《Deckers》CHAPTER 5: Initiations


Morning time.

Kochiro looked down to his limp right hand and tested his wrist against the manacle. It held. He turned his eyes measurably across to his other wrist and tested the manacle there. It was tight too, even for his smaller wrists. He didn’t react fretfully however; he hadn’t expected them to budge anyway.

He was sitting in the prophesied metal chair, day two of his arrest and though he had awoken that morning with a dull headache, he knew exactly how he’d arrived at this position. The sharp thump on the side of his head, from dropping asleep upright, his head falling against the corner of the concrete bed, was nothing to blur his memories when pain jolted up from the throbbing of his injured, now bandaged, foot. He remembered that bit.

The day had begun with the crazy Soldier lady coming to drag him out of his cell. She was either a naturally rough person or had intended to hurt him; for now he had another throb, this one on his upper arm, to deal with. She obviously didn’t like him what with all the bodily harm she’d dealt him already, plus, she’d threatened to taser him today.

She’d left him strapped about two hours ago and he’d had time to settle, calm, worry, and recalm, then wait for her. Was this long wait to scare him?.. But no, he was focused now.

Even when he felt his skin tingle over with electricity when the door slid open, Lady Soldier stepping in, he kept his face stilled.


“Hey you,” she raised her brows, “we meet again.”

Kochiro didn’t reply, instead, trying to sum the Soldier up in one word. Crazy. How should he deal with a crazy person?

“You think you’ve figured me out, the ‘bad cop’, right? I bet you are,” she continued toward him, “trying to figure me out, that is. Aren’t you my little inmate?” She was leaning down into his face now but Kochiro kept cool a little bit more and said nothing.

Uriko stared into Kochiro’s eyes blankly as he kept his motionless gaze away, then she stepped back and grinned deviously, her brows dipping way down like a snake’s.

“Hey hey, you going to talk to me or are you retarded or something?” Grin.


“Come, let me whisper some dark and arcane things into your ear," she knelt down to place her lips beside his ear as she pronounced each syllable, “I, don’t, like, you.”

Then she straightened up and that playful evil expression was gone as she was frowning down at him.

“You killed Shimazu.”

“!!” Kochiro’s expression cracked slightly, “but I didn’t-”

“But you did!” She slammed her fists on the table. Kochiro’s head was hung, his eyes hidden in the shadows but he wasn’t quaking as before.

Uriko kept glaring; teeth gnashed at his hanging head, then gradually stood up straight and pressed her lips together.

“But… we’re not here to discuss that,” Kochiro began softly.

“Huh?” Uriko was momentarily startled then pursed her lips again and eyed the boy down. “What’d you mean, squirt?”

“I heard you… “Kochiro slowly picked up his head and fixed Uriko with an even battle-ish expression as his volume returned to normal, “I heard you tall that other guy that I was being reprimanded for being an L. D. Angel, collaborating with Shimazu or something like that.” his voice layered further, “isn’t that so?”

“Rrgh,” Uriko’s teeth gnashed. That kid was just dragging himself into trouble. Then she tossed her head away with a cool grin. “Yeah, it’s just so.”


“But I’m not a spy, and I think you know that… so what’s going on?”

“Hey, I ain’t got to answer your questions, boy.” Uriko grinned evilly on.

“But I’m right, aren’t I.” Kochiro glared and almost smirked too, “you’re hiding something from the guy.”

CLcLLK! Gun smack in the middle of Kochiro’s forehead.

“Remember your position here kid! Don’t think of playing mind games on me!!”

“!!” Okay okay! Kochiro just nodded once. Okay, crazy lady.

“But,” Uriko lowered her gun and repocketed it, “yeah. Shimazu was my friend, I know her wouldn’t work with L. D. Angels and such and I just want to get at you.” Her grin returned, “for killing him.”

Kochiro’s slight glare didn’t budge. He just frowned.

“Oh, I see. You’re not scared anymore. We’ll have to fix that. I don’t slap you know, I shoot.” Super evil smirk.

Kochiro just looked at her fixedly.

Uriko smirked, “you should know that, right?”

“… “


“… “

Wide smirk.

“… uh…” Kochiro’s head dropped and he squeezed his eyes shut, “I didn’t-”

Frown, “geez, you remind me of… hmph. Anyway.”

