《Ninth》[Chapter 2] Job Interview


A woman who was about the same age as me, stepped out of the car. She flicked her hair to one side and her eyes scanned the surroundings seemingly in search of someone. When our eyes met, her eyebrows knitted together into an unfriendly frown.

For someone this young to drive a Bugatti, what else but rich would be fit to describe such a person? But times have changed already, and it’s considered a common occurrence to find these guys getting involved in traffic accidents on the news. Thus I didn’t really feel much pressure from the woman thanks to this prejudice.

But still when I look at her more clearly, this woman was actually quite a beauty! Clear skin like malted milk, round eyes, pink-colored lips, her furrowed eyebrows from a tint of annoyance, and that black office dress which appeared to bind her thick thighs together seductively. With the red Bugatti behind her, she was the perfect representation of what an ojou-sama was.

『Hey, what are you staring at! Hurry up and pay me for the car damage!』

It was when her mouth opened, that the picturesque drawing had shattered into pieces. With that furious expression on her face, her fidgety gestures that flailed her demeanor like a little mistress made me lose all hope for her personality. Admittedly, that snarky temper of hers might be a kink for a guy out there.

Damage? I don’t think I ever came close to the car.

It was then that I noticed that the sound of metal clanking together was the car bumping into a garbage bin nearby. Some garbage grease had fallen onto the shiny hood of the red Bugatti. To make things worse, some parts of the red had been scraped off.

...What a grotesque piece of metal.

My back racked up a good amount of cold sweat, thinking about how much the paint job alone would cost me.

And of course, without all of the victim’s circumstances in mind, an ojou-sama in the modern age would inevitably seek out ‘compensation’ whenever they’re unhappy. Looking down on us commoners who scrape for a nickel, they think they’re untouchable existences because of their money.

Like seriously, do I look like someone well-off? If you want me to compensate for your losses, how about you steal my organs instead.

Although I’ve said all that in my mind, it’s still best to avoid the worst case scenario here. After all, she was technically right. I might have a part in her car being damaged. However, I am a person who’s already used to people taking advantage of these kinds of situations. I decided to take the initiative here by acting self-righteously.

「Hm hm… compensation huh...」

I took a few steps forward and squinted my eyes towards her, at which her expression suddenly turned tense and unconsciously retreated. Taking this opportunity, I continued:「This lady, you have only yourself to blame for deciding to drive your precious car into this obviously narrow corner road. You want me to fork out my precious money for your own carelessness? How about… no?」

But when she heard that, the woman’s face turned even more furious.

『Haaah?! How… how thick-faced can you get! You… you uncivilized man! I already honked once, and yet you didn’t move! Just to avoid you at the last second, I had to steer away in an odd direction. That’s why I hit the garbage bin!』

Gnashing her teeth, the woman’s face had a bloated red hue due to her anger, and she also had a frantic, troubled expression. But I had no shred of sympathy for a rich character like her.


「I think you’ll need a camera to prove that.」

That’s right, the real world operates on evidence. Without evidence, her words might as well be worthless.

『A camera is it? I have one.』


Wha…? That declaration of hers made my confidence stiffen.

When the woman pointed towards the windscreen of the car, I noticed a small camera rested against the glass. ...Seems like this woman was experienced. I laughed nervously, and nodded.

「Ahahaha… you should have said so earlier, miss. If it’s the dirt you’re worried about, let me lend you a hand with that.」

Sometimes, unfortunate events are just like the utility bills that come every month; they just had to come together at once. Just as I was about to use a handkerchief to wipe away the stain, one of the headlights fell off.

My heart stopped then---! From her perspective, it would seem that my stretched out hand had made it come off!


My god, isn’t this a high-end brand?! It’s Bugatti, Bugatti you know? Even the name sounds so pricey, and yet why is everything so flimsy like a second-hand car?! My body froze there and then, thinking that everything was over.

At first I was hoping that this person would be nice enough to pass it by with a sincere apology, but now it was already impossible to get out of this situation. Without throwing away at least a few months’ worth of my salary from part-time work, this matter probably wouldn’t be resolved so easily.

The ojou-sama was at the side the entire time, wholly speechless. She looked at her car anxiously with heartbroken eyes, depressed. I could faintly see her entire body trembling, and realized that she had truly reached her boiling point.

I looked at my watch, and realized that it was almost time for the interview. Although it wasn’t too good to say it now, but I couldn’t afford to be even more late. Racking up some courage, I asked her.

「...Uh, can I leave now?」

『...Leave over my dead body, ...you insensitive idiot!』

The woman who had not spoken for a while, glared at me with scornful eyes. All at once, she burst into an outrage.

