《Rising of the Battlecook》Familiarity of Salt


– Spirit-o Pot-o!

Steam rose below her hands from which a red pot appeared. Although able to float, it had a long handle reminiscent a pan's which Katsumi firmly grasped. Raising the lid revealed enough room to boil a soup.

– I realized by saying an extra 'o' after every word, I sound more Japanese, nyeheheh. – she giggled.

The stabbed titan plunged at her with a raised fist, which Katsumi answered by grabbing the pot's handle and bonking him in the head. It wasn't enough to knock him out, but he backed off with loud cursing.

– Don't be so impatient! It's my time to shine!

– Tch, insolent bitch…

– I'll take that as a compliment! – she smugly smiled before taking the lid off. – Supermarket! With level three unlocked, I can freely summon apples! Give me two!

Shining with a blue aura, two apples manifested above her. She reached into her pocket and threw an animals paw at the pot. It first began to float, then got sucked into the pot with the two ingredients. The lid flew back to its place and made small clanking sounds as the escaping steam slightly raised it.

– Two apples. Two. Usually they restore health but when prepared by a cook, they allow you to temporary go above your maximum health points. Basically, you get a small shield. Now that we have some defense, does anyone know what the last ingredient does?

They weren't so open for a conversation. One with a hammer attacked her, which she parried with the pot. The impact pushed both away and Katsumi was first to attack again by hitting the titan in the head. He fell to the ground and tried to stand up, but Katsumi threw the pot on his head. It was hot, burning hot. The titan tried to get it off, but the girl held it there with one leg. She crossed her arms and looked at the rest, dissatisfied.

– It was the paw of a wheat-eater! Those little shits have some pretty sharp claws, I experienced it first-hand. Now, my system said it has secret boons I've yet to unlock, expect one that is special to a 'Battlecook'.

The lid's rumbling stopped and the cling of microwave could be heard. Taking off the lid revealed a pinkish soup filled with apple and meat. She raised it to her mouth and downed all in one go.

The sounds of gulping as she threw away the pot and it disappeared into thin air. Wiping the remaining food off, a blue aura winked around her and yellow particles engulfed her hand. They took the form of three long claws, each of them weightless and transparent to the girl.

– I'm ready! Give me all you got!

A cultist ran at her with a club. Katsumi tried to lunge at him with claws pointed at the chest, but he jumped away and hit her in the head. The apple's buff was still running through her veins so it didn't hurt so much and she could concentrate on a decisive strike. Quickly ducking below the weapon, she pierced through his waistline to which the titan screamed in pain before getting a claw through his head.

She entered her fighting stance again. Another man approached with a crude stone hammer. She was ready to jump at him, but felt a force not let her. This force held her tight and made it impossible to raise an arm. Somebody lassoed her from behind.


– Now! Go, go, go! – the titan holding the chains shouted from a safe distance.

With the chains suddenly being pulled, she fell to the ground. The other titan jumped on her with hammer in hand. She kicked him in the face, but that wasn't enough. Trying her best to fight the man off, she was met by a hammer in the shoulder.

– Spirit Pot!

– What now? You're gonna' cook me an apology soup?

He aimed his next strike at her head, but Katsumi didn't flinch as he brought down the hammer. She was frustrated how long it took the titan to notice. Pushing her hand forward, she made the titan feel and immense amount of pain.

– Spirit Pot always manifests in my hand, no matter what stands in the way.

The titan looked down to see a huge gaping hole in his torso. As Katsumi pulled her pot out of it, a waterfall of blood erupted. He tried attacking the girl one last time, to which she simply pushed him off.

With the help of her claws she was able to break free of the chains. Not saying a word, she crouched down to the fallen titan and took his hammer. The other cultists didn't attack as they were too afraid.

Slowly standing up with the weapon, she swiftly turned around and threw it towards the titan who chained her.

Crunch! It hit him straight in the face, shattering his nose.

– What? Are you scared? Are you afraid I'll hurt you, that's why you won't attack?

Although not pursued, he ran away as fast as he could. Katsumi watched him flip-flop with the robe, then noticed something strange. The air just moved. She spied the air, searching for a source. There was a sharp noise in the distance. Something being hit.

She looked back at the titan and he was laying on the ground with an arrow stuck in his head.

– What the…

– Are you done with the show-off? – the leader of the titans, the man with the bleeding arm cracked his knuckles and equipped a boxer's stance. – I don't care about the plan anymore. You're too annoying to be left alive.

– Once again, thank you for the compliment! Now, if you don't mind me, I'll tear a hole into your stomach!

The other titans stepped aside, freeing up the area. Only the two of them remained inside this improvised ring.

– My name is Glechoma.

– I don't remember asking.

– Before the invasion, I was the greatest brawler of these lands. My fighting style is unique in the sense, that…

– Again, I don't remember asking! I don't care what a crazed murderer has to say! You guys wanted to kill my friend. A child. A literal child! I don't care about you or your stupid motivations. I'm gonna' paint the trees red with your blood!

– The tone of your voice… seems like someone needs to be taught some respect.

– Fuck you!

She attacked Glechoma, who evaded her attack by simply stepping away. She let out a barrage of attacks aimed at his face. He easily hopped away from those too.

