《I'm not evil, trust》Chapter 11
When someone who is a pretty awesome slacker wakes you up. You know you are in a weird alternative dimension. Ignoring the fact that I had a very pleasant night and even went to bed with Lily who sported a sexy black goth lingerie. I wasn't expecting to get up til noon.
Who would have known she had a responsible side?
We made it out to the training field and more than just Cambria fell in on me. Like before, I led them into a run followed by glute workout and a bit of upper body. By the fourth lap, all the chubbies were gasping off to the side while the fit ones kept up with me.
So I introduced them to a dance routine that puts more beads of sweat on their temples than waiting in a line outside during midday heat.
Of course, because there were a few girls that could honestly make me stop and daze. I coach them with semi open eyes, definitely Lily who had transformed from a big boned girl to that girl that got meat on her. If you are thinking what the difference is, Google slim thick and look for those with the old two liter bottle that had a curve in it.
If you don't go, oh, I liked that, then you were probably home schooled.
When the sun began rising, I called it and headed home. However, loli and the ebony goddess caught up to me.
"Mr. Winters, I really want to apologize for my mistake. Can we discuss this over dinner?" The Dragon loli is called loli because I don't like that type of flat undeveloped body. Not because it's a cool nickname..
Tinashe interrupted the idiot before she could speak again. "He doesn't like your body type but him not insulting you is saying he doesn't care what you do."
I shot a glance at Tinashe before I came to a halt. 'Okay, why are you following me?"
"Some of us have questions but you left too quickly."
I scanned her and noticed that she wasn't even over 20 percent.
"I hear you but your questions are pointless at your level. You only have to accumulate chi and use it to merge your spirit beast according to the guide. Anything else is putting the cart before the horse." I turned to head towards my napping couch.
"Some of us females wanted to know if we could join your bed like how some of the other groups are doing."
"Sure. Tell them to pick a weekend and send me a picture. If they meet my taste, I'll directly invite them for lunch or something. If they look half as good as you, then we can discuss during the week." I only said that to stop any argument.
Tinashe froze up for a second which allowed me to rush inside. I headed towards my pc and dropped down to study what goals I could achieve today.
One monitor played the morbid news of countless rare and mythical creatures. The death ratio was morbid and it was only going to rise once more rifts open. The other monitor was focused on the numerous demands from the upper echelon.
Of course, a lot of it was deals they made in which they needed help to solidify. Yet, nothing they showed interested me but I did need more cash. However, with how the government was breaking down, cash was going to be useless.
I needed ores really badly. Not only for all the tech we had but couldn't build. Fuck, I just found myself aimlessly scrolling down the list wondering what the fuck i was going to do. I knew the world had ore and tons of untapped veins but the problem is.
There wasn't any near the area I was capable of controlling. Going further meant fighting things I couldn't handle right now.
My phone vibrated and I picked it up expecting Sabrina but what I got was a bunch of naked pics. Some of them look damn right sexy but I put it down.
Leaning back, I pulled up some of the reports on beasts and a map on another screen. I slowly traced the first sightings until I had a proximity of where it all began.
Staring at the map, I started to get an idea. I grabbed my phone and took a moment to get away from a few really.. Was that a twerking clip? Damn, what a perky ass.
Moving on with effort, I sent a message to my Alphas. I needed two from each group. Then I pulled back up my texts and admired those women one more time before going to find Lily.
I kissed down Lily back as she played warzone while laying on her stomach. Me, I wouldn't be capable of any decent micro movements. I kissed each of her fat cheeks before working my way back up to her neck. I slid over her and began nibbling on her ear.
"One on top of the hill. I cracked him." She said with a clear voice as I pushed my tip between her thick cheeks.
I knew the moment when I pushed against the wrong entry point because her ass clenched. She pulled on the air so thickly but it was, honestly, too late as I already had a tip and a few centimeters in.
I kept pushing inward and to be fair, she did relax and even tooted up a bit. The moment I became even with her butt, she let out a breath of relief. I went back to sucking on her neck as my weight settled on her. I eased out a little and sunk my hips back down.
