《Red Wheat》Wine and Reports
Plevan watched as the other three matrons seated themselves. Unlike the last time, her husbands had all been excused to the bath sledges to relax and be pampered by the staff. The lights were dim and comfortable, the wind-up music box, crafted by forgekin, playing a complex but relaxing tune, and the light scent of incense to keep everyone relaxed.
Plevan noted how Mistress Weeli almost snippy as she sat down, not bothering to get undressed and relax. Plevan could feel the tension in the other matron, see if in the way the other Phaelani shifted several times before she could get comfortable.
Her charge is wearing on her, Plevan thought to herself, careful to keep no hint of her thoughts from showing. Full of warfire, the Xue'nghozi male is undoubtably difficult to keep in line. Having to sleep near him must be giving her plenty of sleepless nights.
Matron Stelancia, who had been tasked with watching the girl, looked tired and wan and Plevan noted how quickly the mistress of the arcane devoured two of the sweet biscuits sitting out.
The girl is powerful, but untrained. My informants have spoken about how the girl's power strains the protections in the practice sledge, that the artists have been busy repairing whichever cubicle she practices in, Plevan nibbled on the slice of fruit she was holding, looking at Stelancia closely. She has lost weight, using enough power to cut into her reserves. Perhaps the Xue'nghozi witch-girl will require additional matrons to keep her power in check.
The surprise was Matron Oldami, who smiled as she stripped down to be comfortable and relaxed on the chair, picking up a dish of candied pineapple and nibbling at a large soft piece.
I have heard her charge is willful and dangerous, yet she is more relaxed than any of the others, Matron Plevan mused, watching the younger Matron nibble at the candied fruit. She looked the other woman over, noting a few things. Only years of operating the caravan and delicate negotiation let her keep from showing shock and horror at what she saw mute evidence of.
She is engaging in sex with the Xue'nghozi! the Matron barely kept her expression neutral. The evidence was clear. The light bruising on her hips shaped like large human hands, the puffy slightly swollen appearance of her sex, the magic faded hickies on her breasts and neck. Matron Plevan forced away the outrage and shock, thinking about what it could mean. Her charge is flush with titanfire, willful and frequently disobedient. Perhaps she uses sexual intercourse to reward or calm him?
Matron Plevan felt irritated that not much was known about titanfired. Just legends, myths, and tales. Even checking the books in the library sledges had not provided anything beyond repeated warnings that those bearing titanfire were powerful and dangerous, best left to their own devices and fates.
Finally the other three were settled, Matron Stelancia leaning back and setting a dish of cookies on her stomach.
"An hour ago we left the High Roads and merged with the Old Crow Highway," Matron Plevan said, breaking the comfortable quiet. The other three nodded and Matron Oldami lifted a finger. Surprised by the interruption, Matron Plevan motioned for the other woman to speak.
"My charge knew of our transfer from the High Roads to Balikimayn," She said softly. "His titanfire blossomed, the entire body-web lighting up. He complained of his head paining him for nearly fifteen minutes, as well as nausea. It faded, though. When I left, he was alert and comfortable."
Matron Plevan nodded, looking at Matron Stelancia. "And your charge?"
Matron Stalancia shook her head. "No. She showed no awareness of our leaving the High Roads. I did notice a slight flare of her magefire, but it quickly settled down. Perhaps it was because she was asleep?"
Matron Plevan nodded, looking at Mistress Weeli, who shook her head. "No. He is an ignorant pouty boy-child."
Matron Plevan made a mental note to consider moving the Xue'nghozi boy to a different care-taker. She had heard how Mistress Weeli treated him like a dim animal, bribing him with sweets and taking him for walks like a slightly unruly pet.
"We are now within the lands of Bloody Elshon quite firmly. We dropped down later than normal, which hopefully will not insult her as we have bypassed her border by a large distance," Matron Plevan said. She shook her head. "I fear that the Xue'nghozi mean we must make haste, so I had us drop within a week of Ralvden duRalvden."
That made the other three women's eyebrows raise. It was normally six days by the highway from the most used High Roads access. That meant the caravan had left the magical realm of the High Roads while deep inside Ralvden and Alben instead of normally dropping down six days from the border of Alben.
Warlord Elshon or the seated Patron might feel that it insulted his sovereignty or even was an act of aggression.
"The plan is unchanged. We give the Xue'nghozito Warlord Elshon or the seated Patron, hopefully easing any insult our deep penetration of their borders may bring, and reopen trade to the Duchy," Matron Plevan said. She picked up a black cherry and popped it in her mouth, chewing slowly. After a moment, she spit the pit into a dish and looked at the other three.
