《The Game of Spirit》Deal With The Devil - 3
Rein closed his eyes and remembered about Iris. She was still in coma, her condition was getting worse everyday, and the doctor couldn’t do anything, even with the combination of magic and modern medicine.
“No!” He answered quick.
“What? Rein?” Albert was surprised.
“Well it’s normal. After what happened last night it’s normal for you to be scared. But don’t worry, if you don’t want to participate, we will put you under our protection.” Arthur replied. He retracted his hand.
“No, it’s not that, not because i’m afraid. I want to participate, but I have a wish for myself. A friend of mine and Albert is sick, her condition is getting worse everyday, and the doctor couldn’t do anything. If what are you saying is true, then the source surely can save her, If you wanted to destroy that artifact then we can’t become an allies.”
“Well good answer anyway, i appreciate your honesty.” Arthur replied. His face became serious with no more friendly smile in sight. “If you still wanted to participate, but doesn’t want to cooperate with us, that mean you’re an enemy.”
Albert stood up and faced Arthur.“Wait Arthur. Can’t we use it before destroying it? We destroy it to prevent someone dangerous to use it right, but helping someone is okay right?” Albert asked.
“Do you listen to my previous argument? Helping someone sick is a noble request of course, but i’m afraid that if we let someone taste its power even for once, they will not part with it. The stake is too high, i can’t allow it!” Arthur answered. Albert sat again, his body slumped.
After a minute of silence Arthur spoke.“You know what, we don’t have to be enemy. It’s a waste to lose someone like you and your spirit. We could cooperate for a time until we eliminate the more crazy and ruthless participant. How about it? We cooperate for a time?” Arthur renew his offer. He extended his hand again. Rein looked at Arthur, he doesn’t really have a choices here. If they become enemy then right now he is in the middle of an enemy base.
"Well okay. I myself doesn't really know what to do. Having an experienced ally would be a great help." He shook Arthur hand. Smile returned to Arthur face.
"It's decided then." Arthur smiled. “Now i want to give both of you something, as a token of our cooperation.”
Arthur took a box from under the table and placed it on the table. Inside, there were 3 phone-like item inside. “This is a scanner. It work like a D-ranked scanning magic, unreliable, but better than nothing. To use it, you just point it at someone, it’s effective up to 50 meter. You can use it on either animal, human, spirit, demon, or any living thing. Let me show it to you.” Arthur pointed the scanner at Emeralis.
Rein Constantine
Necromancer, Elementalist, Arcanist.
Original location:
Spirit Rank
Magical power
Special Power
Physical Resistance
Magical Resistance
“And, you get the result! This item is very important to measure your enemy battle power. However i must warn you since the scanner could only scan the parameter, don’t be too focused on parameter rank, because there are other factor like skill, knowledge, and servant compability that take place in battle. Anything you want to ask?”
“This item is convenient, but i still don’t understand what does the rank mean. If a normal person is scanned what would it look like? Also what is the range of the rank?” Rein asked.
“The range is from F- up to A++. An average adult would have all of their perimeter E with 300-400 health and 100-200 mana. though i can’t really say how much stronger they become when it became D, but i can say that having a C stat is almost impossible for a normal human.”
“Also what is this signature power?” Albert asked.
“Signature power is… like the name suggest a signature power that only that spirit posses, it can be in the form of an item, magic, or skill. Only an A- ranked spirit or higher have these power, we usually call them legendary spirit. The best example would be King Arthur, he would have Excalibur or caliburn, Prydwen,Rhongomiant, and few other. The signature power itself act like an identity for the spirit, just by mentioning Excalibur, other would have know it’s king Arthur.”
After explaining a few more thing to Rein and Albert, they finally stopped asking question. Rose wanted to say something to Arthur in private, she told the other to wait outside.
"Is this really okay Arthur? Having an amateur joining the fight like this. Wouldn't it be better if they just give us the key." Rose asked with a solemn face.
"My first plan was to put them under our protection. The thing is Rose, something happened last night." Arthur answered.
He turned on a monitor in his table. The monitor showed a surveillance camera footage of a subway station. In there, a man with a key mark in his hand was sitting on the floor, he almost cry. Another man, with a white hair and black jacket that was facing away from the camera, was holding a gun at his head, demanding him to transfer the key. The man slowly nodded in fear, but during the transfer, the man on the ground suddenly screamed in pain, and when the transfer was complete,he fell on the ground, his body lifeless.
"The supervisor didn’t tell us everything, the key was connected to the owner soul. If the key was transferred so will the soul of the key bearer." Arthur said. "Of course, it was dangerous to let an amateur fight, so that why i wanted to ask you a favor, two actually."
“Okay, what is it?” Rose raised her eyebrows in surprise, it was rare for Arthur to ask others for a favor.