『I...I have never seen such a callous! Remorseless! And thick-headed guy like you! You scratched my car and now you have the gall to just leave? Ah, I’ve had enough! Compensation! I want a proper compensation, you hear me!?』

The woman who stood before me appeared to have a height just a head shorter, yet it was unable to completely cover up her ferocious demeanor.

「...Ah, no. I don’t mean it that way. It’s just that I am running late for a job interview. So could you let me go this time? Of course, I’ll take responsibility for this matter..」

『...You? Take responsibility?』

Disbelief definitely, with a hint of shade thrown at me from the way I dressed. Those eyes that glanced once over my outfit was doubtful at best. When she was done, the woman sharpened her gaze and scoffed.

Huh, what do you know. Money does buy one’s credibility too. And because of that, it seems like she wouldn’t believe a single word that comes out of a commoner like me.



『O-Oi, you!』

I had thrown my student ID over to her without hesitation, and the woman barely caught it before it fell to the ground.

「It’s up to you to believe me or not, but I really don’t have time to continue here. I’m pawning off my ID to you, if you want the recompense, find me with a proper receipt. Of course, if you’re generous enough to fork the repair fees on your own, then this lowly one will be eternally grateful. Ah, but remember to return my student ID after that.」


『...Tsukasa… Ya...to.』

「That’s me, anyway I gotta’ bounce. My dorm unit is on the card, feel free to come visit~」

With a slick wave of my hand, it was then she had recovered from her slight interest in my name. The ojou-sama suddenly realized that she had been looking at my ID a little too seriously, and realized that she had been duped.

『---You! Hey, come back! What do you mean by pawning your ID? Your ID isn’t worth a single cent to me! Oi!』

Of course I wouldn’t really turn back at this time. Taking advantage of the fact that she couldn’t chase after me with high heels, I picked up the pace and left the crash site. When the ojou-sama was no longer in sight, I sighed. Today really wasn’t my lucky day. Thinking about the accident earlier, the rehearsal that I didn’t plan for, and the expenses I have to fork out later for tonight’s welcoming party, I felt my initial confidence for the interview sink to the pits.

But before I left, I didn’t hesitate to capture the figure of the ojou-sama a few more times in my head. No matter what anyone says, snarky personality aside, this kind of beauty is not one you would encounter a lot nowadays.

『Yato Tsukasa, I’ll definitely find you again! You better remember this debt!』

I heard her angered shriek from a distance away and shuddered. Personally, I think it's better if she doesn’t come looking for trouble again.

I arrived at the lobby of Shirosanzen Group’s main building with a sweat-filled face. Thank god that I managed to still arrive 10 minutes earlier, or else the interview would have been a goner from the start. I calmed myself down to an appropriate state of mind and stepped inside.

Entering the lobby, I came to the counter to register myself as one of the interviewees today. The miss at the counter had a model-like face, not discounting her beauty, even her figure was first-rate. Seems like working here everyday would be a blessing indeed. When I took the elevator to the 16th floor, I heard an assistant calling out my name.


I hurried over and bowed apologetically.

「That’s me. Sorry, has the interview started?」

When I said that, the people who were in line after my turn all looked at me and the female assistant. All of them looked as if they had prepared much more than me, their suits were all first-rate too, unlike the one I bought from an online store. No, I can’t think like this. I came here to be accepted. Have some more confidence, Yato!

『It hasn’t, but please be a bit more self-aware in the future. The ones who come for a job interview at the Shirosanzen Group were all waiting here for at least an hour in advance, you’re the only one who came running just on the dot. This way, it’s already your turn.』

「I understand, thank you.」

『It’s nothing, just go right ahead. Manager Chumoto is expecting you.』

I nodded and followed the female assistant to the front of a set of double-leaved doors. I held my breath, and then knocked on it twice. When I heard the words “Please enter”, it was then that I opened the large doors and stepped inside.

The office wasn’t big but was extravagant as if I’ve stepped into some corner of a palace. This was a little from the image I had imagined what the Shirosanzen Group to be like. Before the only office desk there was a slightly overweight middle-aged man. Looking so self-important like that, he’s the Manager Chumoto who’s going to assess me today. Small eyes beneath the lens of his spectacles, although the bottom half of his body was obstructed from view, I can still guarantee that he has quite the round belly there.

『Please take a seat.』

「Thank you.」

I sat down on a chair before him and offered him my resume as well as some other materials I brought with both hands. The middle-aged man scanned my resume, it seems that nothing had caught his eye. Afterward, he nonchalantly asked me:『State your school and current field of study.』

「XX University, Bachelor’s Degree in Audio Arts & Sciences.」

When he heard the first half of my words, the manager’s eyes lit up but his face immediately sank after the latter.

