《The Game of Spirit》False Peace - 1
Rose woke up. Her head throbbed like being hit by a hammer. Her vision blurred when she opened her eyes. She was covered in blanket and there was a small towel in her forehead.
She picked the towel and sat up. She was in her room. The lamp was turned off and the curtain closed, making the room darker.
"What happened last night?" She held her head. Images of what happened last night before she fainted flashed in her head. She recalled the detail of what happened last night in the subway station. "Did he carried me here?"
The towel felt cold and wet, leaving a small puddle of water when she moved it to the other hand. She grabbed her forehead, it was hot, slightly hotter than her normal temperature. She placed the towel on the table beside her bed. In the table there were also a bowl filled with water, another towel, and a thermometer beside her usual item that she placed there.
The door creaked open. Aldwin entered with a trays in his hand. On it, a bowl, a cup and a jug. He place it on the table beside the bed then leaned on the wall. "How are you feeling?" His face and voice showed indifferent, but behind it, Rose could pick up a trace of anxiousness and relieve.
"Better, thanks to your compress. More importantly, what happened last night after i….fainted?"
"Nothing much, the woman ran away, and police came to check the situation. I was able to get out from there before the police noticed us"
"You let her get away?! After what she have done!"
"What can I do? She teleported out, and you fainted . My first priority is of course take you to out from there." He answered. "Or are you suggesting that i left you to die next time something like that happened?"
She looked down. "No....." She remained silent for a minute after that. "Aldwin.... who are you?"
"What do you mean?"
"That woman last night, she recognized you, revered you, to the point of... killing a little girl for sacrifice."
"I told before didn't I? I'm a demonic spirit, and not just any demonic spirit i’m a high ranked one. She is Angele de la Barthe, a witch, famous for sacrificing children to summon a demon. In her life she tried to summon a high demon, but never succeed. That's why she became hysteric when she saw someone like you summoned a high demonic spirit. I personally don't have any direct connection to her if that's what you're asking."
"Demonic spirit.... i always said thing like demonic spirit, heroic spirit, but tell me Aldwin, what classify a spirit to be considered a demon?"
"Wha.. you asking that now? After all that 'i don't want a demonic spirit, i want a heroic one' you said on the first day." He smirked. "Really Rose?"
"Just answer me already!" She raised her voice.
"Alright, alright. A demonic spirit is someone whose in life considered by many to be evil. The thing is, someone doesn't have to be evil to be a demonic spirit, they just need to be seen as evil by the masses."
Rose looked at him when she heard his answer."Don't tell me you..."
"Nope! I'm the more genuine kind of demonic spirit you know. Just to say, i have done something much much worse than what that witch had done."
"Then what is your goal? A demonic spirit as strong as you, chose me as your summoner, and after yesterday you know that you won’t get the source, not to mention that you have been relatively kind to me. What are you hoping to accomplish Aldwin?" Her stare was dead serious.
Looking at her like that Aldwin sighed. "Relatively kind? You tongue is as sharp as ever." He started walking to the door.
"Don't avoid my question!" She yelled. Her finger dug into the blanket.
Aldwin stopped and turned his head. "Why does it matter really? it's already too late to do anything right now. I already told you when i asked if you wanted to change who i am. You answered no, don't regret it……. Eat your breakfast and think it over again. It’s still not too late if you wanted a new spirit." He turned the light on and left the room.
She pondered his word. 'i have done something much much worse than what that witch had done' She rest her head on the bed. She had never doubted her decision of accepting Aldwin as her spirit, but after last night, she herself was unsure
She had prepared everything in the last few years in case the game of spirit happened when she was in charge of her family, but preparing and actually experiencing it herself was like day and night.
She remembered about what her father once told her. 'While lower ranked spirit answer the call of a summoner mostly because they wanted a second life, a higher ranked one like a legendary spirit are much more complicated. After all, they were a powerful individual in life, who had a lot of pride, some were even a king or an emperor. For them to answer the call and serve someone much weaker than them, mean that they must have a strong reason, a goal they wanted to accomplish.'
"What could a demonic spirit as strong as Him wanted?" She sighed. No matter how much she thought about it, she would never get her answer. She looked at the table beside her bed, and all the thing on it.
She grabbed the bowl and began stuffing her mouth with soup while her mind was still lost in thought.
Aldwin was walking around the first floor, looking at all the picture that was hanging on the wall. "Acturus... This family is always the troublesome bunch, no matter what age they appear." The door on the second floor slowly opened and Rose came out from it. She walked near him. "Regretting your choices?" he asked. Her face was already her usual cold and composed. A facade, but a convincing one.
"No. It's just as you said, it doesn't matter who you really are, or what is your goal is. It doesn't matter what you had done in life. As long as you didn't act outside the boundaries, it's all fine to me. And to add to that, having someone who can think like your enemy is an advantage i can't just throw away."
