《Anomaly》Chapter 13: Return to Lombania


Chapter 13: Return to Lombania

Cerien stood frozen in front of the mirrored door. His chest ached. A burning sensation lingered.

A vivid memory. A scene that played in his head. As quickly as the memory had appeared, it disappeared. Cerien tried to think of the girl, but he couldn’t remember anything else. Even the classroom that seemed so vivid in his memory faded. The girl’s beautiful face became hazy,

As his last thoughts of the strange girl in his head disappeared, he gathered himself and cleared his head. Whoever she was, she had no importance to him right now.

He reached for the doorknob and opened the door. A sudden rush of bright light and fresh air hit him. He had finally made it out.

He looked around. Trees were everywhere. The chirping of birds and the sounds of the forest wildlife could be heard. Everything was tranquil.


Cerien looked back. The door that he had entered from was gone. Instead, the trunk of a tree was behind him. He looked around, but there was no entrance back to the underground.

He shrugged. He wasn’t desperate to go back anytime soon.

Through the dense forest top, he could see smoke rising in the sky. He noticed that the sky was already starting to darken. As he noticed his surroundings, his stomach began to growl loudly.

He was hungry and tired. His fight with the stranger and his recovery after had sapped him of energy.

Cerien decided that he would find out before night came if there was anyone else in the forest that could help him.

He walked through the forest towards the smoke, dragging the halberd with him.

* * *

As the sky darkened, Cerien found the source of the smoke. A small campground with four men huddled around a small fire. A spit roast hung over the fire, with some unidentifiable animal slowly cooking. Cerien’s stomach grumbled at the smell of the meat cooking.

Cerien’s eyes wandered and he spotted a figure chained to a tree near the men.

Cerien saw that the figure had a small stature. He was a dwarf. Chains wrapped around his body stopping him from moving. The dwarf angrily stared at the men while they sat waiting for their meat to cook.

Suddenly, the dwarf’s eyes shifted and locked onto Cerien. The two made eye contact.

A smile slowly crept onto the dwarf’s face.

Suddenly, the dwarf coughed. He got the men’s attention and they turned towards him.

“Hey boys! Don’t be alarmed now, but looks like you’ve got a visitor.” The dwarf announced with a grin.

The men instantly stood up. Cerien froze. The men were alert now.

One of the men looked at the dwarf skeptically.

“Spread out! We’ll find out if anyone actually is lurking around.” One of the men ordered.

The men began to wander throughout the campground. Cerien was crouched, hiding behind one of the bushes. He realized that the bush didn’t provide much cover at all. Also, there was a long trail in the ground behind him from the halberd that he had dragged. It would only be a matter of time before they found the trail and then him.

One of the men walked closer to the bush he was hiding behind. As he got closer, Cerien stopped his breathing. He tried to remain completely silent and still.

Suddenly, the man turned in Cerien’s direction. He noticed a long groove in the ground. Curious, the man walked to get a better look.

Cerien didn’t hesitate. He activated [High Jump] and suddenly leapt through the air right towards the man. He held onto the halberd with both hands, carrying it with him. The halberd’s blade cleaved through the man’s head, giving him no time to react. Cerien’s momentum carried him further right towards a tall tree. He unsheathed his claws on left hand and grabbed onto the tree’s bark. His right hand held onto the heavy halberd. He remained there, albeit with difficulty due to the halberd’s weight.


When the man had been killed, his body fell down with a thud. The other men instantly turned towards the noise. All they saw was a shadow leaping into the air.

“Oi! Skal! Y’alright?” one of the men shouted. There was no response.

“Nukir! Go check it out! Damn bastard is sneaking around!” he ordered. One of the men walked towards the corpse. As Nukir neared the corpse, the halberd in Cerien’s hand was starting to feel heavier by the moment. Cerien was tired and hungry; he could not hold the weapon up much longer.

Nukir walked right underneath Cerien. Fortunately, most people never look up when they are searching. The men were looking for the hidden intruder, but they never thought to search up in the trees. As the man passed him, Cerien swung the halberd with great effort and tossed at the man. The halberd flew through the air and landed on the man. He fell letting out a cry.

“Nukir! What the hell! I swear I’m going to find ya and cut ya to pieces wherever ya are!” one of the men shouted. It was dark and the trees obscured the other men’s’ view, so they didn’t see the halberd land on Nukir. They only heard his cry.

