《The Vacuous Stranger》.2 It comes from the depth!


More than a century ago, when the kingdoms still stood tall, a scholar proved The Dream Theorem. It states that every time a person loses their consciousness, either willingly or not, they would dream. A revolution The Dream Theorem was. Before, mages had a way of telling dreams but sometimes there were gaps, indicating that a sleeping person’s mind was still. That scholar would provide what now known as the Dresel test, what that meant lost to time, perhaps it was his name?

This new Dresel test replaced the antiquated the old dream catching method and soon became standardised. But along with it, questions were raised about the nature of dreams. Were we simply playing imaginary scenarios influenced by our own mind or something so much more mystical. Perhaps dreams were a connection to a realm unknown, beyond understanding. Thus, the mind would make up images to make sense of the incomprehensible.

But this Stranger has seemingly transcended the ago old Theorem, still remembered after the great cataclysm. Mordia Castellanos scratched his puzzling head. How could this be! According to the Dresel test, the Stranger doesn’t dream. Her mind lies empty yet her body continues to function.

Opening her eyelid, Mordia inspects the iris-less eye. This strange mutation, plus the dreamless state must be because of the Runelands, new phenomenon in this new world.

“Maybe some eyedrops would be nice, it’s getting really dry here” The Stranger suddenly spoke, her voice clear as the morning dew.

“Sorry” Mordia bounces back “Sorry for that” He bows his head.

“Woah, I didn’t expect such a strong reaction” The Stranger get up and yawn, stretching her arms “I was just kidding, you can stop apologising now”

Looking over herself, she is wearing a sleeping gown of sort, made out of comfortable cloth. Such a lovely touch, how long has it been since her skin has such a luxury. The Stranger can’t really remember. Stretching some more, she notices that a small detail is missing. Or to be more precise, her right leg is gone from the knee down.

“Your body cannibalised itself to fuel your regeneration somehow” Mordia offers his educated guess.

Wiggling the stumped leg around, the Stranger starts to find this amusing “I really need to start dieting” In the background, Mordia starts to mouth off about dieting to this complete stranger. An odd fellow, but he seems sincere. Still, in her experience this is the most dangerous kind out there in the wasteland, the Stranger takes note.

She looks around to find her gear folded and laid out neatly on a nearby table. Everything seems to be accounted for. Her weapon, one she called a revolver, can also be found there. The Stranger hopes that the courteous host hasn’t washed the bullets as well.

“So you have been taking care of me, thanks for that” The Stranger interrupted the man’s lecture “What’s your name?”

“Me? I am Mordia Castellanos, a pleasure to be of help” He answered “And you?”

“I don’t really have a name per se” She replied “Can I have some privacy, I would like to change back”


Nodding his head, Mordia heads out. “I will tell my wife to prepare food for you” He said before closing the door.

Looking around, the Stranger could tell that no one is watching. Hopping on one foot, she reaches the table and starts to change, but not before pinching herself. The process of regeneration is a tiring one, but it has its perk. Mainly in the new skin patches, which feels like a new-born, soft to the touch. Maybe having her face smashed in by the fall wasn’t too bad, her cracked lips are now like new, healthy and lustrous.

“This isn’t too bad, not bad at all”

On the table are seven bullets in total, at least none is missing. But just as she had feared, four of them had been through the wash. Only three shots remaining.

Technically, she could make more bullets, the tips are already here. Gazing down at her missing leg, the Stranger has to make a choice. Sighing, she chooses to overload herself to regenerate the missing limb instead. Gunpowder will have to wait.

The Stranger’s attire consists of plain white shirt and trousers, the legs are supplemented by leather protection. Then comes the thick vest then finally the duster and a wide-brimmed hat. Throwing the duster over her shoulder, the Stranger picks up her gears, which aren’t much since most were exhausted in her last venture. Only the revolver, lasso and tomahawk remain plus three bullets. Just these for what to come, only three days left till the century ends.

Making her way out, the Stranger is greeted by the smell of roasted ham. In the small living room, the twins are bringing out the folded table along with a tower of wooden dishes. All the walls are littered with items, from hanging utensils to dry clothes to strange magical trinkets, one of them is lighting up the place.

“Come down here and sit down with us” The woman of the family comes out of the kitchen. Unlike her baby-face husband and angelic looking children, the mother is quite rugged with a scar running through her lips.

The pot she is holding has a small piece of ham, the source of the smell. The rest is some sort of brown sludge with unidentified vegetables.

“Quite a cosy abode you have here” The Stranger commented “Thank you for taking me in”

“Oh I am the one who should say thank, you saved my children from the Fisherman after all. Those rascals, keep on playing near the barrier border” She smiled brightly, an expression rare among those who lives on the waste “I’m Claudia, introduces yourself kids”

“I’m Alessio” The boy said “I’m Alessia” The girl said. The two clutch their buttocks as mother glares their way. She wasn’t pleased about the twins’ expedition.

