《The Goddess of Death's Champion》Eliot's Travels
Eliot’s travels
Meanwhile, Eliot wickedly grinned in anticipation of surprising everyone when he shows up via a portal, in a few weeks’ time. Eliot spent the whole time he traveled in the caravan studying the portal spell. He had figured out that the third symbol and first number was the size of the portal, Eliot was never properly schooled so he didn’t know of any metric, but he did know that the number 170Cm was around his height, making that the number he would use for the diameter when traveling. The last symbol and second number was the distance from himself to the second portal. When Eliot’s master used the spell, the number was “3,801Km”. While Eliot didn’t know how that was measured, he knew that was a ridiculous distance as he had never seen a number that large and he didn’t know what the “Km” was for. This also explained why Eliot was left with an extremely low amount of mana, even though the portal was only big enough to fit his hand through and he left it open for less than ten seconds. In fact, Eliot was pleasantly surprised when the mana drain was minimal when opening portals close in proximity, he also found out that he could control where the first portal appeared and the direction the second portal appeared with his thoughts if he did not input any numbers, but it costs a huge amount of extra mana.
When Eliot first started experimenting, he set the distance to “1Km” but the second portal never appeared. Eliot was frustrated when no matter what number he set, the second portal was nowhere in sight and he almost stopped his experimenting for the day. That was when a thought came to him, take the “Km” away. Eliot didn’t want to cause any trouble to the caravan and didn’t want to injure himself, so he cast the idea to manipulate the symbols out of his thoughts, at least he tried. As soon as the thought entered Eliot’s head, it dominated his thoughts, making it impossible to think of something else and Eliot eventually relented when he started to get a headache. Eliot made the required symbols and, for the last slot, made a 1 with no metric. Eliot let go of the breath he didn’t know he was holding and became ecstatic when he saw the second portal appear a meter away from the fist portal. Eliot found that if he didn't add any specific metric of measurement, the spell would autocorrect to an "M" with no "K" as the measurement.
He experimented more and familiarized himself with the distance of one "M". Eliot spent the other half of the day playing with the portals; Eliot opened a portal in front of him that connected to the space behind him and extended his arm through to scratch his back, he created a portal on the ground of the carriage that connected to the roof and dropped his boot in it, he created two portals next to each other and played catch with himself, and much more. By far the most interesting setup was when Eliot connected the floor and roof. Eliot watched in a trance as his boot fell and appeared above his head, endlessly, over and over. After Eliot had enough fun with that, he extended his hand to grab the boot, but quickly pulled it back when the boot zipped past his vision. Eliot had sat watching it for at least ten minutes and the boot had sped up considerably during that time, without Eliot noticing. The boot was traveling insanely fast and it became a blur in Eliot’s vision. Eliot started getting worried and pondered about why it was getting faster, but shelved that when he noticed the boot started changing color to a reddish orange.
“How am I supposed to grab it without injuring myself?” thought Eliot many times as he was brainstorming possible solutions. When the smell of burning leather started permeating throughout the carriage, Eliot thought of a plan. Eliot’s plan was to move the second portal outside of the carriage to not damage it, it wasn’t perfect but the best a panicked Eliot could come up with. Eliot had experimented extensively, so he knew that if he willed it, he could make the first portal in the same position while changing the second portal’s position, the first portal wouldn’t disappear and only the second portal would change position. This plan wouldn’t work if the first portal flickered for even a split second because the boot was moving too fast for Eliot to accurately time the spell. Eliot shaped his mana into the suitable symbols, making the distance 100M to the right of his carriage and focused more mana to solidify and engrave the symbols into reality. In the next second, the portal on the roof seemingly disappeared along with the burning boot and silence reigned supreme. Eliot had no idea if that distance would be enough to mask any damage and was relieved when there was nothing indicating his actions. Eliot checked how much mana he had left and nodded in satisfaction before he started casting another spell. The spell had the number 170Cm in the third symbol slot and 99M in the fourth. A portal one hundred and seventy centimeters in diameter appeared in front of Eliot, the image of a forest was surrounded by spinning and ripped apart space. Eliot hastily jumped into the portal and closed it behind him to try and minimize the amount of mana used because it would drain mana every second Eliot kept the portal open. Eliot stepped through and surveyed his surroundings with fascination. Eliot appeared in a lush forest with greenery and trees that dominated the sky all around him. Eliot's face darkened for a brief moment.
