《Title of True God》Chapter : 4 - Being a God!? No!! I AM THE TRUE GOD!?
Gods, Fallen Angels, and Their Titles- Those things were something that I had heard about before in past but as time passed and I grew older, Those silly dreams and stories faded away from my memories with the time.
But now, Those memories are coming back to me.
10/11 years earlier
I was often bullied by kids of my age so, Hanging out with them was not a choice for me. I was 7 years old when I found out How different I was from everyone else, At that age- I was trying to make friends and live a normal life.
" What are you doing? Mister."
One day at the dusk, I was wandering around a park near my house- Mother used to force me to go outside. Inside the park, I found a man, wearing loose clothes, his neck was covered by a scarf. He was using a swing as a seat in the park - He looked like a grown man so, I found it a little strange for him to use that swing So, I asked -What are you doing?
At first, He seemed to lost in his thoughts and probably didn't pay attention to my question- He muttered
" Searching for my mas- "
He looks towards me and continues with his words
" Oh, Sor-- Eh? KIDD! You are bleeding! "
" Mister, You are using a kid's swing. " -aren't you an adult?
" Oh, Is that s-- No! worry about yourself! wait- "
The man, He pulled out a handkerchief from his pocket and cleaned blood from my nose and then, He picked me up and put me on the swing while he himself, sat on the ground in front of me and started interrogating me.
" Hey Kid, doesn't it hurt? How did you get a nose bleed? "
"I tried to play with Uenki-chan so, He punched me and It does hurt a little."
" How horrible! Why did he have to punch you! "
" Its because I can't have fun. "
He was dumbfounded by my answer, Maybe that answer didn't make any sense to him.
" Huh? You can't have fun? "
-Strange. This mister is suspicious!
The person I met at the park, He was without a doubt strange and suspicious. He didn't even notice my expressionless face, on top of that, He talked to me with kindness and showed concerns of my well beings thus I told him everything- He was the first person outside of my family who showed interest in listening to me.
" I can't smile or cry like others. Whenever someone hit me, I cried but never once my tears showed up and I cried more, To myself. Whenever Uneki-chan told a joke, I laughed but never once the smile I had shown up on my face. I laughed alone. So, They stopped playing with me because I can't have fun."
" Oh but, Isn't that because you are a bit mature for your age? Adult mortals, They don't cry or smile from small things. Adults, they tend to be strongly wielded"
I never once looked at myself in this way.
"Oh I see, When I think about it, yesterday mom was hurt from a knife- She was bleeding yet she didn't cry. She calmly patched the wound. "
-So, I am an adult. Hehehe.
" So, You finally understand huh? Good for you, well then, I will be on my way. Bye Kid. "
With that, He stood up and started walking away and I believed the reason he put forward to me but sure enough Knowing the reason didn't help. I was beaten up the next day when I tried to play with others and told them the reason for my inability to laugh or cry. ( This time around, The beating was worse than before )
Next Day, At the same time as before- I Found mister again on the same swing.
" Mister! why did you lie to me? "
I was angry at mister but my expression, You can tell by now that I had a poker face
" Eh? You are the kid from before! why are you all covered in mud?! " -Why do you seem to be angry?
So, The mister said while he once again- took out his handkerchief and cleaned my face, When he cleared the mud from my face he saw the bruises that I had on my face- He looked angry.
" They beat me-- This time, It was because of you. Why did you lie to me? Mister. I am no adult, I am just 7-year-old kid."
" I'm Sorry, Kid. Let me atone for the mistake I made-- "
He put one of his hand on my head and suddenly, The burning sensation I was feeling from those bruises disappeared
" huh? I don't feel pain anymo.."
" I cannot heal you completely but you won't feel the pain for now from those bruises "
while he said that, He once again picked me up and put me on the swing while he sat on the ground in front of me.
For some reasons, I was used to this pain since each day, somehow in a way or two I got hurt or beaten up by others. So, I was surprised when the pain suddenly disappeared, The burning sensation that I kept feeling, Which seemed to be part of my feelings- It finally, went away.
