《Bones》Chapter 6: The God of the Oasis
You must be bored. How did I arrive at that conclusion? Well, by the fact that you're reading something like this strongly suggest the fact that you are very bored. But please listen anyway. Listen to my story.
The previous two stories have been kind of sad, at least I hoped it has touched your heart. Well, it must interest you in some way as you are reading on. Maybe you want to see how bad this story gets or maybe you genuinely enjoy the story. In any case, the first story was about a brother's death and his unfulfilled revenge for his sister while the second was about destroying a friend's spirit of vengeance.
But did you know, if you change your matter of perspective it can be seen as happy as well? For example, the first story can be described as a long lost reunion between a sister and brother. While the second one is about accepting and moving on from a friend's death. See it doesn't sound too bad now right?
This is also such a story. I hope you will look at it positively as I do. I find my life satisfying and regretted not a single choice. If I had to do it all over again, I would and I would change not a thing. Quite a bold claim, no? Let me thank you for reading in advance. It means a lot. Well, now that we got that all out of the way, here we go...
Do you like fairy tales? I don't. At least used to not like them. Why, you ask? Well, their half-assed endings really irked me off. Happily ever after? That's it? It's just like a better way of saying that they died at the end of their lives. I know everyone dies. But I just don't like the idea of a story ending that way. Maybe I'm just to attached to the characters and wish to see more, But the more I think about it, I just don't know how else to change the ending to be more acceptable. I mean it's either a bad ending or a good one right?
If it is a good ending how else can you say it but in the end they lived happily ever after? Plus stories need complications or problems for the characters to solve right? Characters suffer throughout the story so that the story is interesting. They deserve a happy and uneventful, peaceful moments at least at the end right? Therefore it can be said that by wishing for more stories, you are wishing for the character's misfortune. So, if you are truly attached to the character, you should wish for a happily ever after ending to come as soon as possible right?
To that, I say, a bunch of crap. I want more. I want to see more of the character's lives. I really do. I know I'm being illogical and contradictory right now. Don't mind me.
But maybe it's just a problem of phrasing. The phrase happily ever after. It's overdone to the death.
But I'm just going to apologize in advance.
As I am going to end this story in the way I used to hate. That is right, I'm going to end it with a they lived happily ever after. Recently, I do not hate it as much. I wonder why.
I am a god. Albeit a minor one. In the hot sandy plains of Arahas, during a severe sandstorm, a being came into existence. It just did. I'm also sorry for the sloppy beginning. But I have no other way of explaining it. From the countless whirlpool of raging sand, they shifted and morphed into a being with a humanoid shape. But he was not a human. He was a god. He was me. In the beginning, there was just sand. An endless stretch of a sea of sand. But then I came into existence.
I wandered through the Arahas desert for an indefinite amount of time. Wondering what purpose I would serve in life. When I chanced upon a dying crow. I used my powers to restore it to full health. However, no matter how many times I would restore it, it would go back to its dying state.
Curious, I taught the bird words. The words that will allow us to communicate. Don't ask me how I know words. I just do. Afterwards, I ask.
"Crow, why do you keep on being on the verge of death?"
"I am a living being. Living beings need water, air and food. In this desert, there is neither water nor food."
"Then am I, who needs none of those, not a living being? Am I not living?"
"I do not know." The crow shook its head simply. "But I have no chance to fly out of this ruthless sandstorm. All I can do here is wait for my death. You do not need to waste any more of your divine power on me. It'll be nothing but a waste."
"No, I will not allow you to die. You are the first companion I had. Water and food, was it? I'll make it."
Then the god created an oasis. In the middle of a desolate desert, I conjured up an oasis. It was centred around a pool of water. Shady trees dotted the surroundings as succulent, fleshy fruits hung from their branches.
It was literally paradise on earth, specifically in a desert. Thus the crow lived. Soon enough more animals came and took shelter in the oasis. I taught them words and they each became my companions as well.
However, one day I noticed.
"Why are some of you in pairs?"
The ever so knowledgeable crow answered. "Well, it is what you call a couple. When a male or a female fall in love with the opposite gender. They get together for the sake of reproduction and for some species lifelong companionship."
"Lifelong companionship..." I repeated at that time, wistfully. Only later, I found that my feeling was called jealousy. I wanted one as well. A partner to go through thick and thin with. Someone to share the good and bad times with. Someone to love and cherish. Till death do us part.
Next, I am going to describe a starting point of another story. One that intersects with mine.
She was born. In a hut in the middle of a swamp. Not accessible through normal means. The swamp of the witches. The Swamp of Babylon. I will not be saying too much as she should be the one narrating her own story. But she was loved among the witches. Everyone around was kind and caring to her.
