《God's Death》Chapter 14 - A reunion


From what I remember, these people will be going to your 'world'.

Oh... Yea!

I'll finally get to have some life in my universe!

I walk towards the gate, after reaching it, I then manually open it up. I look down and realize I made an oopsie, there are a lot of people that didn't have enough room at the bottom. They are just floating around the stairs, not looking very impressed about the situation.

The changes that have taken place over time as I have been god are quite interesting. Maybe my comprehension has gone up, or maybe I have just gotten better at truly seeing things for what they were.

"Excuse me! Coming Through, Former God... Sorry."

Who is that?

I see somebody that actually embodies my vision for what a human should be, his clothes were quite basic. He had on a brown tattered tunic, with a fur coat, and black trousers. He had a very short beard; both his hair and his beard were peppered, not quite full white.

Is that... my former master?


I wonder what his name is... or has become?

Although I almost naturally do this, either way, I still make sure to check the names of the people.


My eyes accidentally fall on a generic Owtz look alike... same facial structure, and everything as far as I can tell. The only difference is, his skin is cracked. His clothes are also less cool, no insane black robe. Just some very plain white robe, that everyone else seems to be wearing, except for that one human?

I watched as the man I assume to be my father cuts past others, making his way to the front.

A guy with the name 'Nifift Nitxis' says

"How dare you cut me?"

As he rolls up the sleeve of his robe. A pat on the back from somebody named 'Eno Orez', along with a mumble quickly calms his temper. Eno seems to be quite the cool headed guy.

"Yes... he will get judged soon for his misdeeds either way..."

There... is something about these names.

Eventually, the human makes it to the front, after cutting everybody in line.

"Gaia! My Boy!"

He wraps his arms around me and leads me through the Gate as we walk around the throne.

When the people at the front of the Gate are far enough away, he then increases the pressure on my neck.

"I still have my memories..."

"You forgot all about me? Eh?"

Crap! I was supposed to get rid of his memories... and give him a bit of power.


He lived quite awhile it seems

"You fool! I only made it to 38!"

You look at least 50

"I heard that!"

Wait... He can read my mind?

This goes against the pattern established...

That is a bit odd...

"I created you... "

He taps his finger to his head and says

"I know this place like the back of my hand"

He then looks shocked and looks around quickly, while looking at me.

"The soul room... my baby... no. You!..."

"You fused the Otz room with The Gate?"

Shaking his head, he says

"Meh, it's up to you. It'll be the pain in the ass to manually manage the souls though. I'm glad it's manual since I was able to talk to you again. Very interesting... they stay with the bodies this way... very risky."


I have no idea what he is even talking about...

More capable then I remembered...

"Don't insult me..."

I look at his soul and don't notice any characteristics that would make it impressive. It is quite a bit smaller actually when compared to the average soul from Gorgo's world.

I just now notice his name

'Johnathan the Itchy'

What kind of name is that!?

I immediately burst out in laughter, unable to stop myself. The last name seemed relatively normal, Itchy has a nice ring to it. But 'Johnathan'. What kind of name was that? It was a long name and immediately while it seemed like a perfectly fine name, the whole thing in itself had three parts. It would have been better if the full name itself was 'Na Joh Than' or 'Joh Na Than'. But combining that full name, and then adding more parts to it.... it was perfect.

Surprisingly, Johnathan began to laugh as well.


He then abruptly stopped. His expression turning 100% serious. Telling me how it was

"I'll have you know, my father, and my father's, father. Proudly carried the line of the Itchy!"

He looked me in the eyes

I looked him in the eyes

His expression twisted

"Ah! I can't keep that up!"



After who knows how long, our laughter finally stopped.

He's so much happier?

Spending only 38 years as a mortal changed him so much?

He then tells me his story

"My mother and father were quite poor when I was born. I sat there for the first year thinking 'fucking GAIA!!!!'"

He then looks at me in the eyes, with a smile quite wide.

"I had spent all my free time in an eternal rage, hitting things with my small fist. Looking forward to the day I would get my revenge..."

I wasn't sure why, but the back of my neck had begun to slightly sweat?

That's a first...

"Time moves fairly quick for me, so I was not a baby for long. I also had forgotten quite a bit of some deeply rooted issues... but still, I have a sizeable chunk of my memory. But I forgive you, Gaia."

I sigh and begin to feel safer.

"Thank you."

"I was incredibly sick"

He starts to frown

"There was shit everywhere Gaia! I had lice! I had Leprosy! Don't ever look under the grass that lines the floor!"

He holds up his fingers, to show them to me. There is nothing at all wrong with them though, which he soon notices and continues on.


"Don't do it..."

He starts pacing around

"The food was disgusting... I needed to eat"

He covers his face up with his hands and stops pacing

"I was breastfed until I was almost 2 years old, but after that, my palette consisted of"


He then laughs

"When I was three years old, my parents were worried that I would 'not find salvation'. So they wasted a whole weeks pay!"

He then pauses and repeats, looking at me for my reaction?

"A whole weeks pay!"

"For what? To be baptized during the Easter festival..."

He mumbles

"They shouldn't even charge for that..."

I don't really give much feedback, just sitting there awkwardly listening

He nods his head

"After the baptism, I was told my 'new' name was 'Sun'. But nobody ever mentioned it again..."


"I had graduated from church schooling, through approval by my godparents after only 4 years."

He then takes a deep breath, continuing.