"A forest," he thought in disgust. During his survey, Eliot found a charred boot in a small crater. Eliot was energetic as he investigated the boot and crater conscientiously. The boot was in flames as it sat in the crater. Eliot was enraptured by the strange phenomenon and completely forgot about the caravan until minutes later. Eliot berated himself as he tried to guess how much the caravan traveled so that he could make a portal back into his carriage. Eliot gave it some thought and decided that he would not risk teleporting into someone else’s carriage and decided he would teleport outside of the carriage and tell the guards he went out to take care of waste. Eliot made a portal back to where his carriage was ten minutes ago and stepped through. Eliot smiled when he found himself on the road and the caravan was only a small distance away. Soon enough, he was back inside his carriage. Eliot decided that he practiced enough for today and wanted to go to sleep. Unfortunately, Eliot couldn’t go to sleep right away as his mind was still focused on why the boot did what it did. Eliot thought about it and realized that that was why people would get injured when jumping from tall heights.
“When someone jumps, they quickly fall back down to the ground. When they make contact with the ground, they are hit with some invisible force that goes throughout their body, that same force increases along with the height of the fall. When I made the boot teleport to the roof without letting it hit the ground, that was the same as dropping it from a really high height and that force that hits you when you hit the ground made the boot get really fast. What is that force, though? Why did it start burning? If someone fell from really high, would they start flaming too?” pondered Eliot until he eventually drifted to sleep.
Eliot gradually opened his eyes when the sunlight coming from the window rested on his face. Eliot sluggishly got up and stretched while remembering the events that transpired yesterday. Eliot’s brain quickly became muddled as he thought about what he would test today. Eliot decided he would test more about that force he discovered yesterday, but frowned slightly when he noticed his mana reserves were not completely filled. Eliot sat down and crossed his legs while setting his hands in his lap and started meditating. Eliot focused his senses until he could feel something similar to fog all around him. After Eliot confirmed that he felt the ambient mana, he manipulated his own mana that made up his mana armor and made it pull in the ambient mana, speeding up his passive mana regeneration. Eliot spent an unknown amount of time filling his mana pool before he opened his eyes with a pleasurable sigh. Eliot started getting up, when his eyes widened in surprise as he felt that his mana pool had increased by at least half its original size. Eliot sat for more time as he tried to figure out what made his mana pool grow, when a thought came to him, almost exactly like when he thought to remove the “M” from the portal spell.
“My mana pool grew because I actively brought in ambient mana, but that can't be why. I've done that before, my mana pool never grew,” thought Eliot. Thinking back to the earlier experience, Eliot tried repeating what he did. He manipulated his mana outside of his body until his mana reserves fell dangerously low and he was breathing heavily. Then, Eliot copied what he did before and drew in ambient mana. Again, after some unknown time, he opened his eyes and a pleasurable feeling filled him as his mana pool was filled. Eliot checked his mana pool and his heartbeat quickened when he saw that it had grown again. Eliot spent almost the entire day repeating the process of draining and refilling his mana pool until it had stopped growing. He opened his eyes for the last time and checked his mana pool, Eliot was elated when he saw how much it had grown. It was around ten times larger than what it was before. Eliot’s smile lessoned a bit when he saw that it was already dark, but he shrugged because he thought that time was a fair trade to increase his mana pool. There was one thing that bothered him, it was like a weight always present on Elio's mind. He still had no idea why his mana pool had grown now, but not before. Reluctantly, he put that aside and told himself that his question would be answered when he started his schooling.
