《Red Wheat》Obey
"You did well, little one, Momma is proud of you," Matron Stalencia told Skylar as they walked through the rainy afternoon toward Stella's baishin. "We'll get some food into you and you can relax."
Skylar and Stella both had steam rising off of them, their skin heated from practice. Skylar still had thin wires of bronze, copper, gold, and silver wrapping around her limbs from where her jewelry had melted away during practice then hardened once she had released her power as Matron Stalencia had taught her. Even the gems had turned to liquid and turned into a delicate tracery down her arms and legs.
Skylar had stopped questioning why heat from a power channeled by her own body would create enough heat to melt metals yet neither the heat from the energy nor from the melted metal harmed her skin.
In that part, Skylar had accepted that the rules were different. After all, she was an Indigo Child, she defined her own reality, her own rules.
It felt right to Skylar that the rules were different for her. They should be, after all.
"I'd like to see Jack or Ryder," Skylar said, enjoying the feeling of the rain on her skin.
Stella looked at Skylar, understanding exactly two words of the girl's speech.
"You want to visit one of your friends?" Stella asked. Skylar nodded vigorously and Stella smiled. "Well, I'm near Matron Oldami and she and I are old friends. You friend Jak is in her care."
"What about Ryder?" Skylar asked. if she had a choice of the two boys, she'd rather see Ryder than Jak. Ryder was much more attractive to Skylar, with his tousled black hair, dark alluring eyes, and his physique. Ryder had been one of the most popular boys in school, and Skylar had chosen the college she was going to attend based on what Ryder was going to attend.
Ryder being in this strange place was one of the only things that made it bearable.
"Ryder is with the Dark Matrons of Steel and Blood," Stella said, reaching up with her left fist and knuckling her forehead in a strange gesture. "Until we reach our destination he is under the hands of the Dark Matrons," again with the gesture, "and beyond our reach and sight."
"No. I want to go see Ryder," Skylar said, her voice instantly moving into the whine that set Stella's teeth on edge.
"I said no," Stella snapped and Skylar flinched, holding up one hand in a placating gesture, suddenly afraid of Stella disciplining her. "He is beyond ones such as you and I."
Skylar was silent as the two of them 'changed lanes' from the inner right, across the middle, to the inner left. A small group of children ran by, giggling and laughing, throwing several different colored balls to one another. The motion caught Skylar's attention, her eyes seeing a flickering pattern in how the balls moved. Stella watched as Skylar's eyes followed the balls, her attention held by the children's game while she kept walking. Stella approved of Skylar's practice, of her working to increase her awareness of the world around her.
The children ran by, veering into the center lane, and Skylar went back to paying attention to where she was going.
"Matron Oldami is a powerful woman. Used to dealing with humans, including some of the more war-like kingdoms, so the Consortium Matron chose her to deal with your Xue'nghozicompanion," Matron Stelancia told Skylar, holding up her left fist with her index finger and thumb extended in an "L" configuration, which Skylar had learned meant to pay close attention.
"All of you need careful attention, little one. Momma was chosen, as I have already mentioned, because I am the most experienced mistress of the arcane in the Consortium. Little Jak was an unknown, which is, to the Phealan, a worrying and concerning thing, and because of Mistress Oldami's experience and skill in dealing with human's mercurial natures she was assigned to Little Jak," Matron Stelancia said. "Like you and your friend Hridare, Little Jak is flush with the kind of power that both of you are, power that is dangerous if not treated warily by those who do not have it and the possessor of it treated respectfully."
Stella stopped next to a baishin and waited for it to go by, stepping up onto the floating deck, motioning to Skylar to step up onto the porch, still speaking.
"Matron Oldami was the best choice. She has been dealing with humans since her mother had a younger Oldami sent to the University of Applied Knowledge in Novak-Zukk as a display of her wealth and power," Stella said. She reached up and used the lower knocker. The other one would have been comfortable for Skylar to use. Heavier and made of bronze with the knocker itself a size and shape to fit comfortably in her hand.
"Be respectful to Matron Oldami, she is rich and powerful, canny and wise, with knowledge that she alone in the Consortium possesses, with strange and powerful allies and acquaintances across all of the Six Worlds," Oldami said, making a hand-sign that Skylar had learned meant that the statement being spoken was of great importance. "Even the Consortium Grand Matron treads carefully around Buttertongue Oldami," Stella giggled. "Don't tell her I called her that."