"I will need to consider how best to gift the Xue'nghozito whoever sits on the throne of Duchy duRalvden. Tell me of your charges," She said, motioning at Matron Weeli first. "Once you are done, you may return to your baishin if you wish."
Matron Weeli nodded. "Thank you, Matron," She sighed. "He is obviously pampered. He seems dull and incurious, rarely showing much interest in things outwardly," She tapped the bracer on her arm. "His emotions are that of someone insane. Perhaps his warfire has overheated his brain, but he quickly suppresses many emotions, forcing himself to feel other emotions."
She sighed, rubbing her palms on the legs of her silk pants. "The sight of any Phaelani's bare flesh seems to disgust him. He dislikes any food with meat in it, although he will eat if I insist. He is easily bribable with sweets, although deep down he loathes being collared and told what to do. Instead of letting me know what he wants to do, he pushes away his resentment with some kind of guilt and emotional control. In some ways, I'm not sure if he is merely pampered, immature, and spoiled, or if he is insane. His warfire is strongest of the three life-fires, and it does cloud my ability to read his emotions."
Matrol Plevan nodded. Perhaps your bracelet should not be used upon a Xue'nghozi?
"Thank you, Mistress Weeli," Matron Plevan said.
"You command, I obey," The heavyset Matron answered. She stood up, moving over to where her cloak was hanging on the peg. "I would advise taking him chained and leashed. Warfire and titanfire bound at least, to the ruler of Ralvden."
With that she left, rudely and without any pleasantries.
Matron Plevan made a mental note to ensure that Mistress Weeli was granted priority and valuable trading contracts, as well as to woo Mistress Weeli's daughters with the same. That would soothe the other Phaelani's pride and irritation.
Matron Stelancia sat up, smiling, wiping the frosting off of her mouth with a soft cloth before speaking.
"Skylee is a bright, if undisciplined and inattentive child," She said. She shook her head, picking up another thickly frosted cookie. "She is like any other spoiled child. Willful, arrogant, convinced she cannot be taught anything by her elders, and in dire need of a good spanking."
That made all three Phaelani laugh. Afterwards Matron Plevan carefully poured three glasses of wine, ensuring that the other two Phaelani could see her do so. She allowed her two guests to each choose a glass, then chose her own, leaning back in her chair.
"I am often forced to discipline her with arcane during her lessons, as she seems to be quite fond of daydreaming. She is often pouty and given to fits of crying," Matron Stelania set down the glass of wine to stare at both of them. "Although their bodies are mature, I do not believe they are adults. If they are, they were sheltered, coddled, and pampered beyond even elven nobility."
Matron Plevan noted that Matron Oldami nodded along at that.
"Could she be a pleasure slave of a Battle-King? Perhaps the prize-princess of an Armor Lord?" Matron Plevan asked.
Matron Stelancia shook her head. "No. For one thing, I doubt that Skylee has ever felt the touch of a lover. She is embarrassed by her own nudity and is embarrassed by mine. She covers herself when a guest arrives, is shy about bathing, and cannot put her own nudity taboos out of her mind even during lessons. A prize-princess would drape herself on the furniture, displaying for everyone to see so that she could awe them with what a gift to everyone's eyes she is. A pleasure slave of a Battle-King would be demanding to be paraded around naked for all us to see what a prize she is, that she is worth armies going to war for a Battle-King to possess her."
Matron Stelancia took a bite of the cookie, chewed, then swallowed. "She acts as a small child. I believe she is sheltered and ignorant, with strange taboos, but I don't believe she is any type of concubine."
Matron Plevan sighed with frustration. "What about her magic? Could her upbringing and taboos have to do with her magic? There are many human cultures that stress nudity taboos."
Again Matron Stelancia shook her head. "I doubt it has anything to do with her magic. Her warfire and titanfire augment and enhance her magefire, but I've noticed that in a lot of ways her titanfire itself seems to encourage me to punish her for letting her attention lapse during lessons."
Matron Plevan sighed in frustration. "Bad enough they are Xue'nghoz, but titanfired often shake the foundations of the Six Worlds. I hope they are a good omen, with the power of the Lich Kings broken, and not an ill omen for our caravan."
Matron Stelancia shrugged. "To be honest, I think our Consortium would be best served gifting all three of the Xue'nghozi to Warlord Elshon, as we planned."
"Thank you, Matron," Plevan said.
"A pleasure, Matron," Stelancia replied. She finished the wine in one long sip, set the empty plate aside and stood up. "Is there anything else, Matron?"