" Mister, Are you a magician? "
" Eh? Magi-- Oh Perhaps I am. "
The unknown person with wings was floating before me with his excellent gaze, staring at me with concerns
" Master? Master!, Are you okay?! Do you understand what I just said? " (Angel)
How I am supposed to pay attention to such absurdity but then again, I am in the air, floating without any support- Aha, I have no choice, do I now?
This angel, Who calls himself Mikhail- Holder of Title known as King of all Angels. Well, He used to hold that title, now He is a fallen angel. He said something really absurd with a serious face
" So, you are saying I am not a mere mortal but a god? no-- Not just a god, I am True God who rules over all other gods? " (Aoi)
" Yes, You are. Master " (Mikhail)
Are you mocking me? was the first thought that came into my mind but when thinking carefully about what's happening around me and when I look at those two- Tokugawa and Seimen- I think He is not completely lying but that doesn't mean, I don't have my doubts about what he told me.
" I see " (Aoi)
Why I am so calm though? Anyway, I don't wanna make this guy angry or something- If I act carelessly and make some sort of a mistake he could kill me without lifting his han--
" aha wait, I can't die. can I? " -Why do I keep forgetting this? (Aoi, Mistakenly spoke out loud)
S--S--Shit!, I spoke that I out loud!?
" You can die, Master. But not by any normal means, Only a god or A Pure Spiritual being can kill you. A mere mortal cannot even touch you without your permission, let alone harm you. You are an absolute being who rules over the Heavens and Hell- And The Gods" (Mikhail)
What the heck is he talking about? I was beaten to the pulp by those mere mortals! they even almost killed me!! *Sigh*
" Can you let me down now? I mean, I don't feel comfortable floating in the air above my own school " -though everything is frozen still in the time, still, I am not a bird! I am supposed to stay on the ground!
" But of course, Master. Please hold onto me" (Mikhail)
" That's something I don't wanna do! " (Aoi)
" But if you don't then you might fall. " (Mikhail)
" Didn't you call me a god? Can't I fly like you? " (Aoi)
" ugh! Okay, That was my mistake. I should explain it properly to you, You might be a true god but This body of yours is nothing more than a mere vessel. Your body could be hurt and you will feel the pain though you won't die, you will still feel pain." (Aoi)
" .... " (Aoi)
I think there are a lot of things that need to be explained first.
" When we are on the ground, Tell me everything you know about me! " (Aoi)
So, I was not able to do anything and Had no choice but allow this angel, Mikhail to carry me to the ground.
When I stepped on the ground, I felt a shiver runs through my spine. The concrete I stepped on was so cold that I could even feel it through my shoes.
"What's with this cold? " (Aoi)
Mikhail was standing behind me as a servant would behind his master (Butler) His head was leaning towards the ground a little- trying to show respect? I don't know, I am not sure.
" Umm--Cold? Master, The magic that we are currently affected by is Called 'Time-Dimension' Only a few selected can use this magic, One of those few selected person is Adger, The person you met in your dream and other one is I, Mikhail- Both of us are The servants of The True God. This magic was originally created by YOU, The True God. I and Adger cannot use its full potential, thus whenever we use Time-Dimension, There will be side-effects, One of those side-effects is- We cannot completely stop the flow of Energy, Heat starts to disappear after a certain amount of time and cold starts to take heat's place." (Mikhail explained)
Did I make this magic? I don't remember though!
Mikhail then leaned towards the ground and firmly touched the concrete with one of his hand and continue with--
"We, Servants of yours are glad that you allowed us to use such amazing magic- 'Time-Dimension' is without a doubt the most powerful magic there is! " (Mikhail)
Woah, He sure looks enthusiastic while talking about it.. but seriously, where did I hear this 'Time-dimension' name before?
" I see, Good for you. Now, could tell me what's exactly is going on right now? Who I am? Why I don't remember a thing you spoke of? " (Aoi)
When I asked Mikhail these question, His enthusiasm disappeared and with a serious face, he replied while looking directly in my eyes.
