《Astra Fabulam》Chapter 6– Bouncing It
Chapter 6 – Bouncing It
In the moments after the alarm was raised Jodoro, Derry, and Ceta were directed to the southern portion of the seaward wall. The rest of the Onaki were there with weapons ready. Normally they could see the mouth of the Nowell River as it emptied into the sea, but it was still dark. Jodoro couldn’t see anything and was beginning to grow tired. The fight, the excitement of trial and the wine had all taken their toll. Each wall around Bellgaurd was 800 meters long and with only 2,000 fighters defending the small city would be a strenuous effort if the enemy managed to encircle them. I can’t hear anything. Shouldn’t an army be louder? It seemed impossible that the enemy would manage to deploy and attack so quickly. Just as Jodoro was thinking this Sargent Horn came up to them. “Good job getting up here quickly. This was just a drill get some rest.”
With silent curses the Onaki began to trudge down to the courtyard. Derry and Jodoro went to their fire to find that the girls had left. They bedded down. Too tired to converse. That night Jodoro dreamed of war but also the feeling of a certain redhaired girls face pressed against his chest.
When Jodoro woke up the next morning the sun was already well into the sky and the courtyard was abuzz. About 400 soldiers were staged in the courtyard. The men looked solemn. Most had already donned their armor and were sharpening their spears or testing the strength of their bowstrings. Someone had set up a station against the castle wall where a fletcher was teaching young boys and girls how to make arrows while even younger children carried bundles of arrows to staging points along the walls. Not enough bowmen.
The smell of food wafted through the air and Jodoro walked toward their fire where a groggy Derry was mixing a pot filled with sweet smelling porridge. Jodoro took a bowl for himself and savored the taste of nutmeg, honey and cherries. Nan with eyes closed, was beside her belongings going through her morning meditations and exercises. When he and Derry were younger, they would stand behind her mocking her movements with barely surpassed laughs.
“I remember when you couldn’t cook for shit.” Jodoro said.
“Well you know what Nan says?” Derry asked.
“If a man don’t cook he don’t eat.” They both repeated. Old Trews joined Nan in her meditations. It was good to see them together again. Maybe he would move back into the yurt soon. Maybe they all would get to.
“Have you been up to the wall yet?” Jodoro asked.
“Yeah, beaches are clear, but the boats have gotten closer. I heard Rask saying they wont land until late afternoon. But there’s a helluva lot of them. They estimate a force of 10,000.”
Jodoro nodded. “We’ll be hitting them with arrows for awhile likely but I worry that there are not enough bowmen.”
“Yeah I noticed that too.” Derry replied solemnly then brightened up. “Last night was fun eh? Saw you and Red have a bit of a moment.”
“Just a dance Derry.” Jodoro said as he began to oil the black leather armor that Nan purchased last year. The roads were dangerous in certain parts of the kingdom and Nan spared no expenses when it came to safety. He and Derry had a decent set. Plain cuirasses, pauldrons, and bracers. They didn’t have much leg protection, but they’d likely be up on the wall walk behind the protection of the merlons.
“Saw you and Amethyst have one too and Ceta as well.” Derry said as he began to do the same.
There was the problem wasn’t it. All of them were beautiful. “Sweet Ceta is like a sister to us.”
“Sister my ass,” Derry laughed. “She’s been giving you bedroom eyes for months. She wants it Jo. She’s ready to go. Hot in the leathers if you know what I mean. You better be careful or Hamsa will swoop in.”
“Ceta can take care of herself.”
“She wants you to take care of her if you know what I mean. Play a little game of hare in the honeypot if you know what I mean.” Jodoro let him talk for awhile while he washed in a wooden tub nearby. When Derry started throwing around if you know what I means or the equally derivate if you ask me it was best to let him get it out of his system. The cool water felt good against his bruised body. At least he didn’t have broken ribs like he thought. Nan eventually walked up to him.
