《Red Wheat》Oaths of Loyalty
The maid set down a cushion, gently laying it on the floor between Bashette's feet, then moved back with a slight curtsey and a smile. Bashette looked at Skylar and pointed at the cushion. Skylar stared at the older woman a minute, trying to understand. Was she supposed to sit on it, kneel on it, lay on the floor and rest her head on it?
Skylar felt a flush of embarrassment when Bashette smiled and told her to sit on the cushion, facing the throne, and watch. Skylar sat, embarrassed by the way the cloth shifted and revealed more of her skin.
She watched as Ryder Black was introduced to the young woman on the throne, watched as he knelt in front of her, his head bowed. Skylar couldn't understand why he was kneeling. Maybe the little brown woman of color with the iron mask was forcing him to?
Bashette looked at the top of Skylar's head, able to sense her confusion. Then her anger at the other one, the one called Little-Jak, as Jak was brought forth in front of Elshon.
Skylar watched Jak being called up. It took two tries to get his attention away from where he was staring at the mosaic on the ceiling to get him to move up to the front of the dais. He didn't kneel, mostly looked around him staring at various things that caught his eye.
Oh sure, Jak doesn't have anyone standing guard over him punishing him for doing things wrong, Skylar thought angrily. I thought he was better than this. I thought he was properly woke and wouldn't use his white male privilege to make things better for himself at the expense of other people.
Women like me, a woman of color, after all I'm 1/64th Cherokee, would give anything to have the benefits of a mediocre white boy like Jack, she sneered to herself. He gets to break all the rules, verbally assault me, sexually assault those little people people of color, and now he doesn't even have to act like that young woman of color on the throne is even there.
"Jak," Elshon said, leaning forward. "Can you understand me?"
Jack turned his attention from the swirling birds that moved and danced in the mosaic to Elshon, staring at her.
"Jak, pay attention to me," Elshon said gently. She smiled again. "This room is full of interesting things, isn't it?"
Jak was distracted by a half dozen small lizards that were doing backflips and throwing sparkling glitter into the air as they ran across the throne room behind Elshon's throne. Then he got lost for a long moment in the swirling twisting rhythmically pulsing patch of interlocked runes on the wall that surrounded a door inlaid with bronze and copper and bound with iron.
"Jak, here, pay attention to me," Elshon said again. Jak pulled his attention to the young woman, trying to stay focused on her.
She was rubbing a finger across the blade, smiling slightly as she watched Jak struggle to hold onto one thought for long. She had heard the peeping voices pass behind her and knew that the peepers that lived down by the kitchen were playing in the throne room again.
Elshon also knew that Titans could be easily distracted at times by interesting magic, the games of peepers, a good story, or anything else that caught their attention.
"Very good, Jak," Elshon said. "Do you understand me?"
Jak made the motion that Oldami had taught him was a respectful assent. Oldami had figured that if Jak couldn't speak perhaps he could learn the hand guestures involved in Trade Tongue Two.
"I would not be able to understand your language, would I?" Elshon said. Jak signaled a respectful negative. Elshon smiled. "Will you abide by the rules of this House, providing they do not conflict with your safety or your pursuit of the tasks laid upon you by shattered destiny and your titanhood?"
Again Jak signaled an affirmative.
Elshon nodded slowly and Skylar wanted to scream how unfair it was.
"Sit at my feet, Little Jak, while I attend to tasks involved with caring for the land entrusted to me by the Red Queen," Elshon said. She waved at a servant. "Please bring Little-Jak a cushion to rest on."
Skylar looked back at the floor, still feeling miserable. She didn't pay any attention to the conversation between the cruel little people who had obviously suffered at the hands of white imperialism and colonization and then taken out their righteous anger upon her even though she was an ally. She didn't want to move out of her lane and obviously whatever they wanted to talk to Elshon about wasn't any of her business.
After a few minutes the phaelan left the throne room and Skylar sighed in relief that she wasn't going to be hurt any more by Stelanica or blamed for what had happened when Jack had lost his temper and verbally assaulted her.
Skylar looked around for Ryder, frowning slightly. The fact that Ryder had ended up on this strange world was the only thing that made it bearable. She had hoped to get some alone time with him, use her Indigo Child abilities to suss out how he felt about her and to let him know how special he was to gain her attention when she was so special and important.
Ryder was sitting next to the large tired looking man with salt and pepper hair, lines graven in his brown face. The man was talking to Ryder, saying something that Skylar couldn't hear across the large throne room.
"Pay attention, Skyler," The woman said, putting her hand on Skylar's shoulder. "This meeting that is about to happen is of grave importance."
Jack sat on the cushion, moving cross legged and sitting up straight like Oldami had taught him. He signed the motion for 'thank you' to the maid with a respectful tilt to his hand, getting a bright and sunny smile from the woman.
