《God's Death》Chapter 1 - Arrival


"This is boring, extremely boring... I think its time to start something new."

Gaia's mouth had gotten a little dry the cause likely stemming from it closing the difference between the void and the abyss. But he did not notice... it was as if what this man said defied all logic.

"Permission to- ugh- Interject my opinion LORD!!"

He had been with such a person for billions of years, but communication was not something that happened often during this time. It wasn't forbidden, of course, it just never crossed his mind that it would be fine to rattle off while the man was clearly busy staring off into space. Actually, scratch that, he was really just creeped out by his particular set of facial expressions.

The Old Man pondered for a bit, after much thought he answered in a somewhat cheery tone.

"Don't address me as LORD, there's no need! I'll no longer be a god soon..."

Gaia experienced a sense of impending doom. His creator was smiling for seemingly the first time since he had been born. To say he was creeped out before may have been an understatement. To put it simply, Gaia felt as if he were falling with absolutely no hope of a soft landing! He mumbled cautiously...

"I...do not understand?"

This sent the man into a long bout of laughter. His face was twitching, his smile somehow deepening.

"I will be starting everything over soon!"

Gaia gasped immediately crying out


God then Immediately broke out into some exposition; that's something divine beings are quite known for after all.

"Yes, it's true... I wanted humans to be intelligent. But not that intelligent!"

"They've completely ruined all the fun, this isn't a battle for survival anymore. They've defeated my plagues, tribulations and even my attempt to naturally destroy them through an expansion of a sun. Adaptable little things..."

God no longer was so cheerful; his smile was completely gone.

"So I'm going to restart them. They are the experts, the 1% that overcame the odds and made something from nothing, they've somehow mastered my universe from right under my nose. They have played this game for far too long, they've given no chance for other races to have a proper uninfluenced go at it."

Gaia couldn't really find it in himself to figure out where all this was coming from. God naturally continued on his rant, paying no mind to his confusion.

"They are like old-school players that formed guilds... using thousands of hours of a head start in combination with excellent planning to dominate others, not allowing them to grow. This... sickens my very being. They've really monopolized the experience!"

Gaia was not able to take it anymore interjecting with his opinion; defending the actions of the humans.

"What monopolizing? What have they done that is so bad?"

God wrapped his arms around himself while sliding back and forth, in his very own embrace he responded back.


"I use my creations for entertainment. Humans were not meant to be my only source of fun; while yes, my other smart races developed technology. It was never to the extent they've brought it. It's almost as if I've left some sort of hole in my construction... I think they've found a back-door. Imagine if your internet provider were to restrict you to only a select few specific websites, not allowing you the variety of different choices. This is exactly what the Humans have done to me!"

God's eyes were closed, still, within his own embrace, he had stopped talking. Gaia couldn't exactly tell if he was trying to get away with sputtering nonsense since he was God or if such complex ideas and thoughts from such a Supreme Being was fated to never be comprehended by someone not on such a level. Not wanting to disappoint his creator he quickly acted as if he knew exactly what God was talking about.

"I see... but, say wouldn't it be better to remove their developments and drop them off in a universe with completely different laws. Would that not be more entertaining?"

God's posture immediately returned to normal... he sat there pondering for a few thousand years. After grasping his chin and nodding his head up and down he finally spoke.

"That's brilliant! You are a genius! No... I'm a genius for having created you. Actually, I'm really just talking to myself."

God patted Gaia on the back sending him flying through the void around him... this was Gaia's first time experiencing pain. God, of course, laughed off such inconsequential injury, apologizing and dismissing it with an excuse about his weakness and such from such a long time spent sitting. Gaia and God had begun to talk about matters of both massacres and timing.

"They've advanced so much... I think they'd be able to kill me if I went down in person!"

Gaia was starting to hate his laughter and was hoping the sweet embrace of awkward silence would once more descend among his lord's domain. Having talked with his creator more, he came to found out that God believed that in a few thousand years, humans would have advanced their technology to such a point that they would be able to not only find him! But they'd even be able to kill him. This all just seemed like a bunch of mumbo jumbo to Gaia, creations killing their creator, just what nonsense was that?

God having noticed Gaia's doubts soon voiced some of his aspirations, some of the things he would like to experience.

"I really want to experience how such lower life forms have come to rival me over time. It makes no sense how they've gotten to that sort of level of strength, it's a far cry from how I designed them."