Days passed while Eliot was on the road and experimenting with his portals. He arrived at the first other human settlement twelve days later, it was the City of Redwood. fitting its name, it was located in a redwood forest. Eliot spent some time walking around to see what a city was actually like, possibly considering doing what Craig said after he graduated. The outskirts of the City looked similar to Eliot’s Town of Flora, roads made from people walking on them for long periods of time, wooden houses, and poor people. Eliot started thinking about why it would be called a City when it was the same as a regular town, he had his answer when a white color entered his vision. The unmarked, dirt road, turned into paved, stone road. Eliot looked up and realized that, along with the road, the houses had turned from wooden huts to stone boxes. Eliot’s feet started moving faster and his heart beat in excitement as he took in the scenery.
“It's something incredibly simple but it improves the quality of life by tons!” were Eliot's thoughts after some looking around. Along with the stone surroundings, wooden stalls that served as the marketplace were replaced with stone houses that were open to everyone with a small wooden board depicting whatever shop it was. There were also chalkboards telling everyone about new things shops were selling, this worked especially well for bars as they got to advertise all of their delicious new concoctions. Eliot’s mind was made up to turn his town into a city once he got to the center of the changes, the Mage’s Guild. It was the biggest building he had seen so far and it had a glorious banner, bigger than any other in the City, that had a crystal ball on it, hanging above the door. Eliot calmed his beating heart and walked into the Mage’s Guild with barely held excitement. The inside was surprisingly humble, it was a large area with small tables and sitting areas taking most of the space. At the left side, there was an area similar to a bar with a bartender in a uniform and talking to the people that went to them instead of serving drinks. There were some spaces on the walls that had boards with parchment that had colored pictures accompanied by writing. Eliot’s attention was instantly grabbed by the boards; parchment was extremely expensive and he had never seen ink, let alone colored ink, in his life. He had spent several minutes staring at one of these boards until someone suddenly walked next to him and spoke.
“Hey kid, is this your first time here or something?” said a man’s voice.
Eliot looked to his right in surprise and said, “Yes, it is”. The man was muscular, tall, at least two and a half meters, and menacing with stubble decorating the bottom side of his face while a scar took residence above his left eye.
The man sighed and shook his head, “Listen, you’re too young to be wasting your life with this, if you really need money, you could offer your services at one of the shops, you don’t need to fight monsters”. Eliot was confused at what the man had said and looked back at the parchment. Eliot seemed to read one for the first time, and he laughed at himself because each parchment depicted a monster, the reward for killing them, and a small description.
“Ah, there seems to be a misunderstanding, sir,” said Eliot. “I was only taking a look, and I am a mage, so I am qualified”. The man looked visibly shaken when he said that, mages were few and far between, and most kept to themselves. Suddenly, the man’s eyes glinted with opportunity and he gave Eliot a proposition.
“Well, if you want to make some extra money, you could hunt with my team and we’ll give you half of everything we get,” said the man hurriedly as if someone could snatch Eliot away at any moment.
“I do only have the silver from the guard’s reward, they’re going to run out eventually” thought Eliot before he said with a nod, “Sure”. The man was visibly elated as he smiled a toothy grin and put an arm around Eliot before leading him to a table with three other people.
“Hey guys! look here,” said the man to the people discussing at the table. They looked up and greeted the man that was named Randle before looking at Eliot in confusion.
“I found us a mage! This is ...” Randle started loud and proud before being a little embarrassed as they haven’t even changed names.
“I’m Eliot, and I am a beginner mage” provided Eliot.
Randle nodded and said in a hushed tone, “he agreed to hunt with us for the day!”. When Randle said that, the three party members' eyes lit up and they became just as thrilled as Randle.
“My name’s Nami, nice to meet you,” said one of the two girls sitting to the left of Eliot.
