《Title of True God》Chapter : 7.1 - The World Outside My/Your Small Box. Part - 1
{Classroom: 3-A}
Following a few minutes of nap which was disturbed by noises, which were coming outside of the school. While being curious, I walked to the window to look outside and I was surprised to see a lot of Police cars and people standing in front of the school gate.
"what's going on?" I asked myself, and the thought of people suddenly disappearing in front of their families and friends can lead to the confusion didn't cross my mind, at that time. but shortly after, I realized People who're standing outside, they were here to check up on their siblings who attend this school since people did disappear and all.
Police must be here in case if something shady was going on. and since they didn't see anyone walking on the school ground, they are trying to be cautious of this{School Buidling} place.
Or Maybe I was overexaggerating-
"......? " There was two police officer who decided to enter the school premises and started walking towards the main building, The building I was in.
' How can I deal with this? ' I looked around myself but there was nothing that I could hide in, You often see people hiding under the benches but that would only make me look suspicious and obviously they can see clearly if someone is hiding under the bench or not. They might shoot me if they realized I was the one behind what had occurred and surely, I was calm.
Their footsteps started to get louder as they approached the room I was in. I could hear them Checking every classroom and talking--
"Where did all students go? This whole school is empty. " said one of those police officer
"God, What is happening in the world? People suddenly started to disappear without a trace and now, This school. " said the 2nd police officer.
When they were done checking almost all of the classes, Both of Police officers were standing in front of my classroom- One of them slowly opened the door and saw me standing close the window "Oi-- There is someone! "
He called out to his companion and then started to ask me questions "Hey, Kid. Are you okay? What happened at this school? Do you know something? " I looked towards the police officer face all the while being speechless since I was not able to make up an answer or story to tell them but Maybe I looked otherwise with my emotionless face since the police officer, when he saw my face "wh.. what the-- " as soon as he saw my face, He turned back and started to run. The other police officer was just behind and he saw his companion running away " Hey! where are you goi..n..g" at first he called out to his companion but when he looked at me-- "Kid! get down!! " He shouted and then draws his gun out and aimed at me. I crouched when I heard him say 'get down' and He fired multiple shots towards me, Those bullets went buzzing above my head.
Suddenly, The sound of bullets disappeared while my head hit the wall behind me- one of those bullets struck my head While I was crouching down. It was a moment of sudden realization when I felt something hit my head so hard that the kinetic energy from the bullet pushed my head back and my head hit the wall behind me. I felt my bones breaking, The first crack I felt was on my forehead, the bone shattered to bits. I felt those bits from bone piercing through my brain and hitting back of my skull-- I fell down on the ground. Though I was still alive with half of my brain. The feeling of getting shot in the head was not that bad since there was no pain. But the experience I gained from it was something else, I sensed everything As if I was out of my body and seeing everything with x-ray vision of my head...
I was alive but only for mere seconds, I died soon after my consciousness faded away in the dark.
The second thought that came to my mind was 'How many time have I died by now? This starting to feel like a game.' and opened my eyes once again when I came back to, from the land of death as if nothing had happened. When I opened my eyes, I was still lying on the ground and there was blood all over the place, the smell was disgusting enough to kill me again since the blood on the floor was not the only mine, It was mixed with someone else's blood.
" I am seriously getting tired of dying again and again-- " I mumbled, while I stood up on my feet and looked towards the gate of the classroom, The police officer from before was--"He is missing half of his body..." The police officer was lying on the ground in front of me near the door and half of his body was missing. the blood which I felt disgusted from was probably from this guy.
"I happened to him since he was stupidly to try, to shot me. His aim was the worst. " a voice, I heard from behind my back towards the windows of the classroom. when I looked towards the direction of the voice, There was someone floating in the air "Adger...? " The person who was floating before me in the classroom was someone I knew, from a dream.
"Hmm-- So, you know me? I wonder how. " so, He said-- Adger.