“Get your naked ass out of that tub and get dressed. I have to meet the Duke in half a bell and your coming with me.” She paused with a smile then shouted across the inner bailey. “FREE PEEP SHOW.” Then walked away.
“Now do not get me wrong.” Lady Bell said as she pulled the curtains open in Christa’s room and tossed some clothes that were on the floor into a basket. “I’m glad that your getting outside more but you should not be alone with boys especially at night.” Christa’s head was thumping from the wine and the light piercing through the window did not help. Her mother stopped by the window and let out a shriek. “Is that the Bowerbird boy naked in a tub. By the Star Court what indecency. I have half a mind to forbid you from being around them.”
“Mother I was not alone Nova and Amethyst were there.” Christa retorted as she got out of bed and walked to her basin. She paused briefly by the window and her mother shoved her lightly in the direction of her tub.
“Darling you are becoming a woman and when that happens you begin to get certain urges.” Her mother explained tentatively. Christa groaned outload as she got into the tub. Not this again. “I urge you to preserve your chastity. You will be married before you know it.”
“I know mother.” Christa droned.
“You girls will be helping Erelda and I today. We have cooks to organize, an infirmary to deal with and hundred of townspeople to accommodate. A battle is not just fought by the soldiers you know. But first we must meet your father.”
“I know mother.” Christa said. She quickly dried off, dressed and ate. On the way to the war room. They passed the Great Hall and Christa couldn’t help and marvel at the changes. Sleeping mats were laid in long rows and women and children were being served food. She saw Amethyst and Nova waiting for them outside of the war room up ahead. They looked as hungover as her and for that she was grateful. At least I’m not the only one. They entered the room and stood behind her mother as she sat next to her father. Duke Bell’s war room was dominated by a larger circular table with a map of the kingdom but with Bellgaurd at its center. General Ridge sat next to her father with his son Carl behind him both were in beautiful steel armor with the Bell family crest emblazoned on tabards, a copper bell beneath two crossed tridents and the Bell creed- Hear us, heed us. Steward Olman, Scholar Barkley, Guildmaster Fretcher, Erelda Coldwater were all present.
Greetings were passed around and then the door opened again. Nan Bowerbird walked in wearing a silk gown of all things, with a giant battle axe strapped across her back. The scene naturally rendered everyone speechless and would have been funny if not for the severity of their circumstances. Jodoro was behind her in black leather armor with a round shield strapped to his back. He was holding a spear and had a dirk and hatchet sheathed around his waist. He gave the room a brief smile and a shy wave as he stood behind his now seated Nan. Duke Bell cleared his throat and looked around the room.
“Now that we are all hear let us begin. Scholar Barkley what is the status of the reinforcements?”
“Duke Roald of Hernit sends word that they are levying troops and should deploy by the end of the day. With current travel conditions it would take them two weeks to get here. They estimate 1,000 soldiers. Count Yuile of Delonica sent notice that the Farki have been scouting and he can only afford to send 200 archers. They will be traveling by barge down the Nowell River and should be here tomorrow evening. The capitol sent word to Heliodor who is patrolling the southlands. He sent a bird moments ago. He will be here in two days with 300 calvary. The remaining 1,000 infantry in two weeks.” The scholar relayed.
“Can the capitol not send more troops? There are at least 10,000 raiders on our doorstep.”
“The Grand Steward regretfully informed us that Farki are taking aggressive actions in the east. They can only spare Heliodor and his Flying Donkey’s.”
“That leaves us with 2,000 here now. But only 1,000 are trained fighters. Tomorrow we will be joined by 200 Delonican archers and in two days Heliodor with 300. We will have to hold and whittle them down for two weeks.” Her father paused and looked to her mother. “What is the status of our supplies?”
“We have enough emergency food stores for three weeks. If we dip into the winter stores early, we can have more but making it to spring may cost some money. The shepherds are currently bringing in the eastern flocks early. This could give us a boost but too much slaughter will leave our flocks depleted for next year. We have shortages of crucial medicines in the infirmary which could lead to more infections. We have taken more cooks from the townspeople and I hope to start organizing triage groups today.”
