《Deckers》CHAPTER 2: Brewing Trouble
A rooster crowed somewhere on the horizon.
It was the crack of daybreak and Kochiro was already awake, sitting on a stool at the kitchen counter with a pot hissing on the stove. He rubbed his eye once and then continued at the crossword he was working on. It was 5:58am.
About two hours later, he took off the soup and poured himself a small bowl. There was a knock on the door. He went to open the door and saw that it was Yura.
He smiled small, “Yura, I was just coming over to check if you were still alive,” his head tilted to the side, “what a relief.”
“Just barely,” Yura replied sighing, “I had to be on my toes to avoid the flying missiles and of course dad pretended to be so engrossed in the newspapers even when a teacup broke against his head. Ha,” she sneered cheekily, lowering her voice to a whisper, “I had a laugh at that after.”
“So she still let you out?”
“Well, I told her how great you’d done once again and how you wanted to go out with me today to celebrate. You know how she likes you; she perked up at once and opened up to any ‘going out of me’ with her cute little ‘son-in-law to be’.” Yura rolled her eyes and let out a longer sigh. “So; here I am.”
“That’s nice.” Kochiro smiled a small smile again, “so where are we going then.”
“To the restaurant to meet Shimazu of course. I’m sure he’ll be waiting there for us…”
Kochiro folded his arms and leant against the doorframe, his head lowered inch by inch and his lips slid into a thin tight line. He looked at Yura as she continued speaking, unconscious of his automatic posture change until she paused and folded her arms too.
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Like what?” he lifted his head slightly.
Yura didn’t reply, instead imitating Kochiro’s stance and fixing her eyes on him in a stubborn way. Kochiro didn’t move and they both continued glaring; Kochiro with a blank, angry stare and Yura; with an almost equally blank stare and raised stubborn eyebrows.
“I don’t want to have another day with that guy,” Kochiro finally said.
“And why is that.”
“Because he’s annoying, and you too act so ‘perky’ around him.”
“I acted perky?” Yura sounded outraged and a little disgusted at herself. “No... I didn’t.”
“I’d rather a simple afternoon with a calm, pleasant friend I used to know.”
“It’s hard not to be happy around Shimazu. Although… you act even more depressing than usual.”
Kochiro scowled, “I’m not going.”
“Yes you are.” Yura fumbled in her jeans pocket for a second and then produced a quarter. “Heads or tails?”
Yura flipped the coin and then slapped it onto her arm. She peeked at the result and then grinned. “Ha!” she flipped the coin back into the air, caught it between two fingers, and slipped it back into her back pocket, “you really aren’t good at luck games at all.”
Kochiro sulked and glared darkly at Yura from a bowed head.
“Kochiro, you can’t look angry at all with those puppy eyes. Come,” she turned and started to the gate. “Let’s go.”
“Okay then,” he closed the door warily behind him.
Hmm Yura glanced back at Kochiro guiltily yet smirked, good thing he didn’t check. It was ‘heads’ after all.
Totomi stroked the length of the 4 feet golden candle he’d most recently collected then stepped back to admire his entire wall of exotic candles. Pillars, pots, lamps and candles were his favourite things that he loved to collect.
Totomi didn’t have to look up to know who it was intruding into his wing of the castle to boldly enter his room that early in the morning. He kept his back turned, not inclining his head in the slightest.
“Mother, there is such a thing as knocking.”
“Hmm?” She paused at the doorway then looked about his room. “What are you up to?”
“Just as you see,” back still to her, “looking at my candles.”
“Oh,” her tone was flat, “wasting time again.”
Totomi didn’t react. He repositioned a candle twice before he spoke to his mother in a fixed voice. “What is it that you want?”
“The meeting is starting in 10 minutes. Your father, a Nobles Soldier leader and I, and even your friend from the Okami family will be there. It’s time to discuss Shimazu’s fate… and of course, yours.”
“…” Silence.
“Totomi dear.”
“I will be there,” Totomi enunciated each word precisely and then turned around a complete 180 degrees. “Mother.”
“Good.” She turned around lavishingly and exited. Totomi stared after her for a while then turned back to his favourite wall. He studied it calmly for a minute more before turning to head out as well.
He walked down the hall, gathering his thoughts in solemn, silent procession. Father, mother, Tanjo Okami and a Nobles Soldier leader. So much… I promised Mika I wouldn’t be doing anything but they’ve come to push me now. No matter what, the path of a Nobles Soldier is not for me.