"'An advantage i can't just throw away' after getting all emotional like that now you try to act all cool and rational?" He asked with a smirk.
"S-Shut up! It's also your fault, you tell me that you have done something worse than that woman last night even though that was completely unnecessary information." Her composed face was broken easily by him. “But you owe me an explanation. I’m gonna scoop up all your secret one day.”
"Oh? I owe you an explanation? Now can i ask you, why didn't you tell me that you're a keybearer?"
"It's because... Wait! How did you know?" She looked at the clothes she was wearing. Her face lit like a torch, it was different from what she wore the day before. She covered her chest. "Y-You pervert! W-What did you do to me last night?!"
"What did i do? With a body that lacked any appeal like that you think i would do something to you? HAH! Dream on!" He answered with a wide grin. “But i do have to admit that you have a nice pair of legs though.”
"Y-Y-You bastard!"
He couldn’t believe it, it was the ceiling of his room that he saw. He expected to see the dark room again, but this time, he woke up in his father’s room. Unlike in his usual dream where he sat on a cold, hard chair, now he sat on a soft and comfortable bed.
He pinched his own cheek, hoping that it wasn't a dream. "It's not a dream... i didn't have any dream last night." Smile streaked across his face. For the past week, he always had a nightmare, so that day was a pleasant surprise for him.
He observed the room. The dresser next to the bed, the table beside it, and a rack full of bible.
it really was his father’s room, he had no doubt about that.
Distracted by the happiness he felt, he only noticed that His left hand felt warm.
He jumped out of the bed, Elis was sleeping beside him.
"E-Elis! W-What are you doing here?" He asked with a loud voice.
She woke up because his loud voice and wiped her eyes. "Master, why are you making a fuss in the morning?"
"A fuss? I told you to sleep in the other room right? Why are you sleeping here?"
She sat on the bed. "I did slept on the other room, but in the night you were really loud so i woke up. I thought that you were releasing yourself or something, but when i checked, your body were convulsing. I cast a spell to calm you down, but then i got sleepy and slept here." She answered with a smile.
"O-oh, Thank you then Elis." He calmed down.
"You're welcome." She answered with a broad smile.
They both walked out from the room and went to the dining room for breakfast. At first Rein wanted to make the breakfast, but Elis argued that it was her duty as his servant, and to fulfill their contract she should be the one making breakfast. After some convincing, Rein gave up and let Elis make the breakfast.
While he waited, he watched the news on TV. There was an explosion in the old abandoned subway station near the city square, the exact cause was still unknown, and an investigation was still underway.
"An explosion huh? Could it be a result of the game too?" He asked himself. After that, the news returned to the same as everyday, the serial killer was still not found. Luckily there was no new victim this morning.
Elis came out from the kitchen with two omelettes in her hand.
"You know Master, you should buy more ingredients. If it's like this, i can only make omelette for breakfast."
He took a bite, it was good, not as good as when Albert made it, but definitely much better compared to his own cooking. He was thankful of himself for letting Elis made the breakfast.
But his happiness was cut short, after looking the news, he remembered about what happened last night. His appetite was gone the instant he remembered it. Elis noticed that her master was in trouble.
“Master is something bothering you?” She asked with a soothing voice.
“I.It’s about what happened last night.” He answered.
Elis took both of his hand. Her voice was serious. Her eyes no longer show any playful attitude.” Please realize that something like last night will happen again, and not just once. I know this is hard since it’s so sudden r, but If you master, can’t get past of what happened last night, you have no chances of surviving, much less winning the game and saving your friend. Also”
“Yeah, you’re right Elis, I’m sorry.” He smiled and resumed his breakfast.
After the breakfast was done and Elis washed the dishes, she asked her master. "So what is our plan for today master?"
"I don't know. Today is christmas, normally i would go with Albert, Iris, and Friede somewhere, but this year that isn't possible. Rose told me to wait here yesterday, later she's going to come and teach me something. Also there is something that i must ask Calvin about last night." He answered.
After breakfast and taking shower, he was ready to go out. Elis already waiting for him near the front door. "Let's go master." she walked through the doorless wall but Rein stopped her.
"Wait Elis, Wear this." He gave a jacket to Elis. "Since it’s winter if you don't wear a jacket, you're going to be the center of attention."
She wear it. It was the biggest jacket Rein have, but it still look uncomfortable for Elis. He unconsciously looked at her chest, it was protruding from behind the jacket. "Thank you master. It's.. a bit tight though."
"P-Please bear with it for now Elis, we buy you a clothes your size later." He answered and looked away before Elis noticed he was staring at her chest.
Even when he was still inside, he could feel the cold air blowing through the doorway. The lawn had turned white overnight. Not a single patch of grass could be seen anymore. It was always like that every winter.
