《Title of True God》Chapter: 2 - Am I Immortal? But How can it help?
"Ufff.. *Heavy-Breathing* Uhh-ufff I--I am still alive "
I was surprised, realizing that I am still alive somehow, I was sure that this time I will be able to rest in peace, but as luck has it.
I looked around myself, to see where I am.
"Isn't this the forest just behind the school? what I am even doi- I am speaking normally? "
I suddenly realized a few things, I am somehow able to speak like normal people though I am still unable to show emotions on my face but still, being able to speak normally, that's...
" ... "
it did surprise me, being able to speak normally but I got over it rather quickly so, now, About jumping from my school building
" I don't feel any pain, not at all and there doesn't seem to be any wounds on me. "
I searched my body, I was searching for any wounds that one would have after being hit by a bat on the back of the his head, scars that one would have after jumping off from a building but
" I am sure I was hit by a bat, Why is there no wounds on my body? even my school uniform is ripped *Looks at the sky* Uh.. Isn't the sky is way too clear tonight? "
There were a lot of things that have changed about me. there was a lot of question in mind, about my own self.
I found myself lying on ground unconscious in a forest ( Behind my school ).
In a cold night with thin clouds in the sky but there was not a single star to be seen.
When I stood up, I felt like a feather as if even smallest breeze of wind would throw me off-balance
I could see everything around me yet it was a dark night at that time, a moonless night.
I know in this area, there is a cliff straight ahead. I started walking toward that cliff. after a few minutes, I reached the cliff, I sat down at the edge of the cliff, my legs were hanging down.
I had two obvious choices, First go back to my life and be bullied again like before. I am sure that it will not end, they will come back for me like they always did and top of that, this time they didn't intend to just bully me. They wanted to kill me. I cannot report this to police since I don't have single proof that they tried to kill me, I don't even have a single wound me.
the second choice was, go back to my life and pretend as if nothing happened and since I don't have a single wound on me. which also raise the possibility that what happened was nothing but a bad dream
a bad dream.
" that was no dream, everything was real. I still can remember the pain that I felt at that time, that suffering. "
I chose the 3rd choice.
{ JUMP }
Since I am alive, I can try again to end it all -It's a 40-meter fall and since I don't want to be the lucky guy again, I am falling while making sure my head hit the grounds first. So, I wouldn't survive and suffer from the pain.
{ Hits Ground -Blood Splatter everywhere }
{ Few Minutes Later }
"Death, Why don't you love me like you do everyone else?"
It was the first question that came into my mind when I opened my eyes beneath that cliff and realized -I am still alive. I quickly stood up and checked my body but again, there were no wounds to be seen. my uniform is surely pretty much gone. with this jump, I noticed a few more new thing. the obvious one was -Somehow I am not able to die.
When I jumped from the cliff I didn't die instantly -Rather it was a slow death. I felt my every broken bone, poking out from the flesh, I felt every little pain that it caused, I felt everything. from what I mean death is- I am sure that I died but somehow I wake up again without any wounds on me. Like a restart? from where I died -When I looked around myself there was no blood to be seen though I am sure when I was dying there was a lot of blood around me. well I guess
"I will go home for now since I can't die "
With that, I started walking towards my home. my home is about 2km away from this mountain. by the way, I forgot to mention, I keep on seeing something around me. well, rather then around me, it's like it is everywhere. the spectrum, it is flowing everywhere, as far as I can see. what it is anyway? I called it spectrum, but I don't actually know what it is. it's like weird glowing lines inside the fog, they are not statics nor their glow is static. it keeps on flowing.
" Umm, it's hard to describe this spectrum well, I will ignore it as I did before since I can't do anything about it anyway. " -Sometimes being ignorant is far better.
I almost reached my home, I thought of many things about my situation trying to grasp the situation while I was walking to my home but nothing came to my mind because of growls of dogs that I was hearing, people talking to each other, my mind was chaotic.
{ Opens The Door of House, KRRR }
When I opened the door, it made a sound. maybe my mother heard the sound but she rushed towards the door, she looked very anxious. with that anxious looks on her face, my mother asked
" A--Aoi! My Son, Where have you been!? "
" I--ummm, There was something that kept me busy in the school " I replied to my mother, with my face that doesn't show my emotions
" Son! {Slap} "
This is the first time that my mother hit me, she never once hit me in my entire life but it is not somthi--- she is crying
" Son, Plea---Please be honest. I can see your clothes ripped, your face covered with dust -Please tell me what happened to you in the last 3 days? I searched everywhere, I contacted your school and I also heard that your teacher, they found blood on the rooftop "
Now I understand why is she mad and crying, she was worried about me. she knows that I eat my lunch on the rooftop, she knows I am being bullied at the school because of the bruise that I always have and teachers found blood on the rooftop. on top of that, she said it's been 3 days. I am pathetic, worrying the only person who cares about me.
