《Endless Lands》Tutorial Interlude- Stage II (Chapter 10)
Author’s note:
I was kind of busy for the past week(and still am),so updates might (and probably will) be irregular...
[Day 30,Month 12 of 100 DC]
Today is the big day...for the past few weeks,the entire population was mobilized in construction projects - many houses were destroyed or needed repairs,and so did the walls.
Despite all the damage,the main cause of the mobilization was the time limit I had...after all,points were precious and I wanted to spend as few as possible on buildings.
The speed of construction surpassed my expactations - thanks to the [Ogres],we were capable of carrying huge boulders that could then be used to lay stone roads or reinforce houses and walls…[Orcs] had their part in it too.
Unfortunately,[Humans] were simply incapable of carrying such a weight...at least without machinery,so I had them chop the [Duskfall Forest] down…
We needed wood,but what I had in mind was different.I wanted to make additional settlements in the forest’s area,which would eventually cause my territory to expand,all the way to the [Oldmoor Tribes]’s previous town,that is 25km to the northeast.
Speaking of them and [Kobold Federation],their structures were now abandoned,as the majority of their population was either dead or in [Dimorth Town].Obviously,I sent people to recover everything of value from the ghost towns,which unfortunately didnt amount to much.
Currently,all the buildings in the capital were fully repaired and some even rebuilt using stone - constructing stone-only buildings was really expansive in terms of CP,which is something that I wanted to avoid...forutnately I now had [Ogres],which really accelerated the whole process.
Other than the reconstruction,new paved roads were built,as the previous ones were either made of dirt or non-existant.
The main building project of the time was the [Divine Wind Cathedral] though...after all,the religion needed a base or it might quickly diminish.There was some trouble in it’s construction,as white marble was somewhat hard to find...I settled for a stone interior - I could always spend CP to change it later.
I also held a second competition for the academy,issued a few decrees and other minor things.I’ve not been training much though,as there was always something to do,a result of race-mixing I guess…
Back to the present,it should not be long before midnight so I’ll just wait.
[Some timer later]
Everything went black...im back I guess…
Tutorial Phase 2 results:Action:Personal Points Reward:Civilization Points Reward:Base Reward:200800Time Taken:162648Structures Built:0320Training:360738Acquired Skills Bonus:1601359Created Skills Bonus:6000Missions:22002000Incorporated Races:02172Survivors6282510Environment:300800Total:4610 PP11347 CP
Achievement UnlockedRace MergerYou have integrated foreign races into your civilization.Reward:[Identify]
Identify(Passive)Rank: B-A (EXP:0%)Identify is a passive skill that allows the user to see approximate values of a being's/item's attributesThe skill level determines the accuracy as well as the upper limit of predictions.Estimates a target's attributes,effect, resistances and/or afffinities,as well as VIT/STR/AGI/INT values. [CPR] rating is intergrated into the skill.Usage requirements:A visible target within 100 meters
1561 [Humans](61%+ Human DNA) - (50,75%),
897 [Half-Orcs](40-60% Human/Orcish DNA) - (29,16%),
418 [Orcs](61%+ Orcish DNA) - (13,59%),
127 [Half-Ogres](40-60% Orcish/Ogre DNA) - (4,13%),
73 [Ogres](61%+ Ogre DNA) - (2,37%)
This time I was prepared for the flood of data,so I wasn’t as surprised as before...still,the races mixed far more than i thought they would and [Identify] seems like an incredible skill,as it shows not the “average growth values” of a race(which measure the extent of an average adult’s might),but rather the actual values of an individual...no more confusion with ratings i guess.
As for the rest...well,a scoreboard would help...
Your: 4610 PP/11347 CP (Top 28%)
Average: 2912 PP/8153 CP
Median: 2365 PP/6027 CP
Highest: 13138 PP,62780 CP
Lowest: 312 PP,109 CP
Oh,right it was a thing...so I’m doing rather good,huh?
Well,now its time to spend those points…
Endless Auction House(Offline Version)
Using PP I bought:
Personal ShopName:Description:Price:Magic Knowledge (Basic)Provides basic information on mana. 1/1250Physical Enhancement (Intermediate)+10% VIT/STR/AGI Growth. 1/1500Physical Enhancement (Expert)+10% VIT/STR/AGI Growth. 1/11000Elemental Body (Basic)Mana/Affinity Growth +50%. 1/1250Elemental Body (Intermediate)Mana/Affinity Growth +50%. 1/1500Gryphon DNA Enhancement (Basic)Regeneration +500%. Can regrow limbs. 1/12000Total Price:4500 PP
The wolf-set suddenly didnt look all that good after all the fighting,and honestly speaking it was not very fitting appearance-wise considering what I’ve become.With 118 leftover PP(8 from phase 1) ,I bought myself a set of light mythril armour(priced at 35 PP),as well as extended the life of some NPC’s(4 of them,cost 1PP/10 years so 80CP).
