《Ninth》[Chapter 4] After Club Activities


As a “Blank Actor”, my job was to simply fill the numbers required for the play and not more about how good I was acting, so there wasn’t anything spectacular about my anticlimactic performance. My given role was the atypical, mysterious transfer student who helps the protagonist in between cues. I didn’t have many lines, and most of my work were ad-libbed so there were not much problems.

Shinji sets up the lighting as the newcomer while watching us work alongside Chiyu-sensei, Kanade and Usui who corrects the scenes in his head.

Hiyori-chan is the little sister, Shiori is the childhood friend, and Takeshi and Junko act as the delinquents that harasses the protagonist’s love interest, played by Hibiki. Just like Hibiki had mentioned, the play was a typical school drama with a few twists here and there thrown in from Usui’s preference for mystery in his writing.

After the first round of rehearsing, Chiyu-sensei left for an afternoon lecture. We spent a few more hours practising and getting used to our roles. Before long, the sun was already starting to set. Hibiki decided to call it a day and told us to pack up.

『Well... I-It was a… a good try-su?… b-but in any case, good work Senpai! Your face hardly twitched at all the entire time-su! Isn't that like, totes' incredible?』

Shinji beamed as I came to dismantle the equipment with him.

『He doesn’t mean anything bad. This guy simply speaks his mind like that.』

Shiori came up from behind me and whispers to me.

「...Ha...haha… I’ll take that as a compliment then.」

『In any case, you’re a lifesaver. Hibiki was actually considering if she should call Hattori-san in if you haven’t turned up. I'm glad Shiori managed to tri--- err... remind you to come today. A-As expected, we can always count on Yato.』

Takeshi patted my back and chuckled with a guilt-filled expression.

...So that's how it is. Well, whatever. I had fun today too. I came here in the first place to take my mind off things anyway.

『Hattori huh. That guy’s stony in a bad way so I don't think that's ever a good idea. At least Yato here understands how to properly coordinate with us.』

I smiled wryly at his words.

「Come to think of it, I’ve never actually seen Hattori-san act before. Did Hibiki really cast him for something before?」

『Sure she did, and boy, it was a disaster. Heh, don’t mention it. Though it did make up for a funny story in the end.』

『Enough of that, you guys. At the very least, I can picture Hattori as the Terminator you know?』


『...No, he’s Ryu from Street Fighter.』

『Right, Kanade’s still going on with that. He does look like him after a while huh, it’s growing on me now that you’ve mentioned it.』

『Hahahihihi… M-My sides...』

Hattori is a fourth-year who joined the club mainly to ‘exercise’ in the first place. He is the one who sets up the heavy equipment for us as our main manpower behind the scenes. Although honestly, I would’ve wanted to see his acting if possible.


『That is why Yato’s the best. He brings nice stuff for us. That shortcake is pretty expensive I hear.』

『Yato, the fried chicken too.』

『It’s not very spicy though. Is there a spicy add-on?』

『The donuts. Were good.』

『Bullshit, anything tastes good if it’s free.』


We exchanged friendly banter for a bit, catching up with each other. Before long, we had returned the studio back to tidiness.

『Phew, we’re finally done for the day. I need some chicken in my system.』

Takeshi exclaimed as he slumped against a cardboard box.

『Chicken again, Take-nii you’re gonna get fat.』

『Oh lay off. It’s a genetic code written in humans, chicken tastes the best when you’re tired.』

『Sweets are better. Oh, right… girls.』

Junko suddenly had an expression as if she had remembered something, and took out her phone. She tapped on a webpage and showed it to us.

『Jajaan~ I heard of a new patisserie at the Times East Square here. I heard it’s pretty popular~ How about going there today.』

Junko suggested.

『Oh, I’ve heard of it too. The student discounts make them pretty affordable too I hear.』

『Pastry huh, that sounds good.』

『Mn. Let’s go.』

Kanade nodded while playing her Nintendo Switch.

『What about Shiori and Hibiki?』

Shiori glanced at me only for a moment, and nodded too. But Hibiki scratched her head and laughed dryly.

『I think I’ll pass this time. I’m going to stay behind to revise the script a little. Usui-kun?』

『Sorry Hibiki-senpai… I don’t think I can do it today. I have to fetch my little sister later from school.』

『...Right, you told me earlier. Then in that case, I’ll revise the script first myself, and you review it tomorrow. How’s that sound.』

『No problem. Alright, see you guys.』

After picking up his bag and some materials, Usui left the clubroom.

『Then, we’ll go as well. Nii, I will be eating out tonight, tell mom for me will you?』

『Haah, it can’t be helped… just be careful.』

『Got it~』

『Cya, Yato~』

『Bye bye, Yato-kun!』

『Senpai, see you next week.』

『...Don’t be late.』

With that, the other girls excluding Hibiki left too.

『Geez, how about we guys eat out together as well.』

Takeshi suggested.

But thinking of the welcome party I have to go later, I smiled wryly and rejected his offer.

