《Anomaly》Chapter 20: It's Raining


Chapter 20: It’s Raining

“Starting tomorrow, we will begin Anti-Demon and Anti-Elf Combat Classes tomorrow. War is coming and every one of you should be prepared to defend your country.” Professor Monaco’s voice was grave and solemn.

The entire class of 1-A listened silently. Ever since the King’s ceremony, the class had been quiet. The news of the war and the death of one of their classmates had put them into a depressed mood. Melodi stared dully at Monaco. Sighing, she wondered when classes would end so that she could go into Grimwoods.

“That’s it for today. Class is adjourned.”

Murmurs went through the classroom as the students got up and moved around.

“Oh and Ms. Adenia? Please come down here.” Monaco called out.

Melodi sighed once more and slowly dragged herself over. Her blank stare was met with a stern glare.

“Ms. Adenia. It has been brought to my attention that you’ve been visiting Grimwoods every day after classes. While it is laudable that you have the bravery…

Or the stupidity…” he added quietly.

“It is extremely dangerous for a student to be wandering around Grimwoods alone, especially during this time. Unless you seek further punishment, you will not be allowed to enter Grimwoods anymore. It is simply too dangerous. It would truly be a misfortune if another student was lost.” Monaco told her grimly.

Melodi nodded, her face an impassive mask.

Monaco sighed and waved her away. “You’re excused.”

Melodi left without another word. She didn’t look back. As if she would listen to him. Every day that passed by was incredibly boring. If she did not go out to Grimwoods, then she would probably die of boredom.

Grabbing her things, she prepared the rune to teleport to Grimwoods.

* * *

“The clouds are coming in.”

Savunt looked up towards a sky filled with dark clouds.

“I suppose I better start moving. Amesprit is waiting for me.”

Savunt walked out of the forest and left Grimwoods behind him. The dark, foreboding forest watched silently as he left.

Savunt walked a bit further before coming to a small hill. A small stream emerged from the hill, coming from the underground. He started walking along the stream, towards Amesprit, city of the spirits.

* * *

Cerien was practicing techniques in the courtyard when he felt the first drops of rain come down. Perhaps he should go inside. As he made to leave, a disgruntled voice yelled out.

“Hey who said you could stop!”

Cerien looked at the cabin. Dian Shasi sat watching him angrily.

“Come on, it's starting to rain.” Cerien said exasperatedly.

“Your point? Do you think that when it rains, your enemies are just stop fighting? You think they’re just going to sit around waiting for the rain to stop?” Dian Shasi growled at him. “Hell no. Stay out here and keep practicing.”

Cerien scowled and turned back. Taking his sword in hand, he continued to practice his techniques in the rain.

Spikes shot out one after another as he practiced [Shooting Star]. Two out of three hit the dummy’s head. Not bad, he thought.

“You can’t even get three shots in a row? What garbage.” Dian Shasi’s critiques never stopped.

“Then fucking teach me, you old bastard.” Cerien cursed under his breath.

Cerien retrieved the spikes and began practicing again. Spikes flew out as rain from the sky fell heavily down.

* * *

A girl ran through Grimwoods alone. She was barefoot, wearing nothing but a tattered dress. She looked young and frail. Her blood-red hair was long and fluttered in the breeze. Her eyes too were blood-red. Her lips had that same color of red. Everything about her seemed bloody. So it was strange. That she was so pale. Her skin was so white, so bloodless. It contrasted with her blood-red features. A contrast that was beautiful. Beautiful. That was the word to describe her.


Even if she was running frantically through the forest and cursing loudly.

“Shit! Why the hell is this guy following me? I just got out of that underground dungeon and I'm already being chased?” The girl’s words were coarse and rude, but her voice was soothing and calming, almost seductive.

Right behind her, a hooded figure was chasing. Faint muttering could be heard, as if it was chanting something. The figure momentarily shined.

The red-haired girl stopped and dodged to the side. Suddenly plants and roots burst out of the ground where she was standing just a few moments ago. The girl quickly began running again. As she ran, she looked back. The figure was still in pursuit.

