《Vritra [A Dragon Evolution LitRPG]》Chapter III: Recollection & New Goal



Recollection & New Goal

The memories flashed quickly, one by one detailing the past of the former human I once roamed the vast modern world.

Age of 18, final year into high school and with a full life of mystery and fortune waiting ahead into the future. But things weren't all fun as my old self led many to believe. Depression, the very cause to be the misfortunate parents he was born to. Constant dosed in drugs and liquor as the stench wreaked the home, but nobody did a thing to stop them and liberate the son from such a terrible stated family. He was forced into their bidding, drugged by injections and kept alive to suffer by his own parents as he hid that widely known fact from school.

Friends and acquaintances alike all were mislead from what the boy claimed to be a normal happy family, avoiding help knowing well of the abuse he'd receive from his parents. He was held prisoner, as they beat him harshly leaving bruises on his skin that took weeks to heal away.

A subject to bullying, there were kids he intruded upon to help others, but was only met with the fists of multiple kids who stood alongside the bullies. Beat up even more during school, anywhere such as the restroom, class and even the cafeteria and nobody helped most of the time. Not even his supposed friends. Alone, suffering with a tough smile that refused to vanquish from the pitiful life he was enduring each passing day.

Torture was a part of life, as the bullies would slice his flesh cutting near the veins warning him on a daily basis of what would lead to his death. Drugged and even severely wounded away from school into abandoned buildings that hid from sight of the adults and perhaps even the world itself.

Led astray, from the life that stood upfront once to dissolve away instantly in his eyes. He roamed the streets one day, avoiding arriving home and spotting the bullies that confronted against him and the former friends who now looked down on his entire existence not reaching out to help.


That is where things escalated, dropping down in his knees in front of a building at night crouched with his head down from the pressure that built up. Tears took out after a long while of holding them back, playing the tough character in the eyes of many even relatives who had no clue to what was going on at his home.

"Are you okay?"

A woman dressed up in a seductive fashion stepped out of the building that was lit with bright colors. The woman was beautiful, but had her own secrets she hid from others much as himself.

"I... I don't know..." He let out miserably.

She grabbed him by the shoulder, lifting him up with minor force and cleaning off the collected dust from the boys behind from where he had sat just moments ago. Her appearance became more visible to his sight, beautiful. Mixed colored hair of two colors consisting of blonde an a light pink color that ended down into her long hair. Whiter-toned skin, that had little to no make up exhilarating her beauty under the light of the building during the night.

"Follow me, you'll wreak of trash if you don't bathe."

They walked, further away into her car as she drove off of the area to apartment in the very top of the building reaching heights above the ground. It was modern, clean and tidy. There was no mess laying around and the fragrance that spread in the room made their way into his nose. Immediately taken to the bathroom to bathe removing the stenches of the trash he had sat right next to not knowing of it.

"Thank you."

Gratitude, to the woman that helped him out young rather than old.

"Hmm, all right come here."

She pulled him further inside the apartment into her bedroom as she pushed him to her bed and cleared off several obstacles. She approached his timid behavior and came into his ear whispering silently in a seductive tone with a faint smile to follow.


"If you're grateful, then do it with me."

That night, was the day he lost his purity.

"I'm back!"

Life started anew, he had moved away from his parents leaving only a note for them to know of his decisions as he moved in with the woman who was only at the age of twenty. He had fallen in love and confessed the following morning after their first night and decided to stay together.

He continued on to school, with the same activities as usual but what awaited back in his new home lit his day greater than any other in the grim past. He had something new, and their feelings for each other were mutual rather than forced by his timid and secretive behavior. She helped him out and fed him different plates each day that passed and often took him out shopping or to a restaurant on her days off from the Hostess Club.

This were his happiest days of his long approaching life.

"I'm pregnant."

The first news to be received with no clue as to what had to be done in the beginning. A child of his own, his own blood.

Three months were in, and they grew wary of the belly she had formed which was confirmed to be of pregnancy as she began to take days off from work to fix on her health. They were awaiting and had plans to give it birth rather than eliminate its life from poor decisions.

Nobody from school or his relatives knew of this and his lover assured him that it wouldn't matter if he had no intention of telling them for what he'd went through. Her smile comforted him, as he saw the upcoming life with positivity.

"I am gravely sorry, but this class will serve as a sacrifice for my world. Forgive me, if you had the best life this far."

An unknown entity had appeared out of the nowhere claiming their lives from the world they had grown to love or hate up to the present moments of life. He felt his heart rushing knowing his child would soon be born as his lover had sent a message to head to the hospital after he had left his school.

Yet blood of the others soaked the classroom red, one by one taken away as escape was not permitted from the shut down doors.

He had already responded with his motives to head to her, but would soon lose the chance of seeing his child or even departing from his lover.

A pool of blood and organs, elevated the room as only two of the students remained a girl and him. The girl was sliced in half as he stood in the center, looking down in desperation.


The entity struck, as his soul left his body and he stood one final moment with the one he loved as she held their child and the child shifted its eyes to him. It reached out knowing who he was, before his senses shut entirely into the infinite path of darkness that would hold him for a long time.

That was me.

Now I lived in another world, as the dragon I had became after the darkness. My feeling tangled oddly as the memories were my own but the emotions were different but held respect for the final memories rather than the first.

My goals, there is no return to the life I had once lived as my body was slain into shreds by the entity who took it away on that very spot. However, fact remains that he roams this world somewhere hidden. I will find him, and make sure he pays for what he had taken away from the good life that awaited.

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