《Death Galaxy》Unexpected Finalization


Picking a race hadn’t been easy. If Legendary Difficulty was as hard as it said it was, every possible advantage was needed. Problem was, every perk could have had a hidden downside. So as tantalizing as some options were there was a very real possibility of the demerits outweighed the benefits. Hard to play a game if you started out crippled, right?

In the end, everything was based on guesswork. While Alex could have just waited for others to get in first to give tips and tricks, it would be at a disadvantage. Traveler Games said all day one players would receive an in-game boon, with the boon increasing in quality the higher the difficulty. There had also been a media blackout for an entire week put in place as well.

You either took a risk and reaped the rewards. Or you stayed behind and trailed behind everyone else. An easy decision for some sure. It was just a game, right? They welcomed the challenge. But Traveler’s Games’ had also put out a warning shortly before the VR System and Death Galaxy itself were shipped out.

If you treat Death Galaxy like every other VR that came before, you will pay dearly for it. There is a level of freedom and control in your hands that has never before been seen. Even on the easiest difficulty, a lackadaisical approach will see you punished accordingly. This isn’t a game like any other. This is not a game at all. It’s another life for you to live. One that will be at constant risk and danger, where every move matters. Approach it with the same amount of fear and caution danger demands of you in real space.

Some thought this was just a PR move, while others saw it as an in-universe advertisement. The company’s stock going up because of it the next day was seen as ample evidence. Overall, no one took it seriously.


Alex was of a different mindset. If the VR was as realistic as the company boasted, as near perfect sensory recreation of real life, why damage the emersion? Alex was here to get away from their own life, if but for a moment. And what better way than to lean in as hard as possible? Alex wasn’t here to roleplay. He was here to live.

Serious emotional emersion aside, they chose Echo. It was basically a two for one deal. And hell, who didn’t want to play with sci-fi magic? Nothing beats military hardware like a good old fireball.

Selecting Echo, another window popped into existence.

You have selected a Male Echo as your race. Are you sure?


Always have redundancy. Would hate to be the guy who miss clicked and got stuck with a race they didn’t want. Alex confirmed his choice. All the other races disappeared, and Alex was left with his soon to be an avatar in front of him.

Now, Alex was left with the most torturous part of any game. Character customization. Considering just how important this part would be, as it would be his literal face at this point, there was no room for error. Alex was ready to spend hours tweaking everything just how he wanted. So, it was with some disappointment he found himself with only three slides.

The base appearance for an Echo, before the original race was added in Alex guessed, was a silhouette with a colored outline and lights where their eyes would be. The form was clearly male, a stereotypical form that was a bit more buff than Alex was in real life. The slides were simplified color wheels that showed every color of the rainbow. One for his eyes, outline, and the silhouette itself.

Didn’t leave much room for individuality, did it? Oh well. Might as well make the most of it. Within a couple of minutes, Alex got the appearance he’d liked. Reflective black with golden eyes and a golden outline. Not his best work, but it got what he was aiming for. Dark, rugged handsomeness with a glint of value shining through. And he had hit the nail on the head. Definitely. Probably. Maybe.


Ok, Alex didn’t know much about color theory, but it still looked cool. It was enough for him.

Would you like to confirm your appearance?*


*Note: As an Echo, it is virtually impossible to change your appearance afterward.

Eh, Alex was fine with this. Hopefully, the race he was going to graft the Echo onto had more options to work with. Maybe he’d pick the Lizardmen. Always wondered what it felt like to have scales.

Character Creation Complete.

...I’m sorry, what?

Avatar Locked In.

No, no, no! Wait! What about my original race? Aren’t Echos just race variants!?

Please Select Your Class.


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