《I'm not evil, trust》Chapter 4
It was 7:58 a.m. when I hit the highway, eating on a bacon, egg biscuit. My heart was beating to the bass of the summer heat. Bright cloudy days are a blessing in the winter but come summer, all I can think about is being inside where the air never stops.
I eased on the brakes as someone ram up his engine to cut in front of me from the exit lane. A typical city driver with no care to engine longevity.
"I'm taking my time.. looking through a scope.. snakes in the grass.."
I couldn't help kicking it with this song. K.a.a.n had a weird way to pull you in even though it was all educational type raps. Though I guess someone might even call him a woke rapper but that term is a bit synthetic. You only awake when you know your life is nothing more than a cog in a great machine? It was way too biased. A way for college kids to throw out their superiority without having a real solution to today's problems.
My right signals pop on as I turned into the exit lane, having to swerve back into my lane as the driver behind me sped up just to deny me.
Asshole, right?
Oh snap, this song was dope as shit but don't ask me to try to emulate the bars. Guy was so in the mode that all I could do was nod my head and tap the wheel. While turning it up to the point the windows were vibrating.
I pulled up to a very large gated community with several buildings still under construction. The gate guards open the gate upon seeing my face as I roll down the window. The residential area looked so lively as kids played ball or rode bikes in the park. The smell of BBQ had me looking at the wrappers from Mickie, wondering why it couldn't be more.
I parked the car into the largest house, just as a few beefy boys came trotting over in workout gear. Well, I forgot the two mma fighters that look just as good as Rhonda rousey in a dress just as training gear. Even if they didn't have big asses, they had a kind of sex appeal that made any man want to wrestle with them in bed.
I ran a hand through my hair as I pulled a cap over it and put on sunglasses. I almost wanted to throw on another level of suntan lotion but I would just sweat it off.
"Is everybody here and settled?" I asked as I got out and closed the door gently.
"Yeah, you are the last one. We still have six to seven houses plus the dorm available for more shifters." Evie said as she pulled me into a hug. Which started a round of hugs and forearm grabs before we could get down to business.
"I read the documents you sent and I think that they will try taking someone you are close with. After all, the losses they have sustained recently will make them confused but focus on their only link. You." Zachery started up the serious matter right away.
"Yeah, I don't really understand why they settle on me. I assumed it is something more than just a president decree and new tech. I haven't been as active in the underworld since I had the movie gig." I threw out my confusion.
"I had Dj look into everybody but we are all clean. I think the leak came from the spellcaster group. After all, unlike us, they can't pull in all the casters into one group. So we get more resources and we all know that spellcasters are those unrefined Ceo's or politicians. They are too used to playing it dirty." Evie tosses in.
"We can brainstorm all we want but I think we should prepare for war." My favorite crime lord, Jake Delgado of the Delgado cartel got to the point I wanted to make.
"Honestly, we might have superior physical capabilities but they have us in weaponry, intel, and manpower. How and who do we wage war with?" Zach leaned against my car.
"Of course, we take out the feds first. We make an example of the biggest force first. I bought some stuff from my father that will help us. Plus you all know he has tons of stuff he can't move because of the war coming to an end in the middle east. Its great opportunity for us." Delgado gestured at the finished armory.
My eyes couldn't help but light up. "What is important is our identities. We need some kind of communication line that can't be hacked plus bullet proof suits and helmets to block out hair and voice. If we can get this, then it will be simple to paint a narrative beneficial to us."
Evie sighs before speaking. "I can use some of my contacts to get the suits made. As for the communication lines? Why not ask Remy to do it. His team did a great job on the concealment and other stuff. Definitely the mana power plant." She gestured at the largest building in the distance, almost hidden by trees.
I nodded, I like that a plan was in the making and we weren't being passive about this. Evolvers are the future. Why would we need some mundane sticking his hand in our pockets when we were already being such polite guests. Ha, now I'm acting like a true animal.
You dare posture in front of me? First, your land then your wealth.
I couldn't help clapping my hands as I turned to see Nikkia standing at my door in a lacy white gown. Well I don't even know if it was a two piece or not because it had a long sleeve and coattails that made your eyes hike down to her long ebony legs in white stockings. I wondered if she thought the way she stood made her more appealing but I did have a reaction.
