《New World Eden》Chapter 0- Intro


"What do you mean we have no solution!"

Screaming at the top of his lungs at the people around him a rather tall, tanned skin middle aged man that looked to have a scarred bald head as his thick eyebrows scrunched up into a frown and his leathery face almost turned into a growl as his anger showed on his face. 

The man seemed to be wearing a high ranking Military unifrom as his dark green suit that was covered in badges and medals and his shoulders covered in some sort of white frails contrasting his skin. The man wasn’t even trying to hide his anger as he yelled with frustration clear on his face.

The people on the receiving end of his anger looked at him with annoyance but seemed to also have expressions filled with grief as some were even putting their head in their hands in distraught.

Looking around at this circular table of only 16 people, each one looking to be very desperate with some of the more unproblematic members of the group looking around, hoping for someone to responsed to the man now standing and calm him down.

But after good minute of no one speaking it seemed that no one wanted to speak up or rather that would of happened, until a man wearing a rather plain black yukata drab who looked to be of Asian descent with wrinkles and greying hair that showed his age spoke up, bringing the room's attention to him.

"Calm down, Colonel Richard. Not all hope is lost just yet, although I was going to wait until later in the meeting to discuss this, we of the Chinese Federation have come up with a solution that could potentially be beneficial to all."

With attention now on him, the man decided to spill the plans that have been in development for quite some time.

Taking out a remote that came from a pocket inside his yukata and pressing one of the many buttons on it.

It didn't come to a suprise when a large monitor came down from the ceiling. As the room suddenly turning dark with the screen turning on illuminating the room.

"Although we've been working on this project before the National disaster was even theorized. This threat has given us the ability to achieve something that has yet to be seen on this planet. And although it’s very early to say it’s guaranteed. . . if this works, we could potentially live in a new world."

Instantly the Asain man was getting questionable looks, but he pressed on.

"Our planet is basically gone, due to the threat that is coming we will soon not be able to live on it. So why not leave and live on a new one? A better one? And that's where this new world comes into place. Through this world, we will live with new purpose and be prosperous for many generations to come. This world is where humanity will enter a new age of discovery and adventure, a world that will free us from the impending danger coming. A world called 'Eden!'"

Pressing another button, the monitor's screen that was before blank switched, now showing a spinning Globe similar to the planet Earth but different in many ways. At the same time as the screen switched, the doors of the conference room that they were in opened up and a large cylinder-like device that was the size of a large man, made of what seemed to be white metal and had a large glass panel in the front was pushed in.


"This Capsule or Stationary device is called an “Eternal Virtual Reality Capsule”, the first ever Full body VR. But this Device is just the start, as of this moment we are currently in development of a large world created entirely of Virtual status."

Looking around the room most of the people were looking at the screen and the capsule with bewilderment and confusion.

"Director Weng, can you please explain how this device could possibly help us in this time of crisis?"

A skeptical voice spoke as attention was brought on an aging female of Middle Eastern descent wearing her culture attire.

"Agreed, please elaborate on this Virtual world 'Eden?', as you call it."

A male voice spoke, seemingly younger than the rest of the compatrions in the room with his mix of white and blonde hair in his brown business suit.

Looking at the two, Director Wengs confidence was increasing more and more as he turned his attention to the once angry Military leader who was the representative of America as he seemed to be more interested than anything else and was now sitting down.

That seemed to be the reaction of half the room as hope filled the once bleak room.

"Global Representatives, this device that we're dubbing 'Life CyberSpace' is the heart and passion of the all the work of our country. With the assistance of Major gaming companies across China and Japan and the supportive help of numerous neural scientists and physicists of our country. This Capsule is the ultimate living device for what we need. Our plan is to link our minds to this virtual world and live through that world in a way that will basically prevent the extinction of the human race. These Capsules can support the life of humans for over 100 to maybe even 400 years, but that's just procationary in the event that the disaster heading to Earth somehow disappears and or someone or something releases us with the hopeful news that the danger has passed. All this can be done with a specialized fluid that we've made specifically for long time life preservation and neural bypassers, that will fill this Capsule to the brim and basically put our bodies in a state of suspended animation."

