《I'm not evil, trust》Chapter 6
Chapter 6
My day was pretty much a switch between playing league, a bit of cuddle on the couch with Tori while I caught up on movies. Then more league when they switched on me to officially promote whoring me out for power ups.
(The more I struggle, the more they feel like they are winning and thus more I win. Smart boy pants.)
Yet, the new girl was someone I probably met in passing at the gathering last night but a sister paid much attention to due to how plain she looks. Unlike in books where every shifter was an 8 through 10, she was merely a 6 due to having wide hips which led to heart shape bottom.
However, Martha was a single mother who had a really troublesome son. Yet, the woman could game even though she was only a silver midlaner.
This was how most of my Monday under lock down went.
Tuesday was slightly better. Not only did I stay in bed until noon but the sex was pretty good too. That woman could throw out some fireworks under very limited stimulation. Yet, the switch up happened again and I had my first real complaint.
The girl in question smelled like she partied with other people's sperm. Not only that but she could represent lolis everywhere.
"Sorry you have to go. I have standards and you are just a straight disrespect to them." I shooed her out with a simple hand gesture while grabbing a bottle of water.
Honestly, I should go check on the herbs I called myself to be growing in the greenhouse or even try to practice magic. After all, dragons were magical creatures who were said to be originators of magic in some instances.
"How am I any different from Tori who is married?" The new girl because she could not have been an old member of this pack.
I touched my nose before making the shadows drag her out the house, nicely. Which I felt like would give me a few minutes before anybody else would bother to come bother me.
However, the moment I got up and stretched, A knock on the door followed by high heels and only so many women here bothered with high heels if that wasn't part of their work outfit. All three I could count on my hands because they either work as a lawyer, big time ceo, or pr lady.
I continue with my stretching while a dirty blonde sway on in. My only problem with skirts and button downs, were that the women in them usually have small breasts and wide hips but tiny ass that can just be considered an extension of their back.
"Miss English, how nice it is to see you." I grabbed a bottle of water and drained it.
She dropped gently onto a chair and tossed a file before me. "I was working overtime to give us a beneficial deal with the government. I know your stance but I think that we should push them some."
I merely raised my eyebrow as I dropped into a squat and flipped open the file. I slowly read through it as I had to Google some terms.
But the gist is that the government would recognize us as a species of human. They'll give us land and a city to control as we like. Won't stop people from migrating towards us. Along with some minor benefits.
However, the land we own right now is a part of the Agoura hills which average twenty thousand people per year. It is a beautiful city and location but we already own more than sixty percent of the city that wasn't government owned property or franchise. This compound covers more than five hundred acres and could be considered the size of a major college campus.
I don't see how this deal really benefits us. Yet, this is the kicker. The benefits the government gets is just slightly to their advantage.
I didn't bother with giving her a response yet. I just stared at her for a few long minutes while lofi played in the background.
"Do you not like the agreement?" Cambria asked while straightening out her skirt.
"Let me ask you a question." I stood up and grabbed a blanket from the cabinet as I laid it on the floor. Tossing down a few pillows and preparing a few snacks and water for my substance while I watch some Netflix. "What made you think that we needed a deal from the government? Do you think we have committed some wrongful act that will alienate us from the common people? Or do you think we need handouts and can't support ourselves like common people?"
Cambria brows crinkled as she turned towards me with a little shift. As one of the mundane among us, she had this odd way of thinking that wasn't necessarily beneficial to my plans.
After all, I wasn't thinking about our cooperation with the government as something that needed to happen. Because what guarantee did they have for surviving five more months? They probably had a team that questioned why only specific people awaken abilities that needed you to develop them but they might not pay attention to the whole picture.
"Is this not beneficial to the community? They don't have to stay on lock down and can openly go out…"
I shook my head as I sat down on my pallet. "Do you know why we were even targeted by the government before?"
Her body language said no even though she kept silent.
"The reason we were targeted is because a traitor to the organization got some authority and tried to make a power play. He gave out some information on how we shifters became us. Then work with a greedy government pig to extract a few living samples." I looked into her blue eyes, "Do you think the government gave up?"
She said nothing and I sighed.
