《How Everything Started》Seventh Encounter


Together with Haru, they went back to Sayuri’s apartment.

“Sayuri. Let me ask you a serious question.” Haru spoke.

“What?” Sayuri asked.

“Who exactly was that guy at the park? I thought you don’t like getting involved with something like that?” Haru asked out of curiousity.

“E-err…. He was someone from my middle school classmates.” Sayuri answered, suddenly looking down.

“Wow. That must be pretty nostalgic for you then huh?”

“W-well.. Not quite.” Sayuri answered nervously, while fidgeting.

“-Why’s she fidgeting? Something might’ve happened then, hmmm..” Haru thought of himself after seeing Sayuri fidgeting a lot.

“Why the long face? Mind if I listen to what happened or whatever your story is together with him?” Haru asked with a bit of a worried face.

“Not that I mind.. It’s just… Umm.” Sayuri said, hesitatingly.

“Oooh. Did I asked something I shouldn’t have?” Haru said.

“Well….. ANYWAYS!! When are you planning to go home you brat?!” Sayuri suddenly being lively, casually changed the topic. Intentionally avoiding the topic from getting any further.

“W-what?! Oh yeah! I almost forgot about my little sister!! I better go home now!! Thanks for having me again Sayuri!!” Haru said, suddenly standing up and then ran out of Sayuri’s apartment door.

“Be careful on your way home!!” Sayuri said in return.

After Haru left leaving the door open, Sayuri then walked to the door to close it. Closing the door slowly, she suddenly had flashbacks about some of her middle school memories.


“Hey you! When are you planning to finish what you’re doing?! Hurry up and let’s go to Daisuke-kun already!! Tch!” Sayuri suddenly nagging at Hayato.

“U-umm.. If.. If you want to see him so badly right now, w-why won’t you go to him instead by.. By yourself?” Hayato trying to answer Sayuri back with all his might while fixing his things up, getting ready to go home.


“Hey you. How dare you talk back to me, you know that I can’t go there to Daisuke-kun’s club room, he might think I’m a bother.. But with you beside me, it’s a free ticket to get closer to him. So fix your things faster already! You’re such a loser, you know?! You already look lame with that bangs covering up your face, moreover you act like one.. Tch!” Sayuri answering Hayato with an irritated tone.

“Y-you….” Hayato stuttering.

“What? You got a problem?” Sayuri asked.

“Y-you.. You’re always s-saying Daisuke this, Daisuke that.. Why won’t you just go approach him by yourself?!” Hayato yelled.

“Huh?!” Sayuri suddenly being confused at how Hayato reacted to her.

“I’m done being your toy!! Damn it!!” Hayato suddenly stood up, done fixing his things up and ready to go home. But as he walked away, about to go out of their classroom, Sayuri suddenly pulled him by his uniform collar. Pinning him with Sayuri’s leg, causing him to lean on the classroom door. Hayato cowering suddenly in fear due to shock, suddenly fidgets.

“You. Suddenly talking back to me. Where’d you get that courage huh?!” Sayuri told Hayato with a threatening tone.

End of Flashback

“-Come to think of it, I was the one who pinned him at the wall that time. Why is everything turning into the other way around now? I wonder why I did those things to him anyway. I somehow can’t remember why I started bullying him.” Sayuri told herself in mind as she stopped having those flashbacks of what he used to do to Hayato when they’re still at their middle school days.

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