Taking out a glass container filled with a rather green liquid and setting it down for all of the people at the table to see.

"Right now although seemingly perfect, this world that we are creating isn’t ready. There are many, many things that aren't completed and that are not in proper order yet, but right now there is no better option. We've viewed all possible options and this is the best path of survival against the threat that is the heat wave approaching our planet in the coming years."

That made many representatives in the room recoil in discomfort as Director Weng spoke the unspoken taboo that was basically the end of the world.

The year was 2055 and life on earth was seemingly peaceful.

After centuries and decades of separation, racism, and bloody war. The world had finally entered a relatively peaceful era of unity and harmony among its people. But it seemed that peace and unity wasn't what the higher powers had intended for humans.

And it all started about 2-3 years ago when United States astronomers discovered a massive solar heat wave approaching the Earth's stratospheres and was expected to hit Earth in the span of 2 or so years, effectively having the possibility to eliminate all life on Earth.

When it was first discovered around 2 years ago there was mass panic for the governments and major powers of every Country.


Nobody knew what to do, but it was heavily agreed upon that knowledge of this disaster was a first class, top priority, high clearance secret and that it was forbidden to leak information to the public. So for the rest of the world if you were a common everyday person you were none the wiser and didn't know anything about the apocalypse heading its way but for the High Power Government officials and people of power who did know they were time pressed to create a plan.

A plan that could potentially save the human race from utter extinction.

And that's how the 15 representatives of the World Government came about.

Each member is a representative of their Country that is a modern power in the new world.

The United States, Russia, China, India, Germany, Russia, France, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Africa, United Kingdom, Austria, Brazil, South Korea, and Canada.

These 15 Government representatives are in charge of creating a plan that will save the human race. . . that's what it's supposed to be, but in truth it's more of a round table in charge of keeping each other in check. Making sure no other Country is creating a disturbance for the other.

And right now plans of saving the world we're not going well.

"We've went through the numbers, and after many months of deliberation and comparisons against the plan we are calling 'New World Eden', this is the best and only option we have of survival. Scientists of every major country are decades away from creating and perfecting a habitual area that can withstand the heat wave coming and is able to house all of the human race, and we're even hundreds of more years away from creating a plausible idea of a space colony. . . But the project 'New world Eden' can be realized in just a year's time if we start as soon as possible and if every Country supports this project now, we could possibly create Capsules for everybody on Earth. No matter the age, social status, or even disability. Everyone is capable and able of 'New World Eden'."

Pointing at the capsule and pressing another button on the remote, the globe that was still spinning on the monitor switched to another panel showing the words 'New World Eden'

"'New World Eden' is something that has never been seen in this world before. For years, full body virtual reality has been something that has only been dreamt upon, but now that our world is in danger, it's going to save us from complete extinction."

Having said his piece on plan 'New world Eden', it seemed that everybody was becoming more and more accepting but still had some questions and were very hesitant to support this seemingly absurd idea but there looked to be some excepting glances and brief exhales of air as if relieved.

"Director Weng what exactly is Eden?"

One of the more skeptical members in the room asked as everyone nodded to the question.

Director Weng couldn't help but nod at the question switching scenes back to the spinning globe.

"Eden, like I said, is something the world has never seen before. It has rules of its own and laws that you would never see in real life. Although it's still in development, it's expected to be at least trice the size of Earth and its servers will undoubtedly be able to house all of the human race's consciousness. But if I were to be bluntly honest, in a way Eden is like a game; the world is full of magic, swords, fantasy like creatures, dungeons, castles, all sorts of things that you would see in a game will be realized as we continue making the world.”

