《The Game of Spirit》Chain of Misfortune - 1
22nd December 2016
He saw it again, a strange dream. A dream he had never experienced before. It was strange, dream were supposed to be at least a mash up of something you have experienced before. Yet this dream, he never seen anything like it before in his life, it was vivid, and felt too real to be a dream.
He was sitting there in the middle of a dark room, there were many torches on the stone wall and a huge chandelier hanging from above, but not even a single one was lit. He was sitting upon a throne, his body shivered. A throne made of stone that was partially covered with red fabric. On the throne there were many carving, carving of men, monster, dragon, war. It was symbol of some sort, trying to tell him something. He doesn’t understand any of it, but it felt familiar.
The throne was raised above the normal floor, there were sets of stair before someone can reach the throne. Of course, a throne was a symbol of power, putting it on the same ground level as the floor would be a great insult.
There was no one else in the room, the room was devoid of any living creature other than him, not even an ant or bug was there. Suddenly a scream, a scream came from outside the room, A scream of agony, of hopelessness, of regret, someone was dying. He doesn’t understand what they were screaming, but he know, he knew they were calling for him, calling for his help. Yet his body was stiff, as stiff as a rock, unable to move even an inch.
The scream stopped. His chest was hot, something burning inside, like a raging fire, like a molten magma. He wanted to scream but his lips won’t even move. He wanted to cry, but there were none left to shed.
The sound of stone floor shaking, of splashing blood as bodies were stomped. They were getting closer, and closer, until they stopped right outside a huge reinforced double door that separated him from them.
The sound of something big that was made of metal being dragged on the stone floor echoes through the dark room. The door was bangged, multiple sound of metal clashing against the door reverberate through the floor to his ears.
The door cracked, and the crack started to get bigger and bigger by the second. Wood were flung out from the door as it broken down. The bolt that hold the door in place gave up and bent under such intense force. The door shattered.
He was expecting to see an army, or a group of people, but all he saw was a blinding light. The doorway became white, soon followed by the floor, the wall, the ceiling, until everything turned white, including his body.
Rein woke up in his room, His breath ragged. Sweat soaked his clothes and his bed. The air was freezing, but his chest was burning like never before.He placed his hand on his chest. His heart felt like it was going to explode, it beat at the rate of 5 times every two second. Something was not right.
He inhale slowly, and exhale slowly. He repeated it for a few minute until his heartbeat became normal again.
He woke up from his now soaked bed. He looked around his room, everything looked normal. He opened the window. He noticed that a little bit of ice started to form on the edge of the window. The sun hasn’t rose up yet, the star and the moon still filled the sky. He never thought about it before, but the night sky is beautiful.
He smiled as he looked at the city . His house was located above a hill that overlooked the city, east of the downtown area. No other house around has their windows lit, but in the downtown, most building was still emitting light even at this hour.
He looked at the clock, the short arm pointed just a little bit to the right of the number twelve. Suddenly he felt the ground shook. ‘Earthquake?’ he thought. But the shockwave was only brief and not too strong. He even doubt if it was real or just his imagination.
After he let the cold air cooled his chest down, He closed the window slowly. he walked to the closet, opened it, and took a new blanket to replace the soaked one in his bed. He laid on his bed again, looking at the ceiling. It was still uncomfortable, as his pillow was also soaked, so he threw it to the floor. He pulled the new blanket, and soon enough his eyelid felt heavy.
Rein opened his eyes, the sun was already shining bright. The night was over in an instant, he swear that he only closed his eyes for five minutes at most. He felt a stung on his neck as he raised his body from the bed. There was a scar there, a fresh scar. Strangely, it doesn’t hurt even if he touched it. He looked at the clock.
"I'M LATE!" He shouted as he jumped up from his bed. He ran downstair to the bathroom just to wash his face, he doesn’t even bother to take a shower first. After that he changed his clothes,grabbed his bag, ate a piece of bread and head to the garage.
He opened the garage and rode off on his old bike. It was a red bike his father bought for him, he rarely used it now since he usually took the subway to college, but it was already too late to take the subway. The bike was smaller than he remembered, no it was he that has grown since he last used that bike.
He pushed the pedals with all his might, only slowing down a little bit at a turn and intersection. He could still made it if he goes all out, but when he passed an intersection in the shopping district, a honking sound was heard from his right ears, a car was coming full speed at him. He doesn’t have enough time to stop his bike or change it’s course.
The car crashed at him with full force. His body was thrown into the air, but by some miracle, he land on his two feet without any significant injuries. His bike was broken though, but he doesn't have any time left to spare. He dragged his broken bike to the side of the road, he apologized hastily to the car owner, then he ran full speed. He mustn’t skip the class because there's an important test today.