Lily let out a hiss and I slipped a hand under her. Hoping to rub her clit but I forgot the girl had a very fat mound. I had to dig a little for her to feel it though I knew some who could get stimulated over the fatty mound. Her ass perked up some more and I did a slow slithering motion that had her knees sliding in bed.
If not for my phone vibrating, I probably would have tore that ass up. Yet, I got a message that the impromptu team was more than ready.
Slowly, pulling out, I kept kissing her shoulder. She only gave me half a look as I dressed. I rushed towards the portal with a smile. However, I made a mistake upon arriving.
"Bird types have to return, sorry." This led to a bunch of complaints and I noticed that Zach had his team of volunteers on standby.
"You are going to be fighting entirely in your animal form. Birds will not be able to fly unless you want to court death but if you do want to court death. I'm okay with being your witness."
There will always be some people who courted death. I wasn't going to stop them.
"We can fight on the ground." They said.
I laughed and motioned for them to follow me inside. Once I cleared the portal, I shifted and made my way. I almost smirked when my old two story building size increased to a four story and almost sixty yards long.
Most people think that a shifter gains height due to magic but if their spirit beast was a little ole grey wolf. They will be a little ole grey wolf. All of them were small as a raptor which wasn't the scariest thing. No, that was the bigger things like a tri-horn, stegos, weird mutated t-rexes.
They first felt the immense gravity followed by the surge of mana. Laughing at the birds who felt it the worse, I moved out. I caught Zach's group coming in moments later but he led them the opposite way.
The first to run at us was a pack of giant wolves that gave my team trouble. That was with me practicing magic to support and control the enemies. However, they learn what I did. The prey bodies were hard to pierce without chi.
It took them nearly an hour to wipe out the prey and they were exhausted and wounded. Yet, the next prey was incoming and it was big enough to cause me to sway when it stomped down.
The moment the biggest trex I saw so far appeared over the treeline. I flew forward like a black light but I was slapped out the air like a goddamn gnat.
Spinning in the air, I turned and fled. My crew had run the moment they saw me slapped around. It wasn't the best way to start this off but if we could tangle with these bosses, then the rest outside would be easy.
It took us a few hours to lose the damn thing but I didn't fear it. There was a bunch of easier prey for it.
I collapsed in my former cave, the entrance was blocked by a crude enchantment. I unshifted and dropped onto a soft bed of sand and leaves.
"Well, I hope you guys are comfortable because today will be what it is like for the next couple months but don't worry. A month in here is a week outside."
The beefy boy of them took off his pack and began administering to his wounds.
"I would save that if I was you. You will need that for deeper wounds that can't heal cleanly." I chuckled.
One of the girls dropped into the bed beside me after peeling out off her outer layer. "Does this means you are available?" I laughed and dropped my clothes before mounting her.
Two weeks passed by so quickly but our teamwork improved so much. To the point that I could focus on my magic talents while they improved their toughness.
When the big trex came back around, I immediately suppressed it with dark chains. While the team nibbled at its ankles.
The old way we worked was me supporting them but this time, I was the tank. While they would move into supporting roles.
Like a rat to an elephant, I scurried around it as I stabbed it in all vital points. It tried it upmost to get me off, even to the point it was slamming itself into trees or cliffs. Yet, I could fly up and dive back down.
Plus the ants were hella distracting with biting its ankles. It took forever to bring it down but when it dropped. I focus on tearing through its thick neck muscle and opening its arteries.
It was only then that I knew it was truly finished and I had to admit. This wasn't nearly my toughest fight. I drank a mouth full of the blood then let the others do it. When the blood and guts were out, I flew the corpse back and blew away the blood scent.
When I got back, I couldn't help but notice how my team took a longer time. When they eventually showed up, they brought back a lot of wounded shifters.
I laughed as I didn't spot Zach. Being a hero was not the best career if you aren't in a hero novel. Nobody is going to give you the option to gain plot armor.