At the age of 12, budding witches leave their home, the swamp. To search for a rare ingredient that they could bring home. As proof that they can survive on their own, proof that they are capable. After returning home then, they would graduate from witches apprentices.
Bianca was one such apprentice. However, she failed. One day, I found her wandering at the desert. Half-dead, with bruises and cuts all over her body. When I first met her, she was knocking on death's door. Even breathing she had trouble with.
Using all my powers, I tried to restore her. It was not easy by any means. But I succeeded. To a certain extent.
"...Who are you?"
"I'm named Ash. The crows gave me that name."
"I see are you the one who saved me?"
"Yes... But..."
"You have my thanks." She coughed out.
"You don't have to thank me. Because of me, you won't be able to leave this place..."
She froze. "What do you mean?"
As long as she stays in the oasis, she would be safe and alive. Any moment she steps out, she would return to her death-like state. Due to my incapability, she became imprisoned in this paradise that I created.
I explained the situation to her.
Her face transitioned between a few emotions. Shock, disbelief, anger and then acceptance.
"Hahaha, this must be my punishment then." She smiled, tears dripping into her fist.
"Punishment?" I asked.
"I... did an unforgivable thing..."
As the days passed by, I became more and more enamoured by her. I received so much, learnt so much from her. So maybe it was not so surprising that I fell in love with her. Me, a god, with her, a human. That should be enough backstory. Now to the present.
"Hebi, runaway prince of Zmei race and Bones, ambassador of death. Welcome to The Oasis. The name's Bianca Camille Fleur. I am what you call a witch."
"Wh-what did you just say?" Hebi felt his pulse quickened, the blood rushing to his head. "H-how?"
"Hmm," She cocked her head to one side. "Oh, your identities? I'm a witch after all. But it is true I'm not here to fight."
"Ambassador of death..." Bones repeated, dazed. "What do you mean by that?"
"Well, come in first. No point in just standing there. Come in and we'll talk." She turned around, walking past the trees. "Ace, help me prepare some tea for the guests."
"Wh-what? B-but we don't need to do anything for them..." Despite the grumbling, he still obeyed.
"Oh right, we only need one cup for the guest," She continued, smiling ever so enigmatically.
"So you knew... How much do you know?" Bones asked warily, observing her gestures and her blank facial expression.
"Quite a lot. But please don't be on guard. We just want to ask you for a little favour."
Ahead, a couple of small, rosy brown thatched huts stood on top of stilts. Bridges adjoined a couple of these huts together. They climbed a ladder to get up on the deck surrounding the hut. Brushing past the strands of leaves that hung over the entrance, they entered one such hut. In the centre, a man sat on the floor, with his legs crossed under the coffee table.
He had a tanned and well-toned body. Naked from the waist up, his only piece of garment was a linen shendyt. He kept an absolute poker face, his cat-like pupils following us silently. Black kohl lined underneath his eyes, making him look even more intimidating.
"Ah, this is my husband, Ash, the god of the oasis." She clapped joyfully, introducing nonchalantly. He nodded towards us.
"Oh, nice to me-, hell no, what do you mean god? Don't just say that so casually. Explain more." Hebi retorted.
"Hmm? What else is there to explain? This, my beloved husband is a god." She jumped, clinging to his arm.
"Mom! You're in front of guests. Would it kill you to have some restraint?" Ace complained, slamming the teacup down.
"No way, If you separate me from your father, I'll die. Both figuratively and literally." She rubbed her cheek against his arm. All the while, Ash kept his face blank and impassive.
"I'm sorry to interrupt but can you please start to explain what's going on?"
"Fine, fine, geez, you're so impatient," Bianca pouted, her face growing serious. "Long time ago, I was injured. Ash, here, he saved me. Time passed on, we had a child. However, I caused Ash to lose his immortality. Both of us are reaching the end of our lifespan..." Her voice trailed off. Sitting at one side of the table, Ace grimaced, as he heard this line.
"We want you to be my son's travelling companions." Ash picked up where Bianca left off, rubbing her hand with his. "We wish for Ace to find himself a new home elsewhere. It's about time for Ace to leave his nest and create his own."
"Yes and this is an even more selfish but I want you to bring this letter to the home of the witches, the swamp. The map is included. There is another letter that I want you guys to keep as well. Promise me that you will only give it to Ace once you get near the swamp. Then Ace can make his decision to go or turn back."
"What are the benefits to us, if we help you?" Hebu asked. His slit-like eyes peered unwaveringly. "And why did you choose us? Surely you didn't pick any random passerby to escort your son, did you?"