"Okay, I have a meeting at 12. I need two to go with me. Might as well bring a duffel bag because I have a feeling the feds are going to be around." With that hanging in the air, I walked my extra horny ass over to her with a quickness that would surprise a range commander.
Okay, I might be pushing my stamina on two biscuits and apple juice. Definitely have to grab something to eat and drink before we walk in.
My eyes cringed away as Zach pulled at his balls like the leather material was suffocating him.
"How did you wear this shit during the shoot? My balls are already sweating and we have cloud cover for a second." He kept fanning himself as he walked to the back of his car and popped the trunk.
I look down at my own black leather outfit. It was tight but not uncomfortable tight. Maybe because he was bigger than me in the waist? Naw, my pride can't handle not being the biggest.
Evie rolled her eyes as she dropped her duffel bag off in the back of my trunk.
"At least you aren't having your breast pushed into your back." She tugged at her sports bra but all three of us guys sported a confused look.
"Isn't that your normal state anyway?" Delgado took one for the team. I was inches away from saying something similar but I knew I couldn't beat her ass. So I bit my tongue. So glad he didn't.
Evie gave him a dead eye stare as she cock her glock and I turned to my vest. I tagged two flashbangs, frags, and a new weird emp grenade. Along with 4 clips for my glock and three for my assault rifle. One six inch bowie for emergency situations and I was all set.
Eddie walked up with a duffel bag over his shoulder as I finished suiting up. He gave us one look then looked down at his black jeans with black leather jacket.
"Got another set?"
Both me and Zach looked at Evie who was about his same size. She gave us a look of pure exasperation before jogging to her home.
By the time we finished preparing and eating, it was about 10:15. It took us an hour and half just to get to the underground parking lot two blocks away. We each don a trench coat and split up. Me and Evie went north and around the block. Jake and Eddie went south and around the block. Zach went in search of a good sniper nest.
"Do you really think there is a traitor or is this how you are going to swing a city over?" Evie asked as we waited on the red light for northbound traffic.
"Does it really matter?"
"Of course it does. Not all of us are into playing Godfather. We don't want a tony Montana ending. So if this is one of your sly plots, I hope you considered us normal family oriented shifters."
"Stop nagging. I have evidence that they were targeting us first. While I do want to take over the city, it is more from the shadows."
We jogged across the street and paid attention to how many patrol cars were driving by. Not to mention, the smell of brass and gun oil. There are three squads of swat that were sweating and cursing up a storm in two underground garages.
Shaking my head, I directed us to the hotel and nodded at Jack and his cousins at the elevator. You didn't have to look around to know that the lobby which was usually scarce of people was full of feds. They didn't even try to hide how often they scope out the guest. It created an awkward air that had many guests turning around to look for a new hotel.
We step on the elevator and hit the third floor button. Getting off, I couldn't help but noticed that the janitor that used to work here was replaced with a decent looking male. Or how there were people sweeping the stairs. It was so bad that we caught sight of them on every floor and just had to suffer them knowing we were going to the sixth floor.
"Did you at least use your ability to blur out faces?" Jake asked as he pulled out his assault rifle and slung it across his shoulders.
The rest of us followed suit. After all, him and Zach had tons of experience leading raids like this. One as cartel gunmen who paid for expertise mercenary training from Intel agents to spec op soldiers. While the other was an ex special forces commander with two decades under his belt.
"Yeah, but it only works on cameras. We have to get rid of the witnesses." I answered without any sass.
Our helmets slide into place and we toss an emp in first followed by red laser sight taking aim at every dumb fuck that tried to reach for their standard issue firearms.
Jake and Eddie swept the bedrooms while me and Evie tied down the ones not dead. Lucky, for us that the guys left on their laptops, so we were able to quickly begin downloading data relevant to us.
"I wonder if the General knows about this?" Zach's voice came over the ear piece.
"How can he not? The rats infested this building which he owns." Jake replied as he peeked out the window.
"Let's head on up. I am curious what they have to say about this?" I gestured at the laptop and my crew crowded around before cursing.
The traitor was someone that the General knew personally because the asshole often came to meetings with him. Ah, this would be fucking good.
We execute the captives before catching the elevator to the last penthouse floor. Couple casters bodyguards eyed us but made no move. After all, only those with a DNA scan could access this floor. It was useless for others to try to Jimmy it.
We walked around the living couch and I dropped into a chair with my leg prop up on the arm. A smirk was hidden by the helmet but I couldn't help but feel smug.