"Master... Are you sure you want to know? The past you have forgotten isn't something you should be concerned about- I don't know how you forgot but I think... The things, The memories that disappeared from your memories is-- " (Mikhail)
Mikhail stopped middle of talking for a moment, With a sad expression he continued
" Even though, It pains us. It is better this way, It is better you have forgotten everything. " (Mikhail)
He looks so.. sad, It's like he gonna cry any moment but, I wanna know Who I am! Why does this person call me Master and Who is the person that I met at that battlefield, surrounded by a pool of blood!!?
"Mikhail, I... *Deep-Breath* I just wanna know Who I am, Why I am suffering? " (Aoi)
It might be hard for him to talk about something that he doesn't feel good to bring up, But I have my own reasons to ask him, to insist.
WHY THE HELL I CANNOT SHOW EXPRESSIONS? Why I couldn't live a normal life? Why Me?
My question was followed by a moment of silence, but finally, Mikhail said
" Your wish is my command, Master. You are True God, The being who ruled over all other gods and created this universe with many other- You are the father of all beings that exist in this Illusion but a few million years ago, Gods betrayed you, Your son betrayed you and yet, You accepted their betrayal delightfully while saying 'You are my creation, My children. It is my job to grant your wishes thus I shall comply and vanish away. ' with those words, you vanished before my eyes, in front of your servants, you vanished. No one knew where'd you have gone. I searched for you, Adger, Diana, Albert, and Mitsuhashi, We all searched for you but we were never able to find you." (Mikhail)
"... Eh? EHHHHH!? " (Aoi- Wtf? )
" But Master, This only part of many alternative versions of your past, This is only part of a single timeline of your future and past. The Truth is, There are many version of this story- But all of them resulted in You getting betrayed by your creations. That is why, This is called Illusion, It is an Illusion. In one of these many timelines of your past, You allowed me to merge with other versions of my own self from different timelines. The Adger you met was from a completely different timeline. In this timelines, you actually have yet to meet Adger. The person Adger, you met was from a timeline where he was able to kill you. and I, Mikhail imprisoned him in a place, where he would die again and again so, Meantime he could reflect on what he had done. " (Aoi)
So, In other words--- There are others just like me? but since Mikhail said, He merged with his other self so, He is only one person who doesn't have a copy or exists in any other timeline? though this is rather confusing, once you understand what he meant, It is rather simple to grasp on the matter. But all he talked about was True God, Not particularly me.
"I somewhat understand what are you saying but--- It doesn't answer why I am unable to show expressions. Why I am apathetic? " (Aoi)
"Master, I simply do not know. You never once showed your emotions on your face in any of your timelines though It was different when you were fully fledged true god. At that time, You did show emotions on your face but in this body of yours, I never seen you show any sort of emotions but that doesn't mean I don't understand How you feel inside, I can feel all of your emotions like my own so It never bothered me once" (Mikhail)
So, This condition of mine somehow related to me being a human? There is a possibility. And when Mikhail said, He can feel my emotions like his own, I wonder about that
" What do you mean by you can feel my emotions like your own? " (Aoi)
"That's exactly as I said, For me to realize that you happy or sad or anxious, There is no need for any sort of expression on your face. I just know how you feel but that's all. Its something like, as if I can see your expression on your face so I particularly do not know Why do you feel that way. " (Mikhail)
Oh, I see, When he says he can feel my emotions like his own, He doesn't mean that He can read my mind or something. It just he knows, Like an instinct?
"Umm, There is something else I would like to ask you " (Aoi)
The question that kept on lingering in me, It something that I realized the moment I saw him
" Go ahead, Master. " (Mikhail)
" Why I am so calm? I mean, shouldn't be like scared? or something like that. Right now, I feel as if this is all normal though It's not, You bombarded with all of this absurd things but yet " (Aoi)
The most important question was, why I cannot die? but There is no need for an answer after what Mikhail told me. The answer is rather simple, It is because I am some sort of True God or at least, My soul is. The vessel he talked about before simply meant that I am might be true god but This body of mine is a Human's body thus I might not die but I will still feel the pain just like any other normal human being and my wounds will be healed since my soul is.. True god? It must be something like that, I hope.