He arrived at his destination and pushed open the massive double doors. It led to the long room, a lush carpet running from the doorway in pure velvet, across the white marble to the other end of the room where the vanity couches sitting area was.
Tanjo saw him first, uncomfortable in the serious setting but willing and ready to please; his uncharacteristic straight face broke into a grin as he looked to Totomi, raising a salute hand wave/welcome.
Totomi nodded to him as the others turned around. Tanjo Okami; the Okami’s were a family friend of the Hamasaki’s and therefore, Tanjo was a member of the friends trio; Shimazu, Totomi and himself. He was a clumsy, optimistic, wanna be ‘honour-duty-sacrifice masculine myth’ (but too cheerful for that) guy with hazel eyes and brown hair. A foreigner indeed, risen from High Deck- a determined to fit in, sometimes hot-blooded pup. Totomi understood why he’d been exalted to become a Nobles Soldier.
Totomi bowed to his father. “Otosan-sama.” He turned to the other guy for an introduction.
“And this is Lord Bromo.”
Bromo looked like a serious guy with serious sideburns and his black hair were sharp spikes. He also had sharp black eyes.
“Bromo-sama.” They shook hands. Hm, serious handshake too.
“Now that we’re all gathered … as many as can be, that is.” Totomi held Bromo’s stare until he continued. “Now. About Shimazu.” Totomi stared. Tanjo looked away.
The night before.
“Totomi, Mikaza-sama,” the Hamasaki family messenger repeated, “Shimazu-sama… he hasn’t returned yet. This is the second night and your mother is very angry. I’m sorry Totomi-sama, but she’s ordering you to meet her in the hall at once. She’s called your father home to force draft you into the Nobles Soldiers full time, starting tomorrow.” The messenger bowed, “Sir!”
“Is that so?” Totomi remained calm and his sister, Mikaza, let out a breath at his side. She straightened up, pouting.
“Damn it messenger guy! Don’t scare me like that!”
“I apologize Mikaza-sama.”
“Mika- the language.”
“But Totomi!” Mikaza looked up whiningly to the contemplating Totomi. He was looking away. She turned back to the messenger.
“I’ll deal with you later.” She glazed her pink eyes.
“Oohh,” the messenger whimpered.
“I was joking…” she caught Totomi’s eyes finally and put on her full powered Chibi-innocent face, “onichan.”
He believed her. “Okay. Let’s head inside,” he started off.
“Yes sir!” Mikaza held onto his arms, childlike, but her eyes flashed as she cast a final look at the messenger.
They headed on inside, moving deeper and deeper into the heart of the castle but were greeted very promptly by their mother. Her steely mask of a polite public face was uncannily severe, ruining her exquisite beauty. Totomi felt a minute, even though very minute, surge of guilt. His rebellion was surely the cause of her diminishing youth. How sad. They just couldn’t get along.
“Totomi,” she said lowly.
Totomi turned down to Mikaza. “Well, see you tomorrow… Mika.”
“Uh…” she glanced across at her mother then back at Totomi, sensing the danger, “um… okay. Goodnight Totomi, goodnight okasan.”
“Goodnight Mikaza dear.” Mikaza bounced away. Totomi’s mother’s smile evaporated like a puddle on a sunny day, leaving only steam behind. She turned to Totomi. He looked after Mikaza till she disappeared then turned to Lady Hamasaki, stoically.
“I thought I was supposed to meet you in the meeting room?”
“Your father is coming tomorrow. He’s to talk to you and Shimazu. I told him everything.”
“Is that everything you wanted to tell me mother?”
“Lady… Lord Uriko’s been dispatched to track Shimazu. She’s reported seeing him in Middle Deck.”
Totomi didn’t bother for a smile. Uriko was a close friend of Shimazu and himself. She’d not tell the vital info to his mother. She’d known them for only a year but they’d instantly kicked it off… it was actually surprising that she’d told his mother anything at all.
“Mother, Shimazu is 20 years old and a Noble. He’s free to do anything he wishes.”
“Twenty is just a number,” Lady Hamasaki snapped instantly. “What could you two possibly be planning? We’ve become very suspicious of you.”
“Suspicious of us, mother?” Totomi was genuinely mildly confused. What did they think Shimazu could possibly be up to? “I presumed it’s you who are keeping things under lock and key.”
“Dear…” her features suddenly softened and she looked to the side, her long hair falling along her face. She looked back at Totomi with a mixture of anxiety/ worry and a permanent wash of disapproval, “the Nobles Soldiers sector are highly suspicious that one of us on Nobles deck is a spy… leaking info about the project to someone… maybe the L. D. Angels! As to Shimazu’s actions… they obviously need to investigate him.”
