《Taotuz's Melody》The last peaceful day


Authors Note: Sorry to all readers that this took so long but real life saw me doing something productive and kicked me ass hard core but like the great phoenix I rise from the ashes of incomplete stories. Also the end of the training arc which thank Xeraoth which was the hardest for me to write since it wasn't part of the story in my head.

At around 4am I finish the last cook book. All these books have only raised my cooking level up by fifty percent but I have kept a few recipes in my notes. Melody was only halfway way through her first book but she was dozing off a bit. Better now or never to log out.

"Darling its about time for us to log off. If we wait the full 8 hours then we will be in the middle of our training." Melody rolls off my lap and stretches like a cat showing off her tight stomach. I join her in the stretch sitting on a couch for this long really makes me feel so naughty... I mean knotty.

"Sounds good. Its time to start breakfast anyway." Melody opens up the menu and waves me off as she logs off. Her avatar starts to shimmer and fades away into nothingness.

'Its a weird feeling seeing her go in such a way.' Shrugging I pick up the books and bring them back to the clerk who is asleep at the desk. Placing them softly on the counter I open my menu and logoff.


Logging back into BattleCry I see Melody already at the front of the library waiting on me. Catching up to her I wrap my arm around her waist and give her a quick peck on the lips. Her face turns into a pout begging clearly for more. Laughing I give her an eskimo kiss and then start to walk towards the fountain.

"So which guild are you heading to now that you know how to play the piano"

"The dancing guild to learn how to maneuver. Maybe then I wont take a hit while standing still."

"As long as they don't teach you how to twerk on monsters." We both laugh at that picture.

Reaching the fountain I give her a hug and pick up my love. "Its time to go get more bruises for the both of us it seems."

"Huff huff. You better make each bruise worth it because if you don't I will bypass you by light years." Smiling she runs off towards the entertainment district.

Watching her figure till she enters the distract hyping myself for the new bit of training. I head off towards the Monastery. Before I even past the first buildings of the housing district there is a commotion.

"We don't want or need your kind here, beast!" a young man nearing the age of around 17 shouts at two different beastman.

"If you weren't a npc I tear you throat out and feed it to the rats. The only creature that be willing to eat the trash coming out of your throat." Lifting his claw above his head but before it finishes the bear-beastman grabs his partners claw and stops him.

"Stop this before it escalates out of control." It seems the bear-man is a bear-woman from the voice. The hyena-man chomps in front of the young man making the boy fall on his ass. The hyena starts to laugh uncontrollably while walking away. The boy gets up and stomps off but before he goes to far the man I helped from before comes up to the boy and smacks him upside the head.


"Boy you need to get your head on straight. The world is moving forward and you need to get your head out of that ass of yours."

"They are dirty Beastman who don't have an ounce of intelligence beyond feeding and sleeping." the boy throws up his arms in expression.

Walking up from behind of the boy the older gentleman sees me and his face turns to shame. "I'm sorry you had to see that my son here doesn't know any better."

"It is fine. Hopefully this boy will understand the error of his way even if it is not today." Looking at the boy. "Also you should remember that the Beastman live in the wild without these giant walls to protect them and survived against all the monsters of this world. That speaks volumes about the intelligence and strength of them does it not?"

The boy stomps away after the scolding his father delivered. The father shrugs at me and goes after his son. I start back towards the Monastery with a full mind.


Entering the backyard of the Monastery I spot Alexandra mediating. Taking a seat in front of her I join her in the mediation. After a couple of minutes I hear her breath increase to normal speeds then catching her breath.

"I wasn't expecting you so early." She gives me a curt nod. Getting up from her sitting positions and heads towards the shed. Coming out with a staff she throws towards me. Catching it in mid air I give it a couple of twirls. It was balanced enough not to be a hindrance. "How much do you know about the use or techniques of staffs?"

"Not much and what I think I know is probably irreverent." Alexandra nods at my statement. Pulling out her staff she gets into a starting stance.

"Staffs are not made for damage but to control the flow of battle. Now watch what I do." With one hand on near the butt of the staff and another hand on the middle she gives a quick horizontal strike. Following the strike she does a quick 360 strike horizontal strike turning once more and bending her knees and lowering the staff to her knee level. Using the momentum she was on the arc of her back with her feet in the air and sweeping the staff once more at her invisible enemies feet. Using the butt of the staff she swung up in to a upper cut and finished with the front end following the upwards motion. Looking at me she takes her hand off the end of the staff and places it in the dirt next to her. "These are the beginning techniques of the staff. You will go through them for the rest of your days with me till you leave. Now lets begin."


"So much pain," Rubbing my shoulders as I head to the orphanage once more. Waving at Ms. Johnson who was watching the kids play from the porch. Getting up from the porch she meets me at the gate. "What's for dinner tonight Ms. Johnson."

"The kids are asking for kebabs again." She smiles widely. Opening the gate to let me in. I pull my sleeves up.

"How about something else. What do we have tonight for ingredients." As I enter the yard some of the kids come near and wave and one grabs my hand.

"Are you making kebabs again Mister." I pat the kid on the head and walk away with hint of a smile. Ms. Johnson and I enter the kitchen. She goes towards the cabinet and I pull up my notes from the earlier books.


"What do you think you could make with this?" Ms. Johnson places some items I recognize. Kidney beans, tomatoes, potatoes, and onions. The meat was a little different then what I have seen. "Ms. Johnson what type of meat is that?"

"If you have the cooking skill you can identify it. If you cant it is Ground Venison." Taking her advice I try to identify the Venison.