" excuse me mother, to worry you, " I said that, however my feelings, they need a way, a way to express them and I am not able to do it so, my words and the action alone would have to express my feelings -I bowed down
" Uh? Aoi?" (My mother's reaction )
I was bowing down but I took a sneak peek when she did not respond and suddenly stopped crying, I saw the surprised face of my mother I wonder if my feelings somehow have reached her.
" you are speaking normally-- "
of course not, my feelings are still hidden beneath my emotionless face
" Yes, I can, this is what I was about to tell you. I met certain someone who claimed to be the person who can treat my vocabulary but the treatment that he was about to give me, required me to stay at his home " -i hope it doesn't sound strange.
" I am really happy. you can finally interact with people around you " - but still, you could've at least said something before leaving. you made us really worried
That was obviously a lie. I don't know myself how I am able to speak to normally, actually what heck is just going on with me? well, I can think about that later but for now, I wanna see my mother's face whic- it is really nice to see your parents smile for you.
But being able to speak, it doesn't help much in my case. ( That's what I thought )
" By the way Mother, I am still standing outside. it's cold "
Finally, I was at my home. mother told me the story of her side-like How worried father and she was about me. we talked to each other like never before. well, her son finally could speak so, of course, she would have a lot of things to talk about.
We were talking to each other on the dinner table when I suddenly felt really sleepy
" Mother, I am going to my room now. " I said while I stood up and headed towards the room
" Yes. *Smile* Good night son."
{ Early In Morning }
" Really? I am really excited to hear his voice " ( Father ) -Our Son Aoi, He never once spoke normally.
" Dear, please restrain yourself from getting over excited. He just came back " ( Mother )
"Eh? " ( Father )
" Don't eh me! you have never been honest with him. always scolding him to-" ( Mother )
" B--- but! " ( Father )
" *Death-Stare* " ( Mother )
" I understand-i-i Understand " ( Father )
{ In My Room }
Hmmm, is my hearing got better? my hearing has always been good but being able to hear those two talking from downstairs this clearly.
" Aoi? Come downstairs if you are awake or else you will be late for the school " ( Mother calling for me from downstairs)
I hated morning, -every night I feared mornings, wishing to the sun to stay away. mornings were like a nightmare to me, you know why? I have to go to school every day since I didn't want to make my parents sad and The School, That's a hell for me.
I went downstairs after getting ready for school and my father was there waiting, holding a newspaper.
"Aoi? do you have something to say for yourself? " ( Father )
" I'm Sorry for making you worry "
Well, that's all I could say.
" I didn't ask for apologies " ( Father )
" Dear! " ( Mother )
" *Ahem* Anyways, I heard that your high school uniform is ruined. How are you gonna go to school now? " ( Father )
That's true, my high school uniform is, I can't wear it anymore.
" You can wear you last year's winter uniform, can't you? it should be fine since you have GROWN " ( Mother )
My mother, I can tell by the look of her face that she was waiting to say that. The smirk on her face was clear when she said that.
" I understand, I will change and head to the school. Thank you for the meal "
I left the house after changing. while I was on street outside of my house I heard something.
" Dear, Don't you think our son has changed in the last three days? " ( Mother )
" Uh? Really? " ( Father )
" You!! Didn't you see how calm and understanding he was? it is as if he become mature" ( Mother )
" I think you over exaggerating. He looks the same as before to me, the only change is that he can speak normally now. I hope that now he would be able to make friends " ( Father )
" Ummm- me too. Good Luck Aoi " ( Mother )
-Seriously, What's up with this ability of mine? being able to hear their conversation from 50m.
There surely was some question in my mind too, but to be hon-umm anyway, The High School is still more like hell for me, I am still unable to show expression like before, I still feel like a coward. feeling a little light and seeing some strange spectrum before me are not as horrifying as.... getting beaten up every single day. you know the place you are going is a hell, residence of that hell gonna torture you yet you still have no choice but to go there and suffer.
being not able to die is just the worse thing that could happen to someone like me, Who wants to end his life.
" ... "
{ 8:22 PM / At The Utsuki Sen/Jun High School }
I arrived at my high school. I wonder how Tokugawa and Seimen gonna react when they see me alive.
