability to fire off explosive blasts, and an altogether stranger ability known as "life". "Life" is a power that allows you to heal from non-fatal attacks nearly instantly, as well as heal others to the exact same extent, at will.]
Some of those powers sounded incredible! They gave me a truly astounding level of freedom, especially when mixed together, and somehow they weren't the extent of my powers either. I asked the system to continue alerting me to the powers I possessed and was delighted when the text boxes changed again.
[The next set of powers I'll explain are the "mind" powers, as these ones are considerably stranger than the "body" ones but still not as odd as the "soul" powers are. And before I begin, you should know that some of these powers are still taking time to fully manifest. That said, your mind is steadily being improved and within minutes you will have finished becoming a super genius. I am currently working on the non-active parts of this before beginning the process of making your active thinking sharper.]
[This power might well be the most important one you possess that doesn't make you invincible or immortal. On a subconscious level, this is why you can use your powers and magic so easily and will continue to be able to do so even when you gain powers that are not related to your nature as a grand adonis. You can also perform parallel thinking extremely easily, as well as learn skills with supernatural speed, and your memory is perfect. This will also become retroactive in a moment allowing you to remember everything you've ever experienced to a perfect degree. Your active thinking will begin to be affected by this probably by the time you're done learning about your "soul" powers. You will feel it when it begins.]
I read the text boxes and my eyes widened in shock and joy. I was about to become a super genius? That sounded awesome, and I knew that it'd allow me to be a far more effective adventurer and pursuer of pleasure if I opted to pursue that particular path to power. I watched as the text boxes changed yet again.
[I'll continue this explanation by mentioning two of the powers you already know about: your super senses and your variant of omnilingualism. Your senses are ultra-charged and this allows you to hear even the quietest sounds for kilometers in every direction, and that has boosted the effectiveness of your ability to understand all forms of life. As you grow in power your senses will continue to sharpen and in time you will be able to hear, smell, and see everything for tens, then hundreds, and then thousands of kilometers. And this power has no hard limits. Your omnilingualism also allows you to be understood by all forms of life as easily and as clearly as they understand you.]
[Now I'll continue to explain the powers you didn't know you possessed. You now have a supernatural level of charisma, the sort of charisma possessed by gods which makes sense since you are a divinity yourself and like them gain power through worship. This boost to your charisma is only fully taking hold as you read this message, as some of these powers are easier to apply after you've had sex for the first time, and yes the oral sex did count for that. The boost to your charisma gives you hyper-empathy allowing you to read people and their emotions with precise accuracy and read them supernaturally well.]
The instant I finished reading the mental text boxes they changed again. While reading them I had gone and sat down not far from a fenced-off area. I figured this was the best way to immediately begin to gain the maximum effects of my new superpowers since a few of them evidently wouldn't be fully activated until after I finished learning about them.
[From here on out all of the superpowers you're going to learn about are undeniably supernatural, and capable of being demonstrated to someone. Let's begin with two of the simpler ones: telepathy and telekinesis. Through your enhanced version of telepathy, you are capable of reading minds, speaking mind-to-mind, linking minds other than your own to each other, and even dominating people mentally, or possessing them. Your mental domination is easier to do on people who are attracted to you and this can be addictive to your victims. Through telekinesis you are capable of lifting and precisely manipulating things with your mind, to an unknown but truly vast extent.]
[You can teleport any place you've ever been, and eventually, this will include other dimensions and universes. You can also take as much as you want with you. You are a master of magic that can innately understand spells and replicate them with a glance, and you possess an infinite pool of mana, the energy consumed when spell-casting. You also possess a sharp danger sense, though this is trickier to show than your other powers.]
Reading about telekinesis was interesting. I decided to try it out and glanced at the town gate in the distance. I stared at it for a moment and envisioned the thing lifting into the air. Only animals were around, and so I was able to test out that particular power with ease. I watched as the town gate began to slowly and subtly move. I saw it rise slightly higher into the air and chuckled.
I decided to be a bit braver and lifted it out of the ground entirely. The tall gate quickly came out of the ground, as if it were eager to obey me. I didn't lift it high, and dropped the thing as quickly as I had lifted it up. It fell the few centimeters I had lifted the thing up with ease and landed in such a way that it was almost impossible to notice that it had been lifted up at all. Had I come across this place with my perfect memory and sharpened senses and knew where to look I'd be able to notice some displaced dirt that hadn't been scattered about before, but that was it.
"How fun! And that was easy too. If I really wanted too I could definitely use this power offensively." I muttered, excited to learn about the remaining powers. The text boxes changed yet again, and as I read them I began to smile widely. The new powers the text boxes told me about this time were the strange "soul" powers.
[As a grand adonis and as a higher being your soul is an immensely, incomprehensibly powerful thing. This is why your "soul" powers are both spectacular and strange. To begin with, you have the "creation" power, which allows you to make things and even life at will. While you can make most inanimate objects at will, from the moment you first learn of this power, you cannot so freely create life. For you to create life, you must have had sex with the sort of life you wish to create before you can create it. So you actually can create trees at will, since you've had sex with a dryad. "Creation", mixed with another "soul" power named "Esoteric" allows you to create concepts and even things you've only seen pictures or drawings of.]
[Your next significant "soul" power is the power of destruction. With destruction, you can destroy things, including life, utterly and with ease. Destruction, empowered by "Esoteric" allows you to even destroy concepts though at first, you can only destroy concepts to a small extent so you can't destroy disease all at once even though you possess "Esoteric" and destruction.]