Sitting down around the small table, everyone receives a portion of the goop equally. The piece of ham, while normally divided for two for the kids, is now split again for their guest. The Stranger accepts the offer, she needs energy, now more than ever.

This is the most delicious meal she ever has.


After the modest feast, the children are sent away to play with their friends. The Stranger sits and strikes a conversation.

“That sign over there that says ‘Castellanos’, what’s the story behind it?”

Claudia answers, looking at the old sign fondly “That was the sign of my family caravan, we ran a supply line from Kalreach all the way here to the woodland” She turns to her husband and giggles “That was until I met him and decides to settle down”

Morida looks up in confusion, he was tinkering with something and didn’t pay any attention. His wife turns back to the guest and asks casually, but her eyes were filled with caution. Caravans are the raiders favourite treat. To survive such a long supply line, this woman is someone forged by the wasteland through and through.

“So Stranger, where are you and what brought you here?”

Leaning back at the creaky chair, the woman answers “Me, nowhere, I just wander around and end up here, that’s all”

Normally, Claudia would push for more answers, but this person saved her children, so she decides to let it slide, for now. It is the Stranger turns to ask questions. Looking outside of the window, she could see a small settlement, surrounded by a strong wooden wall.

“You are a mage, right? Mordia”

“Eh, what are you talking about? I… I don’t understand…” The man laughs nervously. The knife on the counter is now in Claudia’s hand.

“So mages aren’t welcome here, don’t worry my lips are sealed tight” The Stranger put a finger over her mouth “Is that why the raiders are still here, this place doesn’t look to be worth the effort”

“Yes, this group of Fisherman is from a ruined academy. They want my charger to be able to use magic” He bites his lips “If they get their hands on it, I don’t want to imagine…”

“Yet they managed to break a part of your barrier, I presume it’s your”

Mordia sighs “It’s because of the artefacts they bring, gifted by the deity of the deep Scy’lla, they said. There is no such thing, they must have stolen those items from magic academies. Using them to poison our land”

Then why only now could they break through the barrier, the Stranger wonders. Is that just a rare artefact that they didn’t want to waste? By now, the barrier should have recovered. But the fate of this settlement is uncertain.

Why is she wondering about that now… The clock within is ticking, only three days till the end of the century. She needs to retrieve the special bullet and the stone before then.

Maybe those are now in the possession of the raiders. That would be neat.

“Thanks for your hospitality, take this as a token of my thanks”

The Stranger gives the man several gold coin. It is time for her to leave. Mordia wants to know what she intends to do but Claudia stops him from asking.

Walking through the small settlement, all heads turn to look at the Stranger. Such strange clothing and that vibrant red hair. The kids are more interest in the spur on her boot. As she reaches the exit, Alessio and Alessia stop by. Unlike the other children their ages, the two are seemingly untainted by the waste, their skin silky smooth, their eyes clear as the sky.

“Are you leaving already?” The twins pout. Living in this place can only be described as boring, especially after their playground has been reduced to such state.

“I have something I have to do. Maybe I will visit you two afterward” The Stranger gives them a pat on the head each.

Despite witnessing such a gruesome scene with the Fisherman, they could still be so carefree. Such dangerous innocence is one to be feared.

The sounds of murmuring can be heard when the scout runs to open the door in a panic. The two guards sent to check on the barrier have returned, more like one and a half. One of them is clutching his fellow man, his brother who is missing from the waist down. Guts and intestines dangle low, scrapping the ground, leaving behind a trail of crimson blood.

“The wolf… I tried… I tried to save him but…”

The twins stand watch, mouth agape, they are soon pulled away by their father. Claudia is also here, holding a machete and wearing thick leather armour.

“Everyone stands back, quarantine those two!”

The Stranger yelled out, her normally clear voice turned into a deep grunt. She could spot tiny organisms in the trail of blood. Behind them soon comes a shadow of something monstrous. The ‘wolf’ that the guard talked about.

Bigger than a bear, the thing has been transformed by something unknown. It is part covered with part fish scale part carapace, all smashed together. Its head is lopsided, filled with jagged rocks sticking out, bleeding profusely. This handiwork the Stranger recognises. The wound didn’t kill it, that’s mean the host isn’t located in the brain. She needs to find it.

‘Wait’ Why is she thinking about this. Three days, only three days left and the location of the bullet and the stone still an enigma. She doesn’t have time to help these people.

The monster howl comes from the depth, gargling like water filled its lungs.

“Someone goes and gets the Blind Order!” The Stranger gives the order.

“I can, I am the fastest runner here” One of the youth volunteers, brave lad “But they are quite far from here… And that thing, I don’t know how fast it is”

“Don’t worry, I will hold it back for you and buy time” The Stranger reassures the youth and turns to the rest “Close the door and reinforce the wall with everything you have!”

No one here knows who this person is, but they shuffle to follow her directions anyway.

The brave youth runs away and the creature lunges at him. It is held back by something, a lasso tied to its leg. Turning back, the Stranger approaches holding up her tomahawk.

“Damn, you are too ugly to live”

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