《ISEKAI: I was reincarnated as the poorest King in the world.》Chapter 9: Reunion
Chapter 9: Reunion
The month after my visit I asked Mom to go with her to the monthly royal court meeting. As regent on duty it was she who led the meetings where they discussed important issues for the kingdom, such as tributes, the state of the streets and other matters. Sora stood beside me silently, in case I asked for any refreshments or drinks for the guests.
Due to peacetime the presence of the Warmaster and the Marshal was not required; both were outside the capital doing training work with the rest of the army (local levies and men-at-arms). The capital's security lay in the hands of the captain of the local guard.
"Good morning, let's start the meeting." My mother came dressed in an elegant red dress that highlighted the silver jewels that hung on her neck, her honey eyes as clear as mine rested on the other 3 members of the council.
"Good morning, I see your Highness will be with us today, but what a diligent child." The first member of the council was the seneschal of the kingdom, charged with dispensing justice and keeping the laws in order. He was an elderly man, with a bald head and graying beard, a stocky build and a tiny hump. He called himself Lozano.
"Good morning, Your Highness and Madam Regent." The presence of the second member didn't surprise me either. It is a pleasure to have you here.
Unlike the old seneschal, Chancellor Nuno exuded youth and energy; He was a relatively young man, only a few years older than Mom. He had blond hair without gray hair and wore a brown gambeson with yellow leggings.
"It's a pleasure to see you, Chancellor." Mom bowed her head in respect. The functions of the chancellor consisted of managing the international affairs of the kingdom, maintaining friendly relations with the dukes and mediating territorial disputes between lords. All a titanic work, but extremely important.
Finally, the Royal Treasurer greeted us as well.
His presence seemed too imposing to me, the guy suffered from a morbid obesity that even in my home world I could not witness. He couldn't walk alone, he had three servants carrying him on a small golden throne, almost as good as mine.
I barely made out his brown hair drowned in grease, his cloth doublet lay stretched out to its full capacity. Fuck, this guy was an ode to gluttony.
In a world where the vast majority suffered from severe malnutrition, seeing a person like that gave me a tremendous bad feeling.
"Your Highness, let's get this over with quickly, I have business to attend to." The Treasurer Enrique spoke as if he had the right to speak, his lack of respect was perhaps due to my young age or to the presence of my mother as the local regent.
“Mr. Enrique, we are going to discuss some things that my son wishes to express. Others present, please pay attention; Every word King Ulric says has been approved by me, the Regent.” My mother bowed politely to give me the floor, as she did so, the other two council members nodded and waited for my statement.
"They may think I'm too young for these things, but they're wrong. My tutor is excellent and thanks to his lessons I have mastered certain aspects of economics. If you pay attention, the tributes to the Kingdom of Apollo are destroying us from the inside, we have to give them a large part of the production that our people can hardly fill. However, when it comes to gold, things are not on the right track either, we give them part of the taxes and these are charged per head.“ I paused to take a breath, for that moment the look of the others present was of total disbelief.
How could an 8 year old say these complicated words?
I could see Mom's proud smile looking at me from a distance. Ah, how good this felt; he looked like a kid making his first presentation in a mothers and sons class.
"G-Great observation, sir." Enrique's gaze did not look comfortable at all, the rest remained silent and absorbed by disbelief.
"Exactly, Enrique." I rested my hands on the table, tilting my face toward the overweight courtier. Checking the numbers, I saw that the amounts were sometimes more than those established by the tribute, that means that someone was getting money right under my nose. And there are few coins ...
“I-I haven't stolen anything, you can check my accounts and everything will be in order.”
"I checked them, don't worry." I took a quick look into his eyes and just like I thought, the guy was actually sweating like a pig and looked both ways to avoid eye contact. “His earnings were slightly larger than they should be, and that capital did not go to the kingdom's coffers, but to yours. Curious, huh?”
“Maybe it's an accounting error, if you count again you will see that that small margin will disappear. It may even be a mistake.”
“No, it's not a mistake, Enrique, because the same pattern repeats itself every time. There is always a smaller chunk of profit. Do you have something to say?”
"No, Your Highness, I am an honorable man with a firm belief in helping others. His accusations are baseless ...”
“Really? Bring it on!” The meeting door was thrown open, later 2 men-at-arms entered next to me carrying a small black bag with silver coins and a few gold coins “We found this in your room, very curious, very curious, too ...”
"T-It's just my spending money, because of my position I can't carry large amounts." The excuses seemed pathetic to me, to the point of wanting to laugh in his face. Nuno and Lozano looked at each other without being able to believe anything that was happening here.
"Sure, we'd believe you if it weren't for what's inside." Mom grabbed the bag and without further delay scattered the coins on the table. Everything seemed in order until a gray stone appeared rolling close to the gold. When Enrique saw the amulet he almost fainted. “All of the Gray Fist extortionists use a stone of the same color to pass the money they steal from local businesses. Where did you get it from?“ Mom's sweet gaze disappeared completely, instead there was only hatred towards the pig that sweated seas from its pores.
