《Why I am me》11. Getting to know each other


And so, I started reading about Arabelle and the Romperrien Empire. It turns out that during her reign this place expanded and took over different people. Taking over meant that whoever ruled over a specific place didn’t do so anymore and the one who rook over won that right.

So, could I make my own Empire and grow it? Then everyone would do so too, its much better ruling over yourself than having someone else rule over you… But only the strong could actually achieve it, the weaker people would suffer the fate of being ruled over.

I tried searching for a book that handled about the story of the Romperrien Empire, but couldn’t find anything easily, so I turned to my sister and asked where she got the book of Arabelle. With a sigh, she got up from the floor, where she was reading, and guided me.

It turns out that I would have never found it. What my sister had done was enter in between two different bookshelves at the end of the room and walked towards the wall, but she didn’t hit anything, instead she went through. This wasn’t possible in the halls, she explained. My sister told me she found this while she got away from classes. The truth was, she really wanted to surpass me on the mind, so she acted as if she went to spend her physical energy but went to train her mind on the library instead.

But she also ended getting bored there, so she started exploring instead and that way she found herself into that place of the library. I have to say, her leaving classes to go to the library was really smart of her and she acted really well. Well, at least I didn’t notice, but maybe that was because I was too focused on myself and acting good enough to fool Grum.

Anyways, the book belonged to a category titled “History”. I was never taught this with Grum, and I could only wonder why until I actually read some more books from this section. But Grum could come back at any moment today, so I had to prepare a contingency plan. I’d probably put it inside another bigger book and if he came, I’d quickly close it and continue reading the big one. To be safer I’d actually read a bit of the bigger book, just in case Grum is curious of what I’m reading or if he doubts whether I actually read it.

I took a book titled “The last century of the Romperrien Empire – The greatest elvish empire” and also “The history 1 of battle” which was right before it’s homonyms “The history 2 of battle” all the way up to 7. I didn’t know why the number was in the middle of the title, but I guessed it was a design choice, as it looked different from the rest of the title.


Getting back to the room we were in my sister and I continued reading until she finished her book and told me it was time to share the information we had collected, but I disagreed silently, as the deal was if Grum didn’t come back home today, but the Sun was still setting. The day hadn’t ended yet, but she’d be the first of the two of us to share knowledge, so I simply nodded.

And so, she spent all the time until midnight, with us being notified about by the clock on the wall which resounded twelve times, telling me not only what she had read now, but also what she had been reading during all those classes she had skipped.

It turns out that she had learned some training techniques that had helped her in out physical tests, which she found more interesting than math and other subjects, so she wasn’t really training her mind, but I kept that to myself. At least she also physically showed and taught me the training techniques she learned and I’ve got to admit that she is a pretty good teacher.

At that time, we understood that we were alone in the building and that Grum wouldn’t come back anytime soon. Unless this was a test of some sort, but that would be quite weird. That night was the first night since we got here that we slept together. We didn’t really sleep in our rooms, instead we grabbed some blankets and brought them to the library and slept that way. I slept well.

About eight hours earlier, inside a cave.

- I feel a few presences nearby. They seem to be elves… and quite well equipped. They may be coming here for you. Be prepared.

The grey robe warned Grumbonk. He had also felt their presences, too big to be unnoticed and felt a chill down his spine. He had planned everything perfectly; they shouldn’t be anywhere near the vicinity if they were trying to find him.

But they were elves, and this wasn’t exactly a touristic spot for them to travel to. And the strength made even less sense. If it was someone sent to find him, it would probably try to hide their presence, unless they were overconfident and sure they could defeat anyone in their way. But this elf didn’t really seem that strong.

- I know. I’ll be careful. I’ll see you in three years. Or maybe not. Who knows where I’ll be then?

Grum simply replied. He answered truthfully, as he might be dead, traveling somewhere else or even back at the elven capital if things went in a specific direction. It was unlikely, yes, but he was close to a breakthrough. And if his homeland wouldn’t take him, he was sure that someone else would.


- You should leave. It won’t be good if they find this place. Make sure you check who they are if you can and…

- I’m not stupid – Grum stopped the cloaked figure. He already had similar experiences and already knew what to do. But he knew it was just his friend being worried about him and their chances to meet each other. – Still, thank you. You’re the best, see you in three years.

And with those words Grum made his way out of a building which was inside a natural cave accessible via three different tree trunks. Checking where the other elves were above ground first, Grum decided to leave through the farthest one.

Already walking towards one of the many prepared hiding spots Grumbonk decided to check back once more and realized that not only were they walking towards him, but they were also gaining ground. Trying to be stealthy and not leaving any tracks behind was really slowing him down. Luckily, he was really close to his objective and once there he’d act natural. Why? Because he had already realized that they weren’t from the army or the government.

First of all, their clothing and preparation showed signs of being adventurers. But this could be a trick, so Grum had peeked deeper and realized that not only were they carrying an illegal cursed weapon, but also were treating one of their group clearly worse, as if it were a slave.

Now in his homeland Slavery was strictly banned, more so between elves and treating other elves as bad as they were treating him would have been considered torture by the law. But still too many times there were groups such as the one following him, probably a previous noble, that wants to showcase their superiority in any way possible.

This group couldn’t have been from the government, because every agent, especially in important missions, had gone through many background checks, tests and other ways to check the thinking of the person to see if it went in line or was at least similar to what they were searching for.

Thinking of a good persona to hide himself as someone Grum decided to use simple magic to hide himself as an older adventurer who was rather weak looking but looked useful enough not to be attacked at first sight, being preyed upon as if he were a rabbit for a wolf.

He sat in a relaxing pose, appearing to meditate and when the group was close to him, he suddenly opened his eyes and said:

- Hello adventurers. What brings you all the way here into this dangerous forest? – Grum tried to sound mystical, but it had been some time since he had to make a different voice than the one with which he usually talked, so his voice sounded a bit rough.

- Ha! Look at this sly old man trying to sound cool and all. Well, it didn’t work dude. Now give us either your supplies or your hands.

Maybe he shouldn’t have made himself look that weak after all. They didn’t attack him, but they did threaten him quite harshly.

- Now, now we don’t need to go that far. Why don’t you stay here for the night and I’ll prepare some food for you all. I’ll add useful information to the mix as well. Of course, it should go both ways.

Grum wasn’t only trying to calm them down, but he was also quite interested into what adventurers were trying to do in this forest. There weren’t any ruins or monster colonies nearby, so why would they come here, so far from civilization?

- You better not trick us old man. I’ll have you know I can defeat a 3 skulls enemy on my own.

That meant that he was pretty strong, he should have the strength or capabilities of a group of soldiers. But Grum in his prime, even being a researcher his main focus, could defeat an enemy of the 4 skulls category. Just then one more elf joined the group, it was the one that was being mistreated by the others.

- Ah, Konn, you’re too slow, you need to carry our stuff faster, you’re making me look bad, you know? – the elf that was talking hit Konn – now you’ll test the food he gives us in case its poisoned, do It or your little sister at home won’t be so pure after I’m done with her.

Grum looked at this Konn fellow and realized that he was pleading silently to him. He wanted to be free, but still didn’t have enough resolve to kill himself. He probably wanted to take care of his sister that his “master” talked about.

- Oh, and to make sure you don’t try anything stupid – the main elf of the group directed himself towards Grum – While he’s testing the food ill be ready to kill you with this – the elf continued, taking a sharp sword, the cursed weapon he had sensed, out of his belt – and make sure it’s tasty.

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