“How is it that Tanjo never told me any of this?”
“I don’t think he knows. Your father even only overheard it. He asked Lord Bromo, but wasn’t given a direct answer.”
“Lord Bromo?”
“Lord Bromo, he’s a Nobles Soldier head. It could be that only the Captains are investigating the possibility of a leak… because the project is flimsy at the moment that the L. D. Angels can cause it harm.”
“Oh.” A pause.
“So you see Totomi dear… I don’t want it to be my sons who are the traitors.”
Totomi nodded, “my apologizes mother.” He looked at his mother back directly in the eyes, “so what is this project anyway?”
“I do not think,” Lady Hamasaki was looking strict again, “that they’ll want me to tell you until a level of trust is regained.” She spun and walked off. Totomi stared calculatingly then went to his quarters.
It was early morning in his bedroom when Totomi knew that Shimazu was near. He got up and headed out quietly, all the way to Shimazu’s wing. Semi-cautious, he leant against the door and listened. A shuffle there…
“Come in… Totomi.”
“Mmm,” a sweat drop on his head, Totomi entered. Shimazu was sheathing his sword and had a pruned Night Glory flower in his other hand.
“You’ve returned,” Totomi started questioningly.
“Actually, I’ve just come to get a few things.” Shimazu turned around smiling, “someone offered to carry my pouches for me but then, I guess, they got lost.” He smiled brighter, “but how are you… Totomi.”
“I’ll survive mother,” Totomi replied; “it’s better than you being thrown into prison.” He looked sharply, “the Nobles Soldiers think you’re a spy.”
“Hm?” Shimazu blinked and quit twirling the flower in his hand. “Me? What’d I do?”
“They say you’re meeting L. D. Angels and leaking info about the project.”
Shimazu laughed brightly. “Really? I guess they forgot I don’t know what the project is and am never around to seek any info. Saying things like that is definitely a cover up excuse. Thanks for telling me… Totomi,” he was still smiling. Totomi nodded. “They’re keeping something big from us. It’s a good thing I’ve gotten into a skirmish. I can get to the bottom of this because…” he cocked his head to the side, “I’ve met two wonderful people one of whom may have a tie with an L. D. Angel.”
“Wonderful… people?”
“A pleasant girl and her friend; a boy with icy blue eyes who wears these smiley print shirts and doesn’t seem to like me at all. I don’t know what to make of him and his role in this… anyway,” he tucked the rose away and rested his hand on Totomi’s head as though he were a pup, “I should go now. Take care.”
“I’m coming too,” Totomi recalled his promise to Mikaza; “next time.”
“Sure! That’d be great. Sayonara… Totomi.” Hand still on Totomi’s head.
“…Don’t you think I’ve gotten a little too old for you to be patting my head?”
“Hehe,” Shimazu grinned, “but you’ll always be my little brother. And I know you don’t mind.”
“Yes, but you’re messing my hair. You’d better go now, before mother…”
“Oh yeah.” His hand came down and he grinned guiltily, “I'm sorry Totomi… I’ll make it up to you somehow.”
“Just be careful.” Totomi stepped aside for Shimazu to exit. Shimazu gave him one more Chibi smile and a bright laugh full of bells before he turned to the door.
And then... was gone...
Kochiro and Yura walked side by side in absolute silence; Kochiro too sulky to care and Yura too stubborn to break it. The morning was mild, breezier than it had been the day before and a lot more people were outdoors. Kochiro and Yura went past their side of the LowerDeck to the Pillar.
Kochiro folded his arms silently, the Pillar feeling again. Yura stood by; he’s pouting again- “soo…” she began reluctantly, “how was your time with Shimazu-san yesterday?”
Kochiro zoned back in and turned his head to Yura’s wonderingly, slowly recalling. “Interesting,” he said carefully, “very… interesting.”
Clllk! the 15 minute ascension was over and everyone stepped out, walking off the Pillar, Kochiro and Yura a part of the monotonous procession.
The two had been friends since pre-school; Kochiro had been a cry-baby, the ‘mommy’s boy’ and ‘daddy’s boy’ and Yura was the calm confident girl. Kochiro, the one teachers (as did all adults) liked and gave special treatment to, never played with the other toddlers and Yura was jealous.