“General Ridge what strategy do you advise?” The Duke asked.
“Right now, we estimate a total of between 10,000-12,000 raiders from the seas. Scout have confirmed reports that Fraki scouts have been spotted a couple miles south of the Nowell. While the seaward wall is not at the final height it should be enough to hold. Our main concern is that the wall walks are not finished and are only three feet wide in some places. This will present a challenge during any concerted attack. We only have 200 trained archers, but we have a surplus of arrows. Our strategy should be to rain hell down on them as they make landing. If we can keep harrying them it will delay the construction of their siege equipment. Hopefully that will keep them from making a concerned assault on the wall. I also advise that you consider ordering a sally onto the beach after a few hundred of the raiders land. It will decrease their numbers and also provide a boost to moral.” The general finished.
“See that it is done. I am placing all military strategy in your hands.” The Duke turned to Steward Olman.
“Olman, I want you to work with Lady Bell and see to the comforts of the people. I want you to also act as a liaison between me and my people with the help of the Guildmaster. They are to be made as comfortable as possible during this time.” The Steward nodded his approval and Duke Bell looked at Nan Bowerbird. Her father was a kind man and Christa knew what he was going to say. “Madam Bowerbird I understand if your people wish to leave now. This is not your battle and I will not ask for you to stay and fight it.”
Christa looked at Nan and saw her start a conversation with Jodoro. He stooped down to hear her and said something that made her smile and pat him on the cheek twice so roughly that it could have been confused with a slap. “Duke Bell my boy reminds me that the wall is not yet finished and that it is still our responsibility. We will stay and we will fight with you. The wall walks are narrow, but my men and women are used to working on much narrower. You can use us on your seaward wall.” She paused for a moment considering something. “We also have numerous supplies of anti-septics that we are willing to share. We can feed ourselves and arm ourselves. I have also sent a bird to my sister who was planning to visit. She will be here this afternoon. With her company and mine we have a combined strength of 100 fighting Onaki all of which are deadly with bows.”
Her father looked speechless for a moment but gathered himself. “Many thanks Madam Bowerbird for all your help and may the Star Court bless you.”
“May the heavens shine on you too Duke Bell. You are a good ruler who treats Onaki fairly. Let the gifts of my people be shared with yours.” Christa throat began to tighten, and her eyes grew moist. Her mother had pulled out a white kerchief and was blowing snot into it in a most unladylike manner. With that her father adjourned the meeting.
Jodoro was on the seaward wall with Derry preparing his black horn bow. The afternoon sun was high and the boats had gotten closer. A few hundred troops under the command of the Carl Ridge were staged in the inner bailey. They were set to sally forth whenever a sufficient force was on the beach. The archers on the wall were to be ready to cover their retreat. They had just ate a meal of smoked sailfish and cheese. Old Trews was with him decked in his leather armor. His long salt and pepper beard blowing in the wind. Jodoro saw Guy and Jean walking toward them on the wall. The two seemed inseparable.
“Room for two more?” Guy asked as he set down his quiver. Jodoro nodded with a smile. Guy and Jean were cool enough sorts. They stuck to themselves mostly but were always polite.
“What’s up bros,” Derry greeted. “Yous missed some good wine last night.”
“I heard,” said Jean. “Nova and Amethyst wouldn’t shut up about it at lunch.”
“I wouldn’t mind a taste of the Hytian wine next time.” Guy added as he struggled slightly to string his bow.
“Our fire is yours to share whenever it suits you.” Jodoro said as he took the bow from Guy stepped through it and brought the string up to the notch. He passed the bow back and looked at the two of them seriously for a moment. “Are yall any good with those?”
The two shook their heads slightly. “I’m afraid we are a bit out of practice.”
Jodoro nodded in understanding. Guy and Jean were smart they would go to University and become merchants or ministers. They weren’t warriors. “Fortunately, we have more arrows then we can use. Aim for the center of their groups. Don’t shoot anywhere near our troops and let us handle the close shots.” Maybe he was talking down to them. “Don’t worry you’ll get the hang of it.”