Shaking off my fatigue, I began laying down a general healing energy that would help their body speed up the recovery process. We had plenty of meat that could give them the necessary energy to keep up the healing. After all, I only had a few scars on me from my first run.
What really made my day was the dragon loli was looking like she was on her last leg as I kneel beside her. I looked her in the eyes as my last dregs work to bring her back to the living. I wanted her to know my contempt for her actions.
When I finished, I went to work cutting off a leg and devouring it to combat my fatigue before crawling into bed.
We ended up having to cut our training session short which was a bloody miracle too. The smell of blood, death, and sex on us could really turn up our noses. The sad part was that we were getting used to it. And that's with women outnumbered men.
Back home, I half expected to hear complaints about the new wolf Alpha but after he beat down all canines. Nobody said a word, life went on as normal.
Well for me it did. Unlike my usual slack days of gaming, eating, and fucking. Today, I was reading a magical beginner book on how to cast spells while creating my own primer. Transforming chi into elemental chi then to runes required a level of focus that left me utterly baffled. Carving it into the ground is easier or just using pure will to shape the elemental chi.
Yet this was seen as crude and a waste of energy by Remy. So now I am creating this as a way to knock out easier to cast spells. Getting frustrated with the failed attempts, I leaned back and stared at the ceiling as I listened to someone hurried steps. They were light and barely touched the concrete. A feline of some type.
My door was open and closed with a slam, which let me know it was an angry Alpha. Probably Evie, I heard she was knocked off her throne by one of the cat shifters that went with me. It isn't surprising but what is, is that Jade maintained her dominance. So has Tony and Jake. That meant they were using their brains and probably training beside the portal where the mana was at an elevated level compared to elsewhere.
I shot a glance at the news reports that have become more frequent. Even reddit has a couple of heavy traffic threads detailing the inevitable. The end of the world for so many of the people.
We should be like the mages and begin clearing up the streets near us. Definitely because I wanted to take control of a portal and the resources inside.
"Evie, hi." I said limply as I read an interesting post about how the mages were taking days to clear streets and the prey swoop back in after a while. How the army safe zones were being attacked in ones and twos but even that caused casualties. This person has the opinion that if the government doesn't find a way to promote the awakening of supernatural people, then earth would lose in the end.
"Are you targeting me?" Evie looked at me with a frown that only made her cutier.
"Not really. I had no idea they would try to replace the old. What I am surprised at is that Tori, who is a school teacher, wasn't replaced but you were. Odd, hm."
"Dont think I can't tell that you had been fuckkng her. You probably trained her to specifically replace me, didn't you!"
Shrugging, I reached for my smoothie and took a gulp.
"Go train and get it back if you really want it. Besides, your husband thinks you don't spend enough time at home, anyway."
That only made Evie mad and I could only sigh and retrieve my phone. "You have an upset pack member in my house. Please come and restrain her before she does something outside of her authority."
Evie's face twisted but she held her anger and left. I wondered if she knew I didn't even unlock the screen?
Laughing, I watched a few live broadcasts of someone attempting to push back the prey street by street as I determined my own strategy.
Running to my room, I threw on clothes and went for a walk. Somehow, I ended up in the plaza but the smell of food made me get in a long line. I listened to the talk of my citizens and while they were worried about the stuff happening outside, they didn't seem stressed out about it. They walked with such light steps that you couldn't even tell burdens rested on their shoulders. Not to mention that the only ones who smell of sadness had close connections to family outside but even they weren't weighed down by it.
Was this human selfishness or just the survival instincts?
"What can I get for you?" The clerk pulled me out of my thoughts.
I ordered a large meal and then went to the side to wait. I caught the hint of a conversation but it changed too fast for me to zero in on the point of contention. Sighing, I started star gazing, after all, these people were all dimes in their own right. Even the skinny ones in boots shorts, such a petite ass wasn't to my liking but I would definitely enjoy it if that was all I had to work with.
"Hey, dragon lord." A bright redhead in a skimpy outfit spoke to me but my lips formed a slight frown. She smelled like a dragon but weaker than I expected.