Elshon looked around, making sure everyone was in their place. She had spotted Nadrak perched up in the balcony normally used by Matrons in Repose but made sure to give no hint that she'd seen the other woman.
"Send her in," Elshon stated, her voice firm and authoritarian.
A woman rules? Finally. I'll bet that there is much less war and suffering and oppression with a woman in charge, Skylar thought to herself as servants opened the door.
"Her Highness Maladona duStevralin," The manservant by the door intoned as the door opened wide enough to reveal the people waiting.
Two people stood in the doorway, pausing a moment. One was a tall woman, regal and composed, with a face that seemed too young for her authority that she carried. A tiara was atop hair done in an elaborate hairdo that cascaded down her back. She wore a long dress, the fact that her bodice revealed the upper slopes of her breasts making Skylar wrinkle her nose in distaste that the woman was dressed for the male gaze. The cloth was silver, twinkled as she moved, and rustled pleasantly.
At her side was a shorter person, a young man that Skylar figured couldn't be much more than nine years old. He was looking around excitedly, pulling on the woman's sleeve and pointing out things that caught his attention. His eyes were wide and innocent, his face cute to Skylar. His hair was done up in a braid, which surprised her.
The woman moved up in front of the dais and curtseyed deeply. The male waved at Elshon and spoke in a pure and sweet voice.
"Hello, Elshon. We rode in a carriage. I saw peepers. Can I have a cookie? Oh, can I touch your sword? I gave Malee a flower, it's in her hair," The boy talked rapidly, swinging his hand back and forth, the woman's hand holding his.
"Hello, Duvaine," Elshon smiled. "You look handsome today."
"Malee had me dress up. She says you like it when I dress up. Can I play in the garden? Oh, is Yarvin here? I like Yarvin! Can I play with the peepers?" The boy asked.
"What say you, Maladona, shall I have a servant take him out to the garden?" Elshon asked.
The tall woman shook her head, and that's when Skylar realized her ears came to a high point.
"No, Patron," She said, almost sadly. "I'm afraid my business is serious and must remain short, and involves my beautiful Duvie."
Skylar frowned as Elshon nodded, wondering why the child couldn't go out and play.
"Very well. Let us dispense with the normal long winded elven pleasantries and get right to it," Elshon said, putting both of her hands on the naked blade of the sword.
The woman nodded again. "The borders of the Seven Notes of Summer Heim will be closed when I return and will not open for at least three years."
"And what of your vows to support me?" Elshon asked, leaning forward slightly and her gaze becoming more intense.
The woman turned slightly to rub the boy's hair and Skylar frowned.
"It is that time, Warlord Elshon," The woman said sadly.
"Oh," Bashette said, her voice choking with emotion. Skylar looked at her and Bashette shook her head.
"My congratulations as well as my condolences," Elshon said gravely. She looked at the boy. "I will remember him fondly."
The tall woman nodded as the boy reached up and started rubbing her cloth covered breasts. Skylar opened her mouth to voice her disgust when Bashette touched her shoulder. When Skylar looked at the older woman she was surprised to see tears in the woman's eyes. Bashette made a shushing motion and leaned forward.
"Watch, and learn the tragedy of the moon elves," Bashette whispered.
The woman looked down at the boy, who had an intent look on his face as he rubbed and kneaded the taller woman's breasts.
"I accept your burden as my own and will order my soldiers to guard the entrance to your heim, letting none enter it until such a time as you yourself break the seals," Elshon said. She stood up. "For your people's faithful service during the Alben Civil War and before, I shall guard your lands as I promised you as we sat wounded, back to back, on the battlefield, Queen Maladona of Stevralin."
The woman went down on one knee as the boy looked on, frowning in confusion. The looks quickly passed and he smiled brightly, running up and hugging Elshon around the waist.
"I love you, Aunt Elshon," He said, his voice full of love.
"And I love you too, beautiful Duvaine," Elshon said. Skylar detected a slight tremor in Elshon's voice and wondered what it was and why it was there.
The boy turned and saw Jack, who was sitting silently.
"Who are you?" The boy asked.
"His name is Little Jak. He does not speak," Elshon said gently.
The boy shyly moved over, then threw his arms around Jack's neck, hugging him.
"I love you, Little Jak," The boy said. He let go and tried to kiss Jack. Jack turned his head and let the boy kiss his cheek. The boy turned and ran down to Maladona, hugging her around the neck.
"I love you most of all, Malee!" the boy cried out.
"I must go. Duvaine should be with the other men of the heim," The tall elven woman said, standing up. She held the boy close, who had his eyes closed and was still hugging her. "The time grows close."
"Go, Maladona, with my blessing," Elshon said.