Adger is someone who looks awfully lot like me but his clothing is different from me, He wears a dark (Black) trench-like coat and the buttons of the coat aren't done properly. From what I heard, He is God of death who tried to kill me and because of that, He was imprisoned in the prison of gods by Mikhail. 'why he is here...' So, I thought in my mind but--
"Life is not mine and the death is not yours. for once, I look upon the life and for once, you look upon the death- That was the pact we were tied by, and that's the pact you broke. forcing me to appear before you as I am the God of Death, Adger Kichiro. Why I am able to hear your voice, Why I am feeling your emotions and why I feel so ashamed while I try to kill you. these are the questions that need to be answered. " Said Adger while he slowly floats towards me. with a---The expression on his face was hard to describe by the words, For the time I felt as if He was sad and in next moment, I felt anger from him-- But most importantly He looked confused. And the words he just spoke, ' Confusing ' but right now, That's was not important, cause Adger was clearly emitting his killing intent and why is his last name similar to mine?
"What do you plan to do? Adger. " I asked him directly because He was not even trying to hide the fact that he gonna kill me. Even though his action will result in nothing and are futile since I cannot completely die but still, I didn't want to feel the pain of dying. I already had enough of dying again and again.
He slowly put one of his hand on my face and said "What do I plan to do, you ask? This the question I actually wants to ask you, What do you plan to do from gaining immortality? How did you manage to achieve it, is something beyond my comprehension but, You've become a taboo now. "
In the midst of his words, I heard something--
" You don't belong in this world anymore, You have already died."
huh? life-threatening.. but I can not die
" Why are you still here? How are you still here-- " All the while Adger was speaking, I kept the hearing The System in the middle of his words and my focus kept on diverting towards the system's words. no matter how hard I tried to listen to Adger's words, I couldn't concentrate on Adger at all as if someone had set the priority of the system far more higher than Adger to my mind. and I couldn't understand how my life was in actual danger but suddenly I remembered something Mikhail had mentioned before
" You can die, Master. But not by any normal means, Only a god or A Pure Spiritual being can kill you. " were the words Mikhail once said. And Adger, He is a God of Death--- He is a God. 'Does--- Does that mean, I am gonna die? ' though I wanted to die from the start but-- for some reason, 'No! I can't! not now! ' I was scared of death.
I took a few steps back, to distance myself from Adger's hands, In fear of my life.
"Uh oh, What I could be sensing right now? You are suddenly scared--- Interesting. " Said Adger while he had a smile on his face-- Even though I couldn't show the expression on my face but He still, He still realized I was scared.
"Just a few seconds ago, It was like as if you had left all the fear behind and stood in front of me, A god of death as if there was not a single shred of emotion in you, just as your face," said Ager as he approached me with a grin on his face that he gained from my fear.
He grabbed me from my throat, lifted me in the air with his one single hand "Even if you have gained immortality by unknown means-- You can die by my hands. You can die by the hands of God who rules over the death-- " I started to struggle to breathe and he kept on tightening his grip on my throat. I had thought of this person, who was now trying to kill me as an Allie for some reasons--- Maybe because He gave me strength to face people whom I was scared of, but now that same person was the reason for my fear-- The courage he gave me vanished as if it never existed in first place.
"Fre-a-king... Ir-nic.. is...n't.. ?" were the broken words I spoke. My words were broken just like the time before I met Mikhail. I was never able to raise my voice in front of people but now that I was finally able to, I am dying.
"You are becoming what you once were, You are going where you should belong. I am happy, you should be too," said Adger
As Adger's hand on my neck started to shine in bright light and I started to lose my consciousness. my vision started to fill with darkness.
'Happy he--' " sa... "
"Finally, unconscious- huh? Now, To make sure you never back-- " Said Adger as he loses a little of his grip from Aoi's neck and extends his other hand over Aoi's head and grabs it, with the intention of crushing Aoi's head but--
Both of Adger's hands which were touching Aoi's head and neck-- were electrocuted as a flash of bright lightning emerged from Aoi's body. and Adger was thrown back from the shock which was caused by lightning.