" It is because of Adger. The reason I sent you to Adger was for you to receive courage, Courage was something that required for you to not freak out like normal mortals(Humans). In simple words, Adger that you met you in your dream was God of Death, To face the death one requires courage and When you faced Adger, You received courage to face reality in the same way one needs the courage to face death. " (Mikhail)
Not this again, Anyways-Courage? Is that why I this calm? Hmm, I have my doubts but it's not like there is any other explanation and I don't have a choice but to believe Mikhail's words since there is no one else who could explain anything to me.
"I understand, So, What now? What I should do now? " (Aoi)
Mikhail was searching for me this timeline and now he found me and I was searching for reasons behind my inability to show expression and I think I found those reasons. So, What is there to do now? get back the ability to show expression? I don't think that's something a normal human like me can do, Even if Mikhail said I am a true god but I don't feel like a god, nope not at all!
"I am glad, you asked, Master." (Mikhail)
"Aha, Good for you. " (Aoi)
"It is but not only for me but for you too. The first step is for you to meet the requirements! to gain the power of a god! " (Mikhail)
" AND HOW DO I DO THAT??! can't you explain in a manner that a normal guy like me can understand? " (Aoi)
"N-Normal guy?! I see, so, That how you wanna play it. Hemp! I understand." (Mikhail )
What do you understand??
" Anyway, Master you need to gain back your power first and to do that, Please say these words and The system will recognize that you want to step back in realms of Gods! "
System? Oh now I remember, The first time I saw Time stopped moving, a few words came to my mind and when I spoke those words, I heard some voice and it sa--- Aha, I think that was the system? but what is system anyway?
"So, What are those words that I need to speak? " (Aoi)
" 'I, The True God Commands You, The System to grant me the power once I held- Power that created this world, Power that created This Universe, Power That can destroy all and Power that commands this Illusion' " (Mikhail)
"Eh? Do I have to say those words? " (Aoi)
"Of course, Master. " (Mikhail)
This is embarrassing, but-- Here goes!
"I, The True Gods Commands You, The System to grant me the power once I held- Power that created this world, Power that created This Universe, Power That can destroy all and Power that commands this Illusion" (Aoi)
Umm noting is happen...
"Time-Dimension? Why? " (Aoi)
" Master!? DId you try to call forth time-dimension before you met me?" (Mikhail)
{Remebers the time, When Tokugawa and Seimen almost Killed Aoi}
(for some uncertain reason A few words came to me at that time and those words were
" Time Dimension "
When I spoke those words
Tokugawa and Seimen were enough but this voice that I just heard terrified me more. It did stop but I didn't want to take any risk and started playing dead. )
Oh, that Time!
"I think I kinda Did, Mikhail " (Aoi)
" MASTER!! DUCK NOW!? " (Mikhail)
When Mikhail shouted those words I out, I instantly ducked down and I am sure thankful that I did because-
Two huge light, similar to shockwaves traveling at the incredible speed smashed into each other just above us, in the sky with. When Those lights, Similar to shockwave hit each other- They turned the whole sky into blue flames and just after those flames, The roaring sound as if an atom bomb just set off, The power of the system sure was scary.
"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?! T--Sky is burning those blue flame!!" (Aoi)
I couldn't believe my eyes when I witnessed the whole sky burning, I never thought that the atmosphere could be gluped into the fire!
" That's your fault! Master, How could you play around with the system? Ordering it to bring up Time-Dimension without even having sufficient permission for it!! That's even beyond stupidity!" (Mikhail)
"EH? You calling your master a moron? How dare you, you freaking angel?" (Aoi)
Thankfully, that fire didn't last long and it was gone by the time system spoke again. I am thankful.
"Oho, is this how it works? wonderful! this system, it explains everything! just like an comp--." (Aoi)
Don't tell me.. Is that some sort of computer programme?
"Master! Tell it to cancel the announcement! quickly tell the system to not announce anything regarding to Title of True God! " (Mikhail)
I was not able to think about it much when Mikhail said and shifted my attention to him.