“I didn’t mean to shoot him.”

Uriko paused for a second softly but put on a frown and glare soon afterward. “Yeah, you better be sorry, but I’m not letting you off that easy. Shimazu was a good, sweet-”

Kochiro snorted lowly but Uriko didn’t let it pass. She hadn’t expected that from the bowed head and was startled again. She stared and reached a hand over to pick up Kochiro’s lowered chin and pull his head up. She lowered her face into his face and glared. Kochiro glared back wearing a frown. He’d heard enough.


“He wasn’t all that great, geesh.”

“…” Glare.


“That… is it.”

Lord Hamasaki was standing at a pillar toward the entrance of the Hamasaki castle, folding his arms and wearing a custom devoid expression. Bromo, something was up with Bromo.

“…” he bent his head slightly lower, no one around allowed him to think. Bromo… he couldn’t let this chance slip to keep some sort of tab on the other Nobles Soldier Leader. But, what indeed should he do…

THUD, pause.

Lord Hamasaki looked up. It was Totomi coming out of the castle. He unfolded his arms and straightened up. Totomi bowed shortly, then looked his father in the eyes.

“Am I interrupting you, father?”

“No, it’s alright. How’s Mikaza?”

“She still hasn’t come out of her room, she needs some time.”

“Very well,” it’s only been two days son. Lord Hamasaki looked at the son who resembled him most; even his cool, calm expression and level-headedness were mirrored in Totomi. Maybe too much. He was concerned too, concerned about Totomi who never showed emotion, who was all too formal with him. Lord Hamasaki was the cool, dipped lips and deep-throated one while Totomi was calm with soothing eyes and soft voice. Lord Hamasaki hoped that Totomi wouldn’t try to take care of everything by himself. But he was here now, wasn’t he.

“Are you leaving today father?”

“…” Lord Hamasaki looked off the stairs into the blueness above the fields. “That depends. Is there something wrong?”

Totomi lifted his head slightly higher, “I, wish to speak with you about somet-”


Tanjo burst through the door in a half stumble and turned to Totomi, looking at him from the side, “ah, Totomi, there you are!”

“…” Totomi shut his mouth and turned around, “yes, Tanjo?”


“Yeah, it’s important, well, I think it’s important, uh, I don’t know, maybe I shouldn’t bother you.”

“What is it, Tanjo.” Totomi asked again mildly.

“Yeah well, I was looking for you, or Uriko, about Mikaza, but I…-” he suddenly saw Lord Hamasaki the ways off looking at him in what he took for a cold attitude. “Lord Hamasaki!! Ah,” Tanjo bowed quickly four times, “oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know I was interrupting you two, my deepest apologizes sir!”

“Tanjo! Relax,” Totomi cooled down as Tanjo snapped back up. Lord Hamasaki turned his head back down and closed his eyes. Totomi looked at him, then looked back to Tanjo at the doorway. “Now, just tell me what the problem is Tanjo,” he said mildly.

“Oh. Right, well…” his mouth opened and he froze. Totomi waited. “…I…” a million drops raced down Tanjo’s head and he flailed his arms wildly, “I, I forgot!!” He put his hands at his side and bowed down embarrassed, “I’m so sorry Totomi.”

Totomi sighed, “it’s no problem Tanjo. When you remember, you can tell me, okay?”

Tanjo nodded reddened, “ah, well. I’ll leave you two then. See you.”

Totomi nodded as Tanjo exited into the house. He let the silence settle in back for a while then turned back to his father. Lord Hamasaki reopened his eyes but didn’t look back at Totomi. “What were you saying, son.”

“What I was saying, is that… I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately, even more than usual because of this circumstance. I’ve thought about what everyone’s been advising me to act upon, and about to whom I owe my debts and what I can do for those I love.

My role, and my own ambitions need to coexist and it would be even more foolish if I turn a blind eye to the signs that present themselves to me. Maybe these things would be suited to me if I try them out and don’t be narrow-minded about them until I go with the natural flow for a while.”

“…” Lord Hamasaki looked up to see how Totomi’s features were synchronizing with what he was saying. But of course, Totomi was as settled and uniform throughout his whole speech as though it was a recital. Totomi… had never spoken this much to him before, as far as he could remember.