"uh? What just happen... " Adger looks upon Aoi, Aoi was floating in the air and there was a huge blue circle behind his back and on that circle, There was something written around the circle in an unknown language, covering circle's outer layers. It was something that Adger had never seen before, He stood still in a surprise when he suddenly heard a voice
At first, The voice sounded a computer-synthesized and Adger could only hear bits of it but
"You've put my, our Master in harm and endangered his life but you still have a chance, Be gone or you will be considered as a threat. "
These following words seemed to be spoken by a young lady and Adger heard these words loud and clear unlike System's voice that he couldn't hear.
Adger stood up on his feet. He looks at his hands 'What is this--No mortals should have an ability to hurt a God like me but still, My hands are-- ', His hands were burned to the point where they had turned black and you could see his bones ' who is this person? ' but as he thought about it, his skin started to turn back to normal "Who are you? I cannot sense any sort of living being in the radius of 10 meters but still, I can hear the voice-- Who are you? "
The voice replied to Adger "I am, who protects Master and You are-- " Said the voice " You are not acting the way you should, You are supposed to protect Master just like me but-- You are defying his great existence and because of that, I {was} troubled-- What I should do? Should I kill you in order to protect master or should I give you a chance to redeem yourself- I choose the second. Now you know, So, Begone. " As voice (The System) said that to Adger, While Aoi's body was floating in the air with a huge circle his back- Their position was suddenly illuminated by a bright light. That was a searchlight, An Helicopter was hovering outside of the building while illuminating the classroom with its searchlight--
a loud voice emerged from The Helicopter as Adger glanced at the helicopter " Terrorist! You have been surrounded, There is no way for you to run! Surrender now or we will have to use force to bring you down. "--- Adger keep on staring at the helicopter for a few seconds but then, He lifts his right hand and touches his forehead " And they worship us, Gods? How stupid. nuisance----" Adger extends his right hand towards The Helicopter. and murmurs " { Aasherier} "-- Meanwhile Inside The Helicopter, Pilot detects multiples malfunction in their helicopter and {Beep-Beep-Beep} Beeping sound start to replace the sound of rotating blades above their heads. "What--What is happening!? Pilot!" a Minigun operator, on the left side of the helicopter shouts in his mic as The Helicopter starts to quickly lose its altitude. There was multiple electronics failure in the Helicopter, causing it to crash.
Adger Looks back at Aoi "So, you are the one who protects this guy? Shall I test I-- ARGG! " As Adger was about to finish his sentence, He suddenly fell on his knees. Even though There was nothing holding him down, Adger couldn't stand back on his feet.
"It was my mistake that I gave you a chance, Adger Kichiro, The God of Death." Said the voice.
Adger was struggling to stand back up on his feet but the unknown force kept on increasing as he tried to stand back up on his feet 'How could this be!!? I, A God? Kneeling down in front of a mortal! '
As Adger was struggling to stand up, Something in front of Aoi started to emerge, Something started to materialize. Adger was barely able to glance at it but He saw, ' A gi...rl? ' There was no form of clothing on her, Her skin was black, just like her long hairs. She had wrapped herself Around the unconscious body of Aoi.
When Adger saw her, He realized that it was not Aoi who forced him to kneel but it was her! The girl wasn't looking at Adger at all, She was too busy admiring Aoi and His human form-- While still admiring Aoi, She spoke " Mortals, Gods-- Any sort of thing does not come near to Master's Absolute power. Adger, The God of Death-- You are but a grain of sand compared to Master. " As she said that, '----Grain of sand? ' A bright lighting struck down on Adger-- As he screamed in agony "AGHHHHHHH!!! " While Adger was screaming in agony, She spoke again " I had given you a chance but you---Rejected it in the arrogance of being a God, You should've known better that there beings above gods and even True God. I am one of those but still, I serve under our Master, Aoi. " She finally looks towards Adger from Aoi's shoulder while still hugging Aoi tightly.