"Hahaha, you are used to negotiation aren't you?" Bianca laughed. "Well for your second question. I am a witch. Therefore I use magic to check your background. I saw how Bones saved that Orc. While for Hebi, I saw the bits of his past. You are a kind soul."
"I am not kind in any way." Hebi spat, coiling up threateningly. "Don't you think that invasion of privacy is a terrible thing to do?"
Bowing her head slightly, she apologized. "Yeah, I apologize for that, but I needed to know if you are fit or not."
"Don't apologize if you don't regret it in the slightest." He glared at her. To that, she shrugged her shoulders.
"Wait, you said, check our background. Did you know what happens to me four days ago?" Bones interrupted.
"Hehe," She giggled, winking. "Are you testing to see whether I'm bluffing? That is the night you revived. Alas, I cannot see past that. Any other questions? If not, I'm going to answer your first question now."
"No, I have no more questions. Go ahead." Bones shook his head, satisfied.
"First, I can teach you an illusion spell to transform yourself to appear as a human. Also, a spell to talk to humans. Did you realize that we can converse with you?"
Hebi's slit eyes widened slightly. While the skeleton did not stir. However, despite not showing it, his mind was racing. Cursing himself to miss such an obvious detail.
-Kugh, I need to be more careful. A missed detail equals death. Shouldn't I know that better than anyone. Wait... Huh... Why, how did I know this again?
"I cast a spell that allowed us to converse. This will be quite useful I believe? After all, you used to be a human right? Aren't you curious about them?"
-Humans... I can't deny that I'm curious...
"While for Hebi, I can offer food and the like. As well as a charm. A charm to protect you from any witches. I can bind it to Ace. As long as Ace is alive, you cannot be harmed by the witches. After all, you are a very valuable existence to us witches."
"Are you asking me to be his familiar?" Hebi's voice turned glacial. His forked tongue slithering out and in.
-Familiar? Bones wondered.
"Yes. If you're another's familiar. Other witches know better than to touch you."
"No thanks." Hebi snorted, his nostrils flaring. "You're just trying to increase the number of cards to protect your son."
"Hahaha, you got me there. But being a familiar indicates an equal relationship. It won't be too bad. In addition, all that is needed to stop is both of your consent. Since your lives are bound to each other. Witches normally break off a familiar that is not willing."
"But if he dies, I will die along with him won't I? There's no guarantee he will cut me off before he dies, maybe he'll drag me down to hell." Hebi replied coldly.
"Haha, snakes will always be snakes huh? Nope, I have no guarantee. But surely you have been attacked before? Zmei race is valuable. Albinos even unbelievably more so."
"That's why you're trying to get me on your son's side." Hebi snorted. "I can't believe this. Your parental concerns go that far?"
"Well, that is part of it, but I'm trying to get my son into something dangerous. I at least need to prepare some sort of insurance. If you become my son's familiar and head to the swamp, you will definitely get involved in something troublesome... To say the least... However, it can be safer as well. My son is a demigod after all with the witch blood running through him. In addition, if my plan goes all well, you can negotiate with the witches. To free any Zmei captives and ban the catching of the Zmei race against their will. Right Prince Hebi?"
"Shut up! Don't call me a prince!" Hebi snapped, his forked tongue flickered up and down.
"Sorry, I pushed too far." Bianca bowed down. "But I am desperate. You guys are the best candidate so far. So please."
"I beg of you as well, please." Ash bowed down as well.
"Wh-what are you doing?" Hebi got flustered. "Gods are not supposed to bow down to mere mortals."
"They're not?" Bones asked.
"Of course not, where have you been, man? Ahh, right sorry, you were just born recently. It is really easy to forget since you don't act as a child at all."
"Hahaha," Ash laughed a deep, melodious laugh. "Don't worry about it, I'm a mortal as well, now. Just a worried father who is about to send his only son off. Nothing more than that."
"Hahh, we of Zmei race respect the gods. If we don't, we believe we will get divine retribution after all. If you so far as that, I can't say no. Still, this is the first time, I see a god bowing down. Gods tend to have a mountain of pride."
"Is that so... Well, I only have met one other god so I don't really know." Ash replied, smiling warmly. It was hard to imagine that it was the same stern-faced man that faced them moments ago.
"Ah, dear, you managed to loosen up. I'm glad. You see, my husband is just very nervous in front of first-time strangers. Don't mind him." She rubbed her back caringly.
"A-am not!" He rebutted.
"You just stuttered." Hiding her smile behind her fingers, she gave him a sidelong glance.
"Ugh." He grunted, grudgingly admitting his loss.