“What I told Uriko as well, how I can please everyone and protect them and make things better. I can become so that I wouldn’t have to take callous orders from anyone and can fix any flaws… for the good of everyone. I would like… to become a Nobles Soldier-”


“Ah, Totomi, I just remembered, it’s about Mikaza, I, ooh, am I disturbing you again? I’m really very sorry!” Tanjo bowed sequentially again. “Hu?”

Totomi wasn’t looking at him, and neither was Lord Hamasaki. Lord Hamasaki was looking behind Tanjo’s shoulders and Totomi too, looked from his father’s face to turn around and look behind Tanjo.

Tanjo gulped deeply and shivers ran up his spine, “wh, what are you looking at?”

“Lord Bromo.”

“Lord Hamasaki.”

“Ah!” Tanjo jumped and spun around as Bromo loomed down above him from the doorway threateningly. “L, lo, lo, lord Bromo.”

Bromo bowed his head down; eyes shut and walked pass Tanjo who stepped aside. Tanjo kept to the wall, face white as Bromo walked on and Totomi looked toward his father whose eyes were glued onto Lord Bromo’s back.

“…” Totomi’s lips were sealed. Thud. Thud. Thud…

“Lord Bromo, are you departing, already.”

Thu… cllk. Bromo stopped but didn’t turn around. “Yes, I’ve paid my respects, lord Hamasaki, and now am returning to my daily tasks.”

“Are you working on a task then,” lord Hamasaki didn’t budge.

Bromo’s eyes slid across to look backwards at Lord Hamasaki who couldn’t see his face. “Maybe, I guess it could count.”

“…” eyes deepening.

Totomi and Tanjo remained silent during the exchange, each staring coolly or gaping, respectively. The air blew between them.

“Things have been so busy lately,” Lord Hamasaki continued, “what with the L. D. Angels destroying Pillars and rumors about a spy being in the Soldiers unit. The Soldiers leaders are beginning to pair up to form small convenient forces, in order to successfully combat this threat. Have you… partnered with anyone?” A profound silence settled onto the patio in which time Bromo took his slow pace to turn around. He faced lord Hamasaki with a deep-set jaw.

“…” Totomi lowered his head semi-darkly.

“Now is that really necessary?”

“No, it isn’t.” If you’ve got nothing to hide. “But why do you seem to have a problem with it.”

“I don’t have a problem with it, likewise, who is your apprentice.”

A winning smirk appeared on lord Hamasaki’s thin lips, “hmph, funny you should ask. My apprentice … is my son; Totomi Hamasaki.”

“!!” Very little or none at all surprise flickered across Totomi’s face but he did lift his head and look toward his father. Lord Hamasaki looked at him from the side of his eyes, still wearing that evil smile, then he turned back stiffly to Bromo.

“…” Bromo appeared ticked off and he frowned even more without looking at Totomi. “Your son’s joined Soldiers?”

“Just a minute ago, yes.”

“Ah,.. Totomi, you really did!?” Tanjo was shocked. Totomi nodded at him. “Wha… this is incredible! I can’t believe it, yeah! It’s about time, party, yeah, part-tay_”

“Well Lord Uriko’s been working a lot with me, she can-”

“Uriko-san’s strong enough to have her own trainee I think you’d know, Lord Bromo.”

“I was not finished.” Glare.

“… well..?”


“Well, since you don’t seem to have a problem with it, may I suggest..” turn, “Totomi,” Totomi looked up, “what was your clumsy, overactive friend’s name again?”

“Tanjo Okami,” Totomi responded softly.

Red faced, “hey, I’m right here!” Tanjo shouted.

“Right, may I suggest, Lord Bromo, Tanjo of the Okami as your subordinate until further notice?”

Bromo seemed disgusted and looked at Tanjo with an unpleasant look. “Him?” he spat.

“Urgh!” Tanjo froze up and shielded himself.

“Yes. He is a Soldier and has already been on a few missions I expect. No objections then?”

“Rrgh,” you could see Lord Bromo was definitely not pleased and he openly glared at Tanjo in a hateful, disgusted assessment. Tanjo kept cringing away. “Fine.” Bromo flung his head away, “is that all you’d like to speak to me about Hamasaki?”