"It's better for us to not ask for handouts when we can legally attain what we need. Unless you feel that you are some kind of special entity incapable of working?" I shot her a look while flipping through a list of shows.
"Okay, I had the wrong idea. My apologies for stepping outside of my boundaries." She said as she grabbed the file and stood up.
"You can stay if you want. Apparently. I'm on house arrest until Evie and Zach feels like enough time past to let me back out to plot world domination. Plus there is a chance for you to awaken as a shifter if I bite you."
Her high heels that sounded determined to leave came to an abrupt stop. Most mundane people wanted to become a shifter but if they weren't a part of a specific family then they weren't going to get changed.
Why? It really took a lot out of the shifter not only during the process but also after. One, a shifter with fifty percent integration has to bite someone. That shifter vitality and chi will work to transform the other person's body. When that newly bitten shifter awakens it will automatically become a shifter with a fully integrated soul but its progress will only proceed by increasing chi like a mage increases mana.
Sadly, the after part is the most annoying as the biter has to teach the bitee how to shift and handle the new senses and desires.
Cambria turned to me with those pretty blue eyes and the wrinkles at the corner of her mouth deepened as she thinned her already thin lips.
If you are wondering, I am only testing whether or not she will become a dragon or a drake. Plus I wondered if I would get any personal benefits from it other than having a lawyer on my side.
"How do we go about it?" She said as her high heels had an almost Skippy beat to it as she returned to me.
"Well first, during sex because the pleasure will distract you from the pain of going through the change. Trust me when I say it can honestly be the worst thing you will ever go through. Definitely the fire organ, that will make you wish to kill yourself." I didn't think sex would really stop the pain. After all, the change was both on a spiritual and physical level. Orgasms were all physical.
However, Cambria wasted no time taking off her heels followed by a skirt and shirt.
I positioned some pillows and patted them. "Lay down on your stomach. I don't want you trying to bite me while in pain. That would be annoying."
Cambria did so without any hint of embarrassment but giving her age and figure, what did she have to be embarrassed about? She kept herself in shape and on top of that, I was just super excited to see my first minion.
I eased down her panties with practice control. My fingers ever so softly, grazing her skin the whole way down. I read in an erotica that putting someone's mind entirely on comfort and their sexuality, you will receive a better response.
So without a moment of wasted time, I continued the momentum back up her legs. Over that hump that she called an ass and straight to the curve of her back. My massage skills might not have been up to snuff as I watched a couple videos while eating breakfast this morning but I was damn ready to practice and I had time.
Plus I was cheating with a bit of electrotherapy. I had to assume it was a success because her eyes were closed and lips parted. Her breathing was much more relaxed compared to the stampede her heart was at earlier.
She definitely had no objections when my fingers parted her lower lips and tasted her. When I took a gander, there were indeed a few webs between my fingers.
No wonder masseuses get all the pussy. I'm just an amateur and she's already ready.
I helped her toot her ass up by folding a pillow and placing it under her. Then I restarted the massage at her neck and slowly worked downward. Using the flow to slip my tip inside and then back up her back.
She wasn't as enthusiastic sounding as the video women but that hearty breathing was at least reassuring. Maybe she had a number of massages often and thus could maintain her decorum.
I did one last round before placing my hands to the side of her. My stomach sucks in as my hips arch back and then puff out as my hips slithered forward. I eased into her inches at a time and it wasn't until my hips started grinding against her bottom that I started seeing large reactions. Such as her crossing her legs and tightening up her ass so hard that she hid that dark star of hers.
Just the way I had to lean a little more forward as I down thrust let me know she was trying to push the pillow as far down as it could go. But I wasn't going to ask her to stop when that pussy was so good. It was so good that I had to look up into the fireplace as my hips performed like a snake. Each and every motion a practice and measured performance that could be called nothing but graceful.
And yet, not even three minutes in she had me on the cusps of a climax. Even as she rolled through hers to the point that her legs were dangling in the air as she gripped furiously on the blanket I put down.
I dropped to my elbows and nuzzled her neck. Our body melded together as I tried to fight back against the incoming wave. My body switched from long slow strokes to even slower strokes that caused the fat on her ass to roll up and down. She ended up arching her ass up as the muscles on her neck stood out upon her letting out an ugly cry.