“Damn. Fine then. How about you try some of my magic instead?”

The girl ran towards two trees close to each other. She readied her arms as she passed right between the trees. As she did, she swung her arms and they flashed red. Two red blades shot out and cut through the trees. They fell down, blocking the path. The girl flashed red and disappeared in an instant, leaving nothing but a puddle of blood behind.

The figure climbed over the fallen trees, but it was too late. The girl was gone.

* * *

“Hah. Hah...whew. Finally.” The red-haired girl was lying on the ground, catching her breath. She slowly got up and picked herself up.

“Almost a century spent trapped down there. You can't seriously expect me to go and start fighting again?” She grumbled.

“Sigh… Most of powers are sealed by this stupid Blood Seal. There's got to be a way to get rid of this.”

She stopped speaking and cocked her head to listen more clearly.

“There's someone nearby. This could be a good chance. I haven't gotten blood in a long time.” The girl licked her lips and began to walk toward the source of sound.

* * *

Melodi walked around the forest, looking around for something to hunt. Slowly walking through Grimwoods didn’t feel too bad, but she was bored. With it all. With boring school life. With boring fights against wild animals. All she wanted… was a real fight.

Melodi closed her eyes and breathed in the cool air. She stood there, resting in the darkness of Grimwoods.

Death. It's coming.

Melodi’s eyes shot open. She sensed danger. Incoming death. She didn't have time to process her surroundings. She needed to move. Now.

She threw herself to the side, rolling on the ground. As she did, she felt something fly past her. The rush of wind buffeted her. Melodi got up and drew her rapier. She turned to face her opponent. It was…

A little girl.

A little girl who looked no more than 10 years old. Her blood-red hair flowed in the wind. Her red eyes looked at Melodi coldly. She wore nothing but a worn dress.

Melodi felt sweat dripping down her back. As if her death was already certain. As if there was no escape. As if there was no other future. Her mouth was dry.

The red-haired girl slowly walked towards her. She outstretched her hand. Something red formed in her hand. Suddenly, red spikes shot out of her hand towards Melodi.

Time seemed to slow down. Melodi watched them rush towards her. She tried to move, but she was frozen. Probably in her own fear. She felt completely and utterly helpless. She watched her own death come towards her, defenseless.

She clenched her teeth. What was she doing? Isn’t this what she wanted? A real fight. Against another living human. This was what she wanted. This is what she got.


Time sped up again. And she could move once more. She threw herself out of the red spikes’ way. One spike managed to cut her on her hip. She rolled on the ground. She got up and faced the girl once more. She opened her mouth and chanted… Nothing. Still nothing came out. Her mouth was unbearably dry.

Melodi didn't give up. This was her fight. She was going to let it end so easily. She reached down to her open wound. She cupped the blood flowing out in her hand and brought it to her mouth. Her throat no longer dry, she spat out the rest of the blood.

The red-haired girl watched Melodi drink her own blood. Once she was done, Melodi brought her hand down and smiled. It was a bizarre scene. Melodi was standing there, blood flowing from her hip. Blood smeared around her mouth.

The red-haired girl murmured softly, “Oh, so the human still has some fight left in her.”

“[Ventus Celero].” Melodi chanted.

Melodi dashes towards the girl with a burst of wind. She readied her rapier and thrusted it at the red-haired girl. As Melodi neared the girl, she saw that there was a smile on that red-haired girl’s face.

Melodi’s thrust passed the girl as she sidestepped. Red blades began to form and shot out towards Melodi.

Using the wind to aid her, Melodi jumped backwards. But she was still cut by some of the blades.

Blood pouring from multiple wounds, Melodi struggled to stand up. She watched as the red-haired girl walked towards her slowly. Suddenly the girl stopped and cocked her head.

A moment of silence before the girl turned to face Melodi once more.

“Human. In a minute, something is coming, and it's killing everything in its way. I can’t fight it right now, and you definitely can't either.” The girl’s voice was cold and elegant.

“What are you talking about?” Melodi winced. Compared to the girl’s voice, her own seemed so barbarian and crude.