The baishin door opened and Skylar noticed that the door was in half. The lower half was tall enough for a Phaelan to pass through easily, the upper one for a tall human. The Phaelani standing inside was wearing a sheer silk cover, almost like a slightly see through chemise of pale pink with splotchy dark and light gray swirls edging. The Phaelani had straw-blonde hair, sparkling gem-like sapphire eyes, with pouty lips and a slightly chubby body. Skylar had noticed that most of the Phaelani were chubby, where many Matrons, especially the ones that worked with magic, were plump, and the Phaelana were all lean.
"Ah, Sparkle Thighs, how good to see you," the Phaelani smiled. She looked at Skylar. "Ah, hello, little Xue'nghozi, are you here to see your friend, Little Jak?"
Skylar nodded, noticing that she could see Matron Stelancia blushing furiously.
"Well, come in, come in, get out of the rain," The Matron said, undoing the latch and pushing at the upper door to let it swing open.
Skylar blushed as she realized that the back of the chemise was virtually transparent.
"That is a very nice garment, But-I mean, Matron Oldami," Stella countered. "I find it odd you would wear it this early in the evening."
The other Phaelani laughed throatily, a low wicked chuckle. "Little Jak saw it at Decautis's nalishom and demanded I buy it and wear it tonight," Matron Oldami stared with what seemed to Skylar almost challengingly at Matron Stelanica. "He appreciates it."
Skylar wondered why Stella's eyes widened and worry creased her brow for the split second she lost control of her expression.
Skylar looked around the interior of the little wagon, looking for Jack Roberts. She saw what looked like a complex set of interlocking board games with dozens of pieces on it, three of those papasan chairs that made Skyalr flinch at the cultural appropriation every time she saw them, a comfortable couch with only one arm that Skylar had only seen in paintings in text-books, and the back of the wagon closed off by an embroidered quilted ruffled curtain.
"You realize, Little Jak had a hard time choosing between this one and one from the Lands of Ifrit, which was a beautiful ice-fire pattern that I think reminded him of his home," Matron Oldami said. "You would look beautiful in it, it would really make your eyes and that lipstick pop."
Skylar paid no attention to the choking noises that Stella was making or the teasing, almost mocking tone that Oldami was using.
"Well, at least until all of your lipstick was rubbed off those sensitive and talented lips of yours, Sparkle Thighs," Oldami smiled. She leaned forward, letting the chemise fall open, kissing Stella's cheek before speaking softly in her ear so that the young Xue'nghozi girl couldn't hear, "Get you all greased up since I don't think you've had your peach split in, what, a dozen years of so since Matron Plevan ordered you to give birth, preferring to just pleasure yourself with your magic instead of indulging yourself in the wickedness your arcane heated flesh yearns for?"
"I surrender," Stella said, holding up both hands, her brown skin darkened by her fierce blushing.
Oldami kissed her cheek, accepting her surrender, and feeling a flush of victory of her dominance over the younger Phaelani despite her formidable arcane power.
"Where is Jak?" Skylar asked, turning and looking at the two Phaelani.
"Skylar, is that you?" Jak's voice came from behind the curtian.
"Yes. Jak, is that you?" Skylar asked, turning and looking back at the curtian.
"Yeah, just a second," Jak said. "I'm not decent."
"Not decent? Isn't it early for bed," Skylar asked. She turned and looked at Oldami, forgetting for a moment that the little Phaelani couldn't understand her. "Why are you sending him to bed so early?"
"Skylar, relax, just give me a second," Jak pleaded. He quickly put on the light robe that Oldami had bought him, then looked around the large bed.
Well, there's no helping it. I'll just slip out from between the curtains and maybe she won't see, Jack thought to himself.
"All right, just hurry up, Jack," Skylar said.
Haufin, a Phaelana with an impressive tattoo of a dragon on his back, in full color that moved and shifted, lifted his head from between Lamanni's thighs, her fingers tangled in his hair, and gave Jack a knowing wink before lowering his head again.
