《The Delusion of Stars》The Best Lie
The next day, I wake up on the floor of Sarah’s room.
“Good morning,” I greet.
“… Good morning,” Sarah says shyly.
Sarah is in a new outfit and sits on her bed. She looks like she’s watching videos on her laptop.
It must be just as awkward for someone to wake up on the floor of your room as it is to wake up on the floor of someone else’s room.
I still haven’t told my parents that I canceled the ‘road trip’.
I think it’s Sunday. I’ll have to go back to school tomorrow.
I check my phone to confirm the date. Yeah, Sunday. More interestingly, a message from Kyle waits in my inbox.
Was he serious about having something to tell me?
“Hello, Allen. If you’d like, we could meet sometime today. I have things I’d like to speak with you about. I’m sure I know some information you may want too.”
“Information that I’d want?”
“Good to see that you’re interested! Let’s talk. Meet me at-”
He adds the address of a park and a time to meet. He wants to meet in a couple hours, around lunch.
“Hey Sarah, I’m going to go meet with Kyle.”
Sarah looks worried, “… Are you sure that you want to do that? It could be dangerous.”
“What are you worried about? I have six gems, I’ll be fine.”
“… That’s not what I meant. He’s crafty and manipulative.”
“I’m sure I’ll be fine. I’ll rely on you if he says anything strange.”
“Alright. Be careful, Allen.”
Although, truthfully, I don’t want to bring Sarah back into this.
I walk downstairs with Sarah. She starts cooking some eggs for us for breakfast. Yeah, eggs. There’s still no sign of her parents. I can’t believe that I still haven’t seen them. They’re too absent from their child’s life.
While I wait for the eggs I scroll through channels on the television. A local news program shows up, “In the same forest that recently had a fire created by delinquents, a large tree has suddenly grown from the ashes. Although, it grew much faster than any tree should have. Many are afraid of these woods and believe that they’re haunted. The tree has no leaves and is a birch tree in a forest containing only oak. The tree towers over the others and the top can be seen from outside of the forest. No residents seem to remember the tree being there. How could such a large tree appear out of no where? Are these strange events just coincidence? Or is there something more mysterious going on? In other news-”
I shudder thinking about that fight again. I really want to take my mind off of it. It’s too horrible.
But, yet again, these events have effected more people than just us. Luke, Dylan, Rachel, and Christina’s families probably all miss them.
I need to stop thinking about this. It’s too much for me.
“Eggs are ready!”
“Oh sorry,” I got lost in my thoughts.
“Are you alright?” Sarah asks concerned.
“Of course. I’m ready for some eggs!” I swiftly try to change the subject.
Me and Sarah eat our eggs. They taste much different from how my mom makes them. They’re both delicious.
Eventually, I part with Sarah and leave for the day. I need to talk with Kyle and get back to my mom so she knows I’m alright.
I drive around for a while before heading to the park. I’ll be far too early if I go now. I simply drive around aimlessly, deep in thought.
So much has happened lately. In one day, Christina sacrificed herself for Simon and Simon revealed himself to be a selfish awful person, we fought Rachel and she killed Dylan. That’s far overly simplified but still, it was just one day.
My mind wandered to the fight again and I see a replay of Dylan getting killed by Rachel.
If only I were-!
Eventually, the time to meet with Kyle comes and I pull into a parking lot.
The weather is nice and I take a deep breath to appreciate the nature.
The park is very nice. It looks new, but there are no kids playing. It’s empty. The slides and swing sets look like they’ve never even been used. Maybe that’s why the place looks so new? Nobody ever comes around.
I wonder if the kids it was made for have grown up?
The nice view of the park is ruined by the tired yet presentable man sitting on a bench.
Kyle glances up from his phone and makes eye contact with me. He gives me a playful wave and smile.
He feels so different than he used to.
“Hello, Allen. I’m glad that you were able to make it.”
“Hello. What do you want from me?” I cut to the chase.
He looks offended, “Nothing! I just wanted to talk. I really do. You’re so much more interesting now than you used to be.”
“What do you mean by that?”
“You’ve got this look in your eyes… how do I say it? Well, you look confident. That alone isn’t interesting at all, it’s that you still look so determined as well. You’ve always had a determined look but had nothing to back it up. But now you seem so confident as well. Are you that proud of your power?”
“…” How do I answer that?
I just look at him as irritated as possible.
“C’mon now. Why the look? Let me flesh out what I was saying a little more. You’re confident in your new power and determined to use it. Determined to be stronger and to fulfill your goals. It comes off as arrogance to me, but arrogance is entertaining too.”
“That didn’t sound any better than last time.”