God then thanked Gaia for such a wonderful suggestion. But told him he had something a little different in mind.


"Care for a wager?"

Gaia mimicked his laughter perfectly... this was to the displeasure of his creator most definitely.

"Why would I gamble with God?"

God frowned... sighing and letting his shoulders drop he solemnly said.

"Forget whatever false image you have in your head of me. I've gotten here due to luck and my gambling instinct! Tell me! Gaia, what say you? I'll fight the humans, once they've breached my realm. If they win... I'll have everything transferred to you, my authority, my laws, my place. But if I win, I'll start everything over. No more humans, no more nonsense!"

Gaia thought about the life he had lived up to that point, it had been incredibly boring in all honestly. He barely felt like a functioning existence at all. Having weighed his options; figuring he didn't have much to lose, either way, he only couldn't help but think being God could be quite interesting. He accepted the offer to which he felt a chill run down his spine as God began to go for a lovely stroll.

A black portal opened up only to about the size of his head, a golden rod was pulled out from it. Slamming it into the ground he spoke.

"As God of Everything! With all my Authority... I declare that Gaia will ascend to the throne upon my death. There is a catch though! My requirement is to be reborn forever and always in the universes that Gaia creates! I will thus be the creation and he will be the creator!"

God laughed as he talked about going full circle and other random things that didn't really make much sense at all. He then talked with Gaia about his request to have his memories reset as well as have a bit of power bestowed upon him for the so-called 'lolz'. He withdrew a red ruby-like crystal from his pocket dimension handing it to Gaia with a wink. Apparently the crystal was some of his essence containing an entire 2% of his power.

Gaia's hands shook as he took the crystal. The burden of holding it was both mentally and physically exhausting, it was both heavy and light. Its existence was a conflict that stirred up all sorts of emotions. He felt sadness, hope, and happiness all at once as he thought about the possibility of his creator dying. Gaia questioned how it would still even be him if his creator had none of his past memories upon reincarnation, but his questions were cut off by God's index finger being put over his lips

"Nope! Shhhhh... just let it happen..."

Gaia was guided by emotions which ignited a spark of much-needed conversation between the two, matters such as the previous reset billions of years past were even brought up. With the mentioning of his attained position, God was even asked what his name once was. But he didn't remember... for some reason he was scratching his neck slightly though at the mention of it.

Gaia couldn't help but question how someone could forget something as dear as their own name... he hoped such a thing would not happen to him one day. Not to mention the fact that managing so many various universes had to require quite the complex touch. In the middle of explaining a very important issue regarding freezing of time after God's Death. God had only been returning blanks; dodging questions before being saved by the proverbial bell of his realm getting invaded by the humans. Secretly he was relieved... the trauma of his embarrassing past was something God never wanted to be unraveled.

White light blinded both God and Gaia. This was impressive not only due to them already being very much surrounded by a numbing whiteness that could drive anyone insane, but also due to there not being any objects besides the throne and their own company to be aware of the loss of sight. A wormhole cube opened up in the space causing slight cracks in the void. It was pure black, letting no light escape it.

Gaia couldn't help but think those were not humans... they were totally monsters; he somewhat regretted defending them. The group of Humans skins was like that of hell-stone, their eyes glowed with a fiery passion. Their looks alone may have been able to do Gaia in, they almost looked indistinguishable from each other as well. As if each one were a perfect copy, if not for a very blatant difference in the genders, you'd have thought they were all the same person!

God was approached by the leader and after hearing some demonic sounding words. He said something about a blessing and a plot, how it was essential for those at home to understand. Gaia and even The Leader seemed quite confused by the phrasing. He then told the man they spoke English, which led to the guy being a bit disappointed. There was a slight switch and introductions were held. The man's name was Gorgo...

"I am very much grateful for having been created by you. But we've already stepped into the domain of gods ourselves. Hell, I created another universe just yesterday! It's time for you to step down from your throne old man."

God looked quite surprised at the arrogance shown by the young man, he smiled something fierce. Gorgo's head flew right off after the punch he received. But God didn't escape unscathed... there was a hole in his chest. He looked at Gaia grinning, calming talking to him.

"Tis nothing but a flesh wound."

God then coughed up some golden looking shit from his mouth...


He then blew up.

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