Nuno covered his face, very disappointed in his fellow council member.
Lozano, on the other hand, simply sighed resigned to the fate of the swindling pig.
“They are only peasants, Your Highness!” Enrique exclaimed. “What's wrong with taking a little money from them? We should raise taxes to improve our economic situation! Okay, to keep the peace in the cities I colluded with the local guard to turn a blind eye. He only asked a small compensation of 6% to the Gray Fist so as not to report them to the guard and thus let them operate at will. This way he earned extra income and the thugs mostly avoided the nobles of the kingdom. I did it to protect the peace!”
What a stupid excuse.
I couldn't help it and laughed.
My soft, childlike voice was really out of tune with the contempt in my laugh. Mama, on the other hand, was silent and sentenced the treasurer with her eyes.
“Are they just peasants? Are you an idiot? Of course they matter! They are our people! All the money they steal with extortion, assaults and looting is subtracted from our coffers and if we add taxes to that of taxes that the Kingdom of Apollo puts on us… You can imagine our losses. How the hell did you get to the job if you had no notions of economics?” The men-at-arms grabbed the fat man by both shoulders and then yanked him out of his seat.
"Ah, please, Your Highness, have mercy on me." His entire body shook worse than freshly beaten jelly.
"I have two options for you, you can lose your head right now ... Or tell me the location of the Gray Fist bases and thus spend the rest of your days in prison, but alive. You have five seconds to decide.”
"But Your Highness."
“No, Highness!”
"Two… Three… Four…" The men-at-arms drew their swords and quickly placed them near the greasy neck.
“Okay, okay !, I'll tell you what you want. The main base of operations is in the merchant quarter, it is an abandoned tavern that has a secret door in the back room, there is a tunnel where the leader of the organization hides. Near the north wall is the second base. I swear, I swear, but don't kill me.” What a miserable sight, his will did not resist two swords near his greasy neck.
"Well, from now on you are relieved of your post and condemned to spend the rest of your days in the dungeon. Your family will suffer a considerable financial fine, thank me that nothing was seized from them. "I didn't want to make enemies either, a big fine should be enough to heal a little bit of the kingdom's finances and teach all the nobles of the place a lesson. “Guards, take him to his cell and never show him to me again.”
"Yes, Your Highness." "My soldiers took the greasy one out of sight; I could see his crying and twisting in fury until her gasps ended in silence. Subsequently, Sir Marte Hogan entered the meeting room and stood next to Sora, whose face was still stoic despite the great controversy that took place nothing ago.
“Something to say?” I turned my face to the other two council members, wanting to know their opinions on this.
"A display of wisdom, Your Highness." Lozano tilted his face in respect.
"He deserved it for being corrupt," Nuno replied, without mincing words. “I never liked him.”
"Mom, can I proceed?"
"Yes, son, go on." Despite my status, the word and moderation of the meeting was still Mom's, therefore, it was she who said who could or could not take the direction of the debate.
"Well, Sir Mars Hogan, step forward."
"As you say, Your Highness." My strongest mentor and knight heeded the order, then knelt in front of me as per protocol.
"I want you to gather your best sworn knights and attack the base of the Gray Fist. You will do it during noon tomorrow, in full view of the whole town, because I am going to give a clear message: Criminals have no place here.” This little speech left the two remaining members of the council speechless, they tried to tell me something, but their mouths made no sound. Nobody wanted to give their opinion, either for lack of arguments, or for fear of making me angry.
Mom, instead, just nodded and my weapons master bowed again to accept the job.
“So it will be done.“ And after saying that, Sir Marte withdrew from the place to look for the knights who will accompany him on the mission.
"You will use the knights of the kingdom and your own captain of the Kingsguard; more than a message is a strategy, right?" The Chancellor discovered my plan as quickly as he heard it, apparently he was a smart guy.
"The criminals have bought the local guard, but not the knights. The nobility do not bother to catch them, so seeing a lot of armored warriors march down the street will be common for all. They will not expect to be hit by such adversaries.”
“Are you really a child?” The question everyone wanted to ask me finally came up; Nuno's eyes rested on me like those of an eagle during a hunt.
"Yes, I am," I replied, with a mocking smile that really did sound like that of an ordinary infant. “I have very good mentors.”
"I supposed it."
“Senescal Lozano, to prevent all this from happening again I have devised a new law, I would like you to listen to it.” The older man just shook his head up and down, giving me the green light to start arguing. “Organized crime will never disappear, but we have to make its appearance more difficult, therefore I suggest applying a law that punishes very severely all those who have alliances or benefits with criminal associations.”
“And what punishments are you thinking of?” Lozano asked.
“For merchants and commoners in general, fines of up to 100 silver coins at best and mutilation of both arms at worst. For knights, the fine will be 10 years in the dungeon and the confiscation of their weapons and armor. Lords, Barons and Counts could face administrative fines of up to 200 gold coins; or if they don't want to pay them ... They will lose a finger of their dominant hand, that way everyone will think twice before making deals with gangsters.”