“Yes,” Lord Hamasaki, “I hope you can attend Totomi’s initiation ceremony, if you’re not too busy.”

Totomi looked idly back at Bromo, invisibly amused at his father’s provocation and banter. Bromo actually made a fist.

“Yes, I am quite busy actually.”

“Don’t forget to collect Tanjo then.”

“Collect!?” An outraged Tanjo.

“And you don’t forget to clear out your older son’s room.”


Smirk. Lord Bromo turned and started heading down the steps, “I wish you well, Lord Hamasaki.” Thud thud, thud. He exited into his limousine and off it drove.

“…” Lord Hamasaki looked after Bromo’s car for a long while, Totomi was watching him and Tanjo was just there. Totomi stared at his father for a long minute, wondering why he was not responding and growing slightly (very slightly) unsettled.

Then- “so, Totomi.”

“!!! Yes father.”

“A Soldier huh,” Lord Hamasaki was looking at his son kindly now, and even though he barely smiled, Totomi was pleased with his next words. “I expect great things from you son.”

“Thank you father.” Totomi bowed.

“And Okami.”

“Sir!” Tanjo snapped up.

“You’re under Lord Bromo’s instructions now.”

“Oh, I… I guess so, sir.”

Lord Hamasaki turned back to Totomi and put his hand on his shoulder. Then, he turned and headed back into the castle, leaving Totomi staring.

“… …”


“Um, Totomi. Mikaza’s not in her room. That was the news.” Grin.

Totomi blinked and looked across at his friend. “… Oh,” he said peacefully.

Cl, ttk.

“I’m back!” Lord Uriko sang high-pitched as she re-entered Kochiro’s confining quarters with a card key in hand. “And yes, I’ve gotten permission to use the equipment of torture on you.”

“Mm!” Kochiro cringed.

Yes, Uriko grinned, she wanted to scare him shitless indeed. She walked toward a machine in one corner of the room and slipped her card through the slot and it beeped.

PSSH, a section of the wall opened to reveal heavy utility and gadgets and equipment Kochiro had never seen before. Uriko walked in, selected an extra large head ear thing with clipper ends attached and exited, closed the wall, and turned to Kochiro.

“Wh, what’s that?”

“It’s a little something that sends electric shocks through your body when I attach these clippy ends to an outlet. One of my personal favourites.”

Chibi, “wah! You can’t shock me with that crazy woman!” flailing wildly.

“Course I can, and I will.”

Kochiro was serious again, “you’re not going to gain anything by tormenting me and it certainly wouldn’t make Shimazu come back.”

“I guess you’re right,” Uriko pretended to contemplate, “but it sure will make me feel better.”

“This is absurd.” Kochiro was bristled.

“Why don’t’ you just apologize.”

“…” Kochiro glared at her.

Uriko frowned at him. “Alright then.” She put it on his head and plugged it in. “Tell me when you begin to feel anything…no, I’m sure I’d know.”

“…” Kochiro kept glaring.

Uriko placed her hand on the switch and looked at Kochiro. He was still glaring. Her fingers witched. He glared. She pressed her finger down and-


“What!?” Uriko shielded her eyes with an arm as smoke billowed from the chunk of ceiling felled to the ground. To top it off, a screen bomb it appeared, set off and purple mist engulfed the room before anyone could see the cause of the accident. “Hey!”

Kochiro coughed from within the smoke screen, and shut his eyes when he felt the manacles on his wrist spring loose. “Hu?”

“Let’s go, kid,” was all he heard before he felt himself being pulled up a cord into the hole in the roof. Then, kneeling on the second floor, he saw the flash of emerald eyes as the cloaked figure turned his back and disappeared out the doorway.

“It’s,” Kochiro gaped, frozen. The Angel turned around and stilled with unnatural coolness, “you.”

“Come on kid,” Michael stated simply. “Follow me.” L. D. Angel.

“Uh,” Kochiro got to his feet, “but,” but Michael was already zipping down the corridor and Kochiro had to rush after him.


BWOOO! Alarms rang out throughout the building and the doors that lined the corridors locked down one by one.

“…” Kochiro ran on as fast as he could as Michael rounded the corner, miles ahead of him.

“Hurry up kid.”

“Mm,” Kochiro huffed on.

