《Mecha Dragons of Mars》Chapter 26: The Cat, Cleetus, and the Ice Caps


As we descended from above the jeep, I at first was a bit worried; sure, the vehicle was still there but my cat was nowhere in sight. She would've been shitty line help even without the dragons if she was going to disappear like that.

But then, as the dragon let me disembark, I saw two yellow eyes and a pair of brown paws pop out from underneath the jeep.

"Boom-Boom?" I asked.

The cat came rushing out at my voice.

"Provider!" she exclaimed, startling me. She now could talk? But then I recalled Cleetus's sarcastic wish to Durdumples- it must have come true. Just as he was unable to kill me because of my wish, Boom-Boom could now communicate with us using words.

But turns out, cats don't have anything deep to say.

"Snuggle!" Boom-Boom called out, rubbing up against my leg. Cleetus rolled his eyes.

"Glad all wishes come true," he muttered.

"Snuggle!" Boom-Boom repeated, more passionately.

"Not now, Boom-Boom," I answered, "we can snuggle later. Right now we have to save Mars."

"S...Snuggle..." Boom-Boom didn't seem to comprehend snuggling was not an option.

"You know," Cleetus looked over at the mecha dragon that was waiting patiently for my next command, "if Boom-Boom wants to snuggle, you can. If you tell the dragon to listen to me I can go to the polar ice caps and get the water melted myself. That way you two can stay together and snuggle all you want."

It was a tempting proposition. Boom-Boom seemed to like it. She looked up with me with big doe eyes.

"Yes! Time to snuggle!" She cooed, rubbing up against me again.

"Well..." I looked to the dragon. It offered no guidance, as it wanted me to give it commands. I looked to Cleetus, standing with his hands on his hips.


"Come on," he said, "we don't have much time. And Boom-Boom really wants you here."

"Stay to snuggle! Stay to snuggle!" the cat repeated over and over.

"Finnnne," I cleared my throat. "Dragon, listen to Cleetus."

The dragon blinked.

"I think that means he's got the order," I explained.

"You're positive?" asked Cleetus.

"That's what it's done all other times-"

"Shh! Less talk, more snuggles," commanded Boom-Boom. She was not very patient.

"Okay, yes, snuggles," I pet her head sweetly. "Anyway, Cleetus, are you sure you can handle this on your own-"

I looked over at my bodyguard to see a devilish grin on his face.

"Oh, Cole," he was strangely calm yet firm, "there's something I have to do first."

"W-what's that?" I slowed my petting of Boom-Boom who seemed oblivious to the tension.

"More!" she exclaimed, "Keeping going!"

"You may have convinced the others your blowing up Earth was an accident, but I know better," Cleetus continued, "remember, Cole. I know you."

"You...I showed you the letter," I reminded.

"So you have a letter. You could have faked that."

"But...I didn't..." I protested.

"I can't believe our government...or any other government, would sanction the deaths of so many."

"They did, though. That's why I was given the letter." Sure, not as many as I accidentally killed, but those explosives were planted with the understanding that not everyone would make it.

"Cole," he stated, "I vowed I would get justice for all those you killed. I intend to keep my word, Cole."

"But you can't," I protested again, "The spirit of Durdumples granted my wish. You can't kill me, even if you try."


"Shut up!" interjected Boom-Boom, "snuggle time is quiet time!" We ignored her.

"I'm not going to," answered Cleetus, pointing a thumb over his shoulder at the dragon, "he is."


"You just gave the dragon orders to listen to what I said like a fool. And now, you'll pay. It won't be me killing you, but I'll see that justice is served."

"Cleetus-" I began but he cut me off.

"-Dragon, burn Cole!" he cried out, "burn him to bits!"

The dragon blinked.

"Dragon, burn Cole!" he repeated. But the dragon just sat there. Cleetus seemed both frustrated and embarrassed.

I too was momentarily confused, but then it clicked to me what was going on.

"Dragon," I said, "are you listening to Cleetus like I asked?"

The creature nodded its head yes.

"But only just listening," I continued, "because I didn't tell you to do anything more but listen, such as follow commands?"

The dragon again nodded yes.

"God dammit!" Cursed Cleetus, throwing punches at the air.

Now I was the one smirking. "My wish was granted, remember."

Cleetus said nothing, just sulked.

"Snuggles!" demanded Boom-Boom.

"No, not now, Boom-Boom," I turned to the dragon. "Dragon, I want to go to the polar ice caps."

The dragon blinked and lowered itself to allow me access to climb back on.

"Coming with me, Boom-Boom?" I asked the cat.

"Ice caps then snuggles!" she answered, bounding up the mecha dragon and on to its back. Incidentally, she was not afraid of this dragon as she was to the ones previously seen.

I looked over at the still grumpy Cleetus. "You coming too?" I inquired. Wasn't thrilled he was still trying to kill me, but since he couldn't wasn't overly worried about keeping him around.

Cleetus said nothing but shot me a glare.

"So...is that a no...?"

He still said nothing but stomped by me and climbed back onto the dragon as well.

"S-Snuggles?" asked Boom-Boom to Cleetus, finally sensing something amiss.

"Fuck off, Boom-Boom," he muttered. But he still pet the feline softly on her head.

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