I chose that moment to pull at my chi as my teeth changed to fangs. I bit into her tender skin and felt more than just my chi surging through my teeth like poison. The feeling was akin to someone hand stroking your dick while your balls are on fire.
Speaking of which, my balls released straight fire from my shaft. It really did mess up my stride but I was able to recover. When the milking feeling evaporated, I lifted my head from her pokey dotted shoulder and began thrusting hard into her.
I know I said it once already. This slender cougar had some good ass pussy but I didn't know then what I know now. Forgive me for my experience of being five girls deep with Sabrina being the biggest factor in my life. So now I can tell you honestly, this pussy right here that not only was creaming on my dick but that shit was leaking out of her. Was the best pussy I have ever had the honor of being in. This is before she howled and started squirting two seconds ago.
I was supposed to watch her body reaction to the shifter flu but I was so into my own sensation that I didn't. I had pulled her up into a kneeling position, ass up, face down. My fingers were digging for purchases on her hip as I put my life on the line.
Yet, I could partially tell by the way her pussy was gripping me in odd ways that she was going to make it. She would just be really fucking sore but that was her problem later.
A little after my dick failed to get back up, I noticed that her veins were protruding all over her body. Her eyes were bugging against the lids as she kept them tightly closed.
I thought about going to get some real food or shower while she went through this but my conscious guilt trip me. Definitely after that bit of good pussy. So I straightened her out, eased open her hands and unfurled her toes. Then proceeded to massage her whole body until the high tension in her muscles were relaxed.
This was the best I could do for her physical discomfort. As for the soul, nothing I could do.
I worked until my hands were cramped , then I took a lunch break and a bit of shower. When I came back a little over two hours later because I played a bit of league. She was sitting on the floor looking dazed.
Well, I almost didn't recognize her with how she was a bit younger than when she came in. A lot tighter and her breast didn't look as saggy as before. When I squated down in front of her to check and see if her soul or mind was damaged, she grabbed my dick and gave me an awesome ass blow job. Of course, I didn't think I would respond any time soon but I guess I had plenty of rest. She rode me into another dick coma before coming to her senses.
Which is normal or so I was told. The shift can make them hungry but sometimes that hunger was misidentified.
As she laid against my chest with me combing her scalp with my fingers. I felt a faint connection to her but what really had me over the top was the feeling of being complete. There wasn't this disjointed feeling where my spirit beast desired something but I didn't, I would feel its displeasure. Now it was like I was whole and so comfortable that I could just sit here forever.
I think I found myself sitting here for a couple hours to the point that the person who was supposed to replace that other girl came in and froze in the doorway. She had on that rebellious outfit. The sideway comment t-shirt with black skirt and fishnet skirt. On Top of that she had short black hair with green highlights and black lipsticks.
"Oh, I am sorry. They said nobody else was here but you." She had a sweet sounding voice for a goth.
I pushed Cambria off me as I stretched out. "It's fine. I was just seeing if I could turn her into a shifter without emotional attachments like the others. Seems I succeeded."
Cambria stretched like she had a very satisfying nap. She really looks so much better without the wrinkles. I wondered how her partners in law would handle a younger her.
Cambria went to get dressed while not hiding a satisfied smile. Definitely after she looked into the mirror.
The goth walked around her and dropped into a chair beside mine and took out a laptop, headset, and mouse.
"Do I need to come visit you for lessons or anything?" Cambria asked while buttoning up shirt.
I nodded, "yeah, you smell like a drake which is just a tame version of a dragon. Not all that mystical but you are still a firing breathing lizard."
Cambria nodded and then skipped across the hardwood floor as she attempted to speed walk. I shook my head and dropped down beside the goth. She cast me a few looks and I sniffed her with a bit of confusion.
One, she had dota pulled up on her screen. Two, she was mundane and not that much older than me but definitely a chubby girl. Because she is white, you could even say she was a pawg but she wasn't really rounded to call it phat. It's just that she had decent genes and acquired birthing hips which splayed her ass out if she bent over. Plus she had milk jugs in the front. She was definitely not a Hottie but adorable did describe her.
"Want to play classic wow?" I asked after pulling it up myself. I fuck with wow and still did a few raids even though they basically made the characterization a bit too simple.