Moving on to the CP shop:
Civilization Shop (People-related purchases only affect the NPC population)Name:Description:Price:Increase PopulationIncrease the number of your country's citizens by 1(Human).10Create Buildings(Stone)Costs 1 CP/4 cubic meters. Includes a choice of pre-set interiors.VariesBasic Training - Limited to 1Every citizen of your civilization gains +10% VIT/STR/AGI Growth.250Intermediate Training - Limited to 1Every citizen of your civilization gains +10% VIT/STR/AGI Growth.500NPC Class unlock (Intermediate) - Limited to 1Unlocks [Knight],[Mage],[Swordsman].[Spearman],[Guard],[Clerk]1200Create a SettlementAllows construction in an area. Costs 20CP/1km distance from capital.VariesDesignate an areaDesignates an area (ex.Farm,Mine).N/A
I spent a total of 1950 CP on upgrades,leaving me with 9406 to spend on construction etc(9 leftover from phase 1).
First, I expanded the capital to roughly 4 times its previous size(from 500x500 to 1000x1000m).I also upgraded all the buildings to full stone along with the old exterior walls that also received a height increase of 2m,placing them on par with the previous interior walls that were now 7m high and 3m thick.(from 5/2).
I also generally expanded every building of national importance,as well as the [Brilliant Gale Academy] - it can now house 10/50/200 Elders/Inner/Outer Disciples.
Then,I surrounded the entire city with a yet another stone wall(3/2m)
All this took a total of 7547 CP,with only 1859 left to spend on the planned settlements.
I was prepared for that though,and established a total of 4 villages,each exactly 15km to the north/south/west/east respectively.The settlement markers cost me 1200 CP.
I used the already gathered wood to construct each village.After they were all done(roughly 80x80m square),I placed town halls and a few other stone buildings with the remaining CP.
I also purchased 35 population increases and designated a few farms in the capital and villages,along with a quarry a bit north to [Dimorth City](yes,it’s not a town anymore).
Only 2 CP remained in the end.
I distributed the population to be 2487 for the capital and 156 in each village.
Lastly i opened the [Civilization Screen] to check all the changes.
Kingdom of DimorthGovernment Type:Semi-FeudalReligion:Divine WindPopulation:3111Economic Power:2029Military Power(SUR)4466Territory:Absolute Control : 900km^2, Sphere of Influence: 3098 km^2Capital City:Dimorth CitySocial Distribution:Power Distribution:Race:Human(50,75%), Half-Orc (29,16%), Orc(13,59%), Half-Ogre(4,13%), Ogre(2,37%)Ruler:73%Gender:Male: 50%, Female 50%Nobility:9%Age:0-18: (25%),19-50(62%),50+(13%)Clergy:11%Social Class:Nobility 4%, Clergy 2%, Burghers 40%, Peasantry 54%Burghers:6%Average NPC [CPR] Rating:22,43Peasantry:1%National Traits:Indomitable (Resistance to Control +10%)
Wait,when did the [CPR] jump to over 20? I opened the details and it listed [Human] at 20.8..
[Racial Screen]
Huh?Well i guess it’s to be expected…Humans
Human Race (Dimorth Kingdom)Race Tier:Normal(2,75)Average Height1,82 metersAverage Life Expectancy:69 yearsAverage Physical Capabilties:Average Magical Capabilities:PhysicalDefensive:MP Growth: 100%VIT Growth: 123%Physical Resistance: 111,5%Light Affinity: 0%STR Growth: 125%Elemental Resistance: 100%Darkness Affinity: 0%AGI Growth: 120%Mind Resistance: 108%Fire Affinity 0%INT Growth: 100%Poison Resistance: 105,75%Water Affinity: 0%Racial Traits:Earth Affinity: 0%Adaptability(Passive)Adrenaline(Active)Wind Affinity: 0%
Hmm?But I only bought 20% of VIT/STR/AGI boosts..where does the remainder come from?
...Does that apply to me as well?
Well...this means no free growth for me...at least I’m not part-ogre…
I thought about various things,after all,the time in the void is unlimited, while as soon as I return I wont have time at all…
I also checked my [Ability List] and it was a...well,I had to modify it “a bit” for it to look clear enough to use:
Ability ListName:Rank and Information:Chosen of Divine Wind (Class)A-E (4 fused skills)Hunter (Class)A-E (5 fused skills)Identify(Passive)B-AMana Manipulation (Passive)C-CThrowing (Passive)E-FEnchanting (Passive)D-CEnergy Center (Passive)1829 Mana CapacityLanguage Profficiency (Passive)Human - Full, Orcish - Basic, Ogre - BasicAI (Passive)N/APlayer Character (Passive)N/AAdaptability (Passive)N/AAdrenaline (Active)N/A
It’s time to return i guess…
Eldrith Status:
Eldrith(3,55)Race:HumanClass:Chosen of Divine WindTitles:Chosen of Divine Wind , LordCapabilties:Physical:Defensive:Magical:VIT Growth: 150%Physical Resistance: 125%Affinities:STR Growth: 145%Elemental Resistance: 130%Wind(12%),Light(12%)AGI Growth: 155%Mind Resistance: N/AMana Capacity:INT Growth: 130%Poison Resistance: 120%MP Growth: 338% Advertisement Previous
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