His lung scream for air as it started to hurt, but he doesn't even take a second to rest. Even in the winter, his body was covered in sweat as he finally reached his class. The distance between his home and his college wasn’t that far, but it would take quite some time if he walked.In the end he is still late, he entered the class after the professor was already inside. The professor was angry at him, Luckily he wasn't that late, and the professor knew that he wouldn’t be late unless something big happened, so the professor still allowed him to take the test.
He sat on his usual desk, in the back of the class with no one beside him. He liked it there for some reason, plus the added bonus that he doesn’t have to talk to other people make him like that spot even more. As he walked to his desk, he smiled at everyone he passed.
He was prepared for this test. He has studied hard for the past few days. After only a few minute of answering, his neck started to hurt again. At first the pain is tolerable, but after a few minutes passed it became excruciating. He griped his neck all the time as he held back the pain. He couldn't focus on the test anymore, and his vision became blurry. Soon his mind became hazy, the world turned upside down, all the colour in the world was inversed, and he fainted.
The bell rang indicating the class was over. Rein was still unconscious on his desk. No one bothered to wake him up, either because they didn’t see him in the back of the class or they just didn’t care. When he woke up the sky was already tinted with orange and he was alone in the class, the class was already dark. He realized the test was over and he probably failed, since he only finished half of it.
there's no point in regretting it now, He thought. He placed his hand on the scar in his neck. Thankfully the pain in his neck is gone now, replaced by an upset empty stomach. He stood up and went to the cafeteria.
On his way he was stopped by Jack, a guy that was also in his class. Rein saw Jack with a girl behind him, probably his girlfriend.
“Rein, do you think you can get away after embarrassing me in front of the class yesterday?” He asked. Rein doesn’t even remembered what happened, his dream has been making his recent memory hazy.
Jack looked around. After making sure that no one was around, he punched Rein, kick him and beat him up. Rein didn't just stand there, he tried to fight back in self defense but it's useless, Jack is much stronger than him and his body is much bigger, and jack girlfriend make sure that he can't ran away by blocking his way of escape. Not satisfied with just beating up Rein, Jack also took all his money. And spat on him, his girlfriend just giggled as he did that to Rein.
Rein just sat in the hall, waiting for the pain to subside. His body was aching all over because he was full of bruises . To make matter worse, his neck started to hurt again. He knew that there were many people that saw Jack beat him up, but others usually don’t dare to go against Jack. He closed his eyes to rest and wait till his pain was gone.
“Rein! Rein! Wake up!” Someone shook his shoulder to woke him up after a while.
When he opened his eyes, there was a face of a girl in front of him, with her amber eyes staring at him, showing concern. The face of a girl he knew well. He thought that Her face was unusually cute that day. Her wavy brown hair that reached her neck waved when she tilted her head in confusion.
“Friede?” He asked with a hoarse voice.
“What happened to you Rein? Why are you full of bruise?” She open her palm and offered her hand. He grabbed her hand and pulled his beaten up bodies.
“It’s Nothing, you don’t have to worry about it.”
“Of course i have to worry about it. If you get hurt, it’s either me or sister that have to take care of you.” She pouted.
“Sister……... AH! It’s Iris birthday, i forget about it.” Rein eyes were wide open, he remembered that he has another plan for that day. “Damn it! How can i forget. ”
Without talking to Friede anymore He ran from the hall and looked at the watch at his hand. He panicked, he’s already late half an hour from the promised time. Friede tried to stopped him by grabbing his arm.
“Rein wait!” But she was too late, Rein was already running when she tried to grab his arm.She gritted her teeth, clenched her fist beside her body and punched it at nearby wall.
Rein doesn't have many that he could call friend. He know a lot of people, but most of them were just his acquaintance. Friede, Iris, and Albert, the only three person right now that he could call friend, and that’s because all four of them were friends since they were little.
That day was Iris birthday. Rein promised Iris they are going to celebrate her birthday together.
He quickly ran to the place they supposed to meet. Ignoring his body that told him to rest and recover with every step he made. On the front entrance of their college, he saw Rose. A beautiful girl with a crimson straight hair down to her waist.She was standing beside the gate, as if waiting for something or someone. Her eyes darted from one side of road to the other, stopping a few second before moving to the other. When he passed her, her crystal blue eyes met his by chances. His heart skipped a beat. They were in the same class, but he rarely saw her outside the class like this.
