《Werewolf In Cultivation World》Chapter 1: The Blood Moon


In the green leaf village, people simply live their life. On a small house that could fit five people, a young man stands up from the bed. This young man is Kevin and he transmigrated into this world. He stretches his body and opened the door.

The air was fresh and it lifted the mood of Kevin, “Another boring day.” Kevin thought to himself as he looked at the houses in front of him. No technology and the whole world appears old. Kevin walked forward while looking at the screen in his mind.

This is a cheat that he got after coming to this world, his status was displayed in front of him.

Host: Kevin

Strength: 10 ( 8 for normal people )

Speed: 10 ( 8 for normal people )

Perception: 10 ( 8 for normal people )

Vitality: 10 ( 8 for normal people )

Stamina: 10 ( 8 for normal people )

Soul Force: 0 ( 8 for normal people )

Available points: 0

Kevin was stronger compared to normal people, his body shape is not muscular but filled with power. This confused him at the beginning and since he never found out the answer, he gradually began to accept that he was different compared to other people.

“What should I do to get points?” Kevin thought to himself, he once tried to train his body but his attributes never improve. As for the soul force, this attribute leaves him confused and he had a few speculations about its purpose.

While lost in his thoughts, he arrived at his destination. Kevin raised his head and saw a house, the walls were old-fashioned and there was a smell filled with sweat coming from it. This is the place where men trained and after they are ready, they will go to forest to hunt wild animals.


Kevin stepped inside and a large number of people stared at him, due to his strong body he was famous in the village. Kevin ignored them and went to the weaponry, bows and swords are displayed here and Kevin grabbed an axe.

This was his favorite weapon, one hack, and the enemy will be split! “Kevin! Do you want to join our group?” A loud voice rang behind him and Kevin turned his head, he stared at the group of people who were staring at him.

“No,” Kevin said before walking out of the house, as he walked forward whispers were coming from behind him. Kevin smiled and began to speed up, soon he arrived at the entrance of the village.

“Come back early, there will be a blood moon tonight.” A man wearing a leather suit that covered his face leaving only the eyes said. Kevin paused for a moment before nodding his head, he ran for a full ten minutes before stopping.

He breathed out and wipes the sweat from his forehead, even with his stamina running for ten minutes while carrying an axe was still a hard task. He began to walk and recalled the information he gained from the blood moon.

The blood moon will appear once a month, people said that when it rose blood would follow. Wild monsters and other sinister creatures would show and feast on people. So before the blood moon appeared, people will close their doors and sleep.

Kevin stared at the sky and felt his heart beating faster, “I don’t have food so I need to move faster.” Kevin ran into the forest and headed into the areas he was familiar with. After a few hours of waiting and running, Kevin caught a boar in the corner of his eyes.


This boar is plump and Kevin felt his stomach was alive. He swallowed and prepared the axe on his side, after a few seconds of preparation Kevin pounce on the boar and swung the axe!

The wind makes a whooshing sound and under the surprised gaze of the boar, the axe fell and blood splashed! The boar cried in pain and Kevin raise the axe and brought it down with all his strength.

Puchi! The body of the boar was split in half and blood dyed the ground red, Kevin grabbed the body of the boar and put in his back before grabbing the bloodied axe.

Kevin raised his head and saw the black clouds that brought an ominous feeling, he ran back with his left hand holding the body of the boar, while the other hand grasping the bloodied axe.

“Stop!” A loud voice penetrated the silence of the forest, Kevin stopped and looked at the source of the voice. It was the group earlier, the tall man who was carrying a sword seemed to be the leader. Kevin raised his eyebrows.

“Kevin, I know you are strong.” The tall man said and raised his sword pointing it to Kevin, then he said with malice “And that is why you will die in this forest!” The tall man and his group ran towards Kevin and they raised their weapons.

Five people against one, Kevin saw their movements and felt a wave of anger rising from his heart! He throws the body of the boar in their direction. The tall man attacked the boar with his sword and the body was filled with cut marks.

After the tall man attacked the body of the boar, what greeted him was an axe that was heading towards his head!


The companions of the tall man stopped and stared at their boss, in their eyes one would see fear. Kevin stared at the headless corpse of the tall man and the head that was thrown not far from them. Kevin looked at the people and swings his axe!

In the forest screams of terror rang, after the voices ended the forest returned to its usual silence. Kevin stared at the corpses and felt the anger in his heart receded. “This is the reason why I like to be alone,” Kevin said and the voice was cold as ice.

Without him knowing, night descends and the blood moon began to show up!

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