“My name’s Katherine” said the girl next to her.
“And I am Rogger '' said the one man sitting on the right of Eliot. The girls must have been twins because the only thing that was different about their appearance was the gear they had. One of them was equipped with dual daggers and leather gear while the other had a crossbow with a knife at their waist and leather gear. They were both fit brunettes with hazel nut eyes and tan skin. Randle was obviously the front swordsman as he had a great sword on his back and a metal chestplate and greaves. Rogger was the only one Eliot couldn’t figure out, he had leather gear everywhere but the vital areas of his chest and neck, while he had no weapon, in fact, Rogger was nursing a small wooden flute. Seeing Eliot’s quizzical expression, Rogger was quick to explain.
“I am a bard. Bard’s are similar to mages in the way that they use mana but they use it in a completely different way. They use mana when they play an instrument, it provides similar effects to a potion made by an apothecary,” Rogger explained.
Suddenly, Eliot could see a small amount of mana gather around Rogger’s eye before his eyes widened and he jumped back while yelling, "Holy crap!”. The yell drew everyone’s attention in the Mage’s Guild, while it was the biggest building in the City, it was still a small space of 300 square meters. The rest of the team glared at Rogger while they quickly escaped the attention of the people by running outside, dragging Eliot with them. They stopped at a nearby tree and glared at the sweating Rogger; Eliot was the only one not annoyed, actually interested in what Rogger had done with his mana and why he reacted that way.
“What did you do? I saw some mana go to your eyes and then you yelled out of nowhere,” asked Eliot. Rogger lifted his head and looked at Eliot with the fear you would show a monstrous beast before it quickly morphed into unequalled respect.
“I’m sorry, but I was just surprised at the amount of mana you have, looking at the size makes me want to throw up” .
“The size?” said everyone, including Eliot until he remembered that it had increased to over twenty times it used to be because he started meditating everyday, and, while it wasn’t as much as the first day, it grew a little bit everyday.
“I used an advanced technique to look at your abilities, but it was almost blocked by just the size of your Mage Armor and my connection was severed once I got a glimpse of your mana pool, it looked endless” Rogger continued. Eliot was able to grow his Mage’s Armor as much as he did because the way a mage was able to use mana to shield them when any mana outside of their body would make them extremely tired, is by utilizing their aura. Mages being tired because mana exited their body was actually a misconception Eliot had, and he recently learned that it was actually mana leaving their aura that made them tired; many people had that misconception because aura grows along with the mana pool and unspecialized mages usually don’t have enough mana for their aura to encompass more than a few centimeters out of their bodies. With Eliot’s growth in mana, his Mage’s Armor had grown as well. While Eliot was able to understand what he meant about his Mage’s Armor, he was left confused when Roggers said he had an endless amount of mana.
Eliot had thought that meditating to get more mana was something every mage did, and by extension bards because they also used mana. Eliot was about to tell him about meditation, but then he snapped his mouth shut as he remembered some wise words of Cel. Cel would constantly remind Eliot not to be too nice, some people would take advantage of him. Eliot didn’t think he was being nice, everything he did was because he wanted to, nothing more, nothing less.
However, it is true that Eliot just met these people, so Eliot changed his reply to, “I’m just gifted with a really good magister”. After Rogger calmed down, they moved on and set off into the wilderness to hunt.
“So, what are we hunting?” asked Eliot.
“We’re going to start off small because this is your first time hunting.” Answered Katherine. “We will start by hunting some raptors”. Eliot thought back to the board and remembered a parchment with a chicken like creature that was half the height of a human with red feathers and long talons that was called a raptor.
“It will take us about two hours to get to their den,” added Nami. Hearing this, Eliot smiled and stopped walking.
“Actually I have a spell for that,” Eliot said happily. The interest of everyone was piqued, it was rare to see a mage in action.