"I didn't think you would come out of your den and walk among us, regular people." She spoke like we were familiar enough to joke around with. Or maybe she felt she was hot enough that it was fine.
Yet, being visibly hot in the face wasn't everything. Her body was exactly the type I didn't really fuck with.
"I used to come out more but I don't find summer all that welcoming. So I try to not be out as much."
"Oh, I adore the sun but.."
I looked at my ticket and excused myself as I grabbed my food and effortly carried it to a shaded table. I dropped down and began separating food by what smelled the best to what looked less visually appetizing.
I could see that the dragon girl probably wanted to talk to me more but Zach's wife dropped down across from me. I had to question why he went out with such a skinny woman as the Director when his wife was a stunning woman. Those curly brown hair and thick pink lips, with her head shape? Dead knockout. While her breast wasn't all that big, her hips were and while I never checked her out before. I was sure she was round and bouncy. The woman was just a country Belle that could really cause a bar fight.
"The new Alpha didn't explain what happened to my husband. Plus I don't like the way he looks at me like I am his property. I hope you can set him straight." She didn't beat around the bush, though I do guess those tats aren't for show. Definitely the one on her neck that had numbers as the stem of a rose in a skull mouth.
"You know who your husband's lover was right?" I asked to scoop up some pasta and its sauce.
She nodded, "the skinny bitch from the pigs."
"He wanted to go outside and lead men to fight against the horde. I didn't approve but he pushed for a condition upon which he could meet. So I set one and spent a week inside a world that a horde came out of. He overestimated himself and died. As for the exact details, I don't know as I was heading back to my cave when my team brought the remnants of his team to me."
There was a tear that streaked down her cheek and her knuckles were white around her glass.
"What can you do about the Alpha harassing me?" She moved on to the next point.
I had a thick wad of food in my mouth so I could only hold up a hand while I finished chewing.
"Honestly, everyone knows my stance on raping or coercion. So you don't have any problems regarding it. As for his admiration at your beauty, I can't do anything about it." I shrugged helplessly.
"Is it because I'm not one of you?"
"No, it is because infatuation is a personal matter. I would seem too demanding if I tell someone they can't have a crush on a beautiful woman. Plus even I would hit on you had I not been hungry." I emphasize my hunger with another spoonful of pasta and shrimp.
"I can understand having a crush but he is constantly showing up at my job and when I take my son to baseball practice. Something has to be done about this." She pulled out her phone and showed me pictures which couldn't be refuted.
Sighing, I set my spoon down. "I honestly can't tell him not to crush on you. It would be like me playing daddy. But how about this, I'll put out a notice saying not to bother you through your mourning period. That'll give you a few months to get away from the horny dogs. Unless you have a better solution."
Her eyes lit up as if I just walked into a trap. Which then made me notice she was in a sundress but that is normal on a hot day.
"I read a report that says that shifters won't hit Alphas mate. You could…"
"No, thanks. I don't need a mate nor do I want one." Actually, my mind flashed to Sabrina but I can't have her. So playboy lifestyle.
"We don't have to get married, you can just sleep with me once a week which will leave your scent on me. And he won't bother me anymore."
"I really think you are beautiful but I don't approve of your method. Why didn't you go talk to Jade or your mayor first? I am curious."
Miss. Murphy twisted her fingers together. "Because they won't be able to help. If they block the alpha, there are still other shifters and now mages. Nobody normally wants to get on the bad side of them and Jade will just go to you when she can't get the desired result. Sleeping with you to push away my troubles isn't a big compromise. It's better than moving out into the chaotic world right now."
I didn't respond and just ate. After all, I needed to come up with an overall solution to this mess. I thought having a mundane mayor would help solve the problem but he is a man. Men can get content as long as they are rewarded but women tend to get too ambitious and emotionally.
Whatever, I'll just hold another election and the best candidate will have a chance to become an awakened candidate. It wasn't hard to do. My dragon saliva could transform someone into a supernatural creature. It is just a weaker version than the first gen.
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