Katsumi tried mixing in a kick, but Glechoma grabbed her leg.

– Insolent fools like you… – not letting go of her leg, he spun around, easily lifting her body – …needs to be taught respect!


Her body wrote a half-circle in the air before getting smashed into a tree. As her chest hit the trunk, she felt all air escape her lungs and something break. With a sharp pain in her core, she fell to the ground choking for air. Her claws dispersed from the shock.

– Apologize!

The man stood over her, his fists blazing from power. Katsumi tried to say something, but couldn't breathe.

– I said apologize! – he stomped in her stomach, making her almost throw up.

Tears rolled down her cheeks. She felt a tiny air finally enter her lungs. It hurt to breathe. Using all her remaining strength, she raised one hand and…

– Suck it… – she raised her middle-finger.

The veins bulging in his head, Glechoma dropped down to her. Katsumi put her hand on the man's chest and screamed for the pot. As particles appeared, Glechoma pinned her hand to the ground. The pot manifested and she couldn't raise it to attack.

– You're weak.

– Yeah… but… at least I know the facts.

– Tch, facts won't help you in a fight.

– I know, but a knife will! – she screamed out, bringing forth the weapon hidden in her pocket and stabbing Glechoma in the stomach.

– You…

– Hehe, cat got your tongue? – she painfully laughed.

Unexpectedly, Glechoma punched her harder than before. He didn't raise his hand after the hit but drilled it further in her face, which Katsumi answered by pushing the knife deeper in his stomach. The titan spat out some blood, but didn't raise his fist. Instead, he let go of the pot with his other hand and slowly pulled the knife out.

Able to attack, Katsumi repeatedly bang the pot on the titan's head. Though it looked ineffective, she didn't stop. This was her last chance to survive. But just as the titan pulled the knife out…

– Miss Katsumi!

It was Aeren with shortbow in hand. Katsumi's eyes widened at the sight of the boy and she reached out to him with teary eyes, screaming for help.

– Shoot! Shoot him down!

Aeren got startled by her sudden outburst and immediately aimed his bow… but at the other direction.

– What are you doing? – she screamed before raising her arms to cover from the incoming stab.

– I'm trying to find the enemy!

– He's sitting on me, shoot him down!

– Huh? Miss Katsumi, what are you talking about?

– How could you…

The titan wasn't there anymore. Not only did he disappear, but all the corpses too. The enemy's blood from her uniform was gone. It was just the two of them.

She got on all four and frantically began a search for proof. It only lasted two meters though. Due to the pain in her chest, she fell to the ground, coughing. Her uniform was covered in sweat and tears.

– I can't believe it… I just can't…

– Miss Katsumi? Your nose is bleeding!

Aeren ran to her and raised a small potion from his pocket. It was a bright red liquid, some kind of medicine. He put Katsumi's head on his thighs and gently poured the liquid into her mouth.

– I fought so hard… I was so cool, I swear…

Tears covered her face, wiping away the blood. She survived the final attack, but… at what cost? The battle she fought, it was for nothing. No proof it ever happened. No reward. Not even a single experience point.

– Did the titans attack you?

– Yes, so many of them! – she sobbed. – There was even a boss… I stabbed him, Aeren…

– I know.

– I was just about to kill him… and… then he just…

– I know, he disappeared. I believe you.

– Aeren…

She buried her face into boy's shirt and cried. Those tears didn't come from her eyes, but somewhere much deeper. They carried weight a normal tear couldn't.

– I'm not useless, I swear!

– No one said you are!

– But I am! I know it! Just look at me! That's why I didn't follow you! I'm just a hindrance!

– Miss Katsumi…

– What is it?

As she looked up, her gaze was met by two peaceful eyes. He had a smile sitting on his face, weightless like a feather. Katsumi felt his hand patting her head.

It's warm. It feels good.

– We're weak.

– Yeah…

– But we know the facts.

– Yeah, but…

– And you forgot the last part.

She was confused as to what he meant by that. Last part? She never said anything but a last part. You're weak and you know the facts. That's it. What more could there be?

What more… unless he means…

– We can grow stronger.

For Katsumi, the world disappeared. Only her and Aeren remained inside this white void frozen outside of time and space. It was just the two of them.

– At first I thought it was just an excuse so we never have to do any real work… but I couldn't have been more wrong. We went on the easiest adventure not for the reward, but to grow stronger. Remember? You never asked about the reward. That's because you didn't care about that.

– Well… yeah, I was stupid…

– No, you weren't. You wanted to become stronger. That's all you cared about.

– Because I'm weak…

– Yes you are, but don't forget the facts.

– What other fact is besides this one?

– You have what it takes to become strong.

His smile. His words.

She didn't want nothing more than someone to finally say those words. Deep down in her soul, she knew she could grow stronger. It's not that he changed her life with just one sentence or said anything barely new…

… but it felt good to be reassured.

– Aeren… – tears flooded her smile as she could barely hold herself together.

– Yes, Miss Katsumi?

– Do you believe in me?

– I believe in you. I believe in you more than anyone.

– Thank you…

– I should be the one thanking you. You taught me how to become strong.

– Can you promise me something?

– Of course.

– Become as strong as you can!

He smiled and pat Katsumi's head.

– I will. And I'll make sure you'll be there to see it.

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