“Have either of you ever killed anyone?” Jean asked tentatively.
“A few bandits on the way to Bellgaurd. Its not easy.” Jodoro said. “Derry hasn’t yet.”
“How’d it feel?” Guy asked.
“Well I threw up all over myself. Pissed my pants and couldn’t sleep for three days. But eventually things became more normal.” Jodoro said.
“Signals up boys.” Old Trews interrupted. “Ware and be steady.” The gates opened on the postern and Carl Ridge’s men ran out onto the beach. A group of 100 sea raiders had landed and were desperately pulling their boats out of the water. Hundreds of other boats were behind them. The distance was too great for Jodoro to shoot now but he watched as Carl’s men shouted a yipping war cry clashed into the barely ready raiders. The sound of steel on steel rang through the air and screams of men could be heard. It took awhile for Jodoro to notice that the Bells were tolling a frenzied melody. Blood filled the water as Jodoro and the others watched Carl’s men carve through group after group of raiders.
“Back, back,” Old Trews was yelling and Jodoro took up the call also. He put an arrow to his bow and saw the others do the same. Guy and Jean were shaking as they drew their bows and he directed their aim toward the flanks of Carl’s men. He let off a shot as he exhaled and quickly nocked an arrow without checking. Carl’s men were still engaged but the flanks were closing in on them. A horn sounded on the wall and the men on the beach began to disengage. They were close to being closed off. “Aim lower,” he said to Guy and Jean. Derry began retching and coughing beside him. “BREATHE” he shouted to his brother who shakily knocked an arrow. He fired for what seemed minutes. Sweet Ceta ran up beside him started firing into the group of men trying to flank Bellgaurd’s troops. When the were younger they spent hours practicing and she was as good of a shot as him. Men began filtering into the courtyard. One man was limping toward the gate but looked like he wouldn’t make it. Raiders were yards behind him but gaining fast.
“There!” Old Trews shouted as he trained his bow on the raiders behind the man. Ceta, Jodoro and a much steadier Derry began training their arrows there too.
“Carl!” Guy shouted and Jodoro watched as Carl ran toward the man. He wasn’t going to make it. Time seemed to slow as Jodoro fired shot after shot. There were two many of them. Carl reached the man as two raiders were about to gut him. He slew them with his short sword and scooped the man up in his arms. He began running toward the gate his boots slipping in the sand. He won’t make it. Two blue armored raiders approached him from behind at incredible speed. Arrows bounced off their armor. Carl was struggling with his burden obviously tired but refused to drop the man. Two more men ran out from the postern to help but they wouldn’t get there in time. Carl sensing the danger dropped the man and turned barely block an axe aimed for his head. Archers stopped shooting for fear of hitting Carl.
“Jodoro the neck!” Old Trews desperately shouted as his string broke. The angle was wrong and Jodoro felt his nerves fray as he aimed his bow. “Bounce it boy! Bounce it!” Old Trews shouted. Carl blocked another blow from the raider and killed him with a stab to the throat, but he was exposed to the other one. Jodoro said a quick prayer to the started court, aimed, and released his arrow. The world seemed to stop as the arrow sped toward Carl. The flat side of the tip bounced slightly off his right pauldron and struck the raider in the throat. Carl wasted no time and ran toward the gate. Archers continued firing at the flanks until the gates closed. They continued to fire at the raiders as they were getting established. A cheer rose up along the walls of Bellgaurd as the raiders retreated out of range. Jodoro put down his bow. His hands trembling.
Guy turned to him out of breath with vomit on his shirt. “What they fuck was that?!?” Jodoro shrugged struggling for words.
“That my friend was Jungle Cat badassery,” Derry interrupted.