“But you can’t get any stronger, can you? You’ve hit a road block. The ultimate goal would be godhood through obtaining all of the gems. Yet, that’s impossible now. Simon is invincible!” Kyle exaggerates his words and it sounds like he’s acting in a drama.
… I have thought that before. Can he read minds or something?
“So, you said that you had something I wanted to know?”
“You’re such a buzzkill. Let’s talk for a little longer. I’m quite lonely by myself. It’d be wonderful if you’d talk for a while longer with me.”
“Whatever,” I guess I’ll keep listening, there’s no harm in it, “Keep talking.”
“Wonderful. Actually, I thought this was peculiar, which person’s Delusion doesn’t fit with the rest?”
Huh? Which one is the odd one out? Maybe…
“… Simon’s?”
“Wrong! I thought you’d be on the same page as me,” Kyle laughs as if to pity my stupidity. “The answer I was looking for was Dylan’s.”
“Why his? His ability is very similar to Luke’s, isn’t it?”
“Well, in terms of effect. But, why does he have that ability? Yeah, we guessed that it was because he got caught up in the heat of the moment, but why? I mean, Sarah had her ability because she wished to be invisible. Her power allowed her a way to achieve her goals. Same with Luke, he wanted to be a wall for his family, a shield. Rachel wanted to be someone else. Simon wanted to avoid conflict and never see someone in pain. You wanted to be a hero. So what’s up with Dylan’s?”
“That’s a good question. I guess that you already know?”
Kyle smirks and begins talking in his childish tone, “You wouldn’t know this, but Christina’s ability was to add additional gravity to anything she saw. She had it because she put her own ‘weight’ on others. In the same way as Dylan’s, they don’t ‘wish’ for anything. The gems created their power based off of a flaw in their character. Do you suppose that they were aware of their flaws and that their only wish was to stop having them? If that’s the case, why would the gems give them a power based around it? That’s the opposite of fixing the problem, it’s highlighting it.”
“… Maybe they didn’t want to change, either?”
“That’s what I was thinking! Me and you go along well!” No we don’t. We do not and never will. Kyle continues excitedly, “They were content with who they were, but were also very aware of their problem. They made no effort to change themselves, but also never moved on. They were stuck in a cycle of acknowledging their weakness but continuing on without fixing it. From what Simon said, I’d guess that in her last moments of life, Christina’s gem was already clear. I’d bet that her ability disappeared as soon as her twisted view of the world did as well. She no longer was ‘just a person who was a burden to others.’ She saved Simon! Her twisted view of the world was one where she believed there was no hope of her changing. She thought that she was a worthless person and never attempted to change that, because she believed it was impossible. I bet the same goes for Dylan. Their Delusion was that their personal flaws were permanent. They acknowledged their problems and accepted them as inevitable. What do you think of that guess?”
Honestly, stuff like this doesn’t interest me much, “It’s poetic. Too bad we can’t ask them.”
I spoke coldly in an attempt to guilt Kyle.
“Yes. It really is too bad,” He speaks the same way he did earlier. Like an excited child.
“I have a question for you then. Why do you take such interest in others? You called us all boring earlier.”
“That’s exactly it. Not a single one of you are boring anymore. As soon as I realized the Delusion theory, I couldn’t help but be excited about finding who you truly were.”
“So that’s why you told Luke he could accomplish his dreams through violence? To see if he would?”
“Not exactly. That’s interesting too, though. I really just wanted to cheer him up.”
“Liar. You’re just lying,” I start to get angry. Hearing him so happy makes me mad. I can’t possibly be happy. Not after Dylan died. Not so soon. Dylan’s death was pointless and horrible. Kyle being so cheery after there being three deaths in a week is awful.
“Now, now. I’m not lying. I wouldn’t lie. Although, of course, you won’t believe that. Funny, isn’t it? It’s impossible for either of us to know if the other is lying. About anything.”
“No. I know you’re lying. It’s clear when a statement is the truth.”
“I disagree. It’s impossible to tell if any statement is true.”
That’s silly, “The sky is blue, isn’t it? How could I lie about that?”
His smile gets a little smaller and his voice grows tired again, “No. The sky is red.”
Kyle points up at the partly cloudy sky. It’s blue as can be.
That just makes me more mad, “You’re just lying! Now it’s obvious, are you trying to make me leave?”
“No. No, the sky is red,” He continues pointing at it. “Have a look for yourself.”
Still blue.
“Are you messing with me? I’m bored, but I don’t have the patience for this,” I begin to turn away but he stops me.
“I’m serious. To me, the sky is red,” With that one phrase added, the whole sentence changes.
‘To me.’