"There was a very famous Apostle visiting our town, he was known far and wide for his prophecies and being in touch with SUNSHINE. He was known as 'True Light'"

"When he saw me, he immediately freaked out and started calling me a 'warlock' "

"I was to scheduled to be tested coming the solstice for the new year, and for my guardian to be moved over to True Light"

"My parents had completely believed them 100% and let True Light become my guardian... I journeyed with him far past the solstice, till around the time I was 12 years old"

"He would actually feed me well and was a pretty alright guy. I was able to eat as much cabbage, bacon, cheese, beans,... even chicken!"

Coughing he said

"Wine as well"

"But he would also take a bit of my blood every night, right before I went to bed... for whatever reason."

"We would travel all around the county, until one day he flips out on me, and tells me, it is time to get tested"

"I was blindfolded and told to sleep."

"I woke up somewhere underground. There was a cake, some milk, a knife, and a fork."

"I was told there were two parts to the test, the first was the meal, and the second was swimming"

"I ate the cake, it was delicious! Not sure what that was all about..."

"They then took me outside, stripped me, tied a rope around me. Then threw me in a river."

"Not knowing why they threw me through a river, I swam so I would not drown."

Looking at me and holding up his hands before dropping them down, and relaxing his shoulders

"Apparently I failed the test."

"So they escorted me to a pile of wood, tied me up, and tried to set me on fire. As I lied there tied up, I had gotten so pissed that I burned through most of the excess soul I had accumulated from my many years as a god. I went completely berserk, and I think I traumatized quite a few people."

He stares off into the void and mutters

"They were actually only probably a few months away from ending the practice. But after confirming that I was indeed a 'warlock', I probably reinforced the stereotype. Either way, I destroyed the few towns in that area, and ran very far away, to live life anew. I didn't kill everyone, but most died... so rumors still spread, and the practice was further enforced. The faith in True Light's god 'SUNSHINE' then reached an unprecedented level."

"I eventually found I had a talent in haggling, and eventually ran my own merchant guild."

I wait for him to continue the story, to get to the main point of all of it.

But suddenly I hear a familiar voice... accompanied by laughter.


There was no portal opened

There was no spectacular display of fireworks

No fancy magic

In an instant, I was face to face with Owtz Eerth

I felt a weird sensation in my mind... I had lost all control of my body

But... perhaps only because of my experience with blackout... I had kept my awareness

Everything was still, but this was not something as weak as time having been froze... all action had stopped

This was a higher level...even Echo was completely affected.

I had felt this feeling before... well nothing like this at all, but this fear... I have known it

Perhaps giving him those golden r-

Owtz mutters two words

"Found it"


Even my thoughts were no longer purely my own...

I felt as if I was only a tool


I try to resist... but it is useless

var SOURCE = {

Existence: fetch(6),

Avatar: function(soul){



this.Existence.setSenses(this.Existence.getTmpBody(),soul.x+15, soul.y+6, soul.z-15);

this.Existence.avatar =true;


this.Existence.setSenses(this.Existence.id, this.Existence.x, this.Existence.y+6, this.Existence.z);



Observe: function(information){


this.Existence.setDualSenses(this.Existence.id, information.getX+15, information.getY+6, information.getZ+15, this.Existence.x, this.Existence.y, this.Existence.z);



this.Existence.clearDualSenses(); this.Existence.setSenses(this.Existence.id, this.Existence.x, this.Existence.y+6);



Create: function(existence, soul, genome){


var item = new system.add(Math.random()*6.25e30, existence.x, existence.y, existence.z, existence.soul, existence.dna, existence.rna, existence.TE, existence.mind, existence.state, existence.source);


//no condition set


Erase: function(existence){



Focus: function(){


this.Existence.UI.stream(this.Existence.UI.width/2, this.Existence.UI.height/2, this.Existence.source);

This.Existence.timePerception =6570;


Inspect: function(existence){


this.Existence.UI.print(existence.x, existence.y+existence.height, existence.z, system.fetch(existence.id).name);

this.Existence.UI.arc(existence.soul.x, existence.soul.y, existence.soul.z, existence.soul.strength, 0, 2*Math.PI);



//no condition set


Search: function(existence){






Waypoint: function(name, find){


this.Existence.mind+=name+' '+This.Existence.x+' '+this.Existence.y+' '+this.Existence.z;

var waypoint = this.Existence.mind.split(' ');

for(var i=0; iif(waypoint[i]==name){





this.Existence.index[this.Existence.index.length] = {

id: this.Existence.index.length,

name: this.Existence.memory(waypoint[i]),

x: this.Existence.memory(waypoint[i+1]),

y: this.Existence.memory(waypoint[i+2]),

z: this.Existence.memory(waypoint[i+3])


this.Existence.indexOf[this.Existence.indexOf.length] =name;


}else if(!this.Existence.waypoint){

for(var i=0; iif(find==this.Existence.indexOf.length[i]){


this.Existence.UI.fillStyle ="white";

this.Existence.UI.print(this.Existence.index[i].x, this.Existence.index[i].y+this.Existence.height, this.Existence.index[i].z, this.Existence.index[i].name);

this.Existence.UI.fillRect(this.Existence.index[i].x, this.Existence.index[i].y, this.Existence.index[i].z, 1, 1);

this.Existence.UI.fillStyle ="black";

}, 1000/60);






That wasn't me! I did not use focus

My thoughts are so slow...wait...

He is gazing upon the source!

but...but...it is wrong... revival... blackout... he is unable to see them?

His face had remained emotionless up til this point, but after witnessing the source... he was clearly shaken



My chest aches... my realm... is filled to the brim with golden rods... all of them instantly melting and pouring into Owtz

He does not seem changed from this... I am unable to tell anything from him at all... I am unable to do anything at all

This sense of loss... I feel as if my ability... create

He stole it

He isn't finished... is he?

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