《Terror Infinity Etras Revival》Sandbox Coiling Dragon chapter 13-Result


Fight between two of them was still on-going.Both were had heavy injuries especially Violet Tattooed Bear.Despite him beeing Early Saint Rank he hadn't strenght to slaughter Wyrm Sartius.Armored Razorback Wyrm was using sneak attack from underground all the time.So now they strenghts were equal.

Suddently tail of Armored Razorback Wyrm shot from beneath bears foot and hit pierced towrd bears chest.This was extremely vicious attack and was specially aimed to kill bear.Dantalian knew why has Sartius do this.He was too heavily injured and needed to end the fight as soon as possible.

But bear wasn't stupid either.Despite he knew he was dying he wanted to drag his sworn enemy whith him and he launched attack at wyrm's head.This was his last attack and most powerful attack with his claws.Bears fangs were more sharper than any weapon.Even normally touching them could injure you.

Because wyrm's tail was still deep in bear's chest he couldn't dodge this attack.So only thing which he could do was take this attack head on.This was only choice but it will result to death.

Wyrm was hitted heavy by bear's sword like claws and sustained lethal injuries on its head.It was dying.Dantalian knew this was his chance.He transmitted his voice to inform Cain and Bebe.

'Cai I am going to sneak attack.Wait here.'

He only said this sentence.After that he took out magical katana from Cai and started channelling blood energy into sword.

Violet Tattooed Bear really live to its reputiation.Even when he was on verge of dying he was still standing and enjoying look at half-dead wyrm Sartius.Dantalian took this chance and used Dash in his full strenght and pierced his sword throught bears head from his full strenght.


It was nice sneak attacks.Bear wasn't paying attention to surroundings so he even dind't knew how he died.After that Dantalian pulled out his sword and threw it at wyrm.Again he aimed at head.It was safest way how to kill it.Fortunately wyrm was half-dead and had no intention of dodging or something.

Dantalian was happy.He earned 600 Points and two Magicite Cores.One 9th Rank form wyrm and more precious Saint Rank Magicite Core from bear.He immediatelly took cores and stored them in his ring.He planned to use Saint Rank Core to let Bebe become more stronger.Now he was at 8th Rank so he will give him one 9th Rank Magicite Core.

'Bebe come here.This is 9th Rank Magicite Core.Refine it.When you are done I have few more.When you reach 9th Rank I will give you Saint Rank Core to refinement.'

He talked to Bebe as he gave him 9th Rank Magicite Core.Bebe took it and after few minutes of looking at it he just simply ate it and then jumped to Cai's arms to sleep.She was suprised but she held her favourite fluffy pet in her arms and cuddled to him.

"Cai I will take as much of that dragon blood as I can.Maybe it will have some use.Or I will take entire dragon corpse.In interspatial it can't decompose.f"

He took entire corpse to his interspatial ring.His ring was now almost full.He though he will need to buy new with unlimited space inside.He even found some pretty good.

'Xian Ring – interspatial ring with unlimmited space inside.Costs 3000 Points and Rank A Reward.'

It wasn't expensive on Points but that A Rank Reward was painful to lose.But he needed bigger ring.These rings which he had on hand were too little.One corpse of some bigger magical beasts and they are full.


"Dantalian what now are you going to took Bloodviolet and complete mission?"

"Yes but as soon as I will took sword this entire place will crumble.So I will take you we will escape as fast as we can.Dylin would emerge from this place few hours after I have taken sword.What is interesting he will actually knew that it was me who had freed him."

Dantalian spoke to Cai as he wakled to Bloodviolet.That sword was truly beautiful.Its deathly bloody aura was filling air.He gripped Bloodviolet and pulled it out from Magical Formation.Instantly magical formation crumbled and beam of light was shot towards the heaven.Cave was falling.

'Mission obtail Bloodviolet and destroy magical formation in foggy Valley completed.

Rewarding 5 000 Points and B Rank Reward'

He heard voice of god in his head and Cai heard that too but neither one of them had time to be happy about it.Dantalian used Dash and took Cai and started to fly away.He carried Cai in so-called 'bridal carry' which made blush almost instantly.

Dantalian's speed was superior so those hundreds of 7th Rank Velocidragons didn't even time to react.

After 30 minuts of flying they arrived at quite far from Foggey Valley.Dantalian put down blushing Cai who was holding Bebe.He than looked at Bloodviolet in his hand.He than saw message.It was weir.Never before he saw message when he held some weapon since he was in this world.

'Bloodviolet- A Rank Sword it could evolve into S Rank Sword.Able to consume souls of killed enemies and use death aura to attack'

He didn't think about it much.Instead of that he was happy and schocked at the same time.He had now A Rank Weapon which could evolve into S Rank.This was really something to celebrate.Then he turned to Cai because there was question what to do with Points.

He wanted to buy Xian ring because these interspatial rings were only trash and was thinking about Cai.She should buy some time of bloodline.

"Cai let's discuss what with our rewards."

She nodded at him and they sat together.She took some meat from her interspatial ring and gave some part of it to Bebe and rest she divided between her and Dantalian.

Bebe was happily eating meat and Dantalian too.It was something what Cai cooked.She was getting better and better in cooking since they were in this world.They could exchange food from exchange system but it wans't too tasty.

"Cai you are getting still better and better.This is delicious."

He praised her cooking while she was beyond happy.

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