“I just need to know where it is,” said Eliot, a little boastful when he saw the reaction of the team.
“It's about six kilometers south west,” provided Randle. Eliot’s smile lessoned a bit as he realized he didn’t know how much distance that was, or even how his spell measured distance. But then, he grew giddy when he realized that his magister used the spell with a “Km”, he entertained the thought that he could learn what they were.
“Um, what exactly are kilometers?” Eliot asked sheepishly.
The interest of the group changed to skepticism when they heard Eliot ask a question he should know the answer to, however, Rogger still believed in him because he thought it impossible for some one with such a big mana pool to be a con man, and answered, “It is a unit of measurement for long distances, usually used in the field of travel”. Eliot became thrilled when he heard that it was used for travel, he reasoned that his magister used that unit of measurement because he used the portals to travel and transport.
“Oh, perfect!” exclaimed Eliot as he formed the portal in a split second, he had used the spell so much recently that it was second nature now. The only difference was that he increased the size to 200 centimeters as the rest of the group was taller than him and the distance was 6Km. The rest of the group’s belief was restored when they saw the magic spell and portal that appeared in front of the group.
“Eliot’s portal transport is now open for business!” chirped Eliot. With Eliot’s increased mana pool, he could keep a portal of this size and distance open for upwards of an hour without stopping. All of his teammates jumped in eagerly, exhilarated to be able to travel that distance in seconds instead of hours. Eliot was the last to jump in and closed the portal behind him.
“The den is right in front of us!” exclaimed Randle as he pointed to the cave they appeared at the mouth of. Suddenly, the tone of the team shifted drastically to grim determination as they started discussing the battle plan.
“Alright, everyone but Eliot should already know what they need to do. Eliot, we need you to provide support from range, just stick next to Katherine and follow her lead,” briefed Randle. Eliot nodded, still confused at the drastic shift. After, they got into a loose formation with Nami and Randle in the front, while Katherine and Rogger followed behind them. Eliot did what he was instructed and ran over to Katherine’s side. They silently and carefully walked into the darkness after Rogger took out a torch.
“I can use magic without my hands, maybe I should hold the torch,” Eliot whispered, the team’s atmosphere started rubbing off on him and he started getting serious, his attention at its max. Rogger looked to Randle and only passed the torch to Eliot after Randle gave a subtle nod. The cave was surprisingly straightforward with only a narrow path that the team took several minutes to walk through. Not long later, they found their first raptor. They could hear small, rapid thuds that were getting louder and the group immediately stopped to prepare their defenses. A raptor jumped out of the darkness and pounced on Randle. Randle was shoved to the ground as the raptor’s talons raked his chestplate and his sword was holding the monster’s beek, full of serrated teeth, at bay.
Katherine, Nami, and Rogger instantly reacted; Rogger, who was directly behind randle, delivered a full force kick that pushed the raptor off of Randle, and Nami was quick to follow up by shooting a bolt into the raptor’s eye, mostly blinding it. Katherine dashed forward and her two daggers sunk into the raptor’s thigh, making it impossible for the raptor to run away. By then, Randle was already up and smashed his greatsword over the raptor’s neck, completely beheading it. Eliot was left stunned and could do nothing but watch while holding the torch throughout the whole ordeal. Once the surprise wore off, Eliot could only berate himself and apologize to his team.
“That’s ok, it was your first monster experience, we should just be glad it was only one raptor, they're usually in packs,” forgave Randle.
Randle looked around and asked,“Is everyone ok? No one injured?”. Everyone relayed that they were ok and the team soon continued on their path. Eliot was left in awe at the ability and professionalism these hunters displayed. Eliot formed a steely resolve and he was eager to prove himself to his new team, despite its transients. The next raptor attack was shortly after the first, they heard the now familiar thudding getting closer.
