《Taotuz's Melody》The Story Before the Story the Prologue



A creature that is believed to only exist in science fictions strolls through the islands beach. Blue mist swirls at his feet causing the sand around his feet to slightly freeze. Turning towards the lapping waves the moon reflection is shown on the creatures metallic skin. Looking in the distance the air around the creature fills with a dread. Heading away from the waves his thoughts wander towards the training grounds.

In seconds of his wander thoughts his feet enter the training grounds. He stops in his track and his visor scopes the whole field. His brain tries to connect what he is seeing. Out of his thousands daemon army only a handful were doing anything and what they were doing is anything but training.

"RAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWR." Where this creature stood the whole floor became covered with a thin sheet of ice. Moving so fast he disappears where he was last and grabs the daemon by the back of her throat. "Where is your instructor."

The daemon looks into the creatures visor of a face and shivers and then faints in his grip. Throwing the daemon away he grabs the next one. This time it was a larger daemon resembling an older demon. The demon lower his gaze to the blue one wincing at the mere presence. The creature lifts one of his arms with great difficulty and points towards the facilities. Containing the killer's aura as he left. The larger daemon fell from the release of the pressure.

The blue creature strode through the facilities with the confidence of nobility. No movements was not registered and no shadow wasn't checked. After checking most of the facilities he was at the servant's quarters. Nearly ripping off the door he proceeds inside. A male's voice as sweet as the desert's flowers came from the back.

"Come on my lovely he will never figure it out. He is lost looking out towards sea again." Looking around the corner the creature look upon the current daemon instructor with his finger swirling on a servant's hand. The astrosphere starts to drop to freezing levels. The daemon getting startled looked around and at seeing the creature he starts to run towards the back door. The creature was much faster then the daemon and pulling the daemon's tail towards him.


"Zaxier! It.... It's.... Not what it looks like I swear." the instructor claims.

"Your coming with me incubus," Zaxier starts to pull the instructor towards his castle.


"Incompetent fool!" Zaxier grabs the larger horn and the throat of the incubus daemon picking him from his sniveling position. In Zaxier's anger the horn starts to crack and energy is released. "I demand only one thing from you. Train my armies and I catch you flirting with the slaves. Die..."

Breaking off the incubus horn completely. Streaks start to appear of lighting and mana all around the throne room. Turning the horn around in Zaxier's hand he stabs the daemon in his chest. The bloodcurning screams erupt from the creatures mouth. Zaxier tightens his grip on the corpses throat so the thing no longer makes any sound. Throwing away the garbage to the side he turns to his butler.

"Turn away all daemons who believes they can train my armies. If something must be done we must do it ourselves." The butler bows and starts to walk away. Right before he exits the room he feels his master's killer intent aimed at him.

"That was the last straw Hellsing. Do. Not. Fail. Me. Again." Zaxier turn away from the shivering butler. Hellsing the butler turns back to his Master and bows.

"Of course Daemon Overlord Zaxier as you command." turning back to the throne's room servant exit. Before he closes the door he hears his master's last words of the night.

"Two Years that is all I will need and the Man's world will be mine."



The group of programmers jump at the sound of the emergency signal. Looking at each other and swinging into their chairs. Awakening their respective computers they turn on the giant computer. A featureless face appears on it.

"Creators there is a problem. One of the races is going to war. This will cause the whole continent to be razed and lifeless."


"What race has the ability to destroy the continent?" The programmer is looking through the papers of all the creatures on Slaihan.

"The Daemons. Their leader has chosen to train his armies by himself. The God's Chosen are few and will take decades to train properly." The face looks around at the programmers. "There are no protocols if this were to happen. What are your orders."

"Can we boost the stats of the other races? Could we give them a divine warning?" One of the programmers asks.

"That is against Protocol. We can not directly influence anything in the world of BattleCry." The face states.

"First off lets pause the fast foward so we have time to think" All the programmers nod at this.

"Done... BattleCry has been paused until further instruction."

"Good now make a list of possible solutions to the Daemons."

"Calculating..... Done." The face disappears and words are typed onto the screen.

1. Become an ambassador and convince the Daemons not to invade.

2. Try to convince the natives of all races that the Daemons will start a war.

3. Open BattleCry to the public and let them fight the Daemons.

4. Start anew.

"Damn it Chloe this is all your fault! You just had to have demons and angels in the game." One of the assistant pointing at female in the back.

"Shut it Nick you are the one who wanted to implant magic in the evolutionary program. These aren't even Demons anymore. They are Daemons. Which is worse because their average intelligence is (mid)." Chloe responds back. One of the programmers start to hyperventilate. Getting up he goes towards the door.

"Now stop we must come up with a choice from the selection." The older programmer claims.

"Deon its not that easy. All of these choices are bad. It will be impossible to convince their king to not invade. The natives don't even know of the Daemons and they will think we are all madman. BattleCry was meant to be a Sci-Fi game and if we open it now it will be just another fantasy game. Starting anew is a the worst of all the choice we have had this game running for 10 years at 100x faster forward. Even with all the programs made and the newer technology we have to wait another 7-15 years for the planet to become a futuristic world." The mans breaths in and starts to spin his computer chair.

"It seems to me that the only option would be to open the game and work on another world and make it into science fiction. This time we don't add magic, demons and angels, gods, or any thing else of the nature." Deon says.

"That takes away half of the programmers abilities they wanted in our game." Chloe throwing her arms up in the air.

"We will cross that bridge when we get there." Deon turns around and looks at the featureless face. "I believe we have reached a decision. Activate Protocol 03485Z - Release."

"I will obliterate all of those fucking daemons." Chloe crushing her pen in her palm splattering ink everywhere.

Third Call is the CharmTaotuz's Melody

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