Ground Venison

Quality: 2

Weight: 3 pounds

Value: 10 copper per pound

"I wish Venison was this cheap back home." Ms. Johnson picks her head at that. Giving her a questionable look, " Why is it on the cheaper side."

"That is because after you by pass the slimes hanging around the outskirts of town you will meet deer, wolves, and the rare bear or two."

Nodding I pick up the ingredients and a smile comes upon my face. "its so hot outside I guess I am going to have to make some chili."

"How do you make the weather chilly with food?" Ms. Johnson's face was honestly intrigued.

"I am about to show you." looking for all the pots, pans, and skillets I need I come back and start to tell Ms. Johnson the secrets of Chili.


After about an hour of cooking the chili the kids once more are all cleaned up and ready for the meal. Each with a bowl in their hands I have them line up and start to serve each kid in turn. Fifteen minutes later everybody is happily eating the very hot chili. Ms. Johnson already finished her bowl comes back over to me.

"This isn't changing the weather outside." her face was a bit disappointed. I laugh at the misunderstanding.

"The food is called chili and some people believe if you digest hot food it will raise your body temperature and you wont feel the heat around you." She nods at the new info and watches the kids eating quietly with full mouths.

"At least the kids seem to like your food."

"Don't worry I will come here everyday till my two weeks are through. As I do just write all my recipes. Anyway I have to go now got a lady waiting on me." I try to sneak out once more but before I get to the frame I hear behind me all the kids shout.

"Thank you Mr. Taotuz!" Not to be to embarrassed at this I turn around and give a deep bow to the kids.

"It was my humble pleasure to serve you Ladies and Gentleman but sadly I must leave to the company of another. So pleasant dreams." Walking out quickly I think I hear a couple of kids laugh at my exit speech. Now time to get the Fountain.


Melody opens the door to the dancing guild and began to look around. The walls were all mirrors with a bar slightly apart from it. Different corners were hosting a spectrum of dances. Melody began walking towards the center were one buff man looked upon each group in turn.

"Excuse me, Sir. Can you tell me where the dancing sign up is?" The man starts to eye Melody till he puts on a big grin and sticks his hand out.

"I am the Master of Dance Victor. I shall place you into which group I believe you are fit for." Melody grabs his hand and shake it firmly. "Now tell me girl why are you here?"

"I am a bard who was told to come here to learn to dance to improve my fighting technique." Victor looks closer at Melody's face and then snaps his fingers.

"Your Melody the Piano Bard or am I wrong" Melody nods her head. Victor face turns into a wicked grin. "I was told by Allegro you would be coming today. She told me to give you this while you dance."

Going to the backroom he brings out the board with the weights on it and drops it onto Melody's arms. Melody gives a sigh and smiles meekly, "Guess I wont be able to run from this thing."

"That's the spirit now lets put you into the beginner class. Off you go and happy dancing." The master gave a healthy laugh as he pushes Melody into the beginner corner.


Our days went on like this without much difference in schedule. On our last day we just sat at the water fountain once more before the sun rose and where we bid our teachers good bye. Melody looks me in the eye and I feel a slight change in the atmosphere.

"I am going to miss all my instructors and the clerk." She faces the sunrise as she finishes those words. I feel a shadow creep in the back of mind.

"You act like we are going to be leaving this place behind today." Looking back she gives me a sad smile.

"I may have only known you for a little amount of time but I can tell once we leave this town we probably wont come back for a great deal of time." She starts to touch her musical notes ring. The rising of the sun has awaken a great deal of the Npcs and they start to fill the streets.

"That is true but we will come back. I can feel it" I brush the strays hair out of her face as we watch Ridge City wake up. We both get up and I hold her tight and give her a deep kiss. She blushes from the strong sign of affection.

"What was with that." She slide her hand and arm across my cheek.

I look down upon her beautiful body. "I feel something bad is going to happen today so I might not get another kiss tonight so it would be better to get the best kind right now."

"Your such a mood killer." She looks away from me and the lets out a sigh. "I feel it too. We need to finish our business and get out of here."

Letting go of each other we head off to our Instructors. With a glance back they motive each other with the face of the other.


Getting to the Monastery front door I see Alexandra waiting for me. Walking up to her she raises her hand to stop me.

"Today you leave this city to write your adventure into the Soul of Slaihan. I as your teacher have seen you grow so much and because of that I offer you my staff that my teacher offered me when I graduated from him." She walks to me and she twirls the staff and with a sad grin offers me but when she looks me in the eye her face changes to one of pride. I take hold of the staff and look her straight into her face. I shake my head and push it back to her.

"I thank you from the bottom of my heart but I feel like you will need it more then me. You will have a great deal more apprentices who will want to learn everything you know. All I wanted was the basic and that you did teach me. I am humbled by your teachings." I take a step and bow towards her. Coming back up her eyes show great anger.

"If you wont take my staff then I will give you this." Faster then I could register her hands were vice griping my head and her thumbs were pressing on my temples. I grew dizzy then it became clear after a second.

New Skill Learned: Chi Fist

"Thank you master for this gift." Her face became tired just from that. Taking a step back and turns around the Monastery doorway but before she closes the door the alarm bells go off on all the guard towers.

"A Goblin Army is Invading! A Goblin Army is Invading! A Goblin Army is Invading!"

Looking back at me my teacher grabs her staff tightly and we both nod at each other. Its time for my training to show its results.

Third Call is the CharmTaotuz's Melody

Word Count is 2503

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