Now there were only two men left. But Cerien’s halberd was lodged in the man’s corpse. Without it, Cerien was not confident he could take on the other men. Before he could do anything else, his stomach growled loudly.

The two men turned towards each other nervously.

“Did…did ya hear that?”

“Yeah…sounded like…a growl.”

“Don’t tell me...some kinda beast is out there…”

The two men mistook Cerien’s stomach for a hungry predator. Convinced that the hidden enemy was a prowling beast, the two men were on edge. They lost the staggering confidence they had before. They started to retreat back to the campfire away from the shadows.

Cerien was still in the trees. He thought about his options. He could leave the men behind now that they had retreated. However, he would have to leave behind the halberd. Also, the men might see him and come chasing after him. His hunger would stop him from putting up a fight. Speaking of hunger, Cerien could still smell the roasting meat over the fire.

He decided. He would launch a sneak attack on the last two men. That way, he would ensure his safety and his next meal. Cerien slowly climbed further up the tree. From there he began to leap from tree to tree, safely hidden from view. Soon, he was near the two men. He pointed his palm at the campfire below and used [Water Jet]. The rush of water put out the fire, removing the only source of light in the dark forest.

“Oi! What the hell man! Why’d ya put out the fire?”

“I didn’t do nuthin!”

The two men shouted at each other, confused at the sudden darkness. Suddenly a dark shape landed on one of the men. The man went down. As he started to shout, something pierced his throat. His scream was cut off as he fell to the ground, blood pouring from his throat.

Cerien stood over the dead man’s body, his right hand soaked with blood from the man’s throat. He turned towards the last man in the camp.

As the man got a closer look at Cerien, he cursed.

“What the hell…yer just a boy. Why the hell were we scared o’ ya?” the man snorted. He drew his sword and began slowly walking towards Cerien. The former fear was completely gone, replaced by confidence. A confidence that was not misguided. After all, he was facing just a boy.


Cerien stepped backwards. He wasn’t sure if he could take on the last man. He had lost the element of surprise. Not only that, he was barely standing up right now. Tired and hungry, he didn’t have much energy left to fight. But he couldn’t run away now. The man would catch him and end his life. He had to fight back now.

He raised his hand and sent a [Fire Ball] right at the man. However, his mana reserves were extremely low right now. A pathetic flame flew towards the man. He sneered and easily dodged it.

Taking great leaps, the man rushed towards Cerien and raised his sword above his head.

As the man brought the sword down, Cerien stepped backwards into a tree. Nowhere to run. The sword came down. He raised his hands and closed his eyes.


The sound of steel hitting steel. Cerien opened his eyes. A man wearing a cloak had appeared in front of him. He was blocking Cerien’s opponent with a longsword that was beautifully and intricately designed. Three colored jewels – red, blue and yellow – were fitted into the guard.

With a single flick of his blade, the cloaked stranger sent the other man’s sword flying. Before the other man could move, the stranger moved the tip of his sword at the man’s throat.

“Don’t try anything. I’ll only give you one chance.” A cool voice rang out through the forest.

The man slowly nodded and the stranger lowered the blade. The second the longsword was gone, the man reached for his pockets and pulled out a dagger.

The next few moments happened too fast for Cerien to even register. In the blink of an eye, the man’s body fell to the ground. Cerien took a closer look at the body. It was missing its head and the hand that held the dagger.

The stranger turned and faced Cerien. Cerien saw underneath the man’s cloak. He wore bandages covering the left side of his face. A handsome face with blond hair and a green eye stared at Cerien from underneath the hood.

“Hey there, stranger.” The man looked at Cerien with a dubious look.

“To take on four men by yourself…impressive and brave.”

“Probably stupid!” the dwarf added.

Cerien opened his mouth to reply. Before any words could come out, he felt his knees give in. He fell to the ground, weak and starved.

“Woah there! You all right?”

“Oi! Slei! Leave the boy alone! I’m the one chained up over here.” A gruff voice yelled at the hooded man. He looked over at the chained dwarf.

“You look fine from where I’m standing. Just hang there for a little bit, Kjorn.”

“You bastard! Get over here!”

As the dwarf yelled angrily at the man, Cerien closed his eyes. Exhaustion and hunger took their toll.