"What about you, brat? Are you fine with them deciding this for you?" Hebi directed his question towards Ace. He sat, scowling the whole time.
His eyebrows knitted together as he answered. "... If it's their parents' last wish, what can the child do but obey, eh?"
"I see, you're a good child, aren't you?" Hebi sighed. "Despite glaring like that, you care about parents a lot."
"Hahh? What made you come to that conclusion?" Ace sputtered.
"Hahaha, don't worry about it. Acey's shy. He'll warm up to you guys over time."
"Mom!" Acey gave a sort of strangled, exasperated gasp.
"Hahaha, I see, Acey's a really good boy, isn't he?"
"Arghh, I want to strangle that snake right here right now." Ace growled.
"Well, with that out of the way, let's eat and sleep!" Bianca raised her fist in the air.
"Sleep? It's midday?" Hebi interrupted.
"Witches believe that it is good luck to see their loved ones off during sunset. It's also better for Bones that way right?"
"Ah, good point." Bones nodded.
"Ace, you've packed everything right?"
"Yes, dad, you've asked that a million times." Ace rolled his eyes.
"Hahaha, you don't sound annoyed though. Normally you would use a more irritated tone of voice. To outsiders, you would probably seem really cold. But I know, you are a really good child..." His voice trailed off.
"Come!" Knocking Bones at the back of its skull, Hebi dragged him off.
"Eh, why?" Completely clueless, Bones complained.
"Hahh," Hebi sighed. "It's called reading the atmosphere. You'll learn it one day. I don't believe my luck, honestly. To have to babysit not one child, but two."
"Dad..." He hugged his dad. "It's alright. I'm strong enough now. I'll be a hero. Ones like the ones that mom always admired. I promise I will be someone you two can be proud of." Eyes glistening, he replied, trying to keep both his gaze and voice steady.
Sniffing, his floodgates burst. Hugging him, he cried. "You've grown haven't you?"
"Dad, I'm choking." Ace replied, not unkindly, patting his back as well.
"Well, just humour him once." Likewise, Bianca had tear stained eyes. "Your dad might not look like it, but he is very emotional."
"Aren't you emotional too?" Ace smirked between his tears. "Do you want a hug as well?'
"Idiot. You have gotten old enough to retort, haven't you? Well, you are still a hundred years too early you whelp. You're nothing but a whelp who's wet behind his ears. What do you know about me? You're the one who wants to hug me, don't you? That's why you suggested it in the first place."
"Hahh, you call dad not being honest, but you're the most stubborn one of all of us, aren't you? Yes, I want a hug, but you want one too don't you."
"Idiot son. Don't ever come back, you hear me?"
"Hahaha!" Ace burst out laughing. "Normally wouldn't you wish for your son to come back?"
"We're not the very bit normal you know that. But I'm still happy. I never regret a moment that I had with you. Ace Camellia Fleur. Excel in everything you do, just like your name. But even if you fail, it's fine, just get back up and try again. Try over and over till you succeed." She sniffed. "Make us proud, you idiot son!" She smacked him hard on his back.
"Make sure to stay well, Ace!" Ash shouted as the three of them faded into the distance.
Waving back, Ace shouted back his reply. "I definitely will!"
"Also don't forget to get yourself a girlfriend!" Bianca smirked shouting.
As he heard this, Ace blushed. Steam seemed to burst out of his ears as he stomped his foot and shouted.
"You idioottt mom!" Huffing, he sped up, running away. Letting his tears freely flow in the star-splattered night sky. He made no attempts to wipe them as he blindly charged forward.
Bones had to run to catch up. Hebi, as usual, rested in his rib cage. This time on a cushion fitted between its bones as Hebi requested for one from Ash and Bianca.
"Uoooh! If it's like this! Let's have the world's best adventure. One that I can brag to my mom about!" He shouted towards the sky, pumping himself up.
"Heh, what a troublesome brat," Hebi muttered. But Bones could swear that it saw the edges of his lips curling upwards.
"They're gone..."
"Yeah, they're gone..." Bianca collapsed into the Ash's arms. Burying her face in his chest.
"... Is it fine this way?"
"Getting cold feet halfway? This isn't like you, Bianca. Normally, I would be the one worrying." Ash stroked her aquamarine hair gently.
"Yeah, you're right. It's going to be sad though, not being able to see him ever again."
"Yes, but even without us watching over him, he'll be fine. believe in our child." Ash lifted her chin upwards. Drawing his face close to her. His lips inches away from hers.
Having fulfilled his wish to find a partner and for her living a fulfilling live every single day, they lived happily ever after.
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