《My Lady, Tools of Deterrence, and I》Ema


“Ema, please. Help me. We are in trouble”, I desperately shouted into my smartwatch on the call to Ema back at the Biaz mansion.

“What’s going on Poos! What happened to the Miss?!”

“Er… She’s in a bad condition. Sorry, I screwed up”


“What? What are you talking about? Of course, she’s alive, she’s just fallen asleep”




“Calm down, Ema. She’s drunk. Ok? Sorry, I messed up. I should have stopped her but things got a bit out of control”

“What…? She’s drunk?”


“Did she take her watch off?”

“Er, about that… she lost it”

“How can she lose it?”

“It’s a long story, but she took it off and misplaced it, ok? Wait - hang on, you monitoring her heartbeat with her smartwatch?”

“:Sigh:… that’s a relief. This has never happened before. And yes, of course, I’m monitoring her health 24/7. I called her but she wasn’t picking up. I saw her heart rate change to an unusual range. And then suddenly it stopped altogether. Dear Lord, that frightened the life out of me”

“Right, sorry about that. She was drunk. Kept getting a call from you. Got annoyed and threw the watch away”

“She’s THAT drunk?”


“This has turned into a difficult situation”

“Tell me about it”

“No, first, get out of there ASAP”

“Why -”

As I was saying that I heard the loud sound of a helicopter flying above us. It was a police chopper, followed by sounds of ambulances and police cars getting nearer.


Jesus, what’s going on. There’s no other way it seems.


I piggybacked the drunk and snoring Hina and started to run to the opposite side of where the police sound.

“Ema, are they searching for Hina?”

“I had no choice. I pressed the emergency button the moment her heartbeat stopped”

Now it all clicked in my head. Okay, this was not good. Police and the emergency service are alerted that Ms. Biaz, THE Miss Biaz has gone missing with her heartbeat stopped. When they find us now they gonna see that all this commotion was just because this one drunk brat threw her smartwatch down the mountain in Nan Tower Park. With the GPS tracking they must be thinking she fell off a cliff and is on the verge of death - or even already dead, only to find that, yes, this stinking billionaire CEO brat wasted so many people’s time. This is gonna be a horrible PR at this very start of Hina’s career as the head of Biaz Group.

“Ema, I’m running. But I’m running away from a police chopper with searchlights. This isn’t gonna work”

“Hold on a bit, I’m almost there”


With that, what I instantly recognised to be late Mr. Biaz’s Lamborghini screeched and stopped right in front of us. The door literally flew open and Ema jumped out of the car.


Oh, man. Lamborghini is the worst possible car you can bring when you are trying to put a drunk person in the car in hurry, but I guess Ema had to choose speed over comfort.

As soon as I jumped in and sat on the passenger seat carrying slumped Hina on my lab, Ema stomped down on the accelerator before the doors could even close.

“Call Mr. Roto Biaz”

“Ok. What do I say?”

“Just tell him what happened. He will handle it from there”


“I’m sorry for all this…”


So I made a call to Roto and explained the situation. He was surprisingly calm throughout my nervous reporting, let out a big sigh, told me not to worry about it, and said he will see me back at the Biaz mansion.

After what felt like driving through the city at hyper speed for eternity, we’ve arrived at the mansion and put the peacefully sleeping Hina on her bed. I was drenched in sweat and was exhausted, but before I could even catch a breath Roto walked into the room - man I’m sure I’m in trouble now.

“Mr. Biaz, I’m terribly - ”

“Just how much did she drink?!”

“A bottle of beer and a few shots of Tequilla…”

“What the hell are you doing drinking Tequilla with Hina at this time?!”

“She asked me out for dinner and... Well, it’s a long story, but in the end, I have failed her. I’m sorry”

Both Roto and Ema have calmed down a little now and after a pause, Giko let out a sigh and spoke.

“Well, I’m sorry for yelling at you, Poos. You couldn’t have known what Hina can be like when she’s drunk. Let’s just say I don’t advise you to let this happen again”

“Yes, sir”

“Mister Biaz, what did you say to the police?”, Ema carefully asked.

“I had to put on a big act. I called the police chief and told him we found her first. ‘What the hell are you guys doing that our private guards find her before you guys, we already brought her to our own facility, yada yada’”

Ok, so that kind of an act works if you are a Biaz…

“There won’t be any news about it tomorrow don’t worry. Maybe some gossip could leak out about Hina having some kind of a health condition, but there won’t be any major coverage about the police search and so on”

“Thank God”, I let out a sigh of relief.

“Poos. I know my father has always placed great trust in you, but please bear this in your mind at all times. Hina is your boss, but she is also still a very young girl. You can’t just let her have her way like this”

“Yes, sir.”

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