There was something different however, something that caught his attention. Beside his father grave, there was another grave. He walked to that grave and placed his hand on top of a piece of wood that was engraved with a name, Marcus.
“I don’t know what make you do that last night, but i have forgive you. Thank you for this past few years.” thinking back about the past few years, Father Marcus had taken care of him in his father place. Compared to his other previous adoptive parent, father Marcus was a good person, even after what happened the previous night.
Elis touched his shoulder. “Master, you shouldn’t feel sorry for him. He’s an enemy.”
“I know Elis, but he have been caring and nice for the past few years ” he answered. She could see that he was holding back tears in his eyes.
“I’m sorry to say this master, but that sentiment is going to get you killed. Just because someone is nice to you, doesn’t mean that they actually care for you. Someone could be nice to you because they’re after something that you own, just like Marcus.”
“Elis, please. Don’t speak ill of the dead.”
“I’m not speaking ill of the dead master, i’m the telling you the truth of the situation, father Marcus has been nice to you because he was ordered to!”
“ELIS!” He yelled. She was taken aback by his loud voice “Please, no more!” She fell silent, she wanted to argue back but she understood that that was not the right time. “Lets just… go inside.”
After that they tried to enter the church, but the side door was locked shut. They have to walk around and get inside from the front door.
Rein was surprised, Rose was already there in front of the church. She stood in front of the destroyed church door, she stared at it and her hand holding her chin like she was thinking. She looked troubled.
“Morning Rose!” He greeted. She didn’t answer, she didn’t even react. “Rose?” He waved his hand in front of her, but she still didn’t react. “Roseeee!”
“It’s useless kid!” He turned to the voice. Aldwin was leaning on the wall. “When she’s deep in thought like that you can only wait for her to snap back.”
“Ah, Morning Aldowin!”
“It’s Aldwin.”
Suddenly, she snapped back to reality. “R-Rein? How long have you been standing there?”
“I just came here.” He answered. She turned to the doorway again.
“Rein! who did this?” Her voice serious.
“It’s Calvin, he should be inside. He’s a friend, he helped me when i was attacked last night. I’m okay if that’s what you’re asking.”
“No that’s not it, the thing is… Gah! Forget it! it’s useless to talk such thing to an amateur.” She was annoyed and started walking inside. Rein followed her, he didn’t understand what was the matter. She suddenly stopped and turned to Rein. “WHAT? You were attacked last night?” She appear to be shocked to hear that.
“Of course, why else would the door be destroyed?” He asked.
“Ye-yeah, of course i know that.” She turned back.
Inside, Calvin was sitting in his wheelchair in front of the destroyed altar. The debris inside had been mostly removed, and the window had already been repaired. Hearing the sound of footsteps, calvin turned to them.
“Morning Rein, and Merry Christmas! Oh! Look who’s there, is she your girlfriend Rein?”
“Haha, good morning Calvin. no she-” before Rein could finish his answer Rose walked in front of him and started speaking.
“Who are you? What did you do to this church?!”
“Oh my! A mage, and feisty one.” Calvin sound intrigued.
“E-easy Rose why are you so mad?” Rein asked. She glanced at Rein
“This is why an amateur is so hard to deal. You don’t know anything.” She sighed. “Rein, have you ever heard of mage territory?”
Rein searched his memory. “Mage territory? I think i read it somewhere before before.”
“Well since i’m going to tell you later anyway, might as well do it now.” She complained. “A mage territory is like the name suggest, a territory made by mage by inscribing rune within a closed space. For those who made it, it serve many purpose. It can be used as a detection field, a warning sign, a fortification, and many other. Basically, the creator of the territory will have an advantage when they fight inside it, while the enemy that get inside will have disadvantage. This church is a mage territory, and not just any territory, it’s an A ranked territory, a castle.”
“Sooo?” Rein asked, he still doesn’t understand a thing. She sighed.
“When the territory is activated, this church practically become a magic castle. That’s why i’m mad. That wooden door should be impossible to destroy once the territory is activated, even a legendary spirit would have a hard time entering this church when it was activated.” She looked at Calvin again. “I ask you again, Who are you? And what have you done to destroy the door?”
“Wait Rose, if Calvin used an explosive last night it should be able to destroy it right.”
“So it appeared to you that he used an explosive?” She asked.
“Yes, when i was inside here last night the door was blown because of a bomb.”
“Then tell me Rein, why is it that there was no damage other than the door and the window?”
He turned to look back at the doorway. She was right, the grass and the pavement outside the door was still intact without any sign of damage.
“I’m a hunter. An ooold blood hunter, Rose... Acturus.” Calvin replied..
The moment he said ‘Hunter’ Rose body shivered. The feeling of danger appeared in the back of her mind.