“See? Adding that what I’m saying is relative to me makes it impossible to disprove. The only one who can do that is me. While adding ‘to me’ changes how you see the sentence, it functionally remains the same. Anything anyone ever says should be assumed that it’s relative to them. Because they’re saying it. My point is, I may be lying to you. You may be lying to me. The only one who knows those things is the speaker. I say, continuing being doubtful! Doubt me! Doubt others, too. If you don’t, you’ll make mistakes. Trust can hurt you, but doubt can’t.”
“Then, I doubt you. I don’t trust you and I won’t.”
“As it should be,” Kyle laughs, “Speaking of the truth, how can it be determined?”
“The truth is obvious. It’s just what is provable,” Knowing Kyle, he’s going somewhere with this. I’ll give it time this time.
“You see, if everything is based on perspective, like established with the red sky scenario, then if even one person disagrees with something then it isn’t one hundred percent true. You aren’t able to tell who is correct. The ‘truth’ is whatever you believe it is.”
“I see.” These word games are messing with my head. I’m tired. I don’t want to keep disputing him over this.
“A lie is when someone purposely tells you something false in an attempt to make you believe it. Curious, right? That means that the best lie is indistinguishable from the truth. Even the truth is always up for debate. What if it’s just a cleverly disguised lie? In this way, lies are just different views. They are different truths. A lie cannot be proven false. ‘Proving’ something is very inexact. For example, if you were to simply time how long it takes to get from point A to point B, then you’d use a stop watch. Every time, you go at the same speed and every time the stopwatch stops at ten seconds. Now, are you certain that it takes ten seconds to go from point A to B? Aside from possible technological errors, the biggest and most unavoidable error is how our brain perceives it. We can’t possibly know if we see what everyone else does. Just trying to check the watch could end up causing different answers. Sure, that’s mostly just a thought experiment though. For the most part, all humans work the same way and would see a stop watch the same. But, what if you were different? The odd one out? If you saw nine seconds when everyone else sees ten, does that make you wrong? For being different, are you incorrect? Well, I can’t possibly be wrong, it’s what I see! So, are they wrong?”
He waits for a response.
Man, he sure can talk!
“I suppose that I’m right? Maybe they’re mistaken. I know I’m seeing it right. They must be making a mistake.”
“Interesting response,” Kyle smiles, “I’m a perspectivist. Being different lets you see the world in a different light. It’s a world where the many out weigh the few. Are the few wrong because there are less of us? No. Are the many right because there are more of them? No. I believe that simply being alive makes the world based around our perspective. I’m not right, nor am I wrong. There’s no right answer.”
I can see where he’s coming from, but I have to disagree. Was Rachel right to kill Christina and Dylan?
Is Kyle suggesting that because they had a different perspective they weren’t wrong? It’s obvious to me that in every scenario, murder is wrong. Even if Rachel was twisted enough to truly believe that murder was fine, she was still wrong. Under no circumstances is murder right. I’ll stand by that until the day I die. If Kyle is trying to say that Rachel wasn’t wrong…
“No. You’re wrong,” I state. Kyle looks a bit surprised but also pleased. “I am right. If another disagrees with me, they must be wrong. I’m not talking about silly trivia. I mean in a real situation. When it’s a question of justice, I’m always in the right. Rachel was wrong to kill Dylan. We would’ve been right to kill her.”
He lets out a chuckle, “Yes. That’s the perspective of a hero, right? Good fights to defeat the evil. I believe that it would be impossible to say for certain that you aren’t the bad guy. Actually, I don’t think there’s room for good guys and bad guys in real life. You’re just like Luke, seeking the gems to protect what you hold dear. But, to him you were a villain.”
This guy has the worst philosophy ever. I couldn’t disagree more. I’m right, and he’s wrong. It isn’t any more complicated than that. He shouldn’t have incited us to kill each other. If that’s not wrong, what is?
“You think that I am like Luke? You must be kidding me. He attacked innocents like it was nothing. I’m nothing like him.”
Noticing the anger on my face, “Well, I guess we can leave that discussion there. I’ve had fun talking to you though. As you can tell, philosophy is fun for me. People’s ideas are very interesting. In any case, I should tell you what you want before I go.”
Kyle stands up off of the bench and walks towards me.
He approaches me and stops right in front of my face.
“The power you desire is closer than you think. You can still obtain Simon’s gem. With that and mine, you can achieve godhood,” Kyle’s face changed from his childish excitement into an adults seriousness.
Why would he tell me how to kill Simon? Even if there is a way, I’d kill Kyle next. If I really have the opportunity, I don’t see a problem with killing them. They’re evil by every definition. The world would be better off without them. It’d be better with me having every gem. It’d be best with me as a god.