When no one was there, no one was looking; she’d weasel her way over to Kochiro cheekily and then tease his living daylights out. He’d manage never to cry however, and little Yura always got frustrated and finally one day, she’d pinched him.
After a delay of shock, Kochiro stared at Yura, eyes big shimmery blue saucers… and Yura looked down at Kochiro in smug satisfaction till the innocent blue saucers cracked and the pools overflowed. Kochiro was crying and Yura got scared. She didn’t want the teachers to see how she’d hurt the boy so she tried to stop him crying. He wouldn’t stop crying.
Finally, she took one of her smiley face stickers for good conduct and gave it to him. His cries subsided to a sob but she could tell that he liked them. He got up with it, and walked away from her. From that day on, she tried to repay her sins with all sorts of smiley faces and though he never spoke to her, he always kept the smileys.
At first, the smileys seemed a reminder, an accusing finger Kochiro pointed at her… but then she came to see it as a bond of friendship, his acceptance of her, and when he finally gave her one of his own real (pouty) smiles, they became the closest best friends, just the two of them.
But then, walking along the hectic streets of Middle Deck, she saw again how she was the source of his forever sulks. I should, um, Yura thought, apologize anyway. “Kochiro… mm?”
Kochiro had stopped walking and was looking straight ahead. Yura stopped too and followed his gaze. Ahead of them, four High Deck men were standing affront a Lower Deck (or Middle Deck) guy by the looks of his casual attire, and apparently they didn’t want to let him pass.
“Oh dear me,” the apparent leader of the High Deck men held a hand to his mouth in mock surprise, “it seems that this low class simpleton doesn’t know how to greet his superiors. Where are your manners, rat?” His tone turned nasal sneering and his friends laughed.
“Excuse me,” the Lower Deck guy said, keeping his eyes downcast.
“Excuse me, your highness.” High Decker corrected.
“…” Low Decker grit his teeth.
“Oohhh, touchy.” The High Deckers laughed again. “Well… commoner,” his friends unsheathed their swords and advanced one step, “we can’t let you off so easy now. Lick my shoes clean for me now.”
Yura tightened her lips. “Let’s find another path,” Kochiro said flatly beside her. She nodded and was just about to turn when they spotted the two.
“Hey! What’re you mongrels looking at!?”
Kochiro and Yura kept walking but the High Deckers were now more interested in new prey. “After them.” They were soon cornered and had to face the rich bullies. “Aha…” he walked up and examined Kochiro and Yura. “Little mongrels huh. I guess I can forgive you… eh?”
High Decker looked at Kochiro’s icy eyes. Yura moved closer to him. Kochiro was still.
“Stop looking at me like that.”
“He,” Yura protested, “he doesn’t mean anything.”
“I don’t like his looks!”
Kochiro grit his teeth.
“I don’t like his looks!!!” High Decker swung out his sword and Kochiro and Yura winced…
Shing! The sound of metal against metal. Kochiro and Yura opened their eyes. The back of a purple outfit and long dark hair faced them and a happy breath of appreciation escaped Yura’s lips while angry color flooded Kochiro’s cheeks.
Shimazu had pulled his sword halfway out of the scabbard, just enough to hold against High Decker’s own sword. The other men took a moment to realize what was going on, they took a step back in shock, then retraced their steps when they realized it was just one guy.
“Hey! Who are you!?”
“Me?” Shimazu replied smiling to the grim mouthed High Deck guy. “I’m just a fellow citizen.”
“Hmm... Well.” High Decker put down his sword, still uncertain about Shimazu but positive he’d be in their side, “these mongrels,” he pointed toward angry pouting Kochiro and Yura slightly behind him, “are being rude. Weren’t they guys?”
“Yeah,” simultaneously from his friends.
“Shimazu-san…” Yura started lowly.
Shimazu didn’t reply, keeping his smile in place as he answered the men. “Really? Well I still don’t believe it’s your place to discipline them.”
“Rrgh! What was that!?”
“I said,” Shimazu repeated, “I don’t believe that it is within your jurisdiction to instil discipline upon these children.”
“Eh…??? Whatever! Get him!!”
“Ahh!” the three men charged and swiped. Shimazu jumped away, pushing Kochiro and Yura back out of harm’s way. Kochiro tripped and fell against a garbage can. He glared.
“Yah!” High Decker jabbed forward, Shimazu stepped to the side. He jabbed again and Shimazu stepped to the other side. Then Shimazu was another guy coming at him from the corner of his eyes. At the same time, High Decker was coming in too with an overhead swipe. Shimazu jumped up into the air and High Decker struck his alarmed partner on the head.