“There is only one way to leave this place alive. Before it arrives,” the girl stretched out her hand. “Form a Contract with me.”

“A Contract?”

“I don't have time to explain. Just now that we both will obtain the strength to escape.”

Melodi looked into the girl’s red eyes. Then at the girl’s outstretched hand. She hesitated.

“Just take my hand before it’s too late.” The girl snarled at Melodi.

Melodi shut her eyes tightly and quickly took the girl’s hand.

Suddenly, Melodi began to feel something burning on the back of her hand. She gasped. She took her hand back and cradled it. She looked at the back of her hand and saw something strange. A red mark. A symbol of a bat.

“Finally. I have some of my power back.” The red-haired girl smiled. “Congratulations. You've entered a contract with the great Lilac Sanguine, Luxuria of the Seven Sins, Vampire of Lust, ruler of many, queen of men and women alike, and puppeteer of blood. Rejoice, mortal.” Luxuria remarked dryly.

As they were speaking, a cloaked figure walked into the clearing.

“Looks like we’re done here. Well, introductions are over. We're getting out of here.”

Luxuria leapt towards Melodi and grabbed her hand. Before the cloaked figure could do anything, Luxuria and Melodi flashed red. They disappeared and nothing was left but a puddle of blood.

As the figure looked at the puddle, rain began to fall down. The figure stood alone as the rain became a thunderous downpour.

* * *

Melodi opened her eyes. She wasn’t sure what just had happened. The girl had grabbed her hand, and everything flashed red. And now, she had no idea where she was.

She took a look around. The ground was completely barren. Dry and cracked. It stretched on for miles in every direction. Dust storms gathered in by the wind obscured her vision. In the distance, faint shapes could be seen moving.

“This is… The Badlands.” Melodi whispered. A land that was ravaged by war. Nothing was left except the beasts that still roamed the land.

“Damn, it wasn't this bad the last time I saw this dump. At least there were still some plants around.”

Melodi turned around. The red-haired girl was looking around. She seemed…different. As if she was older. She used to look like a child. But now she was taller. Her body was larger and became more curved. She looked to be around 14 years old now.

“You've been here before? And you look different.” Melodi asked.

The girl turned and looked at Melodi. “Refer to me by name human. And to answer your question, yes. I've been here before. How long ago was it? Hmmm. Well, I've been sealed up down underground for a century or so. So a little more than a century was the last time I've been here.”

“A century? But you look like a little girl!” Melodi exclaimed incredulously.

The girl's head whipped around. Her red eyes glared at Melodi.

“My name, human. It's Luxuria. And I only look like this because most of my power is sealed away.” As she spoke, Luxuria pulled out a dagger and twirled it in her fingers. On the blade, a red runic circle could be seen.

“The Contract between you and me has restored some power. Which is why I look a little different now. But I'll need longer to restore my power.” Luxuria gripped the dagger tightly, her knuckles turning white.

Melodi frowned. “Then call me by my name too. It’s Melodi.”

Luxuria turned slightly, a slight smile on her face. “Very well. Melodi it is. Moving on, it seems that we were teleported right in the middle of the Badlands. My fault, really. I just teleported us randomly in the hopes of escaping. For the meantime, it looks like we’ll have to stick together. Unless, you think you can leave the Badlands alive, Melodi?”

“Luxuria, can’t you just teleport us again?” Melodi asked.

Luxuria scowled. “Of course not. That was a onetime thing. A last resort. I can’t control our destination and I have to wait a few weeks before using it again.”

Melodi turned away and looked at the dust storm gathering around them. “Then, I guess we’ll stick together for now.”

“Yes, let’s.” Luxuria replied. “The sooner we get out of this place, the better. All this dust is making me feel dirty.”

Luxuria tossed the dagger to Melodi.

“Here. Try not to lose it alright? I’m bound to that stupid dagger.” Luxuria told Melodi.

“Why not just break it?” Melodi asked.