『The university is decent, but it seems like the average standard of the graduates in your school is lower than before huh.』

「What…? ...」

Without even looking once through the other supporting materials that I had brought, the manager cut me in the middle when I was about to say something.

『Okay, enough of that. Just tell me what you’re capable of.』

「Ah, okay. I know how to use Microsoft----」

『Shiho, pour me tea.』

The female assistant from earlier entered and calmly made a cup of tea for him. When she was done, she left through the doors and closed it after her.


What was this treatment? A feeling of unwillingness to continue filled my head. I was being looked down upon, but holding down my impatience, I asked.

「Excuse me, can I continue speaking?」

『Go on, no one told you to stop.』

Chumoto said as he took out a lighter and lit up a cigarette in his mouth, lamenting softly:『Haah, the university students these days are really...』

I clenched my fists under the table when I heard that. How much more is this guy going to mock me?

「...Okay, that’s all I have to say.」

I realized that the words that came from my mouth had turned cold.

『You’re done? Oh, okay, I’ve noted down everything you said. We will consider your application, so please return home and wait patiently for the news.』

As if he was reading off a script, Chumoto spoke in that fake cordial business-like tone.

「Right, but before that, may I implore you to tell me the skills that I’ve just told you?」


Chumoto froze for a moment, and then from his eyes came a glint of awareness.

『I wanted to give you face, but it seems like sometimes it is necessary to put down a dying dog.』


My previous heart that was filled with hope and nervousness was no longer to be seen. Instead, it had turned ice cold.

To think that the guy in charge of human resources in Shirosanzen Group would be this irresponsible. All of that was one big slap to the face, I came in with the mindset that my pay was secondary, but the man had never taken me seriously from the beginning. Not as a potentially capable worker, nor as a person. This affair today extinguished all of the admiration I had for this household name.

「Please treat humble interns like us with more sincerity, Mr. Chumoto.」

I took out my sincerity while looking at him. But the other party simply scoffed, and from there he revealed his true nature.

『...Sincerity? Then how about you show us your sincerity as well. You do realize that the job opening for our company and the field of study that you’ve told me are completely incompatible?』

「This and my field of study is completely two different things. I have qualified papers for the position.」

『Papers?』The middle-aged man laughed.

『What good are these papers, there are plenty on the roadside that make these papers, you university students are always this naive. You think that just by obtaining these petty papers you can act all high and mighty? I don’t want to waste any more of my time talking to these pitiful academics like you.』

Chumoto then mercilessly pressed a button on the desk to end the interview:『Shiho, next person.』, and faced with another scornful laugh:『You’re just a nobody, but if you want to sue me then go right ahead.』

He hit the spot where it hurts. It was unsatisfying. It was frustrating, but it was true. I couldn’t touch someone like him the way that I am now. In the end, I had lost to his ‘status’.

「...You better remember those words of yours today.」

『Hahaha, I’m rather curious what you can actually do to me.』

I could no longer endure the humiliation. Although I’ve been in such a situation before, this was the first time I’ve seen a superior flaunt his cocky and carefree attitude before me. Perhaps it’s also because of the hope I initially had for this company.

「...Mark my words, Shirosanzen will be ruined by the hands of people like you in the future.」

『Heh, pathetic.』

Leaving that remark, I opened the doors forcefully without looking back. The female assistant who led me to the room seemed to have already understood what had happened as she simply bowed her head when I passed her by. I nodded to her and went down the hallway dispiritedly.

As I left the place under the watchful eyes of the other applicants, I felt my face heat up considerably. They were all gloating at my misfortune, every single last one of them!

...But it’s simply pointless frustration, it doesn’t concern me anymore. I didn’t get the job. This company has nothing to do with me from now on. I reminded myself that as I took the lift back to the lobby and left through the glass doors defeatedly.


Disillusioned, and feeling pretty hopeless from the words that middle-aged man told me earlier, I stood in front of the building entrance for quite some time.

I took in a deep breath and exhaled a few times. No use moping over it, I glanced at my watch only to find that the time was still about 1pm. Things had ended much earlier than I had anticipated after all.

This means I can arrive at the club much earlier. I loosened my tie casually and headed towards the train station. Of course, not forgetting a bucket of ice-cream for that girl in a convenience store nearby.

Mango… Mango yoghurt… Ah, there it is. God, it’s expensive.

Shiori really eats everything that has mango in it huh. I still remember the strong impression I had of that girl when I met her for the first time in the Theatrics Club. ...In any case, perhaps taking some time off at the club will make me unwind some stress.

Rehearsal huh, for a skit I’m assuming. That doesn’t sound too bad. I smiled wryly as I placed the tub into a basket. I paid for the ice-cream and took the train back to campus.

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