“Teach Rein to become a proper mage, be his mentor.”
"W-why me?" Rose asked.
"You're the one who know him. It's better to be teached by someone you already know." Arthur Answered. "At first i wanted to teach both Albert and Rein, but their spirit hated each other. That’s why i asked you to teach Rein." Arthur stood from his chair and patted on rose shoulder while staring directly into her eyes with a big charming smile. “This is the task that i can only entrust to you Rose, you’re the best mage i know when it come to teaching. I can still remember when you first taught me magic. I will be greatly indebted to you Rose, and to your family.”
Rose cheek flushed. She averted her gaze and folded her arm. “I-if you say it like that i can’t refuse it, b-but I do it for the heroic faction, n-not for you.”
Arthur chuckled. “W-what's so funny?” She asked.
“Nothing, you just look cute like that.”
Something broke inside her mind. His answer and his smile made all of her gear into an overdrive. 'Quickly think of something Rose! Change the subject!' She thought herself.“T-t-the other favor! W-what about the other favor you wanted to ask?”
Arthur returned to his usual serious demeanor.“The news recently, has mostly been about a serial killer who mutilated its victim, i believe it was done by a spirit, most likely from the devil faction. I wanted to ask if you can look to that issue, since all of our member have their hand full on other issue”
She calmed herself down.“Well okay, i guess i can look to it starting tonight,but i need some information first.”
“Okay, but before that, call the other inside. I want to tell them something .” Rose called the other back inside the command center, but before Arthur could talk again. Someone barged into the command center.
"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS ARTHUR?" Herman yelled, his face was stiff and his movement rough. "I was out on a mission, and when I came back, I came back to THIS! Not only you let Acturus who summoned a demon to join us, you also let this random kid who also summoned another demonic spirit to become our allies? Not to mention we only cooperate!"
"Herman! I'm the leader here! This is my decision, and it's final! We need all the help we can get!" Arthur answered.
"I cant accept this! You're trampling what your father have worked for many years."Herman yelled back. Arthur slammed his fist on the table.
“DO NOT TALK ABOUT MY FATHER!” Arthur yelled, his face red with anger. Everyone was surprised. It was rare to see Arthur lose his composure, even for Herman and Rose who knew him since Arthur was still a child. “What did you do on that day huh? NOTHING! Don't talk to me about my father, when even you left him on that day!” Arthur sat on his chair and covered his face with his hand.
“Fuck this shit!.....You know that i'm not the only one who is against your decision right? Many of our member don't want demon walking around our rank!” Arthur didn't answer, he stay silent. Seeing his inaction, Herman stormed out from the room.
“Who the hell was that? Acting like that?” Emeralis asked, she looked annoyed.
“Herman, Arthur lieutenant. He have a problem with demonic spirit.” Rose answered, her shoulder slumped.
Rose was sitting with both of her leg together and her head faced down. “Arthur... I think, I should leave for now.” She spoke with a small voice. Arthur opened his face.
“I'm sorry Rose, even as the leader, I coul”dn't help you. That what Arthur was going to say, but Aldwin intervene.
“For fuck sake! you make me feel terrible for once with your lover drama. You know what, I take responsibility. But rather than that call Herman here! I have something to say to him.” Aldwin looked annoyed. “Let me show him something, let me have a duel with his spirit. When I win then everyone should just get over it.”
“And if you lose?” Arthur asked.
“I won't, not to some heroic spirit.” He answered quick.
“What do you think Rose? The decision is in your hand.” Arthur asked. Rose looked at Aldwin and Arthur.
“Don't lose Aldwin! If you lose I won't forgive you!” She answered. Aldwin smiled.
After that was decided, Arthur called Herman and told him about it, of course, he accepted the challenge without a second thought. Everyone there was also notified of their duel.
The location of the duel was an open area not too far from there. The location was perfect for a duel, it was an abandoned open area with short building surrounding it, the spectator could watch the duel from the top of the building. The location was quite remote that even if someone searched there, they wouldn't find the warehouse.
Herman called his spirit who was sleeping in the barrack. His spirit was a middle aged man with a goatee. The red cape he wore over a roman armor was fluttered by the wind.. The spirit took out a spear, one and a half his own height with a long blade and a cross stabilizer, it looked to be a well made, but other than that there was nothing special about it.
"Dammit Herman, I don't want to fight an ally." Said that man. His face showed no determination at all. He yawned.
"Be serious old man." Aldwin drew his spear, a long black spear with its handle covered with a white fabric.
"I'm serious alright, it just my face is always like this. It's just who i am." He scratched his head. "You're also a spear user huh?"
The air was unusually calm even as both emitted a strong aura. They walked closer at each other. Both knew that their opponent was dangerous.
Albert, Arthur, Rose, Rein, and their spirits watched from one of the rooftops. “That is his spirit? He doesn't look that strong” Albert asked.