Both Oldami and Stelancia set aside the verbal sparring, watching Skylar's back side as she kept speaking to jack, Stelancia's fingers slowly undoing the button on the pouch of finely ground onyx and obsidian powder as Skylar's voice got more commanding and impatient.
"Jack, hurry up," Skylar said again after a moment.
The rest of the seven Phaelan on the bed all nodded, blew him kisses silently, or winked at him as he tied off the sash and slipped out of the bed.
"Pfft, it's about time," Skylar said.
"Sorry, I was... um..." Jak started.
Skylar made a dismissive motion with her hand. "Whatev's, Jack. Have you seen Ryder?"
Jack felt a surge of irritation rise up but pushed it down.
You came in and disturbed me just to ask about Ryder? he thought to himself.
Both Oldami and Stelancia noted that the gold fire under his skin sparkled for a moment.
"No, I haven't," Jack said. "I've been busy learning about these people and where we..."
"I haven't either," Skylar interrupted. She opened her mouth to continue but stopped, her mouth gaped open in surprise as she saw a hand slide around the side of Jack's neck, like a drawing come to life on his skin, followed by a small face with wide eyes that looked at her.
"What is that?" Skylar half-shrieked, pointing at the small woman's face. The little drawing-like woman had blonde hair in a short choppy cut, with long ears with pointed tips.
"What?" Jack asked, half turning around. Skylar could see the rest of the little figure, who turned to look at Skylar. The tiny figure, not bigger than Skylar's palm, was completely naked, and to Skylar's eyes, a completely sexist drawing of an over-endowed little woman with insect-like wings that were fluttering.
"There's a fairy on your back!" Skylar said.
"Oh, that, it's a hanima," Jack flushed. "She must have moved to me."
"What do you mean 'moved to you'," Skylar asked.
"She's some kind of animated tattoo that can be passed from person to person," Jack said, turning around and moving toward the curtain. "Cawleena, hanima, Cawleena," he said.
As Skylar watched he bent forward, putting his hand between the two curtain halves. Skylar saw the little fairy swirl down Jack's back, then back up, flying down his arm and vanishing between the curtain. There was a loud shriek of laughter and Jack yanked back, blushing again.
"Is there someone in there with you?" Skylar asked, outrage welling up. "Jack Roberts, what are you doing to these poor people? Haven't they suffered enough without you exercising your white privilege upon their brown bodies?"
"Huh?" Jack asked.
Skylar made a motion, feeling the pleasurable tingle as she directed a smidge of her power with will, motion, and a few whispered words. She had learned the little 'spell' the day before, using it to move candle-sticks around.
The curtain parted, sliding to either side on the polished and waxed wooden rod.
Skylar stared for a long moment, her brain unable to entirely process what she was seeing.
It was...
...it was...
...a bed!
A bed with multiple little brown people on it.
Her brain couldn't process what they were doing, just that they were moving, writhing, undulating, rubbing against each other. Mouths open slightly in gasps of pleasure or their lips parted to release sighs. Skin slickened and glistening with sweat or oil or something else.
"Oh, shit," Jack said.
Skylar screamed, in outrage and surprise, at what she was seeing. Her eyes went back to Jack, then to the bed, then to Jack again.
She finally realized that Jack had hickies on his neck, was covering his crotch with his hands, had lipstick smeared on his neck, his cheek, his lips, that he was sweaty and his hair dishelved.
"Jack! How could you coerce them into something like that," Skylar yelled. "You're disgusting!"
"What?" Jack's eyes opened wide. "How am I disgusting?"
"You threatened them, didn't you? Oppressed them to force them to use their brown bodies to placate your desires! You just can't help but apply your toxic masculinity to oppress an obvious minority with your white privilege!"
"What the hell are you talking about?" Jack asked. "How are they a minority? Haven't you noticed that we're the only white people in the entire Consortium?"
"It doesn't matter! You know as well as I did that the entire world has suffered under the systems of oppression perpetuated by white supremacy!" Skylar screamed. She couldn't believe that Jack, a male feminist and ally, had forced those little people into such acts.
She didn't notice all the Phaelan on the bed sitting up, alarmed, pulling blankets and coverlings over themselves at the sight of the arcane fire beginning to flow under Skylar's skin. She didn't notice the expressions of fear at her raised voice combined with her body language.