The general and his son both shook their heads while probably having similar thoughts. Well, having a traitorous son might not be what the General had in mind when he called for this meeting.
I threw one glance at the different groups of casters. Some were made up of pure family and subordinates while others were those with similar interests. Each had an enormous wealth in this city and few others. Each were vying for control of the caster circle and the mundane resources but resources were limited. Extremely for both groups, the warrior and casters.
The General turned on the big screen behind him and began his opening speech.
"I'm not going to beat around the bush. The organization has discovered that the governor has an unnatural interest in this specific city. We were able to determine that someone in this group has sided with the local government over us and this is against the agreement you have signed."
Outrage broke out among the casters but we shifters were as quieted as a mouse. As for the small group of warriors, they work directly for the traitor. So of course, they were quiet.
A very refined looking politician looked at us and spoke up in what I call pure envy.
"Do you animals have nothing to say? I, honestly, wouldn't be surprised if they betray us. Dogs are man's best friend."
I sat up correctly and tossed a thumb drive to the general while pulling out my glock and putting a round through the politician's head. His guards looked down at my crew guns and held up their hands.
The general wasted not a second during the whole commotion checking the data on the drive. His face didn't even change as he got to the file about the deal his son had made. Instead he stood up and planted a fruit knife into his son's eye.
My crew took out the small group of paid warriors and then we turned to the General. Expecting compensation for the trauma we experienced at the hands of the feds.
"I apologize on behalf of the organization for the trouble my rebellious son has caused you. The organization will give you an answer within the next week. You are dismissed."
I walked over to the mayor group with a smile as I pulled off my helmet.
"We should meet up and talk about what we can do for this city."
The mayor nodded and passed me a card with a date and time written on it as his group took a weird fire portal to leave.
Damn, magic is so cool.
Me and my crew had to walk around and shit. While they just teleported around like goddam magicians. Fuck it, we could leave with a cool as exit too.
I put my helmet back on and jumped out the window. Well, I tried but the window bounced my ass backward. I couldn’t help looking at the General who was trying so hard not to laugh that his mustache was shaking.
Getting up, I patted myself down and walked obediently to the elevator.
"Swat team just entered." Zach's voice saved me from a very timely diss session. Instead we turned serious and Jake pulled out an emp while his cousin grab a flashbang.
The door dinged open and both flee out.
I don't know who made such a call but it gave us plenty of room to rush out. Our visors block the flash of light. While the emp cut off the lights, so that only red lines track disoriented bodies.
Honestly, this was an unfair set up before the swat showed up. It became even more unrealistic as we hawk down these mundane imbeciles. It got so bad that when we look out the door, several cars, vans, and whatever that other car was called barricaded the front lobby.
Yet, we just chunk frag grenades into the barricades and rush out upon hearing the explosion. We were so fast that pieces of debris were still flying in the air as we jumped over the barricades.
You can expect our reaction upon seeing people diving for cover or being blown backwards. We tossed out flashbangs and began a killing spree just because we had superior advantages for a brief moment.
Plus with the cover fire that suppressed the enemy snipers, we had a solid Forty-seven seconds to unleash the wrath of dragons.
Like before, we split into two groups and disperse. Our trench coats were dancing behind us as our duffel bags were taking the opportunity to return all the abuse they received over the years.
I heard a helicopter but then a loud explosion. Sadly, I didn't have time to watch it go down as we jog into a dark area of a parking garage. Feeling up on Evie, I shadow stepped us to the car but somehow we were still behind Eddie and Jack. Even Zach was sitting in the driver seat with a smirk.
"I blame Evie, fat ass." I threw out to save some face. Which only got me punched hard Enough to leave a bruise. What can I say, dragons, we fly. Our stubble little legs were only good enough to stomp others. If someone sold big enough timbs, we would definitely put them back on the map.
"You know the government will definitely blame this on us. After all, shifters awaken as such due to us doing physical activities while casters awaken due to wanting to dominate and having ability to. We should all sleep at the compound for the next few days." Zach said with some hint of amusement.
Jake shook his head, "I have a business deal out of state. While they might think we are involved. I don't think they will just attack us after such a heavy loss."
I shrugged and leaned back to enjoy the ride. I just hope Sabrina doesn't throw a wild party at my house while I'm out.
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