『My house is receiving some guests today as well-su! Sorry senpai-su, I’ll definitely join in next time-su!』

『That sucks. Cheh, next time then,』

Bidding the other two farewell, the clubroom was left with only me and Hibiki.


As I remained sitting on a chair across her, I watched her pen down a couple of lines conscientiously onto the script. It was already close to evening, the orange glow of dusk shone on one side of her face, reflecting a beautiful image before my eyes. Unknowingly, I started to become mesmerized by her appearance----

『...You’re not going home?』



Suddenly Hibiki’s pen stopped moving and she looked up at me inquisitively. I snapped out of my daze and shook my head,

「Yeah, just thinking about some things. Don’t mind me.」

『...That so? Well okay.』

Hibiki returned to the script and continued writing.

I rested my head on the chair for the rest of this time and listened to the soft scribbling of the pen.

After about half an hour, she was finally satisfied with the changes. Hibiki placed the edited script into the bag beside her and started packing up.

「You’re done?」

『I’m done.』

She suddenly paused, and squinted her eyes at me.

『That… ...Were you… waiting for me?』

「Well, yeah.」

When I said so, Hibiki coughed a few times and hid the side of her hair behind her ear. I noticed that she had sat back down on her seat.

『So… you needed something from me?』

「Un, so... how was it?」

『...How was… what?』

「My acting.」

『...Huh? ...Oh, it’s just like usual. Why ask?』

「Usual… Average huh. That’s good to hear.」

I heaved a sigh of relief when I heard her evaluation. Hibiki glanced at me strangely.

『Is that… all?』

「Yup, it’s been weighing on my mind the entire day. But from your strict evaluation, I guess my acting hasn’t deteriorated too much since the last time huh.」

『... ...You waited for me... just to ask that kind of question?』

「Yeah. Since you guys called me for this rehearsal so suddenly, I had been worried that I would hold everyone else back today you know?」

I just didn’t want to interrupt her when she’s thinking about the script, and that question had been constantly bugging in my mind. As the leader who had been seeing everyone of us perform, she should be clear on the performance of each individual.

That didn’t seem to be the answer that she wanted however, as I thought I heard her muttering under her breath.


「What? You said something?」

『Mou, I don’t care anymore!』

Hibiki glared at me with a light red face, and threw the keys at my face.

「Wh-What’s wrong with you.」

『Idiot, idiot, idiot!』

She slid the door open and stomped out, infuriated.


I scratched my head in confusion. But now that I was the only one remaining, there was no longer a point to stay around. I stood up as well, and picked up my bag.

As I looked outside of the windows, I realized that the sky had turned into a canvas of dusk orange. I walked out of the clubroom, and locked the doors after me. All that’s left is to return the keys to the staff office on the second floor. Looking around, the other clubs have also gone back already.

Seems like I’ve stayed in longer than I thought. The time on my watch was already 7.40pm, I guess it’s about time I head over to that welcoming party.

As I was heading towards the elevator, I consciously felt a chill from some kind of watchful gaze upon me. Like a pair of eyes watching me at a corner there----


But when I blinked, that ‘person’ was gone. I must be too tired...


Suddenly, I heard the faint sound of something metallic falling to the floor, like some sort of key. I approached the corner where I heard the sound, and looked around.

There’s no one?

Beneath my feet was a black object resting there. When I bent down to inspect it, I then saw what it was.

「...A card?」

I picked the card up curiously.

It was a metallic black card with a light trim of gold at the ends. At the front, nothing was written on it, but when I flipped it around to the back, I could see it.

The faint indentation of some sort of symbol it seems, as I traced it with my finger.

I moved the card under the setting sun to see the symbol more clearly, and after a few seconds I could finally make it out----

The symbol was actually the number “9”, written in reverse. What does this mean? What is this card for?

Just when I thought to put it on top of a locker to discard it, my phone rang. Since the card was still on my hand, I quickly tucked it into my pocket and answered the call.


『Ah, hello? Senpai, it’s Nijima. Are you arriving? Minho-senpai and the others are already here.』

「Fatso and the rest came huh. Anyway, I’m just about to head out. Give me like, five minutes?」

『Oh okay. Also senpai, if it’s not too troublesome, could you buy some beer on the way here? Hehe, seems like this place doesn’t sell them and everyone’s too lazy to go back to get it.』

I rolled my eyes. This is going to be ‘on me’ as well? Ah whatever, it’s a welcoming party anyway. I might as well be generous this one time and let the juniors look at me with a little more respect~

「Got it. You just reserve me the host’s seat and wait for me there!」

『Haha, as expected of senpai! Then, we’ll be expecting!』

「Roll the red carpet!」


After I hung up, I couldn’t help but press my temples on instinct. Although I’ve said all that, is my bank account really going to be okay for this month? ...To hell with it, I’ll just wing it until I make it. If I can't pay for everything, I'll be sure to drag those guys with me later. Hehehe...

The elevator arrived as I was troubling over the expenses.

I entered and tapped the button to the second floor for the returning of the clubroom keys.

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