“Damn it,” High Decker spun around to face a shrug-smiling Shimazu.
“I didn’t do anything.”
“Rrgh, you two! Corner him!” and they did just that and Shimazu kept on smiling.
“Now now,” he said.
The two men charged at once. Shimazu ducked beneath one and kicked upward the sword out of his hands, then swept the leg around in a circular movement to trip the next man. Once done, he spun upon to palm cuff the first man down. He turned to the last High Decker.
Silence. A wind. Then -
“!!!” one of the men at Shimazu’s feet grabbed his legs and High Decker charged in, sword overhead. Shimazu looked down; eyes now open at his frozen legs. Then he looked back up.
Yura gasped. Slice! Red trailed upward into the sky. Yura and Kochiro stared open-mouthed. The man on the floor looked up wide mouthed, High Decker looked at his arms. “It could be worse,” Shimazu re-sheathed his recently drawn sword, his face downward. The man let go of his feet and sank away. Shimazu walked to High Decker and stopped at his side.
“Get out of here,” he smiled, lips at High Deckers ears, “now.”
High Decker gripped his slit upper arms and stepped down... twice… then he ran away full hilt, his comrades not two seconds behind. Now it was just the three of them again. Silence. Shimazu turned around and gave a thumbs up and Chibi smile. Yura grinned- Kochiro frowned.
“Let’s go on the Ferris wheel.” Yura pointed out as they had just entered the carnival. “It’s a good thing you know there was carnival here today, Shimazu.”
“Mmhm.” Shimazu smiled.
“I don’t want to go on the Ferris wheel,” Kochiro’s face was sideways and his arms were folded. “I hate amusement parks.”
“How can you not like fun things?” Shimazu said.
“He’s lying! He loves amusement parks! You used to just squeal with joy when we came when we were small.”
Kochiro kept his face in check. Did you not get I was squealing for my life!?
“Maybe he’s scared.”
Kochiro flushed and turned to snap at Shimazu, “not as scared as you flower boy.” He got three tickets instantly. Shimazu was still wondering what he’d meant by “flower boy’. They got on.
“You didn’t have to pay you know.”
Kochiro pretended he didn’t hear. Broke. Yura nudged him, “here we go.”
“YAYYY!!!!” Yura squealed along with Shimazu forgetting her promise to Kochiro, but he couldn’t cover his ears, he was too busy gripping on for his life. They did ten or so more revolutions, Kochiro too dizzy to keep count.
“The ride is stopping now.” Grrrr…. It stopped; Kochiro, Yura and Shimazu at the top. They were the last to get off, Kochiro’s head slumped.
They got hot dogs to eat and then Yura, ever the source of Kochiro’s anguish, pointed out the ‘horror roller coaster’. Shimazu turned his head to her and grinned, nodding frantically. She nodded to him, and he nodded to her, and she him and all the while, they couldn’t stop giggling. Kochiro followed begrudgingly.
The ride looked more horrific up close. Each cart was built for four; two seats behind two other. It was a really scary course too. Kochiro stood still, staring. Shimazu got in the front two seats and Yura followed. “Y, Yura.” She paused and looked back at Kochiro who was still outside the cart.
“What is it Kochiro?”
“Maybe we shouldn’t get on a ride so soon after eating.”
“Don’t worry, you know me… I’ll be alright.” She sat, “you can wait for us if you don’t want to come.”
“Mm?” He looked at Yura, then across to Shimazu sitting beside her, with the rose in his hair. A sharp red pricked Kochiro’s cheeks. “No, I’m coming.” He stepped into the cart and squeezed in between Yura and Shimazu.
“That’s great!:)” Shimazu smiled.
Kochiro didn’t say anything. The ride started and everyone threw their hands into the air excluding Kochiro from his uncomfortable position in the crack between the two seats. By the second dip, everyone was screaming, especially the girl sitting directly behind Kochiro. By the third circle, Kochiro was deaf and eyes bleary, by the fifth lurch, he was nauseous. He held on and closed his eyes and mouth to keep the food in.
The ride slowed and gradually stopped. Ninety nine percent of the people ran off the scray ride. Shimazu and Yura got up too, Yura turned back to the cart. “Um… Kochiro? Aren’t you getting off? You’re gripping the bars real tight.”
“He’s scared!” The girl squealer with windblown hair pointed and laughed.
“I’m not scared,” Kochiro gnashed through his teeth. “I want to go again.”