"No, thanks. Playing with my friends." She replied too quickly.
"Why are you here?"
"What do you mean? They said we can sleep with the alpha and it's beneficial. Why wouldn't I agree?"
"You know it only works on shifters, right?"
"That's not what they said."
"Who are they?"
"Mrs. Evie and that guy in the white coat."
"Who is the shifter in your family?"
"My brother, why?"
"There is no way for you to become a shifter then."
"What do you mean?"
"Because a shifter has to bite you but nobody but family would. Like a father biting his son and daughter. However, it's unlikely for a brother to bite his sister when he can bite the girl he loves."
Her face took on an oh look. "Can't you bite me?"
I burst out laughing, "are we related? Or do you think you are my wife? What benefits can you bring to the pack if you did become a shifter?"
"I can cook and I'm a student in the IT department. Which means that I could set up server rooms, communication lines, and a private secured network." She took a breath before continuing, "also I don't mind being exclusive to you. Which means you don't have to deal with different shifters looking to get laid."
I tilted my head and turned to someone walking softly. My lips tugged upwarded upon seeing Jade and Evie looking worn out.
"The government shifters are here. I put them in the dorms but that's not a long term solution. What do you have planned for them?" Evie said straight away.
I don't know why she felt the need to take control of the community but I was grateful. Sometimes.
"Why isn't it a great solution?"
"They brought families and the dorms were made to house four minimum."
"Lonnie, it's not a permanent solution."
"Don't use my name in that tone."
"Get the gloves."
"I'm sorry, you are right. It's not a permanent solution. How about you ask the mage construction team to finish the apartments for now and then the grocery store followed by the community gym?" I spray my hands out while smiling.
Evie rolled her eyes and nodded at the goth who was legit playing dota like It was a real game.
"We saw Cambria. Are you going to take her up on her offer?"
"Of course not. Cambria was just to see what will happen and how it affects me. Plus her pussy was good as fuck. I'm still on downtime after." I stood up to showcase my sleeping beauty.
Jade's aggressive eyes stared at like she was saying I was being silly. "Lon, her gifts could be good for the community and she is willing to be only with you. If you are expecting Sabrina to follow up with you after college. Then you are blind, she already moved back in with her mother and started seeing another guy."
That hurt. Why did she have to aim so low? Dragons have feelings too.
"Is that why you guys are feeding me pussy huh? Keeping me from killing the fool playing with what's mine."
"That is exactly right. She doesn't consider herself yours but Lily here will."
"I agree. I'll be yours." Goth girl added in while she was on a death timer.
My lips pursed and I dropped into my chair like a child throwing a tantrum. I mean, yeah her gifts would be a welcome addition to the community. We lacked that gap but I had no idea if it would even matter in a few months. So locking my slot with this chubby princess wasn't something I was eager about.
A, she plays dota. B, we, honestly, haven't fuck and if she wasn't good then I would be screw. C, Same for her cooking skills.
"After we fuck, I'll consider it but the question is. When are you two next? And I don't want to hear some excuse about being fair to the community. I'm using my alpha power to say I want you two one after the other. If I don't get it, I really will throw a fit and there are a bunch of tasks on the forum. Just be mindful."
Jade rolled her eyes while walking away with an extra helping of swag in those hips. Evie just frowned at my willful display.
"You aren't a child anymore. You need to start growing up." Oh, she was going to rant?
"Your choice Evie. Either you give me what I want or I'll have to stop taking a backseat in the management of our community. After all, the enforcers are more than happy to see a more aggressive side to us. Keeping me happy is your best bet or I'll have to seek my own form of enjoyment."
I grabbed my headset and tossed them on while Evie stood there clenching her fist. Sbe really wanted to hit me but I don't think she knows that I won't listen to sparring instructions when I'm more of an assassin type.
Evie left after dropping a heavy sigh. I turned to Lily with a smile as my dick acted like a flag in the wind.
"How about some help?"
Goth girl eyed me before continuing to play her match. I clicked my tongue and muttered about her losing her chance to be turned by me.
Which got her up on her feet, well knees as she gave me the sloppiest blow job ever. But at least her efforts after weren't half bad. I could live with this level of pleasure.
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