Plevan nodded. "Have her dressed appropriately for a young, untrained mage. See the jewelers and ensure she is properly adorned. It will come from the Consortium's funds, not your own."
"As you wish, Matron," Stelancia said, beginning to redress. She paused after pulling on her bodice, the ties lacing themselves and the tips glowing softly with amber light. "We should probably keep them separated."
"Why would that be?" Matron Plevan asked.
"Each of them has one aspect of life-fire that is stronger than the other two. For all we know, their life-fires enhance one another. We know next to nothing about the Xue'nghozi or how life-fire works for them," Stelancia wrapped her cloak around herself and bowed. "A good night, Matrons."
Both of the two Phaelani wished Matron Stelancia a good night as she left the trailer.
"And you," Matron Plevan said, cocking her head slightly to stare at Matron Oldami.
Matron Oldami just smiled.
"How is your Xue'nghozi behaving?" Matron Plevan asked.
Matron Oldami smiled, setting down the candy dish and leaning forward to take a sip off her wine.
"Quite well, actually," She said. Her smiled grew wider. "For a Titan."
Matron Plevan rocked back, her hand seeking out a fan. She snapped it open and fanned herself, drying the nervous sweat that had suddenly covered her skin as a tingle of fear spread across her lower back.
"Are you sure?" She asked, her hand trembling as she picked up her wine glass.
Matron Oldami nodded, her smile even wider, now showing her teeth.
"His titanfire is too rich, to thick, to well graven into his flesh, for him to be anything else. There are other signs. Certain appetites, certain immunities and resistances, certain desires. I checked the ancient stories to be sure, but I am positive," She sipped at her wine again. "Young Jak is a Titan of legends."
Matron Plevan shuddered, setting down the fan. "Is he dangerous?"
Matron Oldami nodded. "And is getting more dangerous every day, I fear."
Plevan frowned. "What do you mean?"
Matron Oldami picked up the dish and nibbled at the fruit. "Unlike the other two, and I have watched the other two to confirm it, Jak is inquisitive, curious, quick to learn, with an agile mind. He is very different than the other two, less time and energy spent feeling sorry for himself or rebelling, with the majority of his efforts directed toward learning everything he can. He learns quickly, rarely making the same mistake twice," She giggled, smiling. "He plays Consortium better than most of the adult Phealan within the caravan."
"Really?" Matron Plevan sat up. "How well?"
"I offered to let him play the child version, but he insisted on the entire ruleset being used. He has invited several of my guests to join in the game, and has been holding his own for two days now. More, really."
Matron Plevan shook her head. "Amazing."
Matron Oldami took another sip of wine before replying. "Titans seem to thrive on challenge. Seek it out, relish it. The challenge of a game of Consortium, of learning our ways, seems to satisfy some type of longing within him."
"What about..." Matron Plevan pointed toward Matron Oldami's exposed crotch with a pinky, the rest of her fingers holding the carved crystal wine-glass.
"He has learned rapidly there also. I believe he was unskilled, untouched, before," Mistress Oldami chuckled. "He has been rapidly discarding whatever nudity taboos he was raised with, and seems more at ease in my home now."
Plevan nodded slowly.
"He is a young male, despite the fact he is Xue'nghozi he has the same desires and urges as any young male would," Matron Oldami shrugged. "Young boys are given to distraction and desire, his body betrayed his attraction to me, and I felt that indulging in his desire was more beneficial than making him ashamed of it."
She set down the wine-glass. "Judging by the differences in behavior, and taking into account they are individuals, I believe my indulgences, pleasant as they are for me, are having a beneficial effect on him."
"And he's a Titan," Matron Plevan said.
"And he's a Titan," Matron Oldami agreed.
"You risk much. As a Titan, if he were to claim you, I would have no choice but to gift you to him," Matron Plevan warned.
Matron Oldami placed her hand upon her belly. "I think our caravan, nay, our Consortium may be gifted by him."
Maton Plevan poured both of them wine, thinking rapidly.
"No Phaelan Consortium has had a Titan to guide them in eons," Matron Plevan said softly.
"But the power of the Lich Kings is broken for the first time in eons. The highways and byways, the High Roads and the Low Roads are open for the first time in eons," Matron Oldami countered. "If Jak leaves a Titan child in my belly, perhaps it is a reward from the Gods for our gentle treatment of the three young humans."
"The Xue'nghozi, you mean?" Matron Plevan asked.
Matron Oldami shook her head. "I would be willing to bet my bed jewelry that they are not Xue'nghozi despite their appearance."
"What do you think they are?" Matron Plevan asked, feeling the tingle of fear increase across her lower back.
"Legends," Matron Oldami smiled.
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