《Death Galaxy》A Losing Battle.


Alex was blind and deaf. He was injured. He lacked a level or appropriate skill meant for combat. His only companion was a noncombatant with combat paralysis syndrome. His only weapon was a kitchen utensil. A smarter man would have run. A more heartless one would have thrown Zanthras to save his own skin, either to escape or gain an advantage in the fight.

Alex was none of these things. Some would chalk it up to the disconnect from playing a game with no consequences. Others would point to a hero complex buried underneath his cynicism. Alex? He just thought he was insane. Why else would he charge the monster in total darkness?

One hand fumbled forward, grabbing onto something to gain leverage. Grasping onto a damp wound, a fact Alex ignored, he stabbed into the area near his hand. He found purchase, the blade sinking into something.

It didn’t seem to mind.

“A fighter?”

The beast retaliated. It bucked, trying to throw off Alex. He managed to hold on if a bit throttled in the process. It was enough to limit Alex’s movements so all he could do was hold on. Unfortunately for Alex, his grip loosened when he was slammed into a wall by the monster.


Falling to the ground, Alex still couldn’t see but he could read the situation. An eyeless monster didn’t care if the room lacked lighting or not. Scrambling to the side, hopefully in a direction away from the beast, he stumbled as he felt the ground vibrate underneath himself. Likely the bladed limbs had cut into the floor.


Alex didn’t see or hear the next strike coming. He took the brunt of the hit, being launched into the air in the process. Could be the monster charged at him. Could be it elongated its neck and used its head like a club for all he knew. Regardless of the how, it definitely hurt in the end regardless, especially when Alex landed.


Alex wasn’t in a position to disagree. Things were going extremely poorly compared to the last fight. In the first five seconds, or what felt like it, Alex has taken some damage and lost his weapon. The enemy also clearly had the advantage since it could function with two muted senses. He was also alone in the fight since his companion was in the same position as him.


A blade sunk into Alex’s arm. His scream vibrated through his body. A fluid dripped down his face. Looking up, Alex was close enough to smell the monster. His other senses went into overdrive to compensate for his current situation. He wished they hadn’t. The scent of rot and blood as the beast breathed on him was utterly repulsive.

“Give in child. Your pain is meaningless. Why struggle against the inevitable?”

The fatherly tone the beast spoke with, an oddity in and of itself, clashed against the numerous injuries the creature had inflicted. Sinking the blade limb deeper didn’t help matters. Another edge brushed against Alex’s face. He flinched back, but even with just a touch, he was already leaking from his cheek.

“The Silence is far more forgiving.”

Welp, Alex could admit it. Death Galaxy delivered on what it promised. This was an experience was unlike any other. He was utterly terrified and definitely did not want to die at the moment. Ten out of ten, would not play alone again ratting right here. Not that Alex was in a position to save himself.

The room lit up. The quick change in lighting blinded Alex. Blinking the spots from his eyes, something you wouldn’t think was an issue for an android. Turning to the light, Alex could see Zanthras holding onto a small wrench between her fingers. Huddled into a ball, she appeared to be hyperventilating. Her breathing only got worse as the creature turned its head in her direction.


The visceral hatred in the creature’s voice was palpable. The monster moved. It had yet removed its limb from Alex’s own, so his hand was almost cut off by the movement. It approached Zanthras, each bladed leg sinking into the metal ground as it stopped towards. Zanthras tried to scramble away. She didn’t get far. She had trapped herself in a corner instead of being near the doorway.

Alex needed to get up. He needed to move. The android needed to do something. To him, this may be a game, but to Zanthras? It was her life. No matter how insignificant a bunch of ones and zeros maybe, god forbid he’d let anyone else die in his place. His life wasn’t worth that sacrifice. A fake one or otherwise.


Zanthras was crying as she dropped the wrench and held up her pipe in a poor attempt at self-defense. The beast laughed. It loved over her, dwarfing her in stature and power. Alex tried to get up but failed every time. His old injuries stacked on top of the new ones left him incredibly weak. Not to mention one limb was malfunctioning by being nearly cut off.

“Faith in a dead god?”


“When the mother was so gracious to bring you the Silence?’


“Such betrayal shall not go unpunished.”


Instability Detected.

The monster raised itself onto its hindquarters, front legs raised and ready to strike. Zanthras closed her eyes as she prepared for the blades to fall and end her suffering. Only they never came. Cracking an eye open, she chanced a glance. Only to see something incredibly bizarre. The creator was flailing around as 413X had it in a headlock.

It wasn’t strange because the android was risking its life. It was the fact he managed to do it at all with a broken arm and several injuries. During the struggle, the lizardman and the android made eye contact. His lips moved. The words disappeared into the supernatural silence. But Zanthras got the message. Tightening her grip on the pipe, she found what little courage she had left and swung with all her might.

It was safe to say Alex wasn’t expecting the virtual earthquake that rang through the monster and into him. He almost felt the monster’s ribs crack himself Zanthras swung so hard. It was safe to say she was certainly stronger than him that’s for sure. Regardless, he was only glad the lizardman got a couple more swings in.

Eventually, the beast fell after one decidedly strong swing. Alex was rather happy about that. Less when the adrenaline, or whatever equivalent his android body had finally left him. By god, everything hurt. Using your limb as leverage in grapple did not do you any favors apparently. Alex couldn’t even move at this point.

Things weren’t any better once the creature kept speaking.

“You would deny salvation...? Why? Have you not seen the pain you will burden yourself with?”

Zanthras landed another hit on its head. It didn’t stop talking.

“With a blasphemer of all things.”

Another sickening swing failed to silence the beast.

“Truly, the mother is all-loving.”

The remains of the skull were almost entirely turned into mush at this point.

“She is still willing to offer her hand in kindness.”

Its head was gone at this point. And yet it didn’t stop. It would not stop. Alex was beginning to pass out, unable and unwilling to stay conscious any longer.

“All you need to do is take it.”

Zanthras ran over to Alex, recognize he was not in a condition. He tried to keep him away, doing her best to not let him shut down. It was an ordeal turning him on the first time. He was in a far worse condition now than when she first found him. Much less she lacked the parts to fix him this time. If he went offline there was a chance, she’d never turn him back on.

The last thing Alex saw was the lizardman giving him a worried look as she shook him. Her efforts were in vain as far less sinister darkness took him.

The last thing Alex heard was a deep guttural laugh the seeped into his skull. Penetrating deep into his body and violating what little safety a person’s own mind should provide. It wouldn’t be wrong to say it felt like someone had invaded the castle that was his own soul.

“Will you take it, Alex?”

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