"Now you may ask why? Why create a world that can be and will be unrealistic, why make it take place in a fantasy world that mostly only teenagers and kids would like? And the answer is obvious. Why not. . . what would be the point of having the ability to make a new world and not give the people a new way of creating a better more interesting future. This world 'Eden' is a new starting point for mankind, giving us new opportunities and even newer possibilities. Stories of legends can finally be lived out and a new social norm will be created, no longer will politics or even money determine the standing of humans, but strength and enginuity. This is Eden! This is what mankind needs to forget about Earth and live in a world that you would never be able to see before! A world that is undisputedly the future of mankind!"

Almost instantly noise and questions reverberated across the room as almost every representative stood up, shouting out questions to Director Weng.

"How will this World correlate already set social standing!?"

"How much power does each Country have in this Virtual World, will China and Japan have the most power cause you created it!?"

"What of the Economy of this world! Can it be linked to the already current and set system of the Economy!?"

"How much will production of such mass creation of these devices cost!? How long will it take?"

"Will we be able to send these products to the lower income and indigenous areas of the world, will these be of use for all people!?"

"How will Social power have a factor in this world!"

Listening to all the questions, Director Weng couldn't help but smile. These questions weren't of negative or disapproval of Eden but were inquires of what was inside the world and seemed that some were even interested in it.

'Just as expected. . .'

"No prior social standing will affect Eden in any way or form, other than the possibility of quality of the Capsule. And possibly some extra incentives to please the Higher Class citizens that we can deliberate on later notice after we define the plans of 'New World Eden'."

At that the one who asked the question nodded with a pleased smile.

"Another thing that is implemented in Eden, is that no Country will have stacks of power, not even China or Japan. You may try and establish one and force the people to become a citizen of your land, but as is in a game, every person no matter who it is will have to start at the bottom, Level 1. There is no way of creating an already established country or creating a character that will cheat your way to the top. The main purpose of Eden is to show who's capable and create your own destiny in this world. How that will correlate to Eden I can't tell you."

As if waiting for someone to interrupt him, he was pleasantly surprised when it seemed that no one had and continued.

"Now like I said, this world is still in development so things like Economics, Commerce, and etc. will be developed as soon as an agreement is met."

"And for the cost of these Capsules, again will be managed once we get the support of every country, but if we come to an agreement and we start now, we could possibly start the departure into Eden. . . in the next year at the latest, so I urge that we agree with project 'New World Eden' now. Though if your asking what the cost will be, I wouldn’t worry about that since currency as it stands will basically have no meaning in around 2 years so there’s no point in worrying about it."

Murmurs spread across the room as the representatives talked amongst themselves.

"And for the one who asked about these capsules being sent to parts of the world that are more indeginous and are mainly populated by the lower income, I promise that I will personally make sure these capsules are sent to those lower income countries and lower class citizens of the world. Like I said this world is for everyone and is meant to be a place that can save the human race and that means everyone!"

Becoming more passionate than before Director Weng continues

"And again, Social power will not have any sway in this world. Eden is essentially a world of its own, with its own citizens, its own culture, history, everything. I haven't shown you this but we are basically just joining an already established world and creating a new future for ourselves there."

Switching the image on the monitor once more, a different image of Eden that looked to be unfinished with huge chunks of the planet missing and holes filled with data penetrating the planet. As the camera viewed the planet it suddenly zoomed in and the conference could see a small village filled with wooden shacks and stone buildings with people walking around wearing weird garbs and clothes reminiscences of some kind of fusion between old time European and Asian clothes.

Looking at them the clothes were mostly made of long green, grey, and white cloth or wool wrapped around their body in the shape of shirts and pants, some being long as if a dress and some short.

It looked very fantasy-like with it being very plain and seemingly very poor in nature.

But that wasn't the only thing, scenes switching to people wearing robes covering their bodies wielding staffs, people covered in armor wielding swords, some were wielding different kinds of armor, some light with daggers or some heavy and wielding big hammers or clubs.