“You think it’s that easy?” Luxuria scoffed. “As long as that Blood Seal is on there, it won’t ever break. Just keep it close and there won’t be any problems. Now, let’s head out.”

The two girls began walking through the dust storm. Great beasts roared in the distance, as if warning them to stay away.

* * *

“Here I am.” Savunt said softly to himself. He was standing at the edge of a lake. Heaven’s Mirror. A beautiful lake whose clear surface reflected the sky. However, tonight, rain was falling down heavily. Savunt stood at the edge, looking towards the center. Right in the middle of Heaven’s Mirror was his destination. Amesprit, city of the spirits. They would fix his weakening soul link. Hopefully.

“I need to find a boat.” Savunt looked around, hoping for something to cross the lake with.

As he looked around, he spotted something on the lake, heading towards him. He squinted his eyes, staring as it came closer.

It was a boat.

“What luck.” Savunt smiled. He walked close to the lake’s edge. As he did, he noticed something strange. There was someone on the boat. The boat came close, and as it did, Savunt heard the sounds of someone crying. He looked inside, and there was a little girl sobbing.

“Hey there, little one, are you okay?”

The girl looked up, her eyes filled with tears. They glowed softly in the darkness. A Spirit girl.

“Little one, what are you doing out here? Your home is across the lake.” Savunt said.

The girl shook her head.

“No. Please. Don't make me go back.” She pleaded.

Savunt frowned. “Very well.” He stretched out his hand to the girl. “What's your name, little one? Mine is Savunt.”

The girl hesitated before cautiously taking Savunt’s hand.

“My name… It's…” she whispered.

“It’s Rai.”

* * *

“Second Lieutenant. Welcome back.”

“Thank you, Lord Azarot.” Garmr smiled at the demon before him.

“I've returned with good news that the King will surely like to hear.”

“Excellent. Seberon!” Azarot called out.

A demon wearing a black suit appeared.

“Yes, milord?” Seberon replied.

“Take the lieutenant’s message directly to His Majesty.” Azarot ordered. Seberon nodded and turned towards Garmr.

“Tell His Majesty that I've found out the secret of the Lagrim. I've found the key and the altar. Hand him this.” Garmr gave Seberon a tattered book. “This will explain our next plans. That is all.” Seberon nodded. He swiftly left, leaving Azarot and Garmr alone.

“Lieutenant, this secret… Just what is it exactly?”

Garmr smiled.

“Seven souls. Seven sacrifices. A ritual. A summoning. A great, enveloping darkness. These are the secret of the Lagrim. With their notes, we will summon the great beast that wiped them out. And then we will unleash it on those who oppose us.”

Azarot nodded. “Just as well, the humans have declared war on us and the elves.”

“So soon?”

“Yes. We also have Behemet disguised as a human in Lombania currently.”

“Ah, undercover I see.”

“Yes, he is posing as a student at the Combat Academy. He's somewhat of a hero over there. They’ll never expect his betrayal.”

“Perfect. I'll return up north to the capital, Azarot. I'll see you again.”

“Yes, Lieutenant. I'll stay down south. Behemet will need to be kept on a tight leash.”

* * *

It was night on the continent of Alurca. Black clouds covered the sky and rained down thunder.

Amidst the clouds, a giant mass was flying in the sky. On that mass, a man stood watching below.

He wore a golden mask that covered his face. He wore a silver glove on his right hand. In the middle of his palm, was embedded a glowing stone. It glowed multiple colors and shone brightly.

Behind his mask, his eyes glittered as he looked at the land below.

“It's raining.” He said to himself.

“Once again. A storm is brewing. Perhaps… I’ll take a part this time.”

It couldn't be seen, but he was smiling underneath that mask.

The man chuckled to himself as the land he used to call home was ravaged by a thunderstorm.


Thanks for reading.

There’s going to be a lot more delays between chapters now for a while. I have senior projects for school right now. It’s going to take a lot of time and I got sports too. I’ll still try to get a chapter in once every while.

Now, most of the main characters have been introduced in some way or another. The others won’t be seen for a while. The next book will be the real start of their journey. Please continue to read my story J.

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