“That’s more than one, be careful,” warned Randle, without taking his eyes from the darkness in front of us. similar to before, two raptors jumped out of the darkness to pounce on Randle and Katherine. However, unlike before, two portals appeared in the two raptors’ paths. The raptor on the right, that was ahead of the one on the left, passed through the portal and collided into the raptor on the left. The raptors were left dazed on the ground, making them easy kills for the team. Eliot felt elated as he watched the raptors being killed due to his efforts. Eliot got nods of gratitude before they continued on in the dim light. A couple minutes went by with no raptor attacks and the group entered the back of the cave. The narrow pathway opened up, revealing a rough square, around 70 square meters of space, filled with stalagmites and the revolting smell of raptor dung filled their noses. Randle signaled for everyone to stop and suddenly a smile lit up on his and Katherine’s face.
“Do you hear that too, Katherine?” Randle whispered in excitement.
“Yes!” Katherine whisper screamed. Smiles soon occupied everyone but Eliot’s faces. Eliot had no idea what was going on and soon couldn’t stop himself from asking.
Nami turned around and whispered, “The raptors are sleeping, they’re easy kills”. Eliot had to hold back his frown when he heard that, he was mysteriously thrilled when he killed the earlier raptors.
“Killing them when they’re asleep takes all the fun out of it.” Eliot frowned to himself before he did a double take. “Wait, fun? I had fun killing them? I guess I did, maybe I should do this more often.”. Eliot didn’t stop his team from stabbing raptors' vitals while they were sleeping, though. They explored the area, but they didn’t find any treasure; they started cutting off parts to take as trophies from the raptors. Seeing this, Eliot asked why they were only taking trophies.
“This is the only way we can prove that we actually killed them,” explained Nami. There were more than twenty raptors sleeping in a circle, it was impossible to carry all of those bodies back through conventional means.
“I can use my portals to take them back with us,” Eliot offered. The hunting group froze in their tracks when they heard what Eliot had said. Elation spread through the team and they were all grateful to have Eliot with them.
“This is great, if we sell all the bodies, we can get more than triple the amount of profits!” celebrated Rogger.
“Just remember that you promised me half of everything, Randle,” said Eliot while he cast the portal spell. The biggest portal Eliot had made so far appeared under the twenty-three raptors' corpses, depositing them outside of the cave in a heap. Randle smiled sheepishly while his teammates glared at him.
"I didn’t want some other team to get him,” Randle defended himself.
“Randle’s right, Eliot is too good to miss out on because we were greedy, besides we’ll get more profit than usual by the end of the day by using his portals to travel,” assisted Rogger. Nami shrugged and agreed that was sound logic, Katherine just shrugged. Soon enough, they were walking into the Mage’s Guild and walking to the receptionist on the left side of the room while the sun was dipping below the horizon.
“We would like to collect the rewards of these quest,” said Randle with a gleaming smile as he took out multiple parchments.
“Of course, just provide proof that you completed the request,” replied the receptionist with a smile. Randle took out the small trophies they took and handed them over. The receptionist handed over a bag full of coins. Randle asked where they go to sell monster corpses.
“Right this way,” said the receptionist before she walked out of the counter and led them to a side door. Inside was a giant warehouse with tons of supplies and staff. Eliot admired the system they had set up and remembered his gole from before.
“This seems like it would be hard to set up.” Eliot thought to himself.“Well, I’ll be more qualified after graduation.” The receptionist led them to a small part of the warehouse with blood stains and teams taking monsters apart to use as materials.
“Deposit them here, the team will count them and decide on how much the pay will be,” instructed the receptionist.
“I’ll be right back,” said Eliot as he stepped into a portal. This startled the receptionist and the workers, they all exchanged worried glances and mouthed words. They were even more startled when a large portal appeared in the air and twenty-six raptor carcasses thwacked to the ground, Eliot stepped through a portal shortly after. Randled asked if anything was wrong when the workers started acting weirdly.