"I-It's… Okay, is there an objection?" The Lozano Seneschal glanced at those present, even fixed his gaze on Sora, whose face could not believe what was happening here.
"I'm not against it," Mom said. “It is a good idea.”
“Me neither.” Nuno also approved my idea; The truth is I did not expect to be accepted so easily, but this law was so 21st century (except for the mutilations) that for a primitive and medieval environment it sounded out of the ordinary.
"Well, announce the new law as soon as possible."
"It will be done, Your Highness." Lozano bowed politely and then fell silent.
The meeting continued as usual and with no further surprises on my part. I kept quiet to watch Mom commenting on simple but relevant matters, like the state of the unpaved streets and she also named some candidates for the treasurer position.
I quickly noticed that these things were not given to her, she frequently looked at the notes that she herself copied the night before to take the course of the event. Being a regent implied the responsibility of managing the kingdom as there was no king available to rule.
Sure, a part of me wanted to reveal my true abilities to ease his workload; however, that would hurt Mom more. She really went out of her way to give me a happy childhood without so much stress from future responsibilities.
The most respectful thing you could do for her was accept her good wishes and learn as much as possible before she was 16 years old.
“And with this we end the meeting, we will see you next week.” Mom stood up and lowered her face in thanks. They already have their instructions, we will see how everything unfolds in the course of the week.
“Nice job.” I decided to imitate my mother's gesture, because I didn't want to look like a mini boss who just gave orders without being grateful. Some may think that a king should not be humble, but in itself it is something that I could not avoid due to my old life as a civil servant.
"Thank you, Your Highness, we are withdrawing." Both Lozano and Nuno left the meeting room. Mom did the same, but not before patting my head and then smiling at me.
"You were magnificent, son, we talked over dinner."
“Thanks Mom.” I smiled back and then turned my face to Sora. “Let's go, I have to get to the playing field with Alda or she'll be mad.”
I left the room with my personal maid, on the way we were greeted by the employees who swept the surrounding corridors. I wanted to greet them, but they just bowed their heads and were absolutely silent with my presence.
I don't know if I can get used to this.
"Your Highness, can I tell you something?"
"Yes, what is it, Sora?"
"The display of power and intelligence you displayed earlier is not normal, Your Highness. Everyone thought about it, but I'm sure no one said anything about it for fear of their reaction. An 8-year-old should worry only about food, playtime, and lessons; Even if you are a genius child, it takes emotional maturity to bear seeing a corpse and then enacting a law. During the meeting I saw the eyes of a man, not a boy. “Sora was a very perceptive person… No, maybe Mom noticed it too and didn't say anything because of how proud she was, or because she didn't want to understand the reason for such a miracle.
"A man's eyes, is that how you see me, Sora?" I stopped my steps in the middle of the hall, I was not annoyed or confused by his words. In fact, I assumed that a conversation like this would end up happening sooner or later.
“That's how it is. Sometimes I see him play with Miss Alda in the afternoons like a normal child, but then I see you studying such complicated books and having serious conversations with the council members. This is beyond genius, Your Highness, what is really going on with you? I mean, if I may know.”
“I woke up a certain intelligence after my illness, it's true. I don't know how to explain what happened to me that day… But in a way I appreciate you mentioning it, Sora… ”I closed my eyes with some relief over my consciousness, at least she was aware of the situation.
"Yes, you got the maturity of a man, but there is also the other side of the coin."
“What are you talking about?” I questioned, surprised by his statement.
"I said you looked like a man before, but playing with Alda and training you look like a normal child; Before, nothing happened, you spent it locked in your room and only went out to eat or take lessons that never amounted to anything. You did not seem to enjoy life, now I see you more alive than ever. “Sora stroked my head with her slim hands, ran over my left cheek, then smiled warmly at me again.
I couldn't help blushing.
Sora was a beautiful and well-groomed woman, besides, her age almost coincided with the mine before my death.
If I had appeared in this world with my real age, maybe I would have fallen in love with her instantly ...
She was attentive, observant, responsible and very kind.
Too bad that in this life nothing will happen between us, everything will remain like a childish crush that will soon be forgotten as time goes by.
“It's true, almost dying made me appreciate what I have in front of me.“ This last was not a lie, when I reincarnated I could understand that not everything in life was dreams and ideals. Sometimes the little moments of happiness with my family and friends were the ones that really paid off.
Dying alone and drowning in your own blood was a mistake that I did not intend to make again.
"Oh, how cute you are, Your Highness." Sora ruffled my hair again as she smiled.
"W-When we're alone or with Alda I wouldn't mind if you tell me by name. Sometimes I forget that my name is Ulric, could you please?” Again I told the truth; in my past life everyone called me by my last name since I never managed to have a close relationship with anyone. Only dad referred to me by my name.
"Of course I do, Master Ulric."
“Can't we avoid the master?”
"No," Sora replied, as he rolled her right eye at me. “Come on, Miss Alda must be impatient.”
"You're right, let's go."
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