She jumped back and cast a spell. Ice spike formed within her palm and she threw it at Calvin face, but before the spike hit him, he caught it midair.
“Aldwin!” Rose shouted, but Aldwin didn’t move. “Aldwin?” She looked to him.
“Rose, judging from that man speed when he caught the spike, he could kill you with a pistol in his belt before i could intervene. The fact that he didn’t do that mean that he wanted to talk.” He explained. Calvin smiled.
“That man is right. Don’t be too hasty young Acturus. I’m already retired from the hunter faction, and i’m here only for personal reason, i have no business with the game or the heroic faction whatsoever. Actually, i have a letter for your boss, Arthur.” He gave a letter to Rose. “Here.”
“What make you think i will send it?”
“Nothing, it’s up to you if you wanted to give it or not, burn it, rip it apart, whatever, but accept it first.” She was hesitant at first, but in the end she took the letter from his hand. “Thank you.”
“Wait, where is the priest that live here?” She asked.
“Dead.” calvin answered quick. “Don’t feel sorry for him, he’s a crusader anyway.”
“Crusader?” Rein asked.
“Church faction elite soldier, they worked directly under the Archbishop” Rose answered. Rein wanted to ask more but something stopped him before he could ask.
“REEIIIIINN!” Someone shouted from outside.
“Friede?” Rein instantly ran to the sound. “Friede, what happened?” He ran outside. Friede was shouting from the front of the church, there appeare to be nothing wrong with her.
“That is what i should be asking you. What happened here Rein?” She was angry.
“What happened Master?” Elis asked. Rose was following behind her.
“Rein, who is she?” Friede asked Rein about Elis.
“Oh yeah, i never had the chance to tell you. Friede, this is Elis, my spirit. Elis, this is Friede, my friend.”
Friede was surprised. Rein told her that he failed his summoning this year. They shook hand awkwardly. After that she looked behind Elis. “Rose?” Friede asked.
“Friede?” Rose asked back.
“””You know each other?””” Friede, Rein, and Rose asked together. They all laughed seeing they all reacted exactly the same way. The tense air from before now gone.
Calvin watched them from inside while Aldwin watched his movement.
“You know you don’t have to watch me like that… ‘First Seat’.” calvin said with a smile on his face.
“I know, but it’s her order. She will complain nonstop if i don’t do it…. ‘Ultimate hunter’.” Aldwin replied.
“Hehehe.. women like her are hard to deal with, but she’s good women.”
“I’m surprised you know about me and the order, but i’m not the first seat anymore, i have died… and even before i died i gave up the position.”
“You will always be the first seat forever, and you know it, they will take no replacement. I’m more surprised to know that a spirit like you heard about me.”
“I was summoned a few time before this. In one such occasion, I heard about you and the feat you have done.”
”Hehehehe to think that i will met someone like you this early in the game....Well, it’s going to be more entertaining than i originally thought. Now, what are you waiting for? She will spend an entire that chatting if you don’t remind her what she came here for.”
“Okay okay. Rein, in high school Rose was my classmate, our father were also a friend.” Friede faced Rose. “And Rose, Rein is a friend of mine since we were child. Now, the question is, how can you two know each other? I know that you’re classmate, but he’s not the make friend type of person you know.”
“Well, If not for this assignment we have, i wouldn’t even notice his existence.” Rose answered.
“Rose!” Aldwin called her from behind. “Aren’t you in the middle of something before?”
“Friede, that’s is my spirit, Aldwin. And Rein, i have a matter that need to be solved first, I’ll teach you tomorrow, for today you’re free to do anything you want .Now, if you excuse me, i have something that need to be done first.” Rose walked back inside the church. Aldwin glanced at Friede for a second before following Rose again.
“Rein, do you have any plan for today?” Friede asked.
“Not really. I do plan to buy Elis some pair of clothes, but other than that, no.”
“We should go right now then.” Friede pulled Rein arm.
“Wait, why the rush?”
“Just go with me!” She dragged Rein.
Rein gave up and decided to just follow Friede with Elis following them from behind. Friede took them to the nearest subway station to go somewhere.
Once inside the train, Rein asked her about what is this all about. Friede took out a note from her small backpack and gave it to Rein, it was a date plan.
“Sister planned a date for you two a week before she fainted. Rather than wasting her money and effort, i decide to substitute for her.”
“Eh? Why didn’t you tell me before?” Rein was surprised. Friede poked his forehead.
“I won’t take no for an answer!”Rein blushed. She punched his arm.” Don’t get any funny idea! I have replaced all the romantic and useless bits with a better plan okay! Not to mention that Elis is going to be there with us.” She paused for a few second. “Consider today as my late gift for your birthday”
Rein smiled. “Okay…… but you’re the one that pay for everything ok?”
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