《Anomaly》Chapter 3: A Spar


Chapter 3: A Spar

When Kuren first entered the Combat Academy, Flane had no idea who this little commoner was. Nor did he have any desire to find out.

Then, Kuren met Melodi. Kuren became the one of the few boys that Melodi actually spoke to. And she seemed so happy when she was him. So, rumors began to spread about their relationship.

When Flane heard these rumors, he had no idea who this Kuren was. But he knew Melodi very well. After all, Melodi had been his childhood sweetheart. Even though their families tended to clash, the two often played together when they were children. As they grew older, they began to realize the differences between them and the strained relationship between their families.

They slowly moved apart, but Flane never forgot his memories of their time together. So imagine what Flane felt when he heard some nobody was making a move on his childhood friend.

When Flane saw Kuren with his own eyes, he almost burst into laughter. In an instant, he perceived all those rumors as just petty gossip. There was no way his beautiful Melodi would ever love this commoner. He spoke badly of Kuren behind his back, but Flane never directly confronted him. Why would he feel endangered from a weak boy like Kuren?

But the rumors did not stop. Melodi still talked to Kuren. She still smiled at him whenever she saw him. And Flane absolutely hated it. He hated how Kuren could exchange greetings with her. He hated how he accepted her smiles so easily. He hated how Kuren was so inferior to himself, yet Melodi still graced Kuren with her favor.

Flane’s anger could not be controlled. Thus began Kuren’s torment.

* * *

Kuren was walking with the rest of the class towards the practice ground. He looked around and wondered if anyone notice if he just ran away back to the dorms.


Professor Monaco coughed lightly almost as if he was discouraging Kuren from taking any hasty decisions. Kuren sighed and walked forward in defeat.

The class reached the practice ground. It was really just a wide open field with scattered wooden swords and wooden dummies.

“All right everyone. Choose a partner. We’re going to be sparring now. Remember the rules. Once someone has fallen down, stop fighting. If someone yells “uncle,” then end the spar. Alright? Let’s begin.” Monaco told the class.

Kuren looked around and saw Flane smirking at him. Flane beckoned him with a crooked finger. Kuren gritted his teeth and walked towards the red-haired boy.

As Kuren reached him, Flane tossed him a wooden sword. Kuren tried to catch it, but he misjudged the speed and the sword hit him square in the face. Flane snickered as Kuren picked up the sword.

“DO YOUR BEST!” Flane grinned and charged at Kuren.

Flane started out with a simple overhead slash. Kuren raised his sword horizontally and tried to block the incoming blow. Flane had put his entire weight into that slash. Kuren’s knees buckled and he was forced to take a knee to the ground. With Kuren on the ground, Flane had the advantage.

Flane grinned and kicked at Kuren. Kuren tried to awkwardly block the kick with his sword, but the kick sent him rolling. He picked himself quickly and got back onto his feet. Flane was standing there, grinning.

“Don’t worry buddy. If you fall down, I’ll wait. I want to make sure that I got a lot a practice.” Flane’s grin widened and he slowly walked towards Kuren.

Kuren was on edge. There was no way he could beat Flane with brute force. The other boy was stronger and faster. Kuren had to think of another way to win. His eyes narrowed as Flane’s figure slowly approached. Flane was taking his time, savoring the desperation in Kuren’s eyes.


At the last second, Flane broke out into a sprint. Flane raised his sword above his head, ready to swing down. But Kuren was ready. He already saw his next move. Kuren took a step forward and lowered his shoulder. Then he shouldered Flane in the chest and sent him backwards.

Flane lost his balance and fell onto his rear. Flane sat there, shocked at what had happened.

“Don’t worry buddy. If you fall down, I’ll wait. I know you want lots of practice.” Kuren grinned, a little out of breath. The students around Kuren and Flane stopped their spars. They looked at the two, shocked at Kuren’s words.

All of a sudden, they all heard laughter. Flane was laughing uncontrollably. As he calmed down, the grin on his face disappeared. He got up and slowly exhaled.

Flane’s eyes were cold. The hand that gripped his sword turned white. The entire sword started to shake. His eyes used to have blue irises. At this moment, they were completely white, devoid of color.

Kuren took a step backwards as he realized what was happening. It was too late.

“[Ventus Gradior]!” The wind roared around Flane. He took a single step forward. And then he was right in front of Kuren. Kuren couldn’t react in time. Flane was simply too fast. Inhumanely fast. Flane raised his sword. Kuren tried to raise his sword too to block the incoming blow.

Flane had a savage grin on his face. It was a feint. Flane kicked Kuren’s right ankle. Kuren shouted out in pain. His right ankle was still recovering from all the times Flane and his friends had it. The bruise had barely any time to heal. The sudden pain spreading through his entire right leg sent him to the ground.

Flane stood over Kuren with his sword raised. Both the boys were out of breath. Flane lowered his sword. He bent down and moved his mouth near Kuren’s ear.

“Ridicule me again, and I will end you. You are nothing but the dirt beneath my feet. Know your place, you nobody. Know where you belong, you commoner. Your life could be over if I ordered it. Your entire life hangs on whether I decide to give out an order. How does it feel to be so pathetic?”

Kuren was silent. He kept his eyes shut. Flane snorted and walked away.

Professor Monaco walked over and stopped Flane.

“Flane, I understand that boys your age are competitive. But you can’t use magic in a spar. That’s for magic duels. I hope you understand…” Monaco lectured Flane as they walked away.

"Oh and spars are over everyone! Return to your dorms to wash up! Class is over for today!" Monaco shouted as he left.

The entire class finished up their duels and started walking back to the dorms.

Kuren slowly got up. He tried putting his weight on his right leg.

A surge of pain shot down his leg. He grimaced.

“Good job out there. It looks like you got Flane real mad.”

Kuren looked at the source of the voice and glared.

“Why is that a good thing?”

“Hm…because it’s amusing? At least to me!” Melodi giggled as she replied.

“Well. I’m heading back to my room. Rest well. You deserve it.” Melodi winked and ran away.

Kuren watched her as she left.

“At least ask me if I’m okay…” he muttered.

He slowly limped back towards his room.

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