"The Npc's of this World function the same as any living person from our world, and for those that don't know, Npc means 'Non Player Character', which will basically be seperate forms of data that will live in conjecture and beside us. This holds true as the kingdoms and lands of Edem are filled with these Npc's, I can't say the amount or the percentage of land claimed already for this but I can tell you that this is all possible due to the newest super A.I that we have developed specifically for this world. This A.I controls the world that we will live in and will basically be the God of the world. And to tell you the truth, we have come up with the plan of letting the A.I create content for the world as we live in it, this will in turn create a fair balance for everyone and it will make sure there is no form of cheating."

Director Weng looked at the 14 other delegates who seemed to be silently celebrating but was putting on a front to look professional

"I have a question."

A voice that hadn't spoken since the beginning of Director Wengs presentation brought attention to themselves.

"Ah, Colonel Richard what is it?"

Looking at Colonel Richard who was now in deep thought as he folded his hands and propped his elbows against the table, laid his chin against his hands as he looked back and forth between the fluid, the capsule, and the monitor.

"I'm going to be honest with you. Like everyone else in this room, I like this idea, and like you said. . ."

Taking a shaky breath Colonel Richard who seemed more relaxed now than before continued as if coming to terms with reality.

"Its most likely our only chance at survival, Earth as you said is going to be unhostbitable for the next few hundred years and transferring the human races consciousness to a virtual world makes the most sense and putting it in a fantasy setting will be interesting. But my question is how can you guarantee that China and Japan won't potentially go back on what you said and create an unstoppable empire to rule? How can we guarantee that our future isn't being controlled by you, and how can we be certain you won't put yourselves in a position of power?"

As if stating the obvious the other delegates seemed to realize the potential unfairness that was China and Japan creating a world that could possibly favor them.

". . . A very good question, that I assure would never happen. As i've stated and you probably already know since you've asked the question but I plan to make this world completely fair. Like I said, I plan to make the A.I take control of most of the world and how the world works but regarding what you've said about how the world is created and how it runs, I have a solution. I propose that all of you send a team of your own scientists, programmers, engineers, coders, anything you want that can possibly quel your opposition to this project to our headquarters to help create Eden. I know you're very hesitant but this isn't the time to worry about a country getting the leg up on another. This is the time to come together and create a solution to the coming problems of the world."

If it was any other time, Director Weng would have possibly made it so that China would have the advantage but now it was a different story and he had no choice but to put aside selfish thoughts.

Seeing as Colonel Richard nodded and was seemingly content with this plan Director Weng let out a sigh of relief.

'Now all we need to do is put these words into action. . .'

Looking around the room and seeing talk start up again, now about 'New World Eden', Director Weng put all of his attention and focus to the human race and its survival. . . 

1 Year Later

The year was 2056 and News of the End of the World had just reached the public.

To normal people, being told what was basically a wave of boiling hot heat heading its way to Earth was not the ideal way to wake up. And there was no question that mass panic was the reaction for most people. People were looting, creating anarchy, commiting crimes, anything you can think people would do at the fact that the world was ending. But that was put out as soon as it started by the police and army of every country, and for the next week it was becoming unbearable, even the risk of suicide was creating a problem. And so when news of project 'New World Eden' was announced there was hope again. 

And that hope was going to be realized.

A full year has passed since the initial 15 Representatives decided with that plan to save the human race, and preparations for transfer have been perfect so far. There were no problems or interruptions, and finally in a matter of weeks, the human race were finally going to set off. 

But other than the initial planning and finishing of Eden, Underground facilities were created. These underground facilities were in place to control the temperature of the heat wave that would be approaching.. 

They were created all around the world in every country for the sole purpose of housing the billions of Life Cyberspace Capsules that the human race would be accuping.

After many months of planning and working tirelessly, it was finally completed and the A.I was up and ready for the 8.3 billion inhabitants going into its world.

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