Rein admired Rose since he knew her. He has known Rose since the first day of college, at that time every guy was talking about her, hell, everyone was talking about her. She enrolled there with full scholarship.In highschool her score was mostly perfect, and not to mention that her family has contributed greatly to this college.That day, every guy took their chances to talk to her, yet he doesn't have the courage to atleast say hi or greet her, because Rose was definitely outside his league.
In class Rose often wear a casual clothes and on winter, a sweater, both that really doesn't show her status. An expensive looking red gem always hang on her necklace. She aces in everything in class, liked by most people, she always complete her assignment perfectly and always a long time before the deadline. She's always nice to everyone and often helped other who asked for her help.
He heard rumour that she live in a big mansion near there, because she came from an influental family that has contributed greatly to the development of this city. Her families has lived in this city from ancient times, they might even be older than the city itself. He also heard that her parents died when she was still little. Maybe it's because she lived alone since she was still a kid, she became independent ,know how hard life is and doesn't act like other rich kid, who used their family fame and fortune to act all high and mighty.
He ran past the gate and headed to a park near the city square. After running for a few minutes straight he finally arrived at the park where Iris was already waiting. She was standing in the middle of the park, playing with children around her. She stood there wearing a grey sweater, with a on her neck. Her long brown hair flutter as she jumped around. A small bird, her guardian spirit was circling her head. When he got close, Iris noticed him.
"You're late!" Iris crossed her arm as she saw Rein running to her."What happened to your face?"
Rein throat was dry, and his breathing ragged, he ran all the way from his college to this place without stopping, which was not a small distance. Not to mention all the bruises he got from Jack, and all the ice on the road that made it harder for him to run . He stopped in front of her and put his hand on both of his knees.
"Sorry Iris! I-i slept after class. When i woke up it's already this late, and when – and when i ran, i tripped, i fell,and well.... look at my face now." He stopped and catched his breath.
"Well you should be more careful next time. Making a girl wait is bad, but it would be worse if you hurt yourself." Iris said in a soft voice. She took out her handkerchief and wiped Rein face. If only his heart haven't been beating like crazy, it would have after this.
Yes, this is the girl Rein had crush on since they were kid. He remembered, when they were little she always visited anyone of her neighbour who got sick. She would told them a story that will make them smile no matter how bad their condition day is. The sight of her face was enough to make him forget all the pain and the bad thing that has been happening.
"Thank you Iris. We should go now, we don't have that much time left, the sky was already red." He smiled.
"Well, that it for today everyone. Lets play again tomorrow!" She said to the kids that was playing with her.
"Iris, is that man your boyfriend?" One of the kid asked.
Her face became red. "I-it's nothing like that. H-he's my childhood friend, and i even considered him to be my little brother."
"Then why are your face so Red?" Another kid asked.
"It's not red!" She answered.
"Yes it is!" Another kid answered. The kid laughed together. They continue to tease her after that.
They walked together through the downtown since their destination was just 2 block away. She walked while covering her red face, while Rein just smiled looking at her.
"i'm sorry Rein! The kids took some of our time, now we only have time for dinner." She apologized. Rein laughed. "What's so funny?"
"You make me remembered about your mother. When she was still alive, she used to say that she would make me your groom, and your face would lit up like that." He answered. "Look! We're already arrived."
"Eh? You're taking me to THE HELL? Thank you Rein!" She jumped up and down shile pumping her arm.
It's a chineese restaurant in the middle of the city, named The Hell. The theme of the restaurant is unique, as it used a hell and devil theme. The building is painted red and there's a big sign outside showing the restaurant name in chinese. The place is famous for its super spicy menu. There wasn't a single food there that wasn't considered to be super spicy. Because of that this place is always crowded by spicy food lover and challange seeker.
Rein wasn't a lover of spicy food, but for Iris who was both love spicy food and a chalange seeker, this place was like a heaven to her. She always wanted to come here but never got the chance to get in because it was always full booked. Rein has booked a table for two just for this occasion.
After they sat, a waiter dressed in devil cotume came. Like everyone who came here, the waiter offered them a challange, if anyone is able to finish the Mega Hell Chicken Noodle within 10 minute without asking for a drink, all food and drink they ordered today will be free. So far only few was able to finish the challange.
"No thank you! Just one usual hell chicken noodle for me please." Rein ordered. Rein felt something grabbed his hand. He looked at Iris, her eyes was burning with determination. Looking at her send shiver down his spine.
"I want the challange! Mega Hell Chicken Noodle for both of us please!" She ordered.
"Wait! If you wanted to take the challange don't drag me with you." Rein complained.
"Don't listen to him! Mega Hell Chicken Noodle for both of us please!" She repeated. In the end no matter how much Rein complained it was useless.