“Don't judge a book by it's cover, just look! his spirit is one of the strongest in the heroic faction.” Arthur answered.
Aldwin and his opponent circled the arena while pointing their spear at each other.
Herman spirit swung his spear , and blocked by Aldwin who also swung his spear, they both move in slow motion. Their spear clashed, creating a distinct sound. They stared each other for a short time. Smile appeared in both of their face. Then the calmness before was gone.
The sound of spear clashing like a machinegun. A storm of death, a fight between two raging beast, that was the only way Rein could describe the scene he saw. Both moved too fast for his eyes to catch. Each time their spear met, a spark flew and and the sound of clashing metal was heard. Aldwin slashed leaved a black afterimage, while his opponent leaved a green one. And when their spear clashed it created a gale strong enough to be felt by those who watched, even if they were standing 20 meter from the fight.
After a few moment that felt like eternity, they both jumped back. There were a few scratches on both of their face and hand, but other than that neither one of their assault was a success, each of their slash and thrust was either blocked, dodged, or parried by the other. Their were both evenly matched. They both smiled.
"What are you doing? Get serious!" Herman shouted.
"Don't lose Aldwin! I won't forgive you if you lose!" Rose shouted. Everyone there also started shouting the one they rooting for, some shouting Herman, the other shouting Rose, which is a bit strange in Rein ears, as they weren't the one who fight.
"Well, fun time over." Said Herman spirit while smiling.
He assumed a low stance and held his spear in a thrusting motion, one hand near the end of the handle and another on the middle. He emitted a strong aura and killing intent, the sheer magic that overflowed outside turned the air around him to a green hue. Aldwin walked at him slowly.
"Using your power already.....Hector of Troy?" Aldwin asked. His opponent was surprised. He pulled his spear and returned to normal standing position and smiled.
"Well, I'm surprised that you're able to know who i am before i even release my signature power." Hector replied. "What more surprising is that you are able to match me in spear fighting when your main weapon isn't not spear."
"Heh! compliment won't get you anywhere." Aldwin replied with a smirk.
"That was Hector? Hector of Troy?" Rose asked. Her eyes opened wide, Hector was one of the strongest spirit she knew, an A+ ranked spirit. She was amazed to see such a legendary hero before her own eyes. She prepared a powerful scanning spell and pointed it at Hector.
Arno Gothard Herman
Warrior, Mounter
Spearman, charioteer
Original location:
Troy, Turkey
Spirit Rank
Magical power
Special Power
Physical Resistance
Magical Resistance
Spear Mastery: B
The ability to use Spear, Lance, and Javelin with great proficiency. Hector was a great warrior who have proven his skill in using spear in both the battlefield and training ground.
Riding: B
Ability to use all kind of non magical transportation with above average skill, and the ability to use a low level magical transportation.
Battle instinct: C
Natural instinct of someone who has faced countless battle. The ability to sense and feel the flow of battle
Signature power
Spear of Troy
Rank: A
Type: Weapon
The legendary Spear of Troy used by Hector in the Trojan War. When activated, emit a green aura surrounding Hector. Tremendously increase the attack power of Hector to the point that a single swing create an explosion strong enough to blow a chariot or a group of fully armed soldier.
“This is the perfect example of how skill can overcome the difference in power. His parameter is really high, much higher than Aldwin, but both of them fight evenly, meaning that Aldwin should have spear mastery: A or higher. ” Said Arthur.
"Ready your own special power then, do you think you can survive this without your special power?" Hector asked. He returned to his previous stance, and once again green aura came from his body.
Aldwin spread his arm arm wide. His spear transformed into a black fog that swirled around him like a cyclone. The black fog moved to Aldwin hand and formed a great shield that looked to be carved out of stone.
Hector thrusted his spear. The green aura swirled around the head of the spear, creating an image of a giant spear.
When Hector spear and Aldwin shield me, the immense amount of magical energy both used collided, causing an explosion. The light from the explosion was so bright it blinded all those who saw it. The sound was heard from hundred of meter away. And the explosion created a huge crater, 10 meter in diameter.
The Spear of Troy was stopped. It pierced Aldwin shield, but lost all of its power before touching Aldwin.
"Well that was surprising, not only you’re able to match me using a spear, you're able to stopped my Spear of Troy in its track. Something not many can say." Hector praised Aldwin. "Yet, I still don’t have a slightest idea who you are, someone as strong as you must be famous right?."
"I'm Aldwin. You complimented me, But you stopped only after one attack, why?" Aldwin asked. The spear of troy wasn’t a power that consume a lot of mana, Hector could use it multiple time if he wanted to.
Hector chuckled and jumped out the crater. "It's my lost then Aldwin, it was fun fighting you. From now on, we shall fight together as an ally." Hector said as he walked away.
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