“Why would you tell me that?”
“Because, I want to die,” Kyle speaks in a serious and solemn tone. “I think the best way I can use my death is to leave behind a god to take care of the world for me. You can do that, can’t you? I have no problems with creating the opportunity for you to rule. I was going to kill myself anyway, so it would be nice to contribute to the world at the same time.”
“How can I get it?” I ask hesitantly.
“He has the same weakness as Rachel. If his brain stops working, he’s finished. But, he heals faster than anything could destroy his brain. I’d say that any physical attack is useless. So, the only way to kill him is…” Kyle smiles in a different way than he did talking about his theories. “Suffocation. He can’t heal if he isn’t damaged. Close his throat and his brain will stop functioning.”
That sounds like it could work… I was expecting something more extravagant though.
“Is that the truth? Or just another lie?”
His smile somehow gets even wider, “It’s not a lie. But, I’m not sure if it’s the truth. After all, I haven’t tried it.”
He misunderstood, “No. Not that. You’re willing to die so I can become a god? How does that make sense? You’re more selfish than Simon is.”
“Of course. Honestly, I’ve wanted to die for some time. I’d appreciate it if you could help me out,” Somehow, his smile doesn’t fade.
With the intent of delivering punishment, my body feels a jolt of power run through. It feels so much stronger with all of the gems. Too much stronger.
Suddenly, to catch him off guard, I throw a punch at his stomach. It should kill instantly. With the strength I have, it’ll blast him across the park.
“Oh. Not yet,” he says nonchalantly as I ‘misread’ the distance between us. I half expected this so I don’t fall this time. Kyle stands around six feet away, his smile faded. “Although I’ll die in the end, I’d like to see this all the way through. I want to be there for the big moment.”
Another lie? Is he planning something big, or is he simply excited to see what could be the making of a god? I suppose, only he knows the answer.
As much as I hate it, just this interaction proves what he said earlier. Even if he’s the biggest liar on the planet, if his lies are good enough, there’s no difference between his lies and the truth.
I almost want to just believe him out of spite but, “Fine then, Kyle. I’ll place my doubt in you.”
Satisfied Kyle sighs, “Good. Let’s set aside our differences, and be suspicious of one another.”
I turn my back to him and begin walking away, never looking back.
I’ve stooped to his level. But, I can’t believe a word he says. As much as I hate the distrust he shows others, trust is the last thing he deserves.
With my current strength, I could easily kill Kyle here. There’s no point in ending him now, though. I’ll come back for him.
First, it would be best to decide on a temporary ability for him. My best guess would be teleportation. It would explain how never gets hit. But how did he move the bodies? Maybe he can teleport other objects as well? I’ll go with that for now.
Maybe I should ask Sarah about it? No. I can’t. I won’t bring her into this. I can’t put her in danger again. Not to mention, I doubt she’d want me to kill Simon or Kyle.
I walk back to my car and hop in. Next destination, home.
I turn on the radio to fill the silent void in the car. How should I explain the road trip? Surely I’m going to be scolded. I put my parents in a position where they were worried about me but couldn’t do anything about it. If they sent a search party when I was just going on a road trip, that would cause more harm than good. They didn’t have many options there.
On the way home, I had the urge to use the bathroom. Luckily, I was passing a supermarket so I could go right in and come out.
The automatic sliding doors greeted me and I hurried my way to the restroom. I didn’t pay much heed to my surroundings because it was urgent.
That hit the spot.
I walk out of the bathroom and head towards the entrance. But, I remembered seeing something vaguely as I ran to the bathroom.
Slowly and hesitantly, I begin to turn my head back towards the wall.
A large white paper covered the green painted wall of the store, separating the different restrooms. The paper was hung just above the drinking fountain in a spot where the most people would see it. That was the best and most fitting choice for a missing persons poster.
I leaned my weight against the drinking fountain and closely examined the poster. My eyes darted all across the page. My heart sinks into my stomach.
Apparently, an unusually large amount of kids were reported missing over the last week. Normally, not many people go missing, but with all of the strange events going on, every report was taken seriously.
The familiar faces of Luke, Christina, and Dylan stared at me.
Again I was reminded of the effect this has all had on other people. And I realized that there are people out there who miss Dylan more than I do. Just the thought makes me feel small and insignificant. It’s as if my problems never mattered in the first place.
Luke’s family that he strived to protect won’t be able to see him ever again. His mom will die before seeing her son again.
Simon’s going to die without being able to apologize to Christina.
Dylan’s dad won’t see him before succumbing to his illness.
For the first time, the world around me feels evil. I always saw the world as good and the occasional person to be bad. But, in this moment, it feels as though the world itself was the real villain.
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