“Over there!” Nobles Soldiers filed out the elevator up the corridor and dozens of feet clambered their way. Kochiro rounded two more bends with his heart beating loud in his ears. When, when was he getting to stop?

“We’re almost there…”

Kochiro was falling back, could barely hear Michael, only the sound of boots after him. He looked back…


“Uh?” Kochiro looked back ahead.

“Oof!” CRASH.

Kochiro pitched into the girl ahead of him and they both flung over and onto the floor. “Aah,”

Kochiro was on his knees and pushed onto his hands, shook his head. He opened his mouth and looked over-

His wide blue eyes met huge pink ones and he stopped. The girl stared back at him unblinking, her heart shaped face framed by dark short hair, small lips in a perfect ‘O’, but her eyes were what stuck, stuck to Kochiro’s. Silence.

They stared at each other for half of an infinity, everything else it seemed silenced…

“Come on kid,”

Kochiro was the first to snap out of his daze. He jumped up after that and ran without a word down the corridor while the girl stared after him.

Michael was waiting for him, sitting catlike on a huge window’s ledge.

Kochiro pushed his head pass Michael, out to the ground far, far below.

Thud thud thud thud thud.

“We’re trapped!?” he squealed, looking back at the mass rounding the corner behind them. “We’re gonna get caught-”

“Hold on.”


Michael was still sitting catlike, now facing out on the ledge when the words drifted. Kochiro blinked at him, confused and frightened.

“What, what are you doing?”

“Hold on.”

“Err,” Kochiro grabbed the cloak cautiously, “but how are we going to… ah!!”

And off Michael leaped, plunging into the earth below. Kochiro yelped fearfully as they plummeted further down… three, two, one-

And out they came; beautiful feathered wings of ebony caught the wind and swooped boy and Angel up into the sky. It was absolutely, exhilarating.

Kochiro caught on tighter as wind zipped his ears, he hugged at Michael’s neck. Now he knew why the Angel’d never been caught.

“Waw,” he said, as his hair tossed out behind him.

“I know,” Michael responded, as they sailed out miles and miles, high and free.

Tanjo Okami was standing stiffly at the door of the office of Lord Bromo. Bromo was sitting behind his desk, sifting through something on his laptop before he pulled down the screen to shut it off. Tanjo didn’t say a word at the doorway, he was already so scared of his superior Bromo, and he furthermore really wanted to make a good impression.

“I’ve shared all my Soldier documents with your database and have informed the Soldiers centre of our allegiance.”

“Uh, yes sir,” Tanjo nodded robotically, keeping his eyes straight ahead, Bromo between them.

“Let me tell you straight off, I don’t like you at all and things would have never had gone this way if not for that damn Hamasaki!”

“Uh, yes sir,” Tanjo thought he should answer.

“…” Bromo’s brow twitched. “I’ve never had a partner before; you better not cause me any trouble.”

“N, no sir,” Tanjo turned to Bromo earnestly, his voice rising to a normal tone of frantic commitment, “I swear Bromo-sempai I will be the best disciple you’ve ever had!”

“Idiot,” ticked slightly, Tanjo winced halfly. “I just told you I’ve never had a partner before. And just call me Bromo-sama.”

“Uh, kay sir. And sorry sire, but I assure you, I will be really good!” Tanjo flailed his arms as if he could convince Bromo. Bromo jut hmphed and got to his feet. He started to head out the door.

Tanjo got slightly hyper and shut his eyes, waving his arms more wildly, “really sempai, I’d be good, you don’t have to worry about me… I’d serve you the best way I can and I will never, ever get in your way.”



Tanjo looked back at the column he’d accidentally knocked as it wobbled and he spun around to hug and catch its middle. It stilled.


But the top half still slipped, BOINK WOBBLE WOBBBLE WOBBLE… CRASH!

Square on Lord Bromo’s head.

“Uhuhh!” Tanjo blanched with a million drops racing down his face but Bromo was very still. Casually, he brushed concrete splinters off his head and stepped around the mess on the floor.

“Gah! I’m so sorry Bromo-dono, I didn’t mean to do that! I’m so sorry!!” Bow, bow, bow.

Bromo tssked and his Soldier cell vibrated.

“Hm,” Tanjo got back up. Bromo pressed on his cell.