The waiter bring two bowl of a burning hot chicken noodle. The noodle was red like a lava, so red it looked unhealthy. Not to mention it was boiling hot. He looked at Iris, she rubbed her hand together and licked her lips. 'Well, might as well try this.' He thought.
He picked up the spoon on the table, still wrapped in a tissue. He unwrapped it and took a spoonful of a burning red soup from the pot in front of him. He could feel the spiciness even just by looking at it. He pulled it closer to his open mouth, and finally put it in. He felt like he ate a burning coal, his tongue was burned.
He gave up and asked for a drink after just 5 spoonful of it, while Iris ate it at full speed without stopping even for a second. Her face was burning red and sweat rained down her head. Rein swear he saw steam coming from her ear.
"FINISHED!" She shouted and lifted her bowl. The waiters who watched it clapped his hand. "Drink please!"
The waiter gave her a glass of water, she gulped it down in one drink. "Congratulation, you're the first one who is able to finish our challange. However, since your boyfriend here doesn't finish the challange, he still have to pay for his food."
After that they walked back to the park. Even if it’s only for a short time, Rein was really happy, it felt like they were having a date.
The park was already dark with only a few street light illuminating it. The snow was falling and the ground was covered by it. She walked in front of her. He prepared all of his heart for that moment, he was ready to confess to her.
His chest was hot and his heart beating fast. He opened his mouth, but no voice came out. His hand was shaking. Doubt clouded his heart. Before, he was so sure that they both liked each other, there was no way she would reject him. But now.... when the time finally came, he doesn't have the courage to do it. He was afraid. what if she reject him? would she hate him? Would he lose the most precious person in his life?. The more he thought about it, the more doubt filled his heart. Suddenly Iris voice broke his train of thought.
"Rein, do you remember when we were kid, you,me, Friede, and Albert all played together in this park?" Iris said with a small voice while walking around the park. The sound of snow being dragged around by her feet filled the park.
"Yeah. Everyday, after school. Your mother would took us here, and we played until sunset." Rein answered.
“That was before you got to the orphanage right?” Rein nodded. “I’m sorry Rein, i was unable to be there when you need me the most.”
“It was not your fault Iris, my uncle was the one who took me far away. I was really happy when we were able to meet again after all that year, and to actually able to move here again is probably one of my happiest moment.” Rein answered. He noticed that Iris was acting strange.
Iris turned her body to face Rein.She took three steps to get closer to him, with her hand behind her back. Their eyes met. His heart skipped a beat and he froze in place.She closed her eyes and leaned closer. Her cheek bright red. His body temperature skyrocketed. his heartbeat was so loud she could hear it. Rein knew what she meant. He took all the courage he could muster. He closed his eyes and leaned closer to her. Their lips met, they kissed. Her lips felt really hot and it felt too good for him, at least... that what he wanted to happen.
Her lips was frozen cold as if he was kissing an ice. Something was really wrong with Iris. “I’m sorry. I love you Rein” Her body suddenly fell into his arm. She was like a block of ice, there was no trace of heat coming from her body at all. Her face that only a few second ago burning red, now became pale white.
His eyes widden as he looked at her pale face.His breathing was rapid and shallow. His mind hazy, he couldn't think what he should do, he shouted for help but there was no one there.
"Iris! Iris!"
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An 'Ordinary' Adventure
A series of unfortunate events lead to the self-proclaimed ordinary guy, Knight Yuudai, to be imprisoned in another world. He, and a young girl he was imprisoned with, must escape together. They will travel across the demon-infested Dragon Lands to reach the exiled races, who were born from the Elder Dragon. Along the way he must fight the parasites that are the demons. His journey will make him bear witness to the horrors and wonders this world has to offer, while desperately searching for the last bit of familiarity that resides at the floating world tree. A very big thanks to Roseowo who took the time to make me this amazing cover art. You can find Rose's Instagram on the top left of the cover and her very own story over on Scribble Hub here - https://www.scribblehub.com/series/97501/the-necromancer-system/ Please go check it out! -------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR EXPANDED UNIVERSE: Ever wanted a place to find cool new stories, or to discuss a few different stories with the authors themselves? Well, well, well. This should be what you are looking for.The AEU is a new author discord group focusing on 5 main stories as of now. However, more will join in the future. The current stories in the AEU are as follows:This one - An 'Ordinary' Adventure.Nameless' - The precipice of power - https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/34498/the-precipice-of-powerSum's - The prophecy of An Ancient Bloodline - https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/31165/the-prophecy-of-an-ancient-bloodlineKraze's - The Last Flame - https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/32059/the-last-flamePrimate's - Divine - https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/35456/divineInterested are you? I hope you are Here's the link - https://discord.gg/jk7hbv4
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