《Syria Girl》Grinning


After sludging through the water and mud, I climbed into the tent, a massive grin on my face. Ayamin was sleeping, so after putting on my dry clothes I sat the loaf in front of her and gently shook her awake.

Ayamin breathed in and the way she looked at the loaf made my heart sing.

‘Danny, what? How??’ she said, holding the loaf up like it was worth a million dollars.

I grinned, ‘There was a lemóni tree in town, just stacked full of them, I went, took a few and managed to sell them at a market – that’s where I got the bread and sugar.’

Ayamin put the loaf down, ‘You stole someone’s lemons?’ she whispered.

‘Lemóni,’ I corrected, ‘And not really, there were so many on the tree – even some on the ground. You needed them way more than any of those people did.’

Ayamin shook her head, ‘If they caught you it wouldn’t be good for the camp,’ her voice grew softer as she gave the loaf another sniff, ‘But I still love you for doing it.’

She reached for a plate, and gently cut a quarter each for us, Ayamin was so careful that I swear not even a crumb was missed.

We sat eating, mouths watering at how good that bread tasted, and how amazing it felt in our stomachs, our coughs seemed to ease just a little after our bellies were full.

‘It’s strange, Ayamin said, rubbing her stomach, ‘I know I couldn’t eat one bite more – but my brain’s telling me to EAT, EAT, EAT.’

I laughed, ‘I could eat a loaf the size of Westminster and I wouldn’t even be full.

Ayamin lay back on the bed with a sniff, ‘Would you show me the cathedral if we make it to England?’


‘What do you mean if?’ I grinned, ‘Girl, we’re going there no matter what.’ Ayamin laughed and I pointed outside the tent, ‘I don’t care what those border guards think, stuff them, stuff all of them. I promise on… on my life that I’m going to get you to England.’

I expected Ayamin to laugh, or smile or something. Instead, she burst into tears. Big fat sobbing tears.

I reached for her, a little scared, the tears kept rolling as she touched my face, ‘Oh Danny, you stupid sweet idiot,’ she said.

‘Hey!’ I said, feeling a tear or two of my own begin to well up – even though I didn’t know why, ‘What’d I say?’

Ayamin hugged me to her, ‘You don’t even know!’ she said, ‘Oh Danny.’

While she cried some more and I wrapped my arms around her the rainclouds raged on and our tent leaked above us and I decided that it was time. We couldn’t stay here forever. Ayamin’s cold would only get worse.

From tomorrow, I thought as I watched her hair rise and fall on my chest. From tomorrow I’m going to find out how to make it past the border.

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