" Let's find out "
{ 1st Floor }
1st Floor of my high school is mostly used for Junior students ( 2nd Year/1st Year ) and 2nd floor is for Senior students like myself (3rd Year/ Last Year ) and Clubs. While I was walking upstairs I heard Seimen and Tokugawa talking to each other
" Oh-ho, you talking about that? " { Two High School Boys Having Conversation In Hallway } ( Seimen
"Yeas, That was hilarious, the way you opened the door of girl's changing room and shouted -Pantieman have arrived to grab--Hahaha- "
" Lol, that was a long time ago. " -At that time we were in middle school ( Tokugawa )
" By the way, did you see Mitsuhashi? How he always- " ( Seimen )
" get behind us, I know right. it's pathetic " ( Tokugawa )
-Something is off! Why are they so calm and talking carelessly after killing me?
" Putting a fake smile on his face, thinking that we don't know anything. I hate that Mitsuhashi " ( Seimen )
" Don't worry, one day he will show his true intent. until that day comes, Aoi will have to entertain us " ( Tokugawa )
-Are they acting as if nothing happened?
I was confused, really confused. I thought they would be anxious but they are, they seemed--
" Isn't this great? he doesn't cry nor show any sort of expression on his face. we can enjoy all we want and never feel guilty. Oh, There is he is with his apathetic face " ( Tokugawa )
-Shit, He saw me, What I should do now?
I was trying to avoid their attention but now they saw me. I don't know what I should do, I want to avoid getting beaten up. I don't wanna feel that pain again. I just prayed and avoided eye contact while keeping on walking to the class but
"Hey! Where do you think you are going without greeting Tokugawa and me? " ( Seimen, Grabs my shoulder )
When Seimen Grabbed my shoulder, that sent shivers to my spine. I was scared, I was terrified beyond words. When I looked up, to answer them. I saw Tokugawa's face, his face was pale. he seemed more terrified than me as if he had seen a ghost? that's the reaction I was expecting before coming to school but it doesn't seem that the reaction that he is currently giving off is because of me.
" Let him go Seimen " ( Tokugawa )
" e? Wh-- " ( Seimen, Looks at Tokugawa's Terrified face )
Seimen took off his hand from shoulder
" Aoi we will see you later " ( Tokugawa )
They let me go?
I didn't think much of it and continued walking to the class
{ Class = 3-A (2nd Floor, Last Year of High School ) - Homeroom }
When I was coming to the school, I was expecting to see Tokugawa and Seimen anxious, nervousness that one would have after killing a person but they weren't. Little confidence that I had before coming to the school was- after listening to their conversation I felt more uneasy, they seemed more terrifying and because of that, I myself become nervous instead of them.
Homeroom teacher came into the class, with a few papers in his hands. The teacher stood before charcoal board, He looked around the class with his eyes and when he saw me
"Please sit down everyone, we will be starting class but before that. Aoi Kichiro? You finally came back to the school. where have you been? " ( Homeroom Teacher )
" I... " ( when I was about to speak )
" *sigh, Righ you can't sp- Well Anyway, make sure to contact your family or school if you are going somewhere " (Homeroom Teacher)
Of course, no one yet knows that I am able to speak. so, the homeroom teacher didn't expect any sort of reply from me and ended it right away
Homeroom started and ended, nothing out of ordinary happened.
" This should be it. study hard for your mid-term. Dismissed " ( Homeroom Teacher )
{ A Few Hours Later, Lunch Break }
I forget.. My Lunch box. I guess I will just spend my break in the class.
" Lonely as ever, just look at him. hiding the apathetic face of his on the table " ( One of mine fellow classmate, talking to her friend )
" Shhhh- Reeya Be quite, He might hear you. " ( Her Friend, In slow voice )
" So what if he does? It's not like he feels anything " ( Reeya )
" You.. " ( Reeya's Friend -Their Conversation didn't last long)
Emotionless. You know, I also feel them. it just that I cannot show 'em on my face.
maybe I shouldn't stay in the class, these girls don't have anything else to do so, of course, they would pick on me.
I left the class, Headed towards the rooftop to pass the time
{ Rooftop }
-The place where I died first time huh? maybe I can find something here
There was nothing on the rooftop as if nothing happened. though I heard from my parents that teacher found blood on the rooftop
-Teachers, They didn't even investigate about blood they found on the rooftop?
I walked to the, where I was lying unconscious surrounded by my own blood. I leaned down and firmly touched the ground with my hand.
" ... "
While I was leaning down I did not hear a single thing from behind, but someone had kicked me from my back
" Uh? "
I lost my balance and fell on the ground on my face.
I quickly turned around and looked back
-Tokugawa, Seimen?
When I saw their face, I become terrified. I was scared beyond words
they were holding the same bat as before.
I might gain some sort ability to come back to life but I was still scared, thinking of the pain that pain. I did not want to suffer from that pain again.
