《Misfortune Night House》Prologue - The Beginning of Nightmares


I'm new here and I might have grammatical errors so please be lenient and this is my work when I was 13 and 6 years later I just want others to enjoy the story its quite unique I have massive amounts of different stories which I made and not knowing what to do with them I decided to post them XD. Anyways this story is thrilling and fun to read though there are times where the story is dark I will post a chapter depending on the situation and tell me if it becomes boring or repetitive I will do something about the story and feel free to comment on your side of ideas I want to grow as a writer and write a proper story for others to enjoy. (Note: I made it so it is easy to manage so I do not relate it much to any place on earth and does not relate to any people or places as such)

PLS Comment and my posts are subjected to change as you all know I tried to edit the story as it will diverge from the original 13 yr old version of mine.


Prologue The Beginning of Nightmares

The world is in peace, so far war is avoided and in the year of XX42 it is called "The Era of Prosperity". Because of high security there is a very low crime rate and at this time almost all diseases have their cure so as time goes by the population massively increases each year. Nature taken down to build homes and excessively take resources to the point where earth is left in its sorry state. Then it happened......

A man in his 20s Black hair and brown eyes and was a little handsome wearing a white coat, red shirt and black pants was living in a high class hotel 4 stories high became the first to experience before seen occurrence. Due to his overnight work he stayed up late to finish it when it struck midnight he suddenly felt drowsy and fell asleep. When he woke up he was at the top floor with dozens of people and notice they are the others that lives in the hotel.

Man: David what is going on here?

said the man in front of him.

David: I don't know why is it so dark and can someone turn on the lights?

One of them found the switch to the light and tries to switch it on but to no avail as no matter which machine they turned on whether it is the lights, tv, radio and even their cellphones nothing works.

David: What is going on here!?

Suddenly a voice was heard inside their heads saying:

1) If you all die you lose.

2) All stairs will be turned to old wood.

3) If the specified place doesn't have or doesn't have enough set of stairs the entire floor will become wood instead.

4) If you make 3 sounds on the stairs or jump over it a "random" that you have seen before will appear behind you.

5) At the start of the event you will all be transported at the top floor with the people in your current location.

6) If the trigger(s) of the event are killed there is a 20% chance of the people remaining will automatically transported out.

7) Those that are killed in this event will become a random.

8) If you get out you win (The key is around you).

David: (What does that mean!? A random will appear? Key? Is this really happening....)


Man: I got to get out of here!!

David: Wait!!

Panicking the man ran down stairs and suddenly a blood curdling scream can be heard. When we got on top of the stairs we looked down and he is gone. Despair colored our faces, not knowing what has befallen of the man.

Woman: No... This can't be happening...

She lost all power within her body, fell to her knees and cried loudly.

David: (Of course in all the horror movies I watched the exact same scenario. Surely next is without warning a monster will appear hope I am wrong...)

A man, seemingly lifeless by the look of his eyes, was behind the woman on the floor and it was the very same man that went down moments ago. The woman looked back and expressed delight.

Woman: Your alright!!

Man: Of course how wouldn't I be.

David: (I don't trust this... Something is wrong... very wrong) Wait! get away from him!

The man helped the woman get up, only to be bitten on the neck as blood gushed out covering the floors in deep red. Then the people that saw the cruel scene started to panic they ran everywhere trying to get out and somehow no one tried to ran down the stairs, they ran through the hallways and go inside the rooms to hide.

David: (Gotta find a place to hide!)

As David entered the room it was completely different it was like a maze. What he saw was a wall made of grey rock unlike the material common in the hotel walls, rough and hard that feels otherworldly. He heard slow footsteps around the hallway walking closer. His nerves were put to the test to find the right spot, to hide from the unknown disaster headed his way. David ran inside then he stumbled upon an empty cabinet. He opened it and what he saw was a woman in her 20s near his age that seems a little younger, wearing a pair glasses and was extremely beautiful, with long flowing brown hair, wearing a white shirt with purple engravings that fit her purple eyes, fair skin and black pants, holding a camera.

Woman: Wha!? Who are you.... someone's coming, quickly hide!

She pulled the man inside the large empty cabinet enough for 3 people and closed it. Footsteps got nearer and nearer. This heart beating faster. Sweating crazily due to tension. The footsteps suddenly stopped. Suddenly the cabinet was opened! By the very man that killed the woman before. The woman then threw a piece of cloth from her pocket, towards his face then ran pulling David along with her. When they got to another room they found a large bed and hid under it.

David: Who are you?

Dianne: I'm Dianne a reporter.

David: I'm David a researcher. Shh... keep quiet... he's there.

Behind the door footsteps are heard but only passed by the room they were in.

Dianne: Hmm... We gotta find a way to get out.

David: How?

Dianne: I don't know but we got to try.... Oh yeah!

David: What?

Dianne: I found this box inside the cabinet but I haven't opened it yet as I kinda don't trust it.

David: But it might be a clue to our way out.

Dianne: I guess....alright.

Dianne just opened the box nonchalantly revealing a gun with three bullets inside and a letter saying:

"Welcome, as I haven't forsaken you I will then aid you. I am a genie of the lamp. I grant you three wishes but beware I will demand payment after the third wish and there are wishes that cannot be granted".