“Really? Cause it’s starting again.”
“What!? Hey!..” The safety seatbelts were pulled back on.
“Wait! He wants to get off,” Yura said to the ride director but he only shrugged and off the ride went. Yura looked worried for the first time but Shimazu was waving.
“You’re right… he does like the rides!”
“Hey look!” the girl in the seat behind Kochiro said, “what does this button do?”
“No don’t!” but she pressed it and the cart’s safety bars flew up.
Kochiro crawled off the ride and walked up to Yura and Shimazu. “Let’s hit the trabant,” Shimazu said. Kochiro stared.
“Um, there’s a quarter over there. I’m going to go pick it up,” he said flatly and walked away to find a bathroom. Yura and Shimazu stood together.
“Oh, I almost forgot.” Shimazu plucked the Night Glory from his hair, “this is for you.”
“Thanks,” Yura took it, feigning calm.
“You think Kochiro-kun’ll be mad I didn’t get one for him?”
“No…I don’t think so.”
Kochiro returned.
“Oops, I dropped our tickets. I’m going to go retrieve them.” Shimazu walked off. Yura and Kochiro were alone.
“Wasn’t it great how he fought those High Deck bullies?” Yura said.
Kochiro rolled his eyes. “Whatever.” Shimazu returned.
“Whoops. I think I need to use the ladies room.” Yura went off. Kochiro and Shimazu were alone.
Yura returned. “Okay, let’s get home.”
“We would like the location of Shimazu- san. Where is he?” Bromo’s deep voice provoked no response from Totomi. He wasn’t going to betray his brother and he would be gone with Shimazu soon too. He looked at his father. Lord Hamasaki most definitely disagreed with Shimazu’s actions as well but seemed more focused on analyzing Lord Bromo instead for whatever reason.
Totomi had always somewhat admired his father (it was his mother he found growingly difficult) but Lord Hamasaki seemed halfly disinterested and distracted now. Totomi wondered what could be disturbing his father.
Tanjo made a coughing sound beside Totomi to alert him and he zoned back in just in time to hear Lord Bromo’s outrageous remark.
“Well that is fine,” he said, “I am a man of action and few words. I myself will go to Middle Deck with a few other Soldiers in order to locate Shimazu. As for the leak, Lord Uriko and I shall investigate by capturing, or killing whoever Shimazu has been collaborating with. We won’t return until this is done and we shall set out… now.”
Lady Hamasaki seemed pleased enough and Lord Hamasaki focused. Totomi though, realized what this meant; Bromo would eventually go Lower Deck and find Shimazu. Not only that, but he’d promised to kill whoever was with Shimazu at the time, that mean the two innocent friends Shimazu had told him about. Totomi kept his face plastered calm and said however, “okay then.”
Everyone stood, Tanjo not really understanding his role there. He was supposed to help convince Totomi, but apparently that was over, so now he wanted to help in some other way.
“Alright then, I’ll be glad to be one of your search Bromo-sama!” he raised a salute hand but -
“No. I’d rather use professionals. Now, excuse me.” Lord Bromo nodded and exited. Tanjo lowered his hand, a semi-stupid look on his face. Lord Hamasaki passed Totomi and Tanjo then and exited with Lady Hamasaki. Silence.
“I, uh… he’s scary,” Tanjo said, looking after them. He turned his head to Totomi, “don’t you think so… Toto-”
“Hm?” Tanjo straightened. “What is it?”
“I need to get in touch with Uriko. Your Soldier cell.”
“Hm??? Oh!” he fumbled about his neck for a minute then handed Totomi a patch earpiece to attach onto the receiver’s skin, “sorry about it being sticky, I-”
“Uriko.” Totomi was transmuting.
“Totomi? What’s up?”
“I need you to find Shimazu. He’s in Lower Decks and used the twelfth Pillar so should be within the 120 range.”
“Got it. But why, all of a sudden?”
“Lord Bromo’s after Shimazu and whoever he’s with. Tell Shimazu.”
“Okay. See ya.” Off. Totomi unpinned the ear patch and returned it to Tanjo. Tanjo blinked and took it.
“Um,” he said to a non-listening Totomi, “so what’s going on?”
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8 119 - In Serial25 Chapters
The Only One
Ryan Follese had been miserable until that one day- the day he met HER. Hanna had always dreamed of meeting HIM, never believing the day would come. When these two cross paths, they feel different, different than they ever had before. Could that be the feelings toward each other changing? Changing from love to hate or hate to love?
8 69