《KAL BLADE》What once was... -- Part 2


He had another flashback, where he floats in the middle of the water, then suddenly swims up to the top. He gasps for air.

"1 minute and 23 seconds, that was worst than yesterday's. Again." said Henri as he sat in a chair with a stopwatch.

"I can't." said the 17 year old Quade.

"You can't or you won't?" asked Henri as he stood up.

"What's the point of this, I already know how to swim." he replied annoyed and tired.

"It's not a matter of what you know. So stop wasting my time and get back to bottom." he ordered.

Quade inhales and dives back in. As he went down, Henri closes the hatch to the artificial reservoir, dug eleven meters into the ground, sealing Quade inside. Two minutes go by, as he swims back up to the hatch. He tried opening it but couldn't. he burns more energy, causing him to get tired faster. With continues knocking and punching on the hatch, Henri just stood there, waiting to the see the outcome.

"Henri!" screams Quade underwater as he punches the hatch. Suddenly it went silent, Henri leans in to listen closely. He heard nothing and finally opened the hatch. As he hovers over the water, he saw saw no movement. Suddenly a hand comes out from the water grabbing his shirt. He pulls out Quade who gasps for air. Henri looks to his left and sees the inner part of the hatch, damaged with burn marks on it. Henri throws Quade his clothes at him.

"Get dressed, you are not ready." he said as he walked over to his car.

Quade stares at the bruises on his hand and thought, "Why am I still here." .

Within seconds, two arms on fire, bursts out the ground, grabbing his face and pulling him down into the earth. He wakes up from the nightmare, hitting his head against the top half while laying on the bottom half of the double bunk bed. He realizes he's currently on his childhood bed, at his grandmother's residence. He leaves the room and walks to lounge, seeing her, Viola Phoenix, in the kitchen making lunch.

“Gran-Gran?” asked Quade with slight enthusiasm and confusion.

“Ah my little mischief is finally awake.” she said with joy as she walked over to him.

“How are you feeling now?” she asked as she gently grabs his cheeks.

“I’m feeling a little woozy, but better.” he replied.

“Good, now come with me.” she said as she grabbed his ear, pulling him to window.

“ow ow! What was that for?” he said.

“Look at that? Are you blind boy?” she asked.

“Oh damn” he said as he saw the car parked in the middle of the garden with the yard fence broken down.

“You scared me. Falling out of the car, you just kept mumbling with yourself and went straight to your room.” said Viola.

“sorry gran-gran.” he replied with confusion.

“Hmm, I can’t be angry with my little cupcake with that cute little face. Why are you looking so skinny. You are not eating enough, that’s why your feeling so weak. Come, sit down. I made some lunch. As they ate, the two had a casual conversation about the everyday things.


“when’s the last time you visited your parents?” she asked.

“a month ago I think, I just been so busy lately. Maybe they should visit here once in a while.” he replied.

“They’re busy with their jobs. It was hard for them to settle into the city life. You know that.” she said.

“Why did gran-gran decide to stay?” he asked.

“Probably the same reason you are still here. I didn’t want to be far from my grandchildren, but I did not want to leave my home either. This house is filled with memories I can’t simply abandon. I was born in this town and I shall die in it.” she said after finishing the main course.

Gran-Gran brings out a pie from the oven and hands out some for Quade.

“Nah, no more for me thanks.” he said as he silently burps.

“Nonsense, you fill that small belly of yours until it is full.” she pressured him.

“I’m already full gran-gran.” he replied while blocking the plate from reaching him.

“Okay then, I’ll pack it in for you to take with and you can eat it later.” she said.

Quade smiles for a bit before he became agitated.

“what is bothering you lately?” she asked worryingly.

“I’m tired, lost- I don’t know what to do anymore. I thought I could handle it, but it’s like the whole world is against me, literally. Every ounce of hope for change and all I get in return is chaos.” he said while holding his face and leaning on the table.

She chuckles with a nostalgic feeling.

“You remind me of your grandfather. Stubborn at times, we had our ups and downs in our youths, but he was the most selfless, kindest person I’ve ever met. He was optimistic about everything, even with racists degrading us as we walk through the town, he didn’t lose hope for a better future. Even I at times, felt like things wouldn’t change, but seeing our lives now, we can both agree it is way better than it was a hundred years ago. One night he came home, and I’ve never in our thirty years together, seen him sad like that before.He dropped his bag on the floor, calmly took off his shoes and just sat there on the very same chair you are sitting in, quietly. He didn’t even look at me, so I gently turn his face towards to me, and slapped him across the table.” she said while Quade’s facial expression went from curiosity to shock and awe.

He leans back on his chair, an arms length away from her.

“Relax, I won’t slap you. Where was I, Ah yes, so he said ‘why did you hit me?’ and I told him ‘did you forget who you are.’. I reminded him what he told me the first time we met, whatever you are going through, own that shit. Decisions are the most important thing to ever exist in our free will. If it pushes you down, you get right back up but whatever you do, always stay true to yourself. If you don’t like what you’re doing, do something else. You only live once, so make the most of it. If you’re going to hurt yourself over a few bad decisions, you will continue to drown forever. Now Breathe in and Breathe out. Learn to let go.” she said.