David: That scared me! Don't just open it without warning...

Dianne: You said it might be a clue.

David: I know but...

Dianne pulled the trigger and wished: "I wish for me and David to get out of the building". Then suddenly a voice was heard "This wish cannot be granted you have 2 wishes left" .

David: Great! Now only two left... good try though.

So they continued to explore and saw a mob of people walking towards them saying: "Ohh... Let's get out of here...". Then a sudden chill was felt as they suddenly ran towards the two. In a sudden panic Dianne again pulled the gun and shouted: "I wish for them to disappear!!". The people halt their foot step as they slowly dissolve. "Your wish is granted you have 1 wish left". The the group of people scour in pain as they disappear leaving only heavy trails of blood and flesh. Dianne almost puked at the horrifying scene that she just saw.

Dianne: I killed someone...

David: It's not your fault... they might be already dead and turned into a "Random" like the man from before.... what are they.

Then a man hiding behind a corner suddenly shoved the two and stole the gun.

Man: I saw what happened this gun can grant wishes!

Dianne: Wait!! Stop!

The man pulled the trigger and said: "I wish to get out of here!!". A voice was heard "Your wish cannot be granted. You have 0 wishes left." Then smoke came out of the gun forming a humanoid shape and took the man's life. It entered his mouth imploding him like a balloon, like any moment it can burst out which... it did. Flesh scattering like fireworks... guts left on the floor... and a seemingly beating heart can be seen. I feel sick such a sight can't be easily forgotten.

David: So that is the payment...

Dianne: I almost lost my life...

Imagining what could have been sent shivers to her spine as they continued until they stumbled upon the set of stairs.

Dianne: It seems we are all that is left as mostly everyone present from before were the group of people that attacked and was wished away not including the man from the start and the man that stole the gun.

David: Yeah...

So the two went down the stairs very quietly until they reached the lowest floor and in front of them was the door that leads the way out.

Dianne: The door won't budge!!

David: Key... look there is a hole with different shapes on it maybe we need to find keys or thing of the sort that fit it.

Dianne: So we need to go back and find them... no way... after all that.

Tears welled up at the corner of her eyes.The two searched and searched until they found another box. Inside was a metal rod and a letter saying:

"Do not touch!! I am the rod of misfortune those who have defiled me shall know my wrath".

After reading the message, I closed it and another box hidden inside a vase it has a toy car and under it was a shape like a 7 pointed star sticking out and its shape was like one of the hole on the door.

When they returned to the third floor and what they saw was a woman clad in blood looking at them with emotionless eyes saying: "Ahh Ahh two more, two more" and ran towards them then they remembered about the rod from before and open the box and threw it towards the woman flinging out the rod which hit the woman and suddenly the rod melted on her flowing inside the woman and imploding her leaving traces of flesh and covered the two in blood only the blood seems to be cold for some reason.

Dianne: Ugh...I want to get out...

David: Yeah... two more left and were outta here.

The two continued the search and found two chest, A box and an envelope. Inside the chest they found in the ground floor kitchen was a plate with a protruding clover shape, in the other chest was a knife and a letter saying: "Congratulations!! You have found an artifact. An artifact is something you can take with you as long as it is within 6 feet range of the owner when inside an event. You have found the "Dagger of Solitude" You can take only up to 3 artifacts with you each event. if you want to find out the artifacts status just say the "name of the weapon" and "open" you will receive a letter and within 10 mins. it will disappear or if you let go of it."

David: Dagger of Solitude! Open!

Then on his hand a letter appeared:

Dagger of solitude

Class 3 artifact

Rarity: Uncommon

A dagger belonging to a man who tried to kill himself out of loneliness, as he was stopped by his brother he accidentally killed him then himself bearing the sin of murder and suicide.


Torrent of Loneliness

As the owner of the dagger you are surrounded by an air of loneliness. Randoms will less likely to come close to you by 10%.

Owner: None

David: Dianne you should have it...

Dianne: But...

David: I'm gonna be fine and I owe you one for saving me last time.

Dianne: ...Okay...

Next They opened the box inside was a Bowl with a protruding cylindrical shape.

Dianne: Finally the last key!!

Then the envelope, inside was a letter saying:

I will bestow the owner the ability "Silent Step" you can only have up to 5 abilities.

David: (what is this an rpg horror!?)

Dianne: You should have it I already have the dagger.

David: Fine...

You have learned a class 2 passive skill "Silent Step"

Silent Step

Grade 2 Passive Skill

Rarity: Common

When walking down the stairs instead of 3 noises it will become 4 instead to trigger a Random. Noise -10%

David: (Well its kinda useful not that I want return to this place.)

They continued down until they reach the building entrance. Then they fit the objects to their designated place and suddenly the door opens.

David: ...At last... Freedom.

Dianne: Yeah...(blush) a-anyways if you ever need someone to talk to here is my card.

David: Okay... See you.

The next day, A large commotion is happening as the news of the missing tenants spread like wildfire as dozens of people suddenly disappeared, and as they tried to question the survivor David Crevin the people only took it as something unbelievable but as they do not know what happened inside they don't have a choice but to believe for now.

10 years have passed and the phenomenon kept happening day after day since thus naming it the Misfortune Night House phenomenon.

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