"Creation and destruction huh? How fascinating..." I muttered before I attempted to create a small knife. The instant after I wished for a knife to appear on the ground before me, I was delighted to see that one did! I touched it and willed it to be gone, obliterated, and watched as it turned to dust before me.
I began to brightly smile and watched as the text boxes changed yet again. As I read them I began to smirk, since they began by praising me.
[Your affinity for these powers is truly marvelous. In time I don't doubt that you'll become an incredibly powerful grand adonis. As for the next powers you possess, let's begin with your auric abilities. You can emit an aura, which is plainly visible, that can do a number of things. The first thing it can do is cause those in it to lust for you, to desire to serve you, or both. Your aura can also heal everything and everyone in it, and can increase fertility, sensitivity to pleasure, and the potency of healing, nature, fertility, or sex magic.]
[The next "soul" power you possess is the ability to alter physical objects through a power named "transmutation". "Transmutation" is a potent power that allows you to alter things through your sheer force of will. This is a stranger power, but some easy examples of it are transmuting a sword into a hammer, or transmuting water into ice or steam. By combining this with "Esoteric" you can even violate physical laws with it. "Transmutation" allows you to shapeshift yourself, or alter the appearance of others, and with "Esoteric" you can even alter someone's species or gender with it, so long as they stay a member of the same kind of being as they were originally.]
"So this 'transmutation' power is the one that allows me to shape-shift huh? Makes sense that shape-shifting in some form or another would be appear, eventually." I muttered, even though I wasn't consciously sure how I knew that. The textboxes continued to change, and thankfully expanded on the last thing it told me about the "transmutation" power.
[Even with the "Esoteric" empowered "Transmutation" ability you cannot, currently anyway, transform someone from one type of being into another. To help illustrate this, an elf can become another kind of humanoid but cannot become a dragon. A mi-go cannot become a humanoid but can become another type of abomination. That said, even this limitation does not limit the power of "Transmutation" very much.]
[As a grand adonis you can also share your powers and even just boost someone else's capabilities through two distinct powers known as "Bless" and "Buff and curse", without sex. "Bless" allows you to share your powers with someone, and "Buff and curse" allows you to bestow a range of positive or negative effects at will to people, places, or objects. You can even bestow conditions for your blessings, buffs, or curses, that people must fulfill to keep the powers or buffs or to remove curses. What's more is that people you bless, buff, or curse, become connections to you and you gain power through them, even if they don't know you are responsible for blessing, buffing, or cursing them, though unless you indicate otherwise people will know that you were responsible for blessing, buffing, or cursing them.]
My eyes widened as I realized that I could give someone my powers at will! I didn't need to have sex with someone to do so, though that was certainly an option if I desired it. I was delighted to see that the next changes to the text boxes began by alerting me to the reality that these were the final powers I would learn about at the moment.
[These last powers are also exceptional ones, and are the final powers you have that you will learn about at the moment. You are immune to even divine level powers aside from direct attacks, that harm or spy on you, though if you wish you can allow specific divinities to spy on you. You can induce and manipulate lust, non-physical desire, obsession, and cause people to gain fetishes or no longer have them, as well as an ability to learn someone's fetishes, desires, and obsessions at a glance. You can also cause or end pregnancies at will, including in virgins.]
[The final power you have is known is the mysterious one known as "Esoteric". This power makes each of your other powers stronger and more conceptual. With it it's easier for your powers to be upgraded and many of your powers can do more things right away. For example, with this power and your super genius power you are a multifaceted genius who is as artistically talented as you are talented at learning and gaining new skills. This power is also why you can induce things like desire for things other than sex. Another example of the power of "Esoteric" is that with it, telepathy can read memories, steal them, and even manipulate them, which makes it an altogether more powerful ability.]
As I read through the description for "Esoteric" I immediately wondered if it was why I was so powerful immediately. With the powers I now possessed I realized that there was a very real possibility I was the strongest being in this world, even if I hadn't been an extremely skillful adventurer before last night. I suspected that most grand adonises were not this powerful so shortly after becoming grand adonises. And it was at that moment that I felt myself freeze, as I began to feel my mind expand and my memories begin to sharpen.
I was frozen while my mind expanded and I knew, instinctively, that I was undergoing the... genius-ification, that the system had alerted me was going to happen shortly after I finished learning about my powers.
"This is... a very strange feeling." I mentally groaned as I continued to be frozen for half a second longer. One of the two textboxes in my mind's eye changed, shortly before I felt myself regain the ability to move.
[There we go. Now your abilities are all fully operational. The best advice I could possibly give you is to test them out and grow familiar with them. Some of them, like "Creation" and "Transmutation" are immensely powerful, but can only be truly mastered through hard work and dedication. That said if you're willing to try them out, you'll quickly see that they are worth mastering. And also, your instincts are correct. You became a grand adonis who was complete and possessed all of the grand adonis superpowers, which is almost unheard of. You are an immensely powerful member of your kind, more powerful than even some grand adonises who are hundreds of thousands years old.]
I chuckled and got up as I finished reading the text. I needed to go and test my powers but first I ought to go and report that I was back and that I'd be taking a few days off. Fortunately for me, super speed allowed me to make my way to the small outpost office of the adventurer's guild that was located in town. I accepted my reward for completing my quest and was in and out in less than five minutes. Once I was out of sight, I began to smile.
"Now the fun begins." I said, as I began to imagine all of the ways I could have fun. Now that I had done the responsible thing I could go and have some fun with my powers. I was almost trembling with excitement at the thought of the mischief I'd be able to get up to.
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