Quade nods his head and does as he was told.

“What was he sad about?” he asked out of curiosity.

“He witnessed a tragedy at a residential home. a father murdered his children, if it wasn’t for his interference, the poor wife would’ve lost her life too but that wouldn’t matter since she lost everything. Now to be honest, I have my history with the white folks but that I would not wish on my worst enemy, ever.” she said with disturbance.

“the McLean Family?” he asked.

“yes, yes that was the name. Hmm, I’m surprised you know the history.” she said.

“But the McLean residence was on the opposite direction from where he worked and route to here. What was he doing on that side of the town?” he asked curiously.

“He never told me. Seeing him that night, I thought it was best to leave as is and never speak of it again. The next day, we continued living our life like nothing happened. Back then, I was skeptical of the white man who dropped him off at our door step but it doesn’t matter now, your grandfather is gone. All that’s left for us is to move on.” she said as she stood up and walked over to the kitchen sink.

“He would’ve really liked you. You two are more a like than you know. Now that I think of it, he died the same day you were born. That day was painful yet Beautiful at the same time. We were convinced his soul watches over you ever since you were an infant.” she said as she chuckles.

Quade noticed she seemed a little fatigue.

“You alright gran-gran?” he asked.

“I’m fine, I just really miss him.” she replied.

A spirit-like butterfly flies through the open window undetected and lands on Quade’s hand. He knew it was a calling from Odessa.

“I guess I got to get going.” he said as he prepared himself.

“Does my little cupcake have to leave so soon?” she asked.

“I’d really love to stay longer, but duty calls. Thanks for the food and the help gran-gran. Also, Sorry about the yard. I’ll send a fence builder tomorrow to repair the damage.” he said as he kissed her forehead while she walked him out to his car.

“I’ll be back soon.” he said as he reverses the car out of the yard and drives off while she waves him goodbye.

After arriving at Odessa's residence, he steps out of his vehicle and calmly walks over to her. She stood outside the hut with an unease feeling.

"You called?" he asked.

"They wanted to speak with you." She replied nervously.

"Quade Phoenix, at last we meet." said an unknown voice from behind him.

Several Alien-like beings walked out from the shadows towards him. Quade pulls out his gun and points at them. As they walked closer, he shoots a few inches from the leader’s feet causing them to stop moving.

"That's far enough." He said.

"Please, rest assured, we are not here to fight you. It is custom that all board members of the Alyssium is present as a sign of respect." said the mysterious humanoid leader.

"You sure? Your boy over there feels a little jumpy." replied Quade agitated as he stares at one of the members who was visibly disgusted.

"Oh please don't mind him, that is his, what you call in human phrase, a 'resting bitch face'. I know you two would get along just well." said the leader as he chuckles.

"Get along? -and Who are you supposed to be?" asked Quade

"Forgive my rudeness, I did not introduce myself properly. My name is Niphair, head of the Alyssium and we want you to become the 11th member to represent your kind, the human race of earth." he replied with utmost respect.

Quade visibly confused and speechless.

"In due time Young Phoenix, we shall get to know each other better, but for now, time is on the essence. As you know, an old deity is coming for your world, seeking revenge and we want to help you prevent that.” he continued.

Quade gently lowers his gun and walks closer to Niphair.

“You want to help us? Why, What’s in it for you?” he asked.

“Our life long goal is to bring the universe together, Share knowledge and understand one’s kind to another, evidently better. What once was, can be again. Shall we be an alliance once more?” said Niphair as he calmly awaits for Quade to shake his hand.

He took a couple of seconds to think, with stakes high and all eyes on, he finally came to a conclusion.

“Yes.” replied Quade as he shook Niphair’s hand.

The members who were attending started to fade away until Niphair was the only one left alone with Quade.

“The Alyssium is quite far away from here. I want you meet some key people who you would be working with-” said Niphair before he was interrupted.

“About that, I won’t be representing alone. I have a some-what team already. We pretty much do things together. If I go, they go as well.” said Quade.

“Your friends are most certainly welcomed. Tomorrow, we leave at dawn. Until we meet again.” said Niphair as he faded away while walking back into the forest.

“Do you know them?” asked Quade as he continued standing his back to Odessa.

“No, I heard rumors about their existence, but that was a long time ago.” she replied.

“hmm- Sometimes I forget you’re older than the town’s establishment. I’ve been thinking for a while, maybe I’m being naive again but we all could use a new beginning, Don’t you think?” he asked as he turned around and walks up to her.

“That depends, not everyone gets the luxury to do-over.” she replied.

Quade nods his head and brings out a sealed blood vial and drops it to the ground, steps onto the vial and breaks it.

“Well, That’s for you to decide. I, Kal Blade, free you from your service.” he continued.

The Blood turned into steam-like smoke and vaporized into the air. Odessa felt all kinds of emotions. she breathed heavily and gently scratches Quade’s face, realizing it was real. Without hesitation, She fled, disappearing into the dark night.

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