“Lady Christa will I die?” The soldier asked her as she pressed down on his wound with bandages. Men had begun to filter into the infirmary some staggering some carried by others. Her mother was stitching a wounded man’s arm while Healer Tilda was sawing a man’s leg across the room. The primal screams of dying men combined with the shouts for help. These were the sounds of war. It was a sound she would never forget. So much blood. So much pain and death. Why do the raiders hate us? Why do they want what is ours? Nova and Amethyst were fetching whatever was shouted at them. “No, you will live, and the Star Court will bless you.” She responded. Her mother told her the most important thing for her to do was to tell the well-placed lie. People needed hope as much as medicine to recover. These men were dying for them. She pulled the bandage up for a moment and looked into the thigh wound. She was about to put needle to thread when someone grabbed her hand.
Seta Blackspider shook her head. “Watch and learn.” She picked up a bottle and poured a stringent smelling liquid on the wound. “First the anti-septic,” she said then she pressed down on the wound with cloth. “Can’t have infection spreading or he’s as good as dead.” Seta deftly began stitching the wound and pulling the cloth back along the cut inch by inch. When she was done, she looked at Christa and said. “Got it?”
“Yes, Madam Blackspider.” It dawned on her that she almost killed a man, but she felt sure she could repeat the process. Pressure, Anti-septic, then stitch. She was stitching another man when Carl barged into the room.
“Carl!” Amethyst shouted as she embraced her brother. “Thank the Star Court your alive.”
Carl looked troubled as he returned the embrace. “How many?” He asked the Healer.
“Five dead and seven severely wounded and ten with minor wounds.” She replied barely looking up from her work. Carl nodded and extracted himself from his sister. He began walking around talking to his soldiers and Christa could not help feeling immense pride for the people pf Bellgaurd. This was true leadership. Carl cared about his men. He walked up to the man she was stitching and praised her work before moving down the infirmary.
Seta Blackspider walked up to him. “Sit and remove the armor.”
“I am fine madam.” He responded brusquely.
“You are wounded.” She replied tersely.
“I am not wounded madam. There are others who need care.”
“All others are cared for. Armor off.” She commanded. “You are wounded, and you do not know it. Battle rush. You have the battle rush.” She began undoing his breastplate despite his insistence and Amethyst ran over to help. Christa finished with her stitching. Went over to help. Carl had taken a gash to his shoulder.
“Oh, Carl your hurt,” Amethyst cried. “What happened? How?”
“Relax Chile he will be fine.” Seta said as she began to treat the wound.
Carl seemed to relax though his face tightened when the stitching began. He glanced at Seta’s headscarf. “Do all Onaki wear those?”
“Damn I owe one my thanks,” he turned to Amethyst. “You should have seen it Amie. I was almost dead, an axe speeding toward me, my sword in the neck of another man. Then the most extraordinary thing happened.” He flinched in pain.
“What happened Carl?” Amethyst asked desperately.
“An arrow came from nowhere. Everyone else had stopped shooting. I was too close to the enemy, but an arrow came, bounced off my pauldron and into the man’s throat. Luckiest shot I ever saw. Surely the Star Court was watching from above.”
Christa did not know much about battles but even she knew you should not hit your own troops. Seta smiled slightly. “Twas not luck chile o’ war.”
“They said an Onaki shot it. Some youth with an orange, black, white, and gold headband.” Carl said.
Amethyst face turned angry. “Jodoro shot at you. He could have killed you.” She fumed. “I’ll killed him myself.” Christa found herself getting angry as well and even more so when Seta began to laugh.
“Twas no harm. The Jungle Cat and my Honeybee were taught by the best. Old Trews been teaching them to bounce arrows since they could draw a bow.” She chuckled to herself. “Used to drive me crazy them two. Jodoro in boots too big bouncing arrows off everything in sight wit Ceta running behind him hair blowing in the wind.”
“Extraordinary.” Carl mused. “That must have been the youth from the meeting. The one behind Bowerbird. I owe him a debt.”
“I still don’t like the idea of him shooting at you.” Amethyst persisted.
“Yalls need help in here?” A voice shouted from the doorway. Christa saw Old Trews standing in the frame in his armor.
