《Gaia's Shield》Chapter 2 - Living pains


Shiv continued to stare at the strange tree where Vyla's tracks had ended. A number of thoughts went through his head. Was she eaten by a tree spirit? A demon? Alright calm yourself, she might've just climbed the tree or something. Laughing mostly at himself for thinking such thoughts Shiv tried to climb but its smooth surface was unclimbable.

How on earth? The strange tree met his stare in silence. After some hesitation Shiv took his spear and stabbed at it. With a sudden jolt Shiv was flung back wildly flailing his arms he tried to scream but only a pained groan escaped his lips. He tried to move but found that his body would not listen to him.

Lying in the snow Shiv considered what may have happened to Vyla but quickly found himself out of ideas. Well I hope she's at least alive so she can drag me home he thought.

A few howls sounded off in the distance. I hope she'll be quick about it too.. He could hear the howls again, closer this time. Shiv closed his eyes.

Below ground Vyla opened her eyes feeling strangely refreshed. Looking around she recognized the room she thought she had died in. Checking her arm she found it fully healed and not a scratch on her body. I'm not dead? Maybe some benevolent goddess took pity and brought me back to life. More likely it had to do with the room, she looked at the screen next to the bed.

"Status: NX-009 depleted" the screen read. Thoroughly confused she read it again and then again. Ignoring the fact that she somehow gained superpowers of some kind she looked around. Greeted yet again by the female voice it said: "Bonding successful, please exit the room". Whatever this machine did made me smart enough for their fancy language and writing I guess.

Complying with the voice's wishes she stepped out into the white room. The wash did not hurt this time around but she was still scared that it might infect her again. Unsure she slowly made her way to the last door at the other end of the hallway. The door did not open when she got closer and she could not see another green button.

She did find 12 buttons however and instinctively pushed a few. Bleep boop blip the door acknowledged her button pushing and the door slid open. The room was the largest one yet and Vyla made a guess at about twenty wagons large. The room contained twelve large glass pillars or vats as she read above each of them. They had different names like NR-001 and NK-022.

About seven of them were filled with some sort of liquid and within half rotten malformed corpses floated around. The greenish lights gave the room an eerie feeling strengthened by the not so human corpses. Two of the vats were destroyed some time ago. It didn't look like it happened recently however the whole place was dust free. The facility probably cleaned itself or at least Vyla hoped it did.

Looking closer only taking a minute to calm herself she inspected the strange beings. They looked like humans but with a few extra extremities growing out of them. All of them looked none like the other and they would surely fit right in with the creatures she dreamt about.


Her gaze turned to the far end of the room with yet another door. The door was already half open and the light above flickered in a strange rhythm. Observing it she noticed something that looked like teeth marks at the edge. Taking a deep breath she peeked above and read the sign: "Living quarters & Office stations".

Maybe I can find some clues to this place in here, She thought as she slinked past the door. Another white room followed by some sort of observation room with screens showing the other rooms. Seeing that the skeleton from the first operating room had not moved she sighed in relief.

The room was well lit but apart from the screens nothing stood out to her and she looked at the doors. One sign read "Living Compartments" with the next reading: "Offices" and the last read: "Dr. C. Varish" That looks important enough and it feels like i've been here before.

Confronted with another code she tried the same one she accessed the large room with. Blip bloop the door answered. Well I somehow knew the last code, perhaps if I just concen- A sudden screeching halted her thoughts. Glancing towards the rightmost door she tried another code at random, blip bloop. Another heart wrenching screech could be heard behind the door as it suddenly buckled inwards.

She frantically picked her thoughts but came up with no animal that made such a sound. Only thing that she could think off were ghasts. She did not feel like meeting a ghast right now. She looked at the left door but it had disappeared. weren't there three doors? Maybe its all a dream.. The next screech brought her fantasies to a close.

Thinking she might have hit her head harder than she thought she tried another code. blip bloop. Another creature could be heard from behind her screeching as well. She could not think straight as she struck the panel only causing it to give another blip bloop. Denied her only rescue she looked wildly around the room for any salvation.

The screens were oddly blacked out only adding to her terror with the multiple screeches taking up where the other left off. One last effort with the keypad was met with two loud bangs as the two doors fell inwards. Behind crouched two pale ghasts.

She noticed an almost too human glance between the two as they sprung at each other. Backing away she tried to get around them to escape through the doorway. The pair moved their duel in her way almost cutting her in the process. About to give up and in tears she crawled into the corner holding up her axe as a last ditch effort.

She had been through too many of these events recently and cursed Shiv for forgetting the firewood. She looked at the creature wreaking havoc around and at each other. A lucky swipe caught one of the ghasts in its throat and it collapsed in pained screeching. The other ghast ended its misery and looked with intelligent eyes to the scared girl.