“Yes… … what!?” Bromo shouted two seconds into the conversation, “okay then, I’ll be there.” Click.

“Hm?” Tanjo watched Bromo fetch his trench coat onto his shoulder and glance his way.

“We’re going headquarters.”

“Uh… yes!”

At headquarters

Bromo and Tanjo stepped into the hall buzzing with activity. Then Uriko appeared before them, “it was the L. D. Angel, he broke in and… took him.”

Bromo growled lowly. Tanjo blinked confused. “Somebody actually escaped from here… waw.”

Uriko remained silent and Bromo turned to face the open windows where the two had allegedly ‘escaped’. “…” he looked into the setting sky.

It was a very cool evening. Purple were the high skies where Michael the L. D. Angel, and Kochiro of Lower Deck sat. They were on a high cliff, huge fir trees to their backs and the wide world below them.

Michael sat breezily on the edge, hand slung loosely over a bent knee. Kochiro stood to the side, hugging his chest as wind streaked through the trees and about the High Deck. It was the first time the boy could actually see the sky and the big bright moon in full glory.

“Kisagi Jinchi, right?”

“Kochiro, Kochiro Jinchi.”

“Oh. Right.” they weren’t looking at each other but both were calm and settled into the beautiful night. “So you’re fifteen.”


“Oh, well it only makes sense. Your father created the L. D. Angels some eleven years ago, said he had a baby boy back home and… you do have the same eyes as he does. You look like thirteen though, sure you’re fifteen kid?”

“Yes, I’m sure.”

“O, Okay.” Silence. “I guess you have a lot of questions for me.”

“Thanks… for saving me.”

“Only returning the favour.”

“…” Kochiro said nothing. “But I’m not joining the L. D. Angels-”

“’Cause you think we’re a ruthless gang.”

“Hu!?” Kochiro was startled.

Michael sighed. “It’s obvious. We hire ‘muscle’, you see. Some regular stupid muscle heads to do some our jobs for us but they get wild. The real Angels don’t do stuff like kill innocent people on Middle, or High Deck. But I can’t say I didn’t know it’d happen,” sigh, “still… I don’t actually have regrets. It’s just that way.”

“…what about, what do you really expect me to do?”

“Hmm, I guess I should just free talk for a while. You see, your father only unofficially made us a group eleven years ago but we’ve never had an opportunity to act. We planted a spy to learn the Nobles secrets because frankly, they’re not as ‘noble’ as everyone thinks. We’ve known they’d eventually go after what they want, and now we have proof, the spy has what we want, and will tell us when it is time.”

“So,” Kochiro’s eyes widened and he looked down at a gazing Michael, “it’s true. There is a spy among the Nobles.”

“Mmhm. That’s just so.” Michael looked up and startled Kochiro with his green eyes, “so you’ll be joining us then?”

“I, don’t have anything special about me,” Kochiro looked away slightly red, “you know.”


“Mm?” Kochiro looked back at a smiling Michael.

“Oh, well, everyone’s special you know.”

“Huh?” Kochiro blinked a couple times then returned serious. “Well, what do I have to do?”

“Ah, that’s it.” Michael looked back over the world, “you’re becoming one of us, so you’re gotta be a fighter too.”

“…” Kochiro remained resolute.

“It’s settled then. You’ll do anything I say?”

“Yes, up to a point of course… if my father’s the head-”

“No.” Michael stood up.

“Huh?” Kochiro blinked. “What do you mean?”

“All or nothing, you can’t be in this for your own selfish reasons. Your father understood that, you’re part of a team now. All or nothing.”

“Uh,” Kochiro shut his mouth and turned from the Angel. “I don’t have a choice.”

Michael looked at Kochiro in silence, then walked over to him and placed his hands on his shoulders. Kochiro snapped alert and looked up at Michael’s cloaked face.

“Don’t be so glum kid,” he said in a cool voice, “L. D. Angel Kochiro.”

“Mmm.” Kochiro looked back at Michael determinedly. Wssswssshhh. A bright yellow moon.

Totomi looked up at the bright yellow moon from his bedroom balcony. His eyes were cool and deadest, face set. His dark hair billowed off his shoulders and flowed about his face, and the intricate Nobles Soldiers badge revealed; shone.

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