* * *

Flane’s classroom was a mess. Monaco had completely given up on teaching for the rest of the class. The students were simply too immersed with the two new students in front of them. Or rather, just one of them. Students surrounded Rai, the mysterious Seeker who had saved all of their lives.

“Hey, Rai! What’s it like being a Seeker?”

“I thought you guys couldn’t use magic?”

They bombarded her with questions.

“Sorry. But I’m afraid that I don’t remember anything. So I couldn’t tell you.” Rai responded in a cool voice. The students still continued to ask her questions despite her reluctance.

The other new student in the room sat on the other side of the room. A smile was on his face. The students had gone up to him and greeted him. They all congratulated him for making it back alive. However, in the end, there wasn’t anyone close enough to truly be happy for his return. Well, except maybe for one.

Kuren was sitting at his desk, when a girl walked up to him. A beautiful face with long, black hair. Melodi looked at him.

“It’s good…that you’re finally back. I wasn’t sure…if you were going to make it out of that chasm.” Her voice was cold, almost emotionless.

Kuren looked back at her, the smile gone from his face. Instead, an odd expression rested on his face. A mixture of surprise, confusion, and doubt.

“Yeah, I’m glad I made it out of there. It’s good to see you again.”

“Yeah, it really is.”

A conversation that hung on the edge between politeness and awkwardness.

“I…I missed you.” She said in a tiny voice.

“Huh?” Kuren was at a loss of words. Melodi walked away before he could even give a response.

Kuren sat there in a daze. Not too long after, another student came up to him. A boy with red hair faced him.

“Hey there Kuren. I know that…we’re not exactly…you know. The best of friends…but still, I just wanted to…ugh….Damn it! Why is this so hard to say?” The frustrated boy cursed angrily.

“Listen. I guess I just wanted to say. That I’m sorry. For treating you so badly. For being an asshole. For everything.”

The boy sighed.

“I’m not looking for us to be friends. But…”

The boy looked at Kuren.

“If you need hand, you can always turn to me.”

Kuren nodded and smiled.

“Thanks, Flane.”

“Yeah, that’s what I thought you would say. I know I can’t be forgiven so easi – Wait. What?” Flane stopped and looked at Kuren in confusion.

“Yeah. You don’t need to apologize. We’re friends right?” Kuren replied.

“Um, right.” Flane slowly walked away in a confused daze.

Kuren sat there, waiting for the class to start. A smile crept onto his face.

* * *

“Why don’t we just leave him? I don’t see the point in babysitting him.” A grumpy remark greeted Cerien when he opened his eyes.

“Come on, Kjorn. He’s just a boy. We can’t just leave him all alone.”

The smell of roasting meat entered Cerien’s nose. His stomach growled loudly.

The cloaked stranger who had saved him and the captive dwarf were sitting next to a campfire roasting an animal. As Cerien’s stomach made itself known, the two looked at him.

“Well, our guest wakes up.” The stranger said with a smile. He ripped off a piece of meat from the roasting animal and skewered it with a stick. He walked over to Cerien and handed it over.

“You must be hungry. Here you go.”

Cerien took it and his hunger got the better out of him. He stuffed his face with the meat.

The man sat next to him and smiled.

“You’re lucky that I managed to get here in time. Otherwise…you wouldn’t be here right now.”

The man said seriously.

“Oh wait. I haven’t introduced myself. The name’s Slei.” Slei pointed at the dwarf.

“And that grumpy fella over there is Kjorn Curseforge.”

“Hey! If you don’t tell him your own last name, why would you tell him mine?” Kjorn yelled angrily.

“Don’t have one.” Slei sent a glare at Kjorn.

“Wha- what are you…” Kjorn trailed off and looked at Cerien.

Then a nasty grin appeared on his face.

“That’s right. I’m Kjorn. I guess you’d call me…a wandering blacksmith. Or maybe a runaway blacksmith.” Then Kjorn looked at Slei.

“And Slei over here. He’s a Hero.”

“Wha-hey stop that!” Slei shouted. “I told you not to call me that!” Slei sighed and sheepishly turned towards Cerien.

“Don’t mind him. That’s just his stupid idea of a joke.” Slei sighed again. “I’m no Hero. Just a sellsword looking for some work.”

Cerien finished his skewer and looked at the two.

“Cerien.” He said.

“Hmm?” Slei looked confused.

“Cerien. That’s my name.”

“Ah! Cerien…seems familiar…but I don’t think anyone named that.” Slei wondered out loud.