Skylar noticed that everyone was silent as the two elves left the throne room. Skylar felt a rush of disgust when she saw that the boy was reaching into Maladona's top to grope at her chest.
When the doors closed Elshon sat down, sighing deeply. She looked at the servant next to her. "Inform the Lord Marshall Garanak that it's time for us to uphold our oaths to Stevralin."
"As you command, Patron," The man said, quickly withdrawing.
"Everyone take a moment to compose yourselves," Elshon said, her voice stern. She picked up a glass of wine and sipped at it. "The Gods mock us even from their graves."
Skylar frowned again, looking at Bashette. What she had seen had confused her. Skylar couldn't understand why such a young boy would grope someone who was obviously his mother or aunt, couldn't understand why the borders would have to be sealed off to a place called a "heim" which she heard and echo around that sounded like 'home'.
Bashette looked at Skylar, seeing the confusion in the girl's face and shook her head sadly. "You do not know about the moon elves?"
Skylar shook her head.
Bashette reached out, taking Skylar's hands in her own. Skylar winced, expecting electric shock or pain, but instead Bashette squeezed gently.
"That smaller elf?" Bashette said. She waited a second and continued. "That isn't her son or little brother."
Skylar frowned, wondering why the woman would be allowing some random little boy to grope her breasts.
"Queen Maladona is nearly two thousand years old," Bashette said softly. "She will live another two thousand years unless she is killed."
Skylar nodded, feeling a little more disgust that the boy had obviously been groomed.
"That was not a little boy," Bashette said, correctly guessing why Skylar looked disgusted. "He is about fifty years old, but while the female moon elves are still children, not even pubescent, at fifty," Bashette trailed off a second to wipe the tears from her eyes.
"Duvaine is fully mature," Bashette said softly. "Male elves mature at roughly twenty years old. They never get any older. They laugh and play and chase each other, remaining flighty and silly, their days full of wonder and joy."
Skylar watched Bashette wipe her tears away again.
"When they reach roughly fifty, they run a fever for a few days," Bashette said. "After the fever is over, they are sexually mature and become extremely affectionate for a few days."
Skylar nodded, not quite understanding what Bashette was getting at.
"After those few days, where the bonds they developed to few females, no more than six, never less than three, deepen even further into love," Bashette said. She waved. "Queen Maladona took a risk bringing Duvaine here. He could have patterned and bonded to any human female he saw, taking the place of an elven woman."
Beshette wiped her eyes again. "After a few days, the male and female elves breed. It's exhausting, as the male moves from female to female, performing sexual intercourse with all of them that he has bonded with."
Skylar recoiled and made a noise of disgust at the idea of the child-like Duvaine engaging in sex.
"Do you know what happens at the end of the breeding?" Bashette asked.
Skylar shook her head.
They sacrifice him? Eat his head? Ritually kill him?
Bashette squeezed Skylar's hand.
"Exhausted, Duvaine will curl up with the females he has bred with and begin to sing," The older woman said, staring in Skylar's eyes.
"And he will sing for roughly an hour, whispering how much he loves them, until," Bashette paused again to wipe away tears again. "Because they defied the elven gods," Bashette paused again.
"Then, that beautiful Duvaine, like every other male, he dies."
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Talia Redowl, daughter of the goddess Athena, expected - and definitely wanted - to work for her mother when she graduated. In particular, she was hoping to be assigned as an aide to her older sister, Danae, their mother’s Avatar. So when Talia’s graduation assignment is to become the Avatar of Hades, the legendarily anti-social and brooding god of the Underworld, she protests…the position has gone unfilled for two thousand years. Why her? Why now? The Fates weave a tangled web, and more is at stake than Talia’s plans for her own future.But before she can take up her new post, Talia Redowl must die.Death is just the beginning…
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The story of a girl who finds her life is not what she wanted. So she gets another one. Schedule: Story has been completed. Book One is available free on Amazon and EPUB. Books Two to Five are out now. Final Book out soon. Chapters will be around 500-1000 words. This will not change so if you don't like reading very short chapters wait till the end of the week or even end of the month. This many chapters a week isn't easy to pull off so please bear that in mind. This is a VRMMORPG story, but the ones I've read tend to use VR as an excuse to get into a fantasy world and then don't really play up the game aspect other than pulling up a status screen every now and then. To me, MMOs are about more than the fantasy setting. Bugs, exploits, devs who don't understand their own game, OP classes, over the top nerfs, p2w, ridiculous RNG, cash shop fiasco, lockboxes, raging players, broken mechanics, limited bag space, tedious crafting and above all that, a company trying to squeeze money out if its playerbase while pretending they're just in the business of having fun. Of course, then there's the orcs and elves. This story is about finding yourself in a completely immersive fantasy game, but it's also about what a game like that would really be like.
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