“N-no, nothing is wrong, we just were not aware you had a mage with you,” stammered the receptionist as she bowed to them. The receptionist turned to the workers and practically shouted at them
“Count them, hurry up! And make sure you don’t forget the mage premium”. Randle looked at Eliot in a new light, Eliot looked like a gold mine to him. Eliot had no idea what they meant by a mage premium and could hear the workers whispering about how young he was. Eliot was sure that he shouldn't have the mage premium they were whispering about, but wisely kept his mouth shut. The workers finished in less than three minutes and reported the amount.
“Actually, we have more but I didn’t have adequate space to take them all out,” said Eliot before the receptionist could give them anything.
The receptionist snapped into a ninety degree bow and said, “Please, take as much space as you need”. Eliot nodded and stepped through another portal. Soon after, portals appeared in succession over multiple monster spaces with teams of counters. The small part of the warehouse that was in charge of taking apart monsters became a flurry of motion as multiple teams of workers worked on counting and dissecting multiple monsters. They all finished ten minutes later and reported the sum to the receptionist. Eliot couldn’t help but admire their efficiency as they worked and steely resolve grew inside of him.
“I’ll build a Mage’s guild even better than this one in my town!” Eliot promised himself. "I'll probably learn what a mage premium is, as well." Twenty minutes later, Eliot was in an inn room while lying on his bed and feeling good about his profits for the day. Eliot managed to make six-teen golds, fifty silvers, and thirty four coppers from the hunting he did today. Eliot knew how he would be making money from now on, not only was it easier for Eliot because his portals saved travel and transportation time, but he enjoyed hunting too much to stop. Eliot felt elated whenever he was able to leave dead bodies in his trail. Eliot realized that those weren't exactly the thoughts of a normal person, but Eliot wasn’t really afraid that he had lost his sanity, in fact, he felt that this fit with his comfort around places like graveyards.
“If I am a psychopath, it's nothing new,” thought Eliot while he drifted to sleep. The next morning, Eliot visited a cartographer and got a map of the empire with helpful measurements between places in kilometers, he had paid extra to have a custom map but it wasn’t a problem with his funds. Eliot had said goodbye to his hunting group, Randle specifically had a hard time letting him go but eventually relented, and Eliot checked out of his inn before he traveled to the edge of town. Eliot consulted his map and looked at the distance he had left to get to Everveil.
Eliot was around 3,417Km from Everveil. Eliot created runes in front of him after putting his map away and set the needed distance. The schedule his family planned out for him required two more months of travel, he was supposed to ride a caravan all the way to Relice Fortress. From there, they had a portal service to travel long distances, that was how he was supposed to get the rest of the way. Eliot didn't think it would make a difference if he used his own portals.
Eliot could feel the majority of his mana leave his body as a portal 170Cm in height formed and he jumped inside. Eliot appeared in a stone alley way, gasping for air and sweating bullets. Eliot had to spend close to twenty minutes before he could get his breath under control and leave the alleyway. He stepped onto a street made of smooth, glistening stone that was filled with people. Eliot looked around trying not to bump into anyone and saw a city of wonder with metal signs and doors on all the shops, silk banners flying in the air, streets filled with people walking, and he could see ginormous buildings in the distance made out of unknown and spectacular materials. Eliot had made it to Everveil.
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8 156 - In Serial7 Chapters
The Adventure will never end(Beyblade fanfiction)
'Gingka, I will keep challenging you a battle until I'm strong enough to defeat you! Believe it, Hagane! Me and Blazing Jaguar will be strong, I want to battle you now!' Momoko Tendo, older sister of Yu Tendo, are friends with Gingka and the others. Her beyblade, Blazing Jaguar, meant everything to her and she is determined to become strong. No matter what! She has battled multiple beybladers and won almost every single of them, she know she will win against the legendary Gingka Hagane! But the problem is....She can't help but fall in love with him...Published May 7 Thursday 2015 6:51pm
8 141