“Naw I think it’s covered ya old goat.” Seta cackled. “A little bird told me you’ve been rolling around in yesterday’s hay again.”
Old Trews worn face broke into a smile. “Twas still clean and fit to rest me head on.” He laughed and turned to leave but came back again a peeked around the door. “Shoulda seen Jodoro bounce it today.” Then he left without a word. Christa’s mother came and dismissed them and she, Nova and Amethyst left to find some food.
“I cannot believe his carelessness.” Amethsyt fumed as they walked.
“Carl is a soldier his life will always be in danger.” Nova said in an uncharacteristically consoling way.
“Not Carl, that damn jungle boy. I am going to strangle him.”
“Calm yourself Amethyst. I think he knew what he was doing. Didn’t you hear Seta.” Christa said. Amethyst could be unreasonable when she got angry.
“Don’t try to justify it Chrissy,” Amethyst shook her head. “What if he made a mistake. What if the wind shifted?”
“Carl would have been dead from the raider then either way. You heard what he said.” Nova pointed out. Then paused bewildered. “The kitchens are this way.”
Amethyst stomped toward the courtyard and Christa rushed to keep up with her. As the entered it they could see a lot of people on the wall. Amethyst paused and shaded her eyes looking around. “She’s out of control. Best let it run the course.” She whispered to Nova who nodded.
Eventually Amethyst began marching toward the south portion of the seaward wall. Christa could see a wearing looking Jodoro and Derry sitting on the wall walk with their legs dangling down. They were eating and to Christa’s surprise Guy and Jean were with them. As they got closer Derry’s voice could be heard.
“You’ll be decent in a few days Guy. I think you actually hit someone out there.” Derry said.
“Don’t remind me.” Guy said as he vomited of the wall.
“I heard the commanders talking. They think there are 15,000 out there now. How long can we hold out?” Jean asked.
“As long as we have to.” Jodoro replied. Christa’s legs burned as they crested the walls. Amethyst was in front bully people out of her path. “Ladies Amethsyt, Nova, and Christa, It is nice to see you all.”
“Why are you covered in blood?” Guy asked. Amethyst ignored them. Marched right up to Jodoro and slapped him in the face.
Jodoro blinked surprisingly as Derry burst out laughing nearly choking on his food. “WHAT IN HELLS NAME WAS THAT FOR?” Jodoro shouted as food flew out of his mouth. Amethyst momentarily shrank beneath his rage but equally angered struck him again. He grabbed her arm before she could hit him once more. “GODS WOMAN WHAT THE HELL HAS COME OVER YOU?” Amethyst struggled and seethed for moments before growing weary.
“Shoot at my brother again and I will kill you.” She threatened breathlessly. “Let me go.”
“Are you going to hit me.” Jodoro asked as she struggled.
“No,” Amethyst told him. Jodoro let her go and sighed in relief. Amethyst slapped him again and he teetered on the walk before regaining his balance.
“Damn you woman he saved his life.” Derry shouted but buckled under her glare. She raised her hand again and Jodoro Jaguar, Jodoro the Jungle Cat flinched.
Guy quickly grabbed her. “He did save him Amethyst. I saw it. He knew he could make the shot, Old Trews told him to bounce it and he did.” Guy went on excitedly. “He actually did it and it was deliberate. Most remarkable thing I ever saw.” Amethyst calmed for a moment but began to cry angrily. Christa hugged her.
“I…I…I’m not sorry I hit you.” Amethyst stuttered. “But thanks for saving my brother.” She walked up to Jodoro and he stood firm. She inched closer to him and kissed him on the cheek. “There all better now.” She said as she turned tail and left. Jodoro looked at Christa with a puzzled expression and Christa’s emotions fluctuated between bewilderment, humor, and jealousy. Amethyst being Amethyst. She shrugged at him and followed her friend.
She heard Derry’s voice behind her. “Jo you’re about the biggest fucking fool I’ve seen in my life.”
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