Vyla tried to think of anything that would harm a ghast but she was fresh out of direct sunlight for the moment. Not really knowing if direct sunlight would even harm it she held out her axe a bit higher trying to steady her shaking arm.


-" I swear I'll, I'll h-hack you to pieces" She said coarsely lacking any conviction.

The ghast approached slowly without any apparent fear for the small weapon. It came to a stop a few meters away then it lept. Seeing only a white blur Vyla swung her axe hitting air she closed her eyes. Learning how to accept death seems to be today's theme she thought. Never go down without a fight! Remembering uncle Varko's words she tried a second swing screaming at the top of her lungs.

Pain erupted from her stomach as she opened her eyes to see a long claw piercing through her. It was strangely immobile and the ghast had gone mute. She brought her gaze upwards and what she saw stunned her enough to almost forget the stomach wound.

The walls, ceiling and floor had sharp spikes coming out of them. They had fully perforated the ghast and killed it instantly. The spikes looked to be made out of the same material as the walls, a dark sleek metal.

The wound was bleeding a lot and she started to get tired. She attempted to remove the claw but quickly gave up. Growing weaker she let herself go and darkness enveloped her.

Shiv tried his legs again and smiled triumphantly as he stood up. His arms were still useless however and the howling had stopped but it was replaced with yips and growling. Looking at the spear at his feet he felt discouraged. At least let me die with a weapon in my hands. He backed up to a tree carefully looking around while keeping an eye on the metal tree.

Considering whether he should make his way back to camp he quickly decided against it. Whatever was out there would run him down like an animal. Thinking of Irna, his betrothed, he forced himself to calm down. Vyla will come back soon and she'll do something at least.

Vyla had lost count how many times she had lost consciousness today but she was determined for this one to be her last. She had found her wound fully healed again with the same questions. let's save the thinking for when i'm out of here she thought. Bewildered but alive she looked around the room again. The two dead ghasts still creeped her out so she kept her distance.

Walking up to the door she stared at it in silence. Please open? As if that would work. However as if on demand the door slid open heeding her wishes. A chair with a large desk fitted with a few screens took up most of the room. On top of the desk a book was neatly placed as if it was meant for her.

"NX-009 and its uses" Just what I wanted?, at least I got something out of this escapade. She grabbed and quickly made her way back gathering up her furs. The sign above where she had came from read "Elevator". Standing in the elevator going up she thought to herself. What a horrible place, Should I tell Shiv or anyone about this? She was not sure.

Stepping out she noticed Shiv sitting against a nearby tree his arms hanging uselessly.

-"Shiv! You're here! What's up with your arms?" Vyla asked.

-"You! Took you long enough. What were you doing inside that metal tree? Bah, forget it! Just pick up my spear and let's get back before we're devoured by Farnekks"

Nodding mostly to herself she fell in behind Shiv. I wish I could've gotten those lamps. There was enough of them to last us three life times at least. At her request a loud rumbling could be heard below them. The ground shook violently as large chunks of dark metal flew into the air sundering the earth on their way.

Shiv blinked in confusion before he tried to grab Vylas arm but his arms were still useless. Calling for Vyla to run he shoved her out of her stupor. "Run Vyla come on!" The flying metal chunks seemed to follow them however and he tried picking up the pace. Vyla let herself be pushed as she stared in wonder at the torrent of metal behind her.

Again the metal changed. Something started cutting the chunks into smaller and smaller pieces. The small pieces whirled towards her and started reforming into a small cube. Soon all the metal had gathered in a cube the size of her palm. She grabbed it without hesitation and inspected it with big eyes. She felt warm where it rested in her hand and it slowly started to melt into her hand.

Shiv garnered another look behind him and saw.. nothing? He stopped abruptly turning to Vyla.

-"Where's the torrent of metal and death that came after us?" He asked her nervously. Vyla merely shrugged in response not trusting her voice to carry.

-"Well we ought to be back with the caravan soon. You didn't forget about the ceremony did you now?"

Vyla shook her head.

-"And what was that metal tree you came out off."

-"I was stuck" She said still unsure how much she should tell him.

-"Well at least yer safe, until the ceremony that is." He said with an evil grin.

-"You don't spook me, I'll be fine. I killed a Farnekk remember?"

-" An injured Farnekk. That was stuck in a trap and it was probably old too considering its taste" He chuckled.

She hit his shoulder playfully and pulled ahead. Coming back to camp they started packing up the tent in silence.

"You seem different, You sure you're okay?" Shiv asked her.

"I said I'll be fine, I'm just tired that's all."

He nodded "Right, let's be off then, mother must be worried sick for you."

-"I wish she'd lay off the worrying sometimes."

-"That's like asking a Farnekk not to tear your arm off" He said with a smile.

She actually was tired. Her plan to sleep through the summer looked more and more appealing.

She let her mind wander as they finally made their way home.

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