《The True Jack of all Trades》Revelations


When Dean heard the word “Virtue”, it was like something clicked inside of him, like a switch had been flipped.

“What you were doing is not worth the title of Virtue,” Lucifer said.

Dean’s hands went on his head when he began to realize his mistakes. He could have just killed Walter like he was told to. He could have but he didn’t. He started to realize his mistakes.

“Before you become the embodiment of Pride and Virtue, you must reach a point where your arrogance and overconfidence is realized.”

Hearing Lucifer’s words, Dean had a spark of realization in his head, almost like a lightbulb. Dean’s vision went black, all he could see was himself. It almost looked like he was looking in a mirror.


The reflection smiled a crazed smile while Dean looked back, with a face of disappointment. “No one loves you, no one cares. Push them away, you are the only one that matters,” the reflection said.

“What kinda bullshit are you spitting, fuck face?” Dean asked, “I don’t know where you got that from, but when someone cries when you do something atrocious instead of being disgusted, it means they care.”

“Are you talking about that whore Lucifer?”

“Whore?!? Ok man, you are crossing a line now. She might be some legendary traitor, but she sure as hell isn’t a whore.”

“How are you so self-aware?” the reflection asked.

“There are a few things you don’t understand,” Dean said, “Mind tricks don’t work on me, it’s always been like that for me.”

“What do you mean?”

“It means I adapt to my situation very quickly.” Dean lifted his arm revealing that he had made a handgun with his gloves. He pulled the trigger, and with a loud “bang”, a bullet was put right between the eyes of the reflection. The reflection fell to the ground, and the black void disappeared, revealing a very surprised Lucifer.


“How?” she asked.

“I’m not so sure either, I guess I’m just that good.” A warm feeling started to surround Dean’s arm. He pulled up his sleeve and saw that the peacock tattoo was now glowing. The tattoo disappeared and appeared on Dean’s back. It was a large image of a peacock, but this time, its feathers were now white.

“I don’t get it,” Lucifer said, “Even Adam couldn't do the trial this fast.”

“Dean turned to look at Lucifer with a new look in his eyes. His eyes were now a diamond color instead of the deep blue they were.

“What just happened?” Dean asked.

“You have become Pride as well as Virtue,” Lucifer explained. Dean looked down and saw that her hands were shaking.

“Why is this happening to me, I don’t understand. Tell me everything.”

Lucifer sighed, “You were chosen by me.”

“Why?” Dean asked, “What makes me so special?”

“Everything,” Lucifer replied, “Your mental strength, your power, your everything.”

“I was never that special. I was always the kid in the back of the class that no one talked to. I don’t get what makes me so special.”

Lucifer hesitated before she spoke again, “You just fit the bill okay! You don’t need to question everything!”

“What if I don’t want to be part of your little group? What if I just want to live a normal life being paid to do jobs for people.”

“There is a war coming,” Lucifer mumbled.

“I couldn’t hear you, what did you say?”

“There is a war coming!”

Dean’s interest was piqued, “What war?”

“You saw those things in heaven, right? They attack every 300 years,” Lucifer explained.

“What else?”


“There was a contract I signed about a couple of eons ago. It was a contract that said a war between Heaven and Hell would break out every 300 years. Whoever wins the war gains control of Eden. I lost every single time.”

“Is that why you are choosing me?”

“When I saw you chosen for the trial, you intrigued me. A man who was smart and adaptable. You fit the bill to be my right-hand man, Pride.”

“What was with the dreams?” Dean asked.

“Dreams? I only ever tried to contact you once you entered the trial zone.”

“A couple of days before I was sent to the trial zone, I had weird dreams where I saw you and your past.”

“What do you mean by my past.”

“I saw you fall from heaven as well as the war.”

Lucifer’s eyes widened, “You saw that?”

“Yeah, it’s kinda confusing me as well.”

Lucifer snapped her fingers and a door appeared behind Dean. “You are free to leave.”

“Why so abruptly?”

“I have some things I need to dwell on.” Dean walked towards the door, but before he opened it, he turned around. “Ya know, you looked good with short hair.” Dean smiled as he saw Lucifer get as red as a tomato. He opened the door and walked straight through.”


When Dean opened his eyes, he saw that he was now in his bedroom. He sat up on the bed and looked around, no one was there. Dean got up from his bed and walked down the stairs. Still, no one was to be seen. Dean knew he was knocked out outside, so he couldn’t understand why he was now inside of his home.

Dean walked back to his room and called for Nancy, but there wasn’t a response. He called for Dimitri and still, there was no response. It was then that Dean heard it, a slight humming. Dean focused on the sound and heard it coming from his closet. He crept towards the closet doors and quietly as possible. When he reached the doors, Dean looked down and realized his gloves weren’t on. Getting ready to cast Nihil, Dean abruptly opened the closet door and shot the spell only to realize he didn’t shoot anything. Dean reacted instinctively and braced for what was to come but nothing happened. Dean removed his arms from his face and looked inside the closet. He saw what looked like a floating diamond Dean went to go touch the diamond only to be shot back by a large shockwave.

‘What the hell is that?” Dean thought.

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