"WE AREN'T ON EARTH!" Jack yelled at her.
Jack pointed at the door. "Leave, Skylar, I don't want to see you."
"How DARE you touch them sexually!" Skylar shrieked. She pointed at one of the Phaelani, a plump matron with glitter on her breasts and a tattoo of a butterfly that was dancing across her chest. "They look like children, you pervert! Oh! My! God! You're a pedophile!"
"She's over eighty years old!" Jack yelled back.
"Stop verbally assaulting me! She looks six!" Skylar yelled, ignoring the stretch marks on the diminutive woman's stomach, breasts, and thighs, the slight crow's feet at the corners of her eyes, the laugh lines at the corners of her mouth, and the other obvious signs of age.
"GET OUT!" Jack yelled, the gold fire under his skin erupting.
"SHUT UP!" Skylar yelled, drawing all of her power into herself. The threads of precious metals and gem turned liquid and began flowing down her skin.
The Phaelan on the bed screamed in fear.
Oldami jumped forward, putting her arms around Jack's waist. "Jack, calm down," she pleaded.
Stella tried to pull open the pouch and cursed as her fingers fumbled the catch.
Skylar pulled her hand behind her head like she was going to throw a ball at Jack.
"No. Get out!" Jack yelled again, one hand reaching down to touch Oldami, to try to soothe her fear.
"OBEY ME!" Skylar screamed, bringing her hand down and willing with all of her Indigo Child power for him to do as she said.
Magefire exploded from her skin, complex runes forming at her feet and spreading out. The wall and roof of the baishin exploded into flaming chunks, the burning debris from the wall bouncing off the baishin nearby, the debris from the roof sailing into the sky.
From her hand a rope of burning red fire swung out, seeking to wrap around Jack.
Jack heard her voice in his head, a thunderous bellow repeating her two words, even as he moved, grabbing Oldami, turning in place, and tossing her onto the bed, holding one hand out behind him to ward off the strange crimson fire Skylar had wrapped herself in.
The rope twisted and writhed, darting at Jack and pulling back when it got within inches from his skin.
Oldami's brain was still working, despite her terror, and noticed that Jack's Titanfire was fully manifested, the complex runework under his skin entirely lit up.
"YOU DARE!" Jack found the words coming out of his mouth of their own accord.
For the first time, the Phaelan present could understand something one of the Xue'nghozi had said.
"YOU DARE TRY TO FORCE ME TO BEND THE KNEE?" Jack bellowed, turning and raising himself to his full height.
Skylar flinched back, suddenly afraid of Jack, as she saw the raw rage on his face, the way his eyes burned with an angry fire.
Matron Stelancia threw a handful of black dust on her student.
Skylar's power was suddenly snuffed out. The sudden shock was too much for the girl and her eyes rolled back.
Jack watched, impassively, still angry, as his friend fell to the floor to lie on top of the smoking ornate pattern she had burned into the smooth polished wood of Oldami's wagon.
He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself, as he stared down at her.
After a second Skylar's eyes fluttered open and she looked up at Jack.
"We're done, Skylar. I never want to see you again," Jack said.
And turned his back on her.
Matron Stelancia bent down and clipped the bronze chain to Skylar's collar, tugging her to her hands and knees.
"Follow me, child," Stelancia's voice was hard, angry, masking her terror with her fury.
Skylar went to stand up and Matron Stelancia yanked the chain, pulling Skylar back down.
"Crawl, like the disobedient child you are," Stelancia snarled. She stepped down onto the smoking stepping deck.
"Well, wasn't this exciting," Matron Oldami purred from where she was sitting on the bed. She watched Matron Stelancia disappear into the darkness, then shook her head at the destruction of the rear half of her baishin.
She looked at Jack and smiled, patting the bed. "The roof still covers this part, Little Jack. Join us, if you would."
Jack tore his gaze away from where he was taking in the destruction of his guardian's home and looked at the bed.
"Come in here, let me handle the curious," Oldami said, climbing out of the bed.
Jack nodded and did as he was told.
"Very very exciting," Oldami said, grabbing her cloak and wrapping it around herself.
Already people were running up, frightened, curious, and worried.
Oldami's smile got wider.
"I missed this."
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