Slei suddenly stopped and looked at Cerien closely.

Taken aback, Cerien backed up.

“Wha-what is it?”

“You…your clothes are about to fall apart.” Slei said with a sheepish grin. He took off his cloak and handed it to Cerien.

Cerien slightly hesitated before taking the cloak and donning it.

“So tell me, Cerien. What’s a student of Lombania Combat Academy doing out here in Grimwoods?” Slei asked.

Cerien looked at Slei with confusion.

“The insignia on your shirt. Well…those tattered rags you’re wearing for a shirt. That insignia belongs to the Academy.” Kjorn explained.

Cerien looked down at his clothes. It was torn everywhere, but in the center, a faded symbol was barely visible. A sword surrounded by a magic circle.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t answer that.”

“You can’t? Or you won’t?” Kjorn replied gruffly.

“I can’t. I don’t remember anything.”

“Oh! Amnesia! How rare! My bad, we had no idea! Right, Kjorn?” Slei subtly kicked Kjorn in the shin.

“Ow! I mean, yeah. Sorry ‘bout that.” Kjorn apologized belatedly.

“Say, Cerien. We’re heading to Lombania right now. How about you come with us? Someone might recognize you.” Slei suggested.

“Yes. I’ll come. Thanks for the help.”

“No problem. Oh, before anything else, here you go.” Slei suddenly handed Cerien a familiar bag. The bag that he had carried through the underground.

“It was on you when you fainted, but it was just about to fall apart. So, I tied back it together.”

“Thanks.” Cerien took the bag and looked inside. Dried blood and the remains of meat were inside. Also the book.

“Sorry about that book. When I opened it up, it was completely ruined.”

“Don’t worry. It was like that when I found it. But there are some pages that are still readable.”

Cerien leafed through the pages. Whenever he saw legible writing, he would rip out the page and stuff it in his bag.

As Cerien searched through the book, Kjorn suddenly coughed.

Cerien continued looking.

Kjorn coughed once more.

Cerien frowned, but he ignored it.

Kjorn coughed quite loudly.

Cerien slowly raised his head and looked at Kjorn.

“What is it, Kjorn?”

“Well. It’s just that…before we leave. I want to get something straight.”

Kjorn stared at Cerien, locking eyes.

“You…you’re human right?”

Cerien froze. An uncomfortable silence hung in the air. No one said a word.

“Hey. Relax. What are you talking about, Kjorn? Of course he’s human.” Slei suddenly broke the silence.

“Oh? You didn’t see it, Slei? Well I did. This hum-” Kjorn cut himself off and looked at Cerien with slitted eyes.

“This boy. He casted raw magic. There’s no way he’s human.”

Slei scoffed with disbelief.

“Come on, Kjorn. I’m sure that you just mistook it for raw magic. There’s nothing to be-”

“NO!” Kjorn cut him off.

“It was weak, but the boy casted a jet of water and ball of fire. All of it without saying a single word. You understand what I am saying? Chantless magic. Without a doubt, this boy is using raw mana.”

Slei was silent. He slowly turned towards Cerien. He took a look at Cerien’s red eyes. His jet-black hair. Slei wasn’t sure but he thought he could catch a glimpse of something glowing red underneath the boy’s skin.

Cerien had remained silent the entire time. He suddenly opened his mouth.

“I don’t know if I am human. I know nothing about myself. In fact, my name isn’t my real name. A stranger I met had given me this name. So, I can’t tell you if I’m really human or not.”

“Don’t stress out about it, Cerien. We don’t suspect you of anything. It’s just that…it is impossible for a human to use raw mana. Yet, you look quite human to me. Perhaps…you are a half-blood?” Slei mused.

“A half-blood?” Cerien inquired.

“Yes, you could be half human and half of some other race that uses raw mana. Like a spirit. Or an elf. That would explain your raw magic.”

“I see. Well, I can’t confirm nor deny that.” Cerien glanced at Kjorn. “Does that answer your question?”

“Hmph. Not at all. But it’ll do for now. Don’t think you’re off the hook. We’ll find out who you really are.” Kjorn glared with distrust.

“Oh come on, Kjorn. Give it a rest.” Slei smiled exasperatedly. “Cerien, pack your things. We’re leaving Grimwoods. We’ll go to Lombania and see if anyone knows you there.”

“Very well.” Cerien nodded.

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