《Don't Put All Of Your Short Stories In One Basket》Who's Lucifer 4


"For some reason I feel like he has told us before about his brother" said Jacob, "but i can't seem to remember exactly when or what. It's pretty weird when you think about it, cause we've known him for so long and he haven't seen his brother once."

"Talk for yourself, I feel like we met Joel yesterday." said Jon.

"Ditto." replied Jacob.

"Anyways, what are we supposed to look for? Some stuff related to the book and how we can't decipher it?" said Jon.

"Something regarding that i guess." replied Jacob.

They spent the rest of the time searching for things and exploring the first floor. They seemed like some kids on a mall, discovering stuff they'd never seen before. The first floor was huge with plenty of rooms so you can't really blame them.

Joel continued his silent work on the book, trying to see if he had missed anything or what the actual heck was wrong with it. He wanted to expand the investigation further but he didn't get anywhere so he had to make something decisive. The night even though was young, they surely didn't have the entire time in the world. Joel knew what to do, call his beloved brother.

Phone ringing

It went like that for 2 good minutes. Joel was about to lose hope when he gets an answer.

"Hello, my dear bro" said a voice from the telephone.

"Whassup Flueric, long time no talk. Lemme get straight to the point, cause im not here to waste my time, do you know anything about someone called Lucifer?" said Joel.

A long pause.

"Where's this coming from out of nowhe--

"Answer me or just fuck off." interrupted Joel.

"Okay okay, chill bruh. I'll be on my way home right now and i'll tell you everything you wanna know." concluded Flueric.

"Alright, i'll be waiting for you then, cya".



"Guys, come up, I got some news" said Joel.



He quickly started walking down the stairs just to find Jon standing up without moving a muscle. He didn't react, nor do anything.

"Jon? Whats up?" asked Joel.

"I can't fucking find Jacob, he was here a moment ago, now he disappeared, what the fuck is wrong with this cursed house?" furiously said Jon.

"This must be a joke, right?" said Joel.

"Of course it is" appeared Jacob out of nowhere, "you guys should've seen the look on your faces, i can't stop laughing."

"You think this is a joke you dickhead, how the fuck did you even do that?" said Jon.

"Its easy since its nightime, i just hid there while you turned your head and it did the desired effect apparently." replied Jacob, "anyhow, i just came out cause i heard Joel screaming, any news dude?"

"Okay, i'll just ignore what just happened and tell you what i found." replied Joel.

He proceeded telling them that he had contacted his brother and that he was on his way. They seemed a bit corcened, but why even bother anymore after what had happened this damned night. In no time the bell ringed, and who else would it be?

"Oh, so you're finally here Flueric, huh?" said Joel.

The two kids in the back were looking in awe.

"I-is that the shopkeeper, they fucking look alike i swear." whispered Jon.

"Must be you." replied Jacob.

"I promise yo--

"Shut up now, we have other matters far more important than to refund that book or whatever your intentions might be."

"Hey guys, this is my brother, Flueric. Flueric these are my friends." said Joel.

They greeted respectively and then they proceeded on their affair.

"I see you've brought less friends this time." said Flueric.


"This time? Less?" asked Jon.

"Well, i mean, i remember Joel telling me about ya'll, but i could've sworn you were more than 2." said Flueric.

"Oh, thats cause-- they continued explaining what had happened.

"Thats interesting." said Flueric.

"The only reason i called you here is cause i wanted to ask you if you've ever heard about Lucifer" interrupted Joel.

Silence fell yet again.

"Thats a peculiar question, but im pretty sure mom and dad used to have a book on the third floor regarding that matter." replied Flueric.

"That's our next destination then." said Joel.

"You know we haven't been there since mom and dad left, right?" said Flueric, "but i'm also curious to see what they left, so lets head straight away."

They seemed convince for a reason and where ready to partake this journey. Joel was all sweaty, meanwhile the rest were just curious to what was gonna be hidden there. They finally arrived and Flueric started slowly opening the door, he had to add that dramatic effect. Surprise surprise, there were no lights.

"What do we do know?" asked Jon.

"Simple, we get a candle." replied Joel.

Ironic enough, the entire floor was empty, they couldn't tell just yet about the rooms, but the floor was far worse than a dessert. No being to be found. They were bewildered.

"Hmm, i don't wanna be annoying, but what next?" asked Jon, "i'm not liking the atmosphere here at all."

"You two go on that first room, see if there's anything there, mom and dad used to keep things there, maybe we might find something." said Flueric, "Joel, come with me."

Not even a second after they opened the door, they fell on a hole that lead somewhere. Joel looked surprisingly as to what just happened. He turned his head to find Flueric giggling.

"Good job my little brother, you never disappoint me." said Flueric.

The room started getting all lighted everywhere and in the middle of the room, 4 capsules emerged. Joel was left speechless, inside the capsules resided his friends, starting from Josh, to Jonathan, Jacob and lastly Jon.

They seemed to be screaming and yelling for help, but he was just standing there paralysed. What was the meaning of this he thought. He looked at his brother, he was all smily and happy. He approached the 4 kids, got them out from the capsule one by one and ate them. He ate them in an instant, one second they were there, next one they were not. Joel was shocked.

"Stop looking at me like that for the thousand time. We've been through this every single time. Although you're not to be blamed cause you don't remember shit. Anyhow, i sold that book to your friends, i delivered them here, you never knew each other, they were just my dinner, it had been a week since the last one, and when i firstly saw only two i was about to explode in rage, but good thing two had already fallen trap of the book. Great to see it worked again this time. Stop staring at me. And to answer your previous question, I am Lucifer, we never had parents and my current name is just an anagram for the word Lucifer. That book is nothing but a trap, but i've gotta congratulate you this time, you did a magnificent job." slowly explain Lucifer, "onto the next one now." he proceeded erasing his memory.

A week later

"Hey Jack, Jamie, Jerald and Jim!" exlaimed Joel, "I know its a bit weird of a question, but have you guys ever heard of Luficer"


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