"Eh? What do you mean Mikhail? " (Aoi)
While pressing me to stop the system from announcing something
{At the same time, In Heaven/Hell- System started to announce}
{In Heaven}
In a certain mansion, There was a throne surrounded by beautiful ladies and there was a person wearing defense gears from his toe to neck resting on his magnificent throne- That person was known as God of War. When His mansion was echoed by a voice
These were words that the voice spoke but suddenly was followed by silence. When God of War heard the System announcing something related to God of Death- He stood up from his throne, Trembling from the fear
"G--God of--- Don-Don't tell me, He came bac.. no! it can't be!! " (God of War)
The only person who could shake the throne of a god, That was God of Nothing- Refusing to believe such nonsense as God of nothing has returned God of war sat back down on his throne while acting all calm when he saw the face of those ladies in shock, whom he was surrounded by-
God of war calmy made a gesture in front of his face and before him, appeared a transparent window- On that window
Connected Successfully to Demon Lord
Now You are Talking to Demon Lord!
{Picture of Demon Lord}
" OI, fat-ass, Did you hear the announcement which was interrupted? " (God of War)
" Oh Yes, I did my lord. What we should do, If it was true? " (Demon Lord)
" What are you even asking, Moron! of course, We will have to kill him once again-- Along with that freaking fallen angel. " (God of War)
" Aha bu--But, That's True God you know? " (Demon Lord)
God War showed his anger on his face When he heard demon lord suggesting that if True God wants he could Kill them, He can without much of effort
"I know that, Freak! but we did kill him before, didn't we? That moronic true god thinks of us his children- Doesn't he? He woul--" (God of War)
God of War of god was not aware of a fact- That fact was The True God- He doesn't have memories of ever creating anything thus..-- The True God is not anymore a god who thinks of other gods as his children, He doesn't care about them anymore. He is Aoi Kichiro.
"Anyway, Other gods must have also heard this announc---" (God of war)
God of War was interrupted by System
SYSTEM - ANNOUNCEMENT: Aha? Hmm-- God of nothing just died so, Ummm you don't have worry about it okay? Okay?...................... Hey, Mikhail How did I do?... Master! You are still on, You are stil... Oh! shit!, I forgot, sorry Mikhail-- System, Turn tha.........
".........." (God Of War)
"........"(Demon Lord)
After an awkward moment of silence
God of War said while freaking out and losing his self-control.
; End of Chapter.
- In Serial8 Chapters
Necromancer's Knight: a Light in Death
It was dark, pitch black. Where am I? Where was I last? I died. Am I still dead? A light so dim, yet so blindingly bright to me appeared in a vertical line. The line grew wider and wider, all until the stone slab above my coffin was completely removed. I removed it, I lifted it, without even willing it. And my body continued to move until it was outside of the crypt. It was night, but there was a full moon. And a little girl in front of me. She clutched a black book to her chest as if it were the last thing she had left in this world. I've heard stories of this, I imagined the possibility, but I never thought it would happen to me. Tears streaked down her cheeks. She choked the words out. "Please, save my papa!"
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In Search Of The Sanctuary
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Completed. FOX is the most mysterious person you could ever meet. All that they know about her is that she is a girl who joined the ANBU at age 4 and then mysteriously disappeared with little notice at age 5. Little did they know, FOX never left the village. A matter of fact, she has been under their very noses this whole time.Where was she? Well, the better the question is- who was she?One name: Naruto Uzumaki. A trouble maker. A dead last. A person that hid under a henge with almost nobody's knowledge.FOX was doing well at not being figured out... well... not till the age of 11. Slowly, male after male will discover her secret, and FOX will do anything to keep them from talking.But... how long can she keep it a secret?Let me tell you this, the FOX is closer than you think.Highest Rank: #33 in Naruto #1 in Fox #1 in Menma #6 in Hinata #1 in Kakashi-sensei #1 in narutoshippuden #19 in Sakura #1 in Iruka #1 in femnaruto #34 in anime #3 in kurama #3 in longstory #3 in longchapters I own nothing but the plot and the characters I make up.Started: May 22, 2018Ended: June 14, 2019
8 82