-n.. not.. again. ple..ease, Please!
They were slowly walking towards me, shouting, swearing and not a single word was coming out of my mouth.
I tried to crawl back with help of my hands but they had become stiff, hard as a rock
-i.. i don't want to- pl.. someone
Tokugawa was now standing at the top of me, He pulled his bat behind shoulders. He was about to hit my head with that bat and the pain it will cause, I didn't even wanna think about it Thus I closed my eyes and prayed, I prayed to gods, I prayed to everything.
-please, someone! anyone help me. I don't wanna feel that horrible pain again
But, Gods, Those bastards, they just want to enjoy other's suffering in the name of rules
Tokugawa swings his bat, aiming for my head.
Everything slowed down, I saw that bat coming towards me but I was not able to react. it was as if time had slowed down but it was not enough
-Ti..Time? if only time would stop flowing......
And when I wished for time to stop flowing. it stopped.
-Did they stop moving? Am I saved?
I looked around myself, There wasn't any blood coming out of head this time. And it was not just time that had stopped flowing, The spectrum that surrounded me since that day and kept on flowing, that spectrum also stopped moving and had become more strong, glossy. for some uncertain reason A few words came to me at that time and those words were
" Time Dimension "
When I spoke those words
Tokugawa and Seimen were enough but this voice that I just heard terrified me more. It did stop but I didn't want to take any risk and started playing dead.
{ A Min Later }
I kept my eye closed for about a minute and opened a single eye to take a sneak peek, I looked towards Tokugawa and Seimen. They were still standing there, frozen
{ 2 Min Later }
Took a sneak peek
{ 3 Min Later }
Took a sneak peek
{ 4 Min Later }
Took a sneak peek
{ 5 Min Later }
5 Min Later, I became certain that they are not about to move anytime soon. { Deep Breath } I took a deep breath and stood up
" What in the world is going on with me? I wonder if, if I am actually Dead and this is all a dream, a dream that you see after death. "
I started doubt reality itself, Everything that was happening was beyond my mind. Tokugawa and Seimen didn't remember what they did to me before
" I know they don't remember 'cause they didn't act strangely when they saw me in the morning. They came today again, I think they just want to kill me no matter what. "
" It seems that way, Master. Humans, They don't deserve pity " ( a voice, coming from my back )
-Don't tell me.. Tokugawa and Se, No, they are frozen right in front of me. So Who just replied?
I turned around, I was trembling inside and when I saw that person who just spoke, I lost my mind.
The person who just spoke, He was floating in the air -He had two wings on his back, one of them was surrounded by the dark glow and the other one was shining like the sun. Though for someone else it could've been a beautiful view but for me, That was the worst possible thing that I could see in my situation. I mean there were already a lot of things happening and now this?
I suddenly lost strength to even stand, my legs gave up on me and I fell on the gro- *losing-consciousness-losing-consciousness*
" Now, Now Don't overdo yourself. I Know you been through a lot already so, you can rest now and leave everything to me. Leave everything to this humble servant of yours " ( Said Unknown Person While Holding Aoi )
When I was falling, That person stopped my fall -He quickly flew towards me and gently wrapped one of his hand on my stomach and saved me from falling
- In Serial14 Chapters
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Feeling the cold breeze on his "private," Damian snapped out of his sleep, only to find himself in the middle of a forest that was too... naked! Thrown into an unfamiliar world with uneasiness and fear of the unknown, when Damian saw the horde of monsters, he wondered if he was supposed to fight them with his bare hands. Just when he thought he was all alone... *Ding!* «Installation of the system: 100%» «Booting the 'Monster King' system» He is destined to command armies, and he will do so, subduing every Moster. Fighting and living among these monsters, he soon realises that monsters aren't the hateful demons of fantasies; in fact, they are the victims. «A Spritual mine has been discovered!» «Build your monster nation?» Buildinga kingdom was Damian's unachievable fantasy, but now that he has the chance, he won't settle for a kingdom; he will build an empire! His growth, however, is seen by others as the rise of a monster... The nature-protecting elves of the South;the cunning humans of the West, for their watering mouths.The money-loving drawfs of the underground, aren't holding back in the least;Waiting for a war is the northern army of beasts;far from the chaos are the mysterious observers of the east.All eyes are on the Monster King, waiting for the right time to give his gold mine a feast. How would Damian fend off the hungry veltures in order to keep his promise of rising in this unheard-of culture? -----//--« Status »--//----- > Release schedule: 4 chapters/week> 1 chapter every day except: Monday, Wednesday and Friday. > The book is also available on Webnovel.
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8 107