There was nothing pushing down Adger but still, He was on knees- On the closer look, You could see His eyes had turned black and his lips had cracked.
Adger's skin had turned it black and It was not turning back to normal unlike before but He was alive.
"God of death, He cannot die since he himself represents death. " Said the girl.
Adger tried to look towards the girl but he barely had the strength to lift up his head, While he kept his head down, looking at the floor-- He said
" wh..o are.. yo... " His words were broken just like Aoi's. and Before he could say anything else--
He was frozen in time, just like everything else around him. The smoke caused by the lighting froze, as well as the air and outside world. Even the girl who forced a God, who rules death to kneel before her, was frozen in the time.
This was a demonstration of Absolute power and the one who did it was no one other than-
"My... Dear Master. I let you get hurt. How unforgiving. " Mikhail, Former King of Angel who had crossed multiple timelines and universes to save his master, Aoi Kihciro.
As soon as Mikhail enters the Classroom from an open window, He walks towards Adger-- When reached Adger, He looks behind him, glances at Aoi and sees a young lady, who had wrapped herself around Aoi-- He looks back At Adger, and lift one of his legs up in the air and smash it on Adger's head but nothing happens thus Mikhail does it same thing again and again-
-He kept on doing it for 10 minutes but still, nothing happened.
Mikhail takes a step back, to distance himself a little from Adger and says
" {Time-Dimension} " as soon as he speaks those words, an earthquake-like shock hits the whole planet, making Earth move few meters in space and Adger descents towards the Earth's core at an unimaginable speed.
both of these were caused by Mikhail's multiples kicks on Adger's head.
The young lady was finally able to move once again and She sees Mikhail, Standing near the place where once Adger was kneeling down-- As Mikhail turns over, Young lady speaks " Mikhal, What took you so long? "
-- Mikhail walks towards Young lady as he said " Get your dirty hands off Master or it will be you next! "
"You were unable to protect Master and now, You are saying that? " She replied with a disgusted look on her face, that you could hardly see because of her dark(black) skin tone.
When Mikhail hear her say that He snaps and Grabs the young lady from her neck and drags her down on the ground -- All the while, She was still holding in the air but the circle behind Aoi suddenly disappeared when Mikhail grabbed her from her neck.
"You... Bitch. Master is suffering from such horrible pain, isn't that because of you!? If you hadn't granted him his wish, He would've been fine with all of us! This is all happening only because you granted him such a stupid wish! Now even his servants are after his life!! You stripped him off, His title, His position of True God, His wisdom, Courage, and His emotions! You took away everything from him he had and now you talking about protection!?? " Mikhail keeps increasing, strengthing his grip on the young lady's neck while he said that.
But She didn't seem to struggle at all, It was as if you could chop her head off and yet still, she won't feel a thing! Because of this, Mikhail was more pissed. " You are but a thing. So, just like every other 'thing', don't interfere in a matter of living or spiritual beings. " as Mikhail said that, He let the young lady's neck go and grabbed Aoi's unconscious body from young lady's hands.
As she separated from Aoi, Her body started to disappear and her expression started to change.
The more Mikhail forced them to separate, the more she started to lose her form with a sad expression on her face. The only reason she exists is to serve her master and now she was being separated from him yet she couldn't do anything and was being erased once again 'please.... don't' were the words she was about to speak but remained in her mind-- When finally both of them were completely separated, Her tears fell on the ground as she disappeared in nothingness and System finally announced
As Mikhail now held Aoi on his hands, He said " Even her tears are but a... FUCK YOU BITCH. Don't even show yourself in front of us, ever again. " and showed a middle finger, where she once was floating. The anger Mikhail felt at that time was beyond words, As such he even said those words.
But it was not the end since Aoi had yet to open his eyes again. He was